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Rimping Supermarket


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How many of us try to redeem buying points with Rimping?

I ordered a bog standard rice cooker from the catalogue at Meechok Rimping , nothing fancy (one of the few things that was not out of stock in the catalogue). But 6 weeks after ordering it had still not arrived. Calls from Rimping in between ranged from try in 1 weeks time, try in 2 weeks, and finally the last phone call was next week it will be there sure. No it was not.

Now I know that Thailand is the capital of rice cookers, got them everywhere, so when I asked Rimping why my cooker had not arrived I was told variously that there was a public holiday in Bangkok hence the delay (where apparently where these things come from) and it was suggested maybe I had hung up on phone calls!! Really?

I complained to the Airport Rimping that surely a rice cooker shouldn’t take 6 weeks to arrive from Bangkok Thailand. After some time on the phone and many excuses the lady eventually said she’d get me a similar spec cooker tomorrow. Yes tomorrow!!! And it duly arrived. Hurrrah. No call to Rimping I'd still be waiting now, but why should I have to ring to complain hel_l I spend enough money there. Why all the lame excuses and bullshit??

So if you are in similar situation don’t be fobbed off with lame excuses for delays and ring Airport Rimping where they seem real scared you will actually want to speak to a manager and make some noises, otherwise you could wait for ever.

Pretty pathetic that a company the size of Rimping cannot deliver a rice cooker within 6 weeks.

Rimping.... any comments please as to why it takes 6 weeks???

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Buying for a business, I get a lot of points from Rimping and we've had deep fat chip fryers (3), Bread makers (several) Toasters (Loads) Juicers (4) and all kinds of other things for our pub. The OP is quite right, things can take ages. THe best way we've found is that when you've decided what you want (including out of stock items) get the manager (Kai who haas just transferred from Meechok to Nim City is the most efficient and speaks good English), ask her to put in an order, before you've reached the points total. Then by the time its arrived you're just right with the points!! Not the way we'd do it in the West, but a good way to keep the blood pressure under control.

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Never had a problem and saved around 10,000 baht from stuff I was going to buy, including an iPod Shuffle, a waterpik tooth cleaner thing and loads of smaller items. Agree Gai is the bees knees and wandered why I hadn't seen her lately.

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Buying for a business, I get a lot of points from Rimping and we've had deep fat chip fryers (3), Bread makers (several) Toasters (Loads) Juicers (4) and all kinds of other things for our pub. The OP is quite right, things can take ages. THe best way we've found is that when you've decided what you want (including out of stock items) get the manager (Kai who haas just transferred from Meechok to Nim City is the most efficient and speaks good English), ask her to put in an order, before you've reached the points total. Then by the time its arrived you're just right with the points!! Not the way we'd do it in the West, but a good way to keep the blood pressure under control.

Rimping can get out of stock items. Nearly everything I want/need is noted in the catalogue as out of stock. I'll try that next time.

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Amongst other items I got a 32 inch Sony flatscreen television and it arrived in two weeks as promised by Khun Kai at Mee Chok. I have redeemed over 35,000 points without issue. The only complaint I have with Rimping is that they transferred the best employee they had at the store. I know I for one shop there less as a result.

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I have 9400 points and there is nothing we want or need in their catalog so at 400 points per 100 baht I figure I have enough points for 3.7 cases of large Tiger beer. That will do me.:lol:

We had over 25.000 points with Ringping and selected a large "air- purifyer" we also waited a very long time for delivery, but when it eventually came we had after a few days technical problems with it.

Ringping was not interested in assisting with the problem, nor was the manufacturer since they had (obviously) no record that we had bought it from them and were also not interested in dealing with the problem, this resulted in a lot of hassle for us, eventually after two months of waiting we received the required new spare part.

Conclusion ... when selecting items again from their "point" catalogue we shall go for none technical items.

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Buying for a business, I get a lot of points from Rimping and we've had deep fat chip fryers (3), Bread makers (several) Toasters (Loads) Juicers (4) and all kinds of other things for our pub. The OP is quite right, things can take ages. THe best way we've found is that when you've decided what you want (including out of stock items) get the manager (Kai who haas just transferred from Meechok to Nim City is the most efficient and speaks good English), ask her to put in an order, before you've reached the points total. Then by the time its arrived you're just right with the points!! Not the way we'd do it in the West, but a good way to keep the blood pressure under control.

