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Internet Dating In Thailand

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Just wondering if any of the ladies have given the free social network sites a go in Thailand? Assuming you would be looking for friends or dates. I have recently been using them and to my astonishment.... they have been working great for me! Up till now I was a miserable loner lol. I always kinda thought they might be full of hookers, but they aren't, just regular people looking to connect (or hunting husbands). But I don't see many falang women on there... almost none in fact. Anyone else had any luck on them or do falang women not generally do things like that? I'm asking women because men would just ask me why I was on a dating site when Nana and Cowboy are just down the road......:rolleyes:

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Its in interesting topic Laughing Man. I think most women are probably concerned about putting themselves on dating sites because it negative/weirdo stuff you read about it. But, refreshing to know you have had positive experiences. Also, i imagine (possibly) not many people would be brave enough to admit to using online dating sites because of the associations/stigma that still seems to be around about them...? I do think that they are a good idea though, particularly if you have little opportunity to meet like-minded people due to work or whatever.

I hope you find what you are looking for in there, you sound like a very nice person. :)

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There's a stigma attached to dating sites? :o Oh noes! Lol well I'm not embarrassed one bit.... but I really didn't know it was kind of looked down upon, I guess we seem desperate? lol... Well I was desperate!:lol:

As for the negative weirdo stuff... yes this is true, and more so for women than men but I got my fair share of it too. Actually... before I learned to properly navigate it and use it to my benefit I deleted my account after getting frustrated with the lies and weirdos. But I'm very glad I gave it a second chance. At first I was encountering men pretending to be women, ladyboys too, women putting up fake pics or profile information and misrepresenting themselves.... it only happened a few times but I got paranoid that EVERYONE was lying and fake. When I tried it again I decided to just have fun and not take it too seriously and that's when I realised that the majority of the people are actually real and there's only a few weirdos. For women I see they get a lot of requests for sex chat or web cam sex or just plain stupid sexual comments in their pic comments sections. Lots of retards out there.... but from what I hear lots of great guys too. Just got to find them.

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free social network sites a go in Thailand?

just to clarify laughing man - social networking sites or dating sites?

I know that the very young generation (teens and very early 20) are more than happy to connect with people who are 'friends of friends of friends of friends of someone they kinda know' - basically any random stranger :P

I also do know of some who have accepted friends requests from girls/guys that are not connected to them at all...in the hope of dating them. some have gone on to date each other. casual or long term basis I dont know.

but your title says dating sites? cant comment much on that as I dont know any thai friends who use them.

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Sorry ya dating sites I guess.... I mean some people on there just say they are looking for friends (I did!) but after talking to people that use the site its really very much a shopping center of potential romances. I wont put the name of the site I like the best but it has something like 60 million people using it. Apparently it really exploded in the past few years. Completely free of course, I would never pay for a dating site. Shit I was desperate but not that desperate :lol:. Definitely a very different feel than like hi5 or facebook where people will friend strangers, here you cannot friend anyone, not directly. You simply read their profile and see what they like and are looking for and chat to them, they either ignore you or respond. I don't know, I'm really polite and shy so it all seems like friends until they ask for my msn... that is like code for "interested in you". After that its a bit easier to chat and it usually leads to a date. I went from being miserably lonely to having wayyyy too much on my plate. I've got to make some firm decisions soon or I'll be acting like a player.

And the quality of women I'm meeting.... I've never done this well in person, and quite frankly, trying to meet people for the first time in the flesh now seems like an immense waste of time and effort considering what I'm accomplishing online. Maybe this is the way of the future? Maybe this will become more standard and accepted as technology and society continues to grow?

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And the quality of women I'm meeting.... I've never done this well in person, and quite frankly, trying to meet people for the first time in the flesh now seems like an immense waste of time and effort considering what I'm accomplishing online. Maybe this is the way of the future? Maybe this will become more standard and accepted as technology and society continues to grow?

I really like the filtering aspect that sites (social or dating) provide. My own experience is that longevity of correspondence provides a great indication of both compatibility and the quality of the person you are corresponding with. I've always corresponded with a lady for at least six months prior to meeting in person. Unwell people can't sustain a correspondence for six months. They normally flake away within a month. I've not had a bad meeting-in-person experience yet using my admittedly somewhat cautious online methodology. No sustained romance yet, but some good friends and mutual caring about each other.

