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Thailand Elite Card With 5 Year Multi Visa

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This is another Thai get rich quick scheme. If you buy into this, you are making it acceptable that you can buy your way out of anything in Thailand. You are also supporting the idea that farangs can be milked for money, and that this is acceptable (1M baht card = dumb farang). It goes against democracy and people being treated equally. While I support the notion that the administration of processing visas needs to be paid for, it does not mean I am fair game for being ripped off.

If people have some connecton with Thailand (eg married to locals/have children with Thai nationality), then they should be allowed some form of visa in line with their connection, and this should not be related to how rich they are!

Don't get sucked into this, or let it become acceptable. Lets campaign for equality and rights for foreigners rather than giving into these 'buy yourself rights for loads of money' schemes!

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"this other lame piece of plastic is not elite, only an attempt to make money off naive farangs and thats a shame."

It seems from news reports that so far most of the buyers are chinese. They are just after money, it doesnt matter where it comes from.

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As of me I am still waiting for Dions answers. Seems he took a holiday perhaps when the questions here posted by the members got maybe a little too thick and heavy. I don't know why of this silence from Dion.

I once posted my comments here some time ago about this card when it was in its development stages.

I said this card has to be worth every bit of 25K usa money. This means no more having to leave Thailand making Visa runs every 90 days or having to check in to someone constantly for stamps, another is reciving a work permit to do any job in Thailand without restrictions that are imposed now and such reserved to Thais only, another is being able to own our homes and some decent amount of property in Thailand free and clear, another one is getting permanent Residency approved instantly by bypassing the 3 year wait and be exempted from the quota limits, and another one being exempted from having to meet bank requirements if we are married to some Thai National and acceptance in full recognition that if we adopt children born in Thailand that they are our kids totally as if we had our own.

This my friends and fellow expats makes this card worth the 25K .

Not the crap of about hotels or golf.

They only recently inserted the land proposal and the medical information, yet no details are on this site.

So that is my opinion and if we get the above mentioned here GUARANTEED for the lifetime as long as Thailand exists, then I will buy this card. My opinion. :o:DB)

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To TaxExile,You took the words right out of my mouth in your reply to flakjackets

drivel about"the rich" and all of the other BS that went with it! You couldn't have said it any better!

Where some of these people come up with these all encompassing generalizations

I will never know......All the best harpman88

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I am probably going to get a lot of heat for this but here it goes regarding the golf aspects of the card.

I have a lifetime membership at a private golf course near Bangkok.....cost was

about $9,000 USD. There are some other golf courses that are more expensive and yes some cheaper. It depends on the quality.

How are the golf courses going to make money by letting VIP's play? First of all the caddies cost a very nominal fee of 200 baht which are not covered by card (jobs are provided), golfers might stay at the golf course hotels (yes at a discount but they still make a profit), golfers typically buy drinks and eat lunch while they are playing a round. And yes many will eat at the club house and some will have drinks. Food, drinks, hotel accommendation equals profit for the company and yes taxes (VAT) for the government.

This is the same for the hotels when they offer discounts. Personally the 5 star hotels are wonderful and if they offer discounts then they are a real bargain. I normally don't stay at them because I don't travel that much but I would be inclined to travel if offered deep discounts. Perhaps many of you are not aware but some 5 star resorts often cost $200 -$300 USD per DAY to stay. If the card gives you 25-50% then yes this is a real bargain.

The land ownership is really beneficial as you no longer have to deal with lawyers (bottom feeders in my opinion) and have to do complicated legal work. I don't care what people say but there is mounds of paperwork and legal issues to rights that are dodgy. I have been here for 6 years and I can give you names of people, amounts of money lost and so on regarding the lose of their properties.

For those people who are not entitled to stay here legally in Thailand, the 90 day renewable visa is also a bargain. Paying 7,600 baht per year to stay (1,900 renew fee per 90 days) is also a real bargain. You will pay much more leaving LOS on ONE trip.

The one free trip with Thai airways. Right off the bat you are saving 800 -1500 USD for the free ticket depending on your detination and class of travel.

Personally, I think the card idea is pure genius and I am certain of 2 things. One that the card will sell well and second that more benfits will be added thus causing an increase in the price of the card.

I might buy the card. Sounds like a bargain to me! And the card will be a REAL bargain for other Asians, particulary the Koreans and Japanese. I also suspect that many wealthy Chinese might purchase the card.

I suspect that the card will be a success. Also, just to put things into perspective about Thaksin's anti-farang policies. I just don't see them. I hear a lot of gossip and rumors but I for one will be very happy to see the backpackers continue on their journey. The whole idea for backpacking is to see the world....not to make a 10 year pit stop in Thailand. :o

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Lizards love/need heat I believe. :o

Although this may be attractive to some top business people (and was obviously so targeted) do not believe many of your points are valid for most real people (non golf types).

1. 5 star hotel is no bargain when discounted unless you normally pay 5 star price for other services such a food-drinks-travel etc. That these hotels offer 25-50% off is normal practice and you don't need this card to get it.