Well, they probably made this as an exception in your case, because as a business policy (which is understandable) they will not order the requested item until one signs the required form.

At the same time, they also deduct the required points for the selected item, then, and only then, will they purchase the requested product, obviously this procedure makes sense, since if they did otherwise (as in your case) and people change their mind they would be left with a product without having a point holder wanting it, and then what ... keep it in store ... this would of course not make sense, and they are not going to waste their money in such a way, that's for sure.

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I must have years of points accumulated. Where does one find this catalogue?

Had never really though about it till now. Even when you forget your card you can give your tel no. , so don't think I've missed out on a single shopping trip points wise :D

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I have 9400 points and there is nothing we want or need in their catalog so at 400 points per 100 baht I figure I have enough points for 3.7 cases of large Tiger beer. That will do me.:lol:

Best thing would be to allow a discount on your bill...a bit like receeming points for cash.

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Anybody who shops at Rimping is either wealthy or a fool and doesn't care what they pay. Their pricing is normally 20% higher than the other markets. They do have some good items on sale every month.

Wow, I shop there, and I certainly am not wealthy, and I defy someone to call me a fool. Pretty strong language. Perhaps I shop there because it is most convenient to where I live, a good selection of western foods, ease of parking and I patronize some of the surrounding shops and restaurants. And "They do have some good items on sale every month." How do you know? Are you also one of the above?

It is not good to so blatantly classify someone based on where they shop. :ermm:

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Anybody who shops at Rimping is either wealthy or a fool and doesn't care what they pay. Their pricing is normally 20% higher than the other markets. They do have some good items on sale every month.

I assure you I am neither, but Rimping stock items that a Farang Pub like The Olde Bell needs. We buy our meat there - simply because they get the best in town. + I buy things like brown sauce. speciality beers, bottled wines, Kettle crisps, most of my cheeses, pork pies, pate and a host of other items that are either unavailable elsewhere or the quality at Rimping is better...that's how our points mount up.

as to Personchester's point, you don't ask them to order it, you ask them to find out when it will be available and keep asking them again and again until they say it has arrived - now Kai knows I'm going to do that I only have to ask her once! Then you fill in the form and the points are deducted. It will take some time as you say, that's why I suggested you flag it up in this way before you've got the points!

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Anybody who shops at Rimping is either wealthy or a fool and doesn't care what they pay. Their pricing is normally 20% higher than the other markets. They do have some good items on sale every month.

Farangs that are not interested in Thai food will have little options other than to buy at R/Ping or at Tops, expensive, yes, but as stated no other options are available to buy reasonable good quality western type food, most of which it is imported, hence the expense.

But to refer to those people as either being 'wealthy or foolish' is indicative of a Simple Simon mentality.

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I am far from rich but I do buy from Rimping anong others. It does not have to be all that expensive, A kilo or so of good pork for roasting about 170baht a kilo of beef from 170 to 400. A very large clean and plump chook for 140 baht. Any of those and a good supply of their wide range of very fresh vegatables which I have not found even in the markets can make a roast dinner for my wife and I and sandwiches for many days for far less than a lunch at the Red Bell...not to say it is not good value there I am sure it is. It really is just a matter of where you put your priorities. Cheese at 170 baht is qite edible and I have never found anywhere else. Coffee also seems to be fresher there. Tops do seem to get the freshest eggs though.

Of course if you buy foreign or processed farang type food it can be very very expensive.

Sorry millwell_fan this is not a rave against your place. I would certainly enjoy a visit but going there or other places is boring for my wife and although she will sit uncomplaining for many hours I cannot subject her to that. Neither of us drink either so are not the best bar customers.

Edited by harrry
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Anybody who shops at Rimping is either wealthy or a fool and doesn't care what they pay. Their pricing is normally 20% higher than the other markets. They do have some good items on sale every month.

Are you the token troll in this thread?

I love Rim Ping, makes Chiang Mai a better place to live.