Contrast this with my meeting-in-person experiences based on hardly knowing someone (meeting by chance, hooked up by a friend, etc.). I will not bust out the first-and-only-date stories, which are probably as traumatic for the ladies involved as they are for me.

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I've had generally good experiences with dating sites.

I found a three-year girlfriend via ThaiLoveLinks, and we are still good friends.

It's hard to find the right person, but IMO it would be harder - & especially slower - dating the old way.

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I agree with Eek - interesting topic.

My female friends and I tried internet dating sites a few years back, and we all gave up. Could just be due to the way they were setup back then too. They tended to match you with people too similar to yourself, which was pretty dull, as variety and contrasts tend to be what amkes relationships tick.

We also came to the conclusions that the type of guy we were after wasn't one that spent all thier free time in front of a computer, so looking for that kind of guy via a computer wasn't going to work. That was 5 years ago, and times have changed though.

If it works for you, then go with it and have fun : )

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ThaiLoveLinks does do matches for you to select from, based on your match criteria.

Then you choose which ones to conatct.

That site worked well for me when I was still working in America,

I had many many nice women to chooses from, and had a hard time to narrow it down to less than 10 pretty THai ladies, that were all interested in meeting me when I got off the plane.

Now I am retired, with a beautiful teerak in BKK,.

I highly recommend ThaiLoveLinks to meet a person, whether you are male or female.

It has a low cost for men to join, but is well worth it.

Edited by artinamerica
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I've tried a few years ago - sites like match.com have. I gave up when far too many older (40, 50+) Thai men kept contacting me to 'be friends' when I clearly stated I wasn't interested in men over 40 etc. I don't think there is a stigma at all these days about using dating sites (free or paid for). Anyone that thinks there is a stigma is so behind the times. Internet dating works for loads of people, I just don't think it works that well in Thailand for women looking for genuine relationships. Obviously if you are like the poster above, dating sites work well ... but why pay to join a site when any old retired man can pick up 10 pretty ladies if they just pop on down to Patpong or Nana.... same results.

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Well if you absolutely have no interest in 10 pretty ladies from Nana then internet dating is the way to go! lol. But Im not old and retired so maybe I'll feel differently in 20 years. I get a lot of older Thai women sending me messages, I simply dont answer, at first I was polite and talked to everyone but that became a full time job and so I had to start only answering women that were close to what I was looking for. For women I would suggest the same, if you know you just arent interested in the 50 year old guy trying to contact you, just dont reply. But there are men like me on there that are looking for real women and not just bought love we can find at Nana, maybe hard to find but we are there. Im friends now with a professional woman that has a lot of experience on the site Im using and she has met all kinds of nice professional men looking for something real. Handsome guys too but then again she is very pretty and has a prestigious job so Im sure that helps.

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I've tried a few years ago - sites like match.com have. I gave up when far too many older (40, 50+) Thai men kept contacting me to 'be friends' when I clearly stated I wasn't interested in men over 40 etc. I don't think there is a stigma at all these days about using dating sites (free or paid for). Anyone that thinks there is a stigma is so behind the times. Internet dating works for loads of people, I just don't think it works that well in Thailand for women looking for genuine relationships. Obviously if you are like the poster above, dating sites work well ... but why pay to join a site when any old retired man can pick up 10 pretty ladies if they just pop on down to Patpong or Nana.... same results.

I think its unfair (and untrue) to class Thai women who use dating sites as being the same as women in Patpong or Nana. For the men paying to use those sites, i cannot see how the result would be the same. Im sure some of the ladies are out to bag some farang they think can help them out, but im also sure there must be many ladies who would just like to meet a nice man. LaughingMan is obviously proof of this, and im happy for him.

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The ThaiLoveLinks site is used by people of all ages -- not just older retiring guys like me.

My teerak's best friend is a younger woman, and her friend met her teerak , a younger man in another country that is still working and saving money for his retiring in Thailand later on.

They are doing great together, with regular visits to each other's vountry, until they are able to live together permanantly, later on.

A;so. we lnow of others that have met their match on the interent, and are very happy.

We also know many Thai couples where the husband is away working for various periods of time, and only is home with his wife at various time intervals. Some work on jobs that require frequent travel, and so they are away a lot. Same as many Thai-Farang couples.

NONE of these women I speak of is or was working in the bar scene, and are normal, Thai women -- not bargilrs or other pay-for-play types.

All the ones we know, are working regular jobs, nothing to do with the bar scene or other pay-for-play pros.

There are many, many nice (and not-so-nice, of course) Thai women out there looking for a mate, same as many of us here are doing.

I had the choice, obviously, of going to Pattaya or Nana Plaza or other places to easily find a woman. but decided I wanted to avoid that scene, and wanted someone that I could live out my retirement with, without so much drama that comes with the bar scene and the pay-for-play games. That, plus the fact that I don't visit bars to begin with.

NO -- I am not paid by TLL to say good things about the site -- BUT, I sure am a happy, stisfied customer!


Edited by artinamerica
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I use the internet dating sites to meet Thai women, and have met some very good people. No one to marry (yet), but that's not easy to find anywhere. I recommend a bit of caution, a lot of respect, and a touch of romance (with liberal sprinkles of humor). Works for me. In the US, I am not considered very attractive, but get a good bit of attention here--maybe the blonde hair/blue eyes with a sense of kind humor thing. I really don't know. I recommend one called plenty of fish. As long as you're not some 50 year old lecher looking for nineteen year old kids, it's easy to do and fun.

The one thing that amazes me, online and off-line, are the number of Thai women who say "I'm not pretty, but " (I'm nice/sweet/humorous/loving). An average Thai women is pretty in the USA. A Cute Thai woman is really pretty, and a lovely Thai woman is go-blind lovely.

I'm not sure if I believe it's the Land of Smiles because of the smiles the Thais have, or the ones they evoke from us.


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I would recommend newbies start with tagged and dateinasia . These are both free sites with lots of members . In fact tagged has many many more members that Thai love links ( TLL has a good live chat feature though)- but from what i have seen and heard tagged is THE website to use for meeting ladies here.

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I have never used a dating site or the internet to meet a woman because I don't WANT a long term relationship. And, a short time relationship for sex is almost too easy to find in Thailand. However, some of my friends (male and female) have had great results on the match-making sites. It certainly brings far more people together than would ever be possible without the internet. It's just like going shopping in a huge mall... You don't know what you want until you see it. If I WAS looking for a long term relationship I most likely woutd use an internet site. it might take a lot of time to get started, but it shouldn't be too difficult to learn how to separate the fakes from the real jewels.

I'ts not really a lot different than the internet forums where people join sites where everyone has similar interests. Except for a small group of long time friends, almost all my good friends today have been met on fishing related forums. And, I only stay in Chiang Mai from having met someone who enjoys fishing as much as I do and he happened to live in Chiang Mai.

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I've tried a few years ago - sites like match.com have. I gave up when far too many older (40, 50+) Thai men kept contacting me to 'be friends' when I clearly stated I wasn't interested in men over 40 etc. I don't think there is a stigma at all these days about using dating sites (free or paid for). Anyone that thinks there is a stigma is so behind the times. Internet dating works for loads of people, I just don't think it works that well in Thailand for women looking for genuine relationships. Obviously if you are like the poster above, dating sites work well ... but why pay to join a site when any old retired man can pick up 10 pretty ladies if they just pop on down to Patpong or Nana.... same results.

I think its unfair (and untrue) to class Thai women who use dating sites as being the same as women in Patpong or Nana. For the men paying to use those sites, i cannot see how the result would be the same. Im sure some of the ladies are out to bag some farang they think can help them out, but im also sure there must be many ladies who would just like to meet a nice man. LaughingMan is obviously proof of this, and im happy for him.

You're right, apologies. I was actually referring to artinamerica's post, not LaughingMan's though. He is a retired man looking for Thai women on a dating site which only shows pictures of very young women looking for western men. I made the assumption that his 10 pretty ladies were all young and probably 20 something but he has now clarified that the site has older women too. While the women on these site are not all like women down at Patpong or Nana, I do think there would be a fair number that are on the site looking for a western man for what he can offer financially rather than emotionally and most (from my limited understanding) bar girls are looking for the same. I believe this to be true as I have Thai female friends that go on internet dating sites for this very reason and I have had discussions with them about it. From my point of view, I find it hard to understand why my educated friends who earn a comparatively good salary in thailand, would settle for a western man they barely know just because he's financially secure and lives in the US or similar. I do sort of understand where they are coming from, but it's very different from how I think.

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I've tried a few years ago - sites like match.com have. I gave up when far too many older (40, 50+) Thai men kept contacting me to 'be friends' when I clearly stated I wasn't interested in men over 40 etc. I don't think there is a stigma at all these days about using dating sites (free or paid for). Anyone that thinks there is a stigma is so behind the times. Internet dating works for loads of people, I just don't think it works that well in Thailand for women looking for genuine relationships. Obviously if you are like the poster above, dating sites work well ... but why pay to join a site when any old retired man can pick up 10 pretty ladies if they just pop on down to Patpong or Nana.... same results.

I think its unfair (and untrue) to class Thai women who use dating sites as being the same as women in Patpong or Nana. For the men paying to use those sites, i cannot see how the result would be the same. Im sure some of the ladies are out to bag some farang they think can help them out, but im also sure there must be many ladies who would just like to meet a nice man. LaughingMan is obviously proof of this, and im happy for him.

You're right, apologies. I was actually referring to artinamerica's post, not LaughingMan's though. He is a retired man looking for Thai women on a dating site which only shows pictures of very young women looking for western men. I made the assumption that his 10 pretty ladies were all young and probably 20 something but he has now clarified that the site has older women too. While the women on these site are not all like women down at Patpong or Nana, I do think there would be a fair number that are on the site looking for a western man for what he can offer financially rather than emotionally and most (from my limited understanding) bar girls are looking for the same. I believe this to be true as I have Thai female friends that go on internet dating sites for this very reason and I have had discussions with them about it. From my point of view, I find it hard to understand why my educated friends who earn a comparatively good salary in thailand, would settle for a western man they barely know just because he's financially secure and lives in the US or similar. I do sort of understand where they are coming from, but it's very different from how I think.

Though I was contacted by many under-20 women on TLL, i did not even reply t them.

I am a realist, and was looking for someone that I could actually have a life with, not just a sex holiday.

I only replied to the many women that were between 30 and 60 years old. Even the 30 year old was too young for me, after i thought about it.

So, I finally just shared emails and chats with women that were between 40 and 60, whiich allowed me plenty of real beauties, because we all know that Thia (and many other Asian women) hold their age well.

I ended up coming to BKK to meet and holiday with a beautiful 48 year old, and we are doing great together now. My teerak looks like she is in her early 30;s, and has absolutely flawless skin and figure.

Plus she is taking very good care of me, much better than either of my first 2 American wives ever did.

I hit the jackpot with my teerak, and if it did n't work out for us initially,

I had many others to choose from for a meeting and holiday to get to know if we were meant to be together.

Now 48 is old for you younger guys, but she is 19 years younger than me (old retired guy) and is so pretty she makes my eyes ache. Jing.

And, of course, we have the best sex-life I could ever hope for, and we have much sanuk (fun) togather.

Sex is more natural for Thai women, with none of the hang-ups I found in the American women i have known.

I finally completely gave up on try to have a relationship with an American women, and went with various Asians instead, because I met many of them during my life-long study and practice of various martial arts.

My second wife was a Filipina, but she was the biggest scammer, thief and disappointment, and the marriage did not last long, after she got her USA citizenship papers. Yes, she used me for that, then the marriage was over, as I became "expendable" after that.

My Thai teerak has no desire to move out of Thailand, and we are happy to live together in our house in Samut Praken, close to BKK in the suburbs, near the airport.

Again, I am fully pleased with TLL website, and can recommend it to anyone, any age -- not just for young girls in their 20's.

I could have went on holiday with 4 different women, for 1 week each, on my first vist to Thailand, but felt that my teerak was really right for me, and I hit the jackpot!

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When I came back from my last trip to Cambodia and Thailand I realized I didn't like Europe any more and that my only way to live in Thailand was with a Thai woman.

My former partner had died of cancer 5 years ago and I was beyond all grief and decided to try again ...

Since Januari I tried the dating sites, a thing I never thought of before because of all the bad propaganda. But it worked for me although my friends still think I'm crazy.

I used only free sites, ThaiLoveOnline, FindLoveAsia, Goodthaigirl and TrueLoveAsia. I don't like TLA, it's more like a sex-oriented site but you can find nice normal ladies too. But it is half-commercial.

On ThaiLoveOnline the use of Thai language is forbidden. FindLoveAsia is also a good site for normal Thai ladies but it is a bit crowded by Filipinas which can be quite aggressive - or is it desperate? - in their approach. Goodthaigirl is also a good site although it has a somewhat mixed kettle of fish and has become commercial lately. But when you are online you will get loads of winks and views.

I found my new love on ThaiLoveOnline, the first site I tried, it is run by an Aussie guy named George and totally free for farang men, I became a Gold member immediately whilst all the Thai ladies are Standard members. She is a nice beautiful lady who was left by her husband 10 years ago when she was pregnant. This is another thing I always found: Thai men seem to be the apex of machismo and all the ladies in the dating sites are avoiding them, looking only for a farang.