2. Discount on air tickets is no value to most; who travel on discounted tickets freely available at any travel agent.

3. Land ownership is not provided. They will be using the same method to get around ownership that others use. But now you may have a chance/requirement to spend over 20 million baht on a house to improve this 'companies' land.

4. Believe the idea is that this is for business persons who 'would' be legal here. You do have to qualify. In that case they would only have to make normal exit every 90 days on a multi entry B visa; which most would do in the course of business anyhow. A simple border crossing does not cost (most people) 7,600 baht even if you fly.

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just to put things into perspective about Thaksin's anti-farang policies. I just don't see them. I hear a lot of gossip and rumors but I for one will be very happy to see the backpackers continue on their journey. The whole idea for backpacking is to see the world....not to make a 10 year pit stop in Thailand. :o

No heat from me Monitor. The decade poverty packers ( a poverty packer is a geriatric version of a backpacker sans visible means of support ) should pull up sticks and head elsewhere.

The card availability seemed to be frivolous to me when it was announced, but those able to take full advantage of it may be on a winner.

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(Rewrite of moderated post....)

If a person is wealthy enough to spend a million on a card, then he probably wouldn't be interested in the kind of perks on offer here.

Possible worthwhile benefits....

Diplomatic car registration plates

Unrestricted land ownership

Thai passport

Access to celebrities, politicians

Unlimited duty free quotas for cigarettes, alcohol etc

I.e things that money can't buy.

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giving that maybe the life of the card be warranted for 25 years or refund for

each year not used if unaceptable changes made at the card holders discreation

with a bank or governments bond put forth may help it. Also if it could be transferred up to 4 times over the life span may even help and of course it may have a 5% charge for doing so based on the remaining value $1000 per year value.

Has it been posted what you are to get as fact yet. What establishments and courses will honor this card. It could truly have some good value and the market it

is looking for is pretty direct by the hefty upfront cost but that being so long term

I do see value but just what is the legal jargon associated. I sure could see this company taking out loans on houses or property it has on hand for others being

a high risk (the bar girl would hold your deed honestly).

Look at most that would flaunt this the age would be 50's and above and most likely have at least a $ million or more in the bank. It is an interesting concept

with the current demand with visas and wealth being generated in asia now.

I am interested and also have a long list ahead of the card for the $25G ( if I could only hit the lottery). I would in no way count this one as a failure and it could just be one of those micrsoft investments we could kick ourself for not getting into. It still may be a little early to pass judgement on this and lets see what more gets put on to the table to entice us of this price tag. One good thing it will fit into a backpack fairly easy.

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A quick comment on the land issue. Say the foreigners who are buying vacation properties (200,000 -1,000,000 USD) on Phuket. Many of these properties I believe are for a limited period of time, meaning that after some time it resorts back to the developer or owner. I believe Mexico had or still does has something like this for beach property or property within 100 miles of US border. Am not referring to condo ownership.

I have a friend who has retired and he is thinking of buying property there. I think the card is perfect for him. Too bad they don't let you dock your yaht in Thailand. Most owners, to avoid heavy import taxes leave them in Malaysia. I think that the card should make a provision for this. This would certainly get more customers.

I think that the benfit of the card is perfect for them. They get ownership or a government agency to hold ownership for them. Cynics might argue that the governemnt cannot be trusted but this is sure folly. No Thai government now or in the future is going to change the rules particularly for wealthy individuals from countries around the globe. They may change the rule for future card holdrs true.

And what about the people who live in Issarn or upcountry? Land is very cheap up there! I would add $25,000 to my price of purchase and buy the card. The land and property is not registered to your girlfriend or wife. This price for this piece of mind is priceless in my opinion. And think of it, you can buy, what is it up to? 10 rai? You could have a huge place for really cheap, provided you like living up there. You can have a nice country estate!

Yes, I agree about the hotels with the discounts. I was referring to the VERY expensive 5 star hotels. I could be wrong but does the Oriental offer 50% discounts? I don't think so. And what about that resort on Koh Lanta? The rates are 20,000 baht per night. Do they offer discounts to the general public? I don't think so. I am nit referring to discounts during low seasons or economic crisis (SARS for example).

I know many will find special privledges for the rich objectionable. However, EVERY country does it in the world. You want unlimited stay to the US? Bring in a cool 1 million dollars. Canada? It's half price at a cool $500,000. They even have a paid government official to woo you. The list goes on and on. And don't think that the rich in western countries get the basic service as their citizens. They have contacts the normal person does not have.

We live in a capitalist world. Personally I don't understand people who want to spend the entire lives trying to accummulate more wealth. I do not prescribe to the theory "He who dies with the most toys.....WINS!", a motto from Northwest US some years ago.

Is the system perfect, no. But neither is socialism, ask the millions from former Eastern Europe and Russia.