The wife redeemed points once, we got a butt-ugly kettle for it, cheapest of the cheap. But I am happy to hear about positive experiences with points here - I never thought there'd be some actual merit. Collecting points is too much trouble for me, personally, but wifey loves it... I guess I have an aversion to coupons / points / etc because I know it's just a ruse to make us come back - if they really wanted to do me a favor they'd lower their prices by whatever they spend on those coupons, point redemptions etc.

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Rimping is good for certain things, but in Thailand there is such an abundance of fresh fruit, vegetables and spices in local markets, that I think it makes sense to buy such things there for a song and help keep them going. Hmmm, I might ask my local fruit and veg supplier to start issuing points, regardless of the fact they charge a fraction of Rimping's prices is no excuse!

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Rimping is good for certain things, but in Thailand there is such an abundance of fresh fruit, vegetables and spices in local markets, that I think it makes sense to buy such things there for a song and help keep them going. Hmmm, I might ask my local fruit and veg supplier to start issuing points, regardless of the fact they charge a fraction of Rimping's prices is no excuse!

I agree the local market is good....but when did you buy fress oregano, sage or the variety of vegetables hydroponicly grown by people in the hills. Markets are ok fo thai vegetables and hacked meat.

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Rimping is good for certain things, but in Thailand there is such an abundance of fresh fruit, vegetables and spices in local markets, that I think it makes sense to buy such things there for a song and help keep them going. Hmmm, I might ask my local fruit and veg supplier to start issuing points, regardless of the fact they charge a fraction of Rimping's prices is no excuse!

I agree the local market is good....but when did you buy fress oregano, sage or the variety of vegetables hydroponicly grown by people in the hills. Markets are ok fo thai vegetables and hacked meat.

Going back to an earlier thread the only cheese I've seen for 170 baht is Dacheeso's white rubber cheddar.

The restaurants all buy vegetables from the markets, otherwise they'd go out of business.

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Anybody who shops at Rimping is either wealthy or a fool and doesn't care what they pay. Their pricing is normally 20% higher than the other markets. They do have some good items on sale every month.

Wow, I shop there, and I certainly am not wealthy, and I defy someone to call me a fool. Pretty strong language. Perhaps I shop there because it is most convenient to where I live, a good selection of western foods, ease of parking and I patronize some of the surrounding shops and restaurants. And "They do have some good items on sale every month." How do you know? Are you also one of the above?

It is not good to so blatantly classify someone based on where they shop. :ermm:

just bought some muesli there on sale-it is however more than 10 baht cheaper at kasem ,regularly-

i don't think you're a fool for buying at rimping ,but you are sure to throw money away.

what's the thing with the points anyway-a sales trick -they should just lower the prices instead.

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Anybody who shops at Rimping is either wealthy or a fool and doesn't care what they pay. Their pricing is normally 20% higher than the other markets. They do have some good items on sale every month.

Wow, I shop there, and I certainly am not wealthy, and I defy someone to call me a fool. Pretty strong language. Perhaps I shop there because it is most convenient to where I live, a good selection of western foods, ease of parking and I patronize some of the surrounding shops and restaurants. And "They do have some good items on sale every month." How do you know? Are you also one of the above?

It is not good to so blatantly classify someone based on where they shop. :ermm:

just bought some muesli there on sale-it is however more than 10 baht cheaper at kasem ,regularly-

i don't think you're a fool for buying at rimping ,but you are sure to throw money away.

what's the thing with the points anyway-a sales trick -they should just lower the prices instead.

I could care less about the points also, and that has nothing to do with why I shop there. We do buy many things on a daily basis from the local market which is both convenient and, yes, cheap. A variety of places to shop is great to have.

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I have redeemed points for 3 I Pod Minis and 1 I Pod Touch. Never knew you could ask for something and I'll try it but won't hold my breath. I usually wait for a new catalog.

I love the variety at the store, the wide assortment of fresh vegetables and the clean sanitary meats. Who doesn't shop there?

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I have redeemed points for 3 I Pod Minis and 1 I Pod Touch. Never knew you could ask for something and I'll try it but won't hold my breath. I usually wait for a new catalog.

I'll keep that in mind next time I need 4 iPods... :rolleyes:

Does that mean you got those iPods on points only, or did you have to pay extra? If you got them on points only, how many points is that, and how much did you spend to get those points?