I will visit her in October and we will give it a try for 3 months. We are e-mailing, chatting on MSN with video and sending each other SMS messages since January. Actually she was one of my first contacts, I had almost a hundred nice-looking alternatives but she kept coming back although I told her about my other contacts. Finally I tired of giving false hope to all the other women and realized what a treasure I had found and became dedicated to her.

I can only recommend online dating if you are not too naive and prepared to give it a lot of time. Eventually you will find the woman of your dreams. Thai women are generally very dedicated and faithful. They will do anything for their men if they care for them and are faithful too. I know some friends with Thai wives and they are happy campers ...

Just my 2¢.


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A friend of mine here uses these sites all the time.

Amazing how many women come and go from his apartment.

He lives in the same building as me.

It was so easy to get in touch with ladies online that he got a bit overwhelmed, and suddenly had to "juggle too many balls" at the same time.

On a few occasions one arrived when another was visiting him.

Quite a few of them are so called "free lancers".

Anyhow, I used sites like that before I met my wife, and were never without a date.

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There's a stigma attached to dating sites? :o Oh noes! Lol well I'm not embarrassed one bit.... but I really didn't know it was kind of looked down upon, I guess we seem desperate? lol... Well I was desperate!:lol:

As for the negative weirdo stuff... yes this is true, and more so for women than men but I got my fair share of it too. Actually... before I learned to properly navigate it and use it to my benefit I deleted my account after getting frustrated with the lies and weirdos. But I'm very glad I gave it a second chance. At first I was encountering men pretending to be women, ladyboys too, women putting up fake pics or profile information and misrepresenting themselves.... it only happened a few times but I got paranoid that EVERYONE was lying and fake. When I tried it again I decided to just have fun and not take it too seriously and that's when I realised that the majority of the people are actually real and there's only a few weirdos. For women I see they get a lot of requests for sex chat or web cam sex or just plain stupid sexual comments in their pic comments sections. Lots of retards out there.... but from what I hear lots of great guys too. Just got to find them.

Well, I can speak from personal experience about thailandfriends. com It was very nice, allot of decent women on there of all ages and backgrounds. Just have some patience, go to some of the gatherings they used to have (not sure if they still do) and look for one thats right for you. It worked great for my wife and I as we met through there in 2005 and have been together ever since.

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When I came back from my last trip to Cambodia and Thailand I realized I didn't like Europe any more and that my only way to live in Thailand was with a Thai woman.

My former partner had died of cancer 5 years ago and I was beyond all grief and decided to try again ...

Since Januari I tried the dating sites, a thing I never thought of before because of all the bad propaganda. But it worked for me although my friends still think I'm crazy.

I used only free sites, ThaiLoveOnline, FindLoveAsia, Goodthaigirl and TrueLoveAsia. I don't like TLA, it's more like a sex-oriented site but you can find nice normal ladies too. But it is half-commercial.

On ThaiLoveOnline the use of Thai language is forbidden. FindLoveAsia is also a good site for normal Thai ladies but it is a bit crowded by Filipinas which can be quite aggressive - or is it desperate? - in their approach. Goodthaigirl is also a good site although it has a somewhat mixed kettle of fish and has become commercial lately. But when you are online you will get loads of winks and views.

I found my new love on ThaiLoveOnline, the first site I tried, it is run by an Aussie guy named George and totally free for farang men, I became a Gold member immediately whilst all the Thai ladies are Standard members. She is a nice beautiful lady who was left by her husband 10 years ago when she was pregnant. This is another thing I always found: Thai men seem to be the apex of machismo and all the ladies in the dating sites are avoiding them, looking only for a farang.

I will visit her in October and we will give it a try for 3 months. We are e-mailing, chatting on MSN with video and sending each other SMS messages since January. Actually she was one of my first contacts, I had almost a hundred nice-looking alternatives but she kept coming back although I told her about my other contacts. Finally I tired of giving false hope to all the other women and realized what a treasure I had found and became dedicated to her.

I can only recommend online dating if you are not too naive and prepared to give it a lot of time. Eventually you will find the woman of your dreams. Thai women are generally very dedicated and faithful. They will do anything for their men if they care for them and are faithful too. I know some friends with Thai wives and they are happy campers ...

Just my 2¢.


Cool story bro

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