Anyway, it my humble opinion, if people want to spend their money for feeling special then more power to them. I am not going to rant and rave and lose any sleep over them. Me, I prefer the middle way. Although a limo ride to the airport and being wisked through cutoms sounds tempting. LOL :o

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Hold it, refresh me about this 1 million to bring to USA!!!!!!!!!

and BTW to my personal knowledge you don't get unlimited stay in America cause I live here and to this particular date and time there has never been mentioned anyplace that I know of that if you got that kind of dough you get unlimited stay.

So where did you get such source????????? and such information cause I know people in the Nebraska branch Immigrations Department, and to this date they have never mentioned such to me.


Canada?????????? that I don't know never dealt with them, so if there is a Canadian out here, lets hear it if it being true???????? Also I checked on the USA Embassy sites here in America, I do not see such??????

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He’s talking about the E-5 Visa which requires 500,000 USD in rural areas and one million dollars invested in urban areas.

Under the E2, its lot less of an investment needed for Thais....

The E2 Treaty Investor:

Nationals of qualifying Treaty countries who have made a significant investment in the United States may qualify for E2 Treaty Investor status. There is no set minimum level of investment which may qualify for E2 status, but the lower the investment the less likely one is to qualify. Again, the level of investment must be sufficient to justify the treaty national (or his/her employees) presence in the United States. The investment must be in an operating business – i.e. simply buying property or stocks and bonds does not qualify. Also, a substantial part of the investment must have been made before applying for E2 status.

Investors from qualifying countries may apply for an E2 visa in order to 'Direct and Develop' their investment. They may also apply for E2 visas for key managerial and specialist employees.

E2 visa registration applications should demonstrate that:

1) There has been and will be a substantial capital investment in the US. There is no specific cash threshold defined, but $40,000 is probably an absolute minimum( service oriented business and we did get one client approved...a car car service who invested just $40K), However any investment below $75,000 would need a very strong case to support it.

2) Risk Capital has been Committed; the investment must entail some risk to the investor (it may not be all in the form of unguaranteed credit).

3) The investor will control his/her investment. In this respect control is considered to entail owning over 50% of the US enterprise.

4) The cash invested is not marginal when compared to the total investment. In general, unless it is common to the industry to have higher amounts of 'leveraging' (such as in the property industry), 51% of the investment should be in the form of cash equity. Where debt is secured against other assets of the investor, it is considered to be 'at risk', and may be considered as part of the equity invested.

5) The enterprise is (or will be) active. In order to be 'Directing and Developing' their investment, the investor will require an enterprise that involves active management.

6) US workers are (or will be) employed. The treaties envisage more than just creating a job for the principal investor, but there is no requirement to employ a particular number of US citizens. Obviously, employment of large numbers of US citizens would be viewed very favorably.

7) The enterprise, or its principal investor, has a past history of successful trading.

8) That the 'investor' has sufficient acumen to direct and develop the investment enterprise.

9) That the principal investor, and any other E2 staff, is able and willing to leave the US upon termination of their E2 status.

You can live in the USA forever as long as you own the business and its trading. If you own the business, you maintain your E2 status.

More information can be found at www.sunbeltasia.com Just click on "Own a USA Business"

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Guest IT Manager
So where did you get such source????????? and such information cause I know people in the Nebraska branch Immigrations Department, and to this date they have never mentioned such to me.


Dave, why would they?

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Would appreciate some words from:

1. The farang who works for TPC, and specicially about how the land ownership works. Is it law yet? Or is it still a maybe? Surprised he hasn't yet responded (by the way, what does TPC stand for?)

2. Mr Dion - would appreciate some information about who receives the US$25K. Perhaps I should clarify my question further - I'm guessing that the income from this card would be spread across the organizations offering the various benefits. So in regard to the land benefit, who receives this portion of the money paid?


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Alan if I read it right the net monies are going to the Tourism Authority of Thailand. The talk is that land will be held on behalf of the member until the land law is passed ( if it is ) That would leave you somewhat fettered in regard to your ability to borrow or encumber the land.

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Or maybe there is something else behind the scheme of things that has not been exposed.

A very very good question = why in Singapore???? Hmmmm, What is wrong with using Thai Banks???? Are they that insecure of about this card, or fellas, the original creator of this scheme comes from Singapore!!!!!!!!!!

Meaning it is Singapore who is fronting up the money to promote and get the scheme started and obviously may have touche some tea money on the side for the favor.


Again all this makes me extra suspicious :o

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Daveyo where did you get this information that TAT is banking in Singapore?

Quite frankly I find some of you aruguments quite puzzling. First of all golf memberships in Korea, Japan, and other Asian countries are VERY expensive. In fact a lot of Koreans and Japanese come to Thailand during their respective winters to play golf. The green fees at my club is $50 USD on weekends and $35 USD on weekdays. I am afraid they do not offer discounts. They didn't offer any during the 97 crisis or the SARS crisis. No they are not part of the program. But my point is that golfers like to play at many different courses. So if Asian golfers come to Thailand every year to play for a month or so and don't have to pay green fees then it can be a bargain. Yes, many Koreans and Japanese stay for a month or so! Alpine is a participating member and is a beautiful course. In fact Tiger Woