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DateinAsia was recommended to me by a friend, at first I started to talk to the girls, then the meetings took place and it sometimes ended up in the bedroom. I found there were too many filipinas on there, no disrespect to them, but they were just bombarding people with messages to try and get something.

Anyhow after a long time of using it I started chatting to a girl, 17 years my junior, we had interesting chats, we moved away from DIA to MSN, easier for us to chat. She lived about 2 Kms up the road from me, which was also a blessing.

One day whilst home she was online, I asked her if she was busy, the best answer came back in the MSN window, we arranged to meet at a shopping centre (I always meet women where there are many people, gives them a sense of security). We met, chatted, ate and laughed, that was over 3 years ago, we got married 2 years ago. Still together and loving every minute, we deleted our profiles on DIA.

Some good women on DIA, but some not so good ones, but for a free website, not bad. Thailovelinks was about money, so not interested, only used DIA and it worked for me.

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I've got the long way... I'a 60, started with penpals in Bangkok Post and met on my first trip to BKK in 1975. OK, it was student girls with good English, a selected crowd. The first one I was home to in BKK when I was a young student - her father had been air attaché in the Phils.

Since then - the last ten years my walking has not been too good (after 50 years of diabetes etc.) so it has almost been a necessity to leave Sweden in winter for as long as possible as I cannot walk on slippery ground. I have always had penpals, so every winter I came down to Thailand I had a couple of interesting penpals with good English to meet. 6-7 years ago one came to Sweden on a tourist visa but her English was not good enough to be interesting and she refused to learn more so ... We are still friends.

Then, almost 5 years ago I met my present wife in BKK after first chatting then long mails online. She was a journalist and photographer in BKK, student at the same time, we were both working with web design so it immediately worked, althou she is half my age. Now she studies Informatics in Swedish here, one of the best students in a sea of Swedish ones. She is just collecting stories from other Thais here in Sweden now on her website yuithaigirl.is-very-sweet.org/

I am still sometimes on dateinasia, I have written clearly I am married to a Thai lady and want girls who like to write interesting mails about their culture, thoughts - still I am overwhelmed by all the Filipinas around 40-50 who only see my picture and does not read what I have written.....

I always recommend that site for guys here, problem is that not all Swedes know good English of course. One friend, also retired because of bad health, I met in Thailand but he lives not far from here so we meet now and then, he spending all the winter half of the years in Thailand which is very good for his health, but he has bad English, has not tried online dating and has never met a girl there as my wife - he meets the ladies one meets in daily life there, and he always has someone but never anyone interesting enough to bring to Sweden. He tries now again...... There is unfortunately a great overdoset of Thai girls here who cannot get any better than cleaning jobs after their 6 years in school, and their guys are those who do not encourage them to continue studies even if they are free here, thou appr 1000 come to Sweden with Swedish guys every year. Those more intellectual Thai girls here have a very intense website where they discuss everything. on the Website of my wife you can see a handful of pics from the latest party of the Thai students of this university.

I can only recommend this way of connecting people - obviously one has to be as careful as when one meets people in daily life.

OK, have a colleague here who brought home a pretty bargirl that was soon 5 years ago and it has worked fine. So everything is possible, and I do not think the lasting power of these relations is less than with local girls. Sometimes I wonder who the Swedish gals can find with their Women's Lib, very often when I wonder about other guys I meet, I find they also have Thai girls, Polish, Russian girls...... The latest Taxi driver had one from China, Filipinas are everywhere of course..... They are pretty with good English but too jealous - I have tried that too :)


6 months! Well that is a little longer than I have the patience for lol. But normally if I talk to a girl for a week or 2 WITHOUT asking for sex chat then they want to meet me :lol:. Apparently not asking for sex chat is a lot harder than it looks!

This may seem a little sad ........ but what exactly is 'sex chat' ?


Sex chat - surprisingly many Asian girls (and others, remember one Rusian girl....) start with wanting to talk about sex! OK, at least as many tell you how pissed off they are when guys start with talking about sex, wanting to exchange sexy pictures etc. when they are not a bit interested in that.


Thai Love Links is a great site..I joined in may 2005, chatted with many Thai ladies and one day I saw the profile of a young lady from Udon Thani.I thought to myself, I would like to chat and meet this beautiful lady... 2 days later she was online.

We chatted,phoned, texed, emailed each other for a couple of months and I decided to return to Thailand to meet her. In July 2005 I flew into Don Muang and met her and all her family at the airport...

We could only go out together with another family member to watch over us ( Bugga) Well I moved to Bangkok November 2005 and we set up house together.

Had to have a village marriage,but after my divorce came through from my prtevious wife. We had a legal marriage at the Ampher.

Due to my medical complications we moved to Australia in september 2007.

Now have been together 5 years, married for four years and still happy as a pig in shit.Kessy takes great care of me, says she love me heaps and I love her heaps back.

So gents there are a few shoncky/money hungry ladies on TLL but there are also some real gems in there

Take Care

Cheers n Beers,


PS Kessy had just finished getting her Bacholar degree @ uni in Udon Thani.And was visiting her sister and family in BKK when we stated to chat, before May she didnt have any free time. So I was very lucky to join in May......

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