As I mentioned above I love Rim Ping for shopping but I generally dislike all these reward schemes. They end up creating work for nothing, or, actually, so the store gets a marketing benefit, nothing else. Unfortunately people are too much in love with these things for them to go away... must be something in human nature...

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I have redeemed points for 3 I Pod Minis and 1 I Pod Touch. Never knew you could ask for something and I'll try it but won't hold my breath. I usually wait for a new catalog.

I'll keep that in mind next time I need 4 iPods... :rolleyes:

Does that mean you got those iPods on points only, or did you have to pay extra? If you got them on points only, how many points is that, and how much did you spend to get those points?

As I mentioned above I love Rim Ping for shopping but I generally dislike all these reward schemes. They end up creating work for nothing, or, actually, so the store gets a marketing benefit, nothing else. Unfortunately people are too much in love with these things for them to go away... must be something in human nature...

The minis were not a lot of points, I can't remember but I think 7-8000. The touch was about 23,000. I'm not sure how many points you get for each Baht spent.

I'm not big with carrying reward cards but I wish I would have had my Fuji card every time I ate there. Rimping gives you a little card that goes on your key ring.

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I am far from rich but I do buy from Rimping anong others. It does not have to be all that expensive, A kilo or so of good pork for roasting about 170baht a kilo of beef from 170 to 400. A very large clean and plump chook for 140 baht. Any of those and a good supply of their wide range of very fresh vegatables which I have not found even in the markets can make a roast dinner for my wife and I and sandwiches for many days for far less than a lunch at the Red Bell...not to say it is not good value there I am sure it is. It really is just a matter of where you put your priorities. Cheese at 170 baht is qite edible and I have never found anywhere else. Coffee also seems to be fresher there. Tops do seem to get the freshest eggs though.

Of course if you buy foreign or processed farang type food it can be very very expensive.

Sorry millwell_fan this is not a rave against your place. I would certainly enjoy a visit but going there or other places is boring for my wife and although she will sit uncomplaining for many hours I cannot subject her to that. Neither of us drink either so are not the best bar customers.

No offence taken Harry! We do get quite a lot of Thai/Farang couples in, especailly at the weekends. My staff are quite good at talking to the ladies in Thai and keeping them involved. As you say though, if you don't drink a pub might not be the ideal place for you!!

If you do decide to come in for a bite to eat and a Ginger Beer, do introduce yourself!!

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I shop regularly at Rimping and in local markets. I'm sure you can argue about some individual prices of items (loss leaders?) at Rimping but, all in all, it does end up to be more expensive.

Otherwise, where can you find another market in the world that plays classical music, not in-your-face jingles?! And, obviously, the stock is tilted to Western tastes. Another store like that is Karem, which arguably has an even more interesting assortment. For meats, I find Rimping uneven. Northern Farms is the choice in my and many, many restaurant views. There is a wide range in quality. (I won't comment on the quality of meat that Millwall-fan buys there.)

But I do have a beef (Sorry! My bad!) about the catalog of prizes. Every market that does that is playing a marketing game the customer ultimately loses, but --- considering how smart a marketer Herr Rimping is, to display those old torn catalogs in which so many things are "not available" (for several months standing) doesn't seem very good customer relations!

Anyway, eat well!

Edited by Mapguy
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Amongst other items I got a 32 inch Sony flatscreen television and it arrived in two weeks as promised by Khun Kai at Mee Chok. I have redeemed over 35,000 points without issue. The only complaint I have with Rimping is that they transferred the best employee they had at the store. I know I for one shop there less as a result.

I just came from Rimping in town (river) and it dawned on me how much better that branch is and their personal are so much better. Mee Chok's branch is a ripe shyt hole and their personal......what can I say.

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I'm far from rich and not a fool but I like shopping in Rimping for some things. We always buy fruit and vegetables at the Muang Mai Market, but for some things Rimping is great - much better than Tops. I don't bother with imported cheese in Thailand as prices are crazy. I don't like Dacheeso cheese at all so I pretty much do without cheese. I agree that the Rimping near the river is the best one of all of them but the bakery at the one near the Airport seems to have the best selection.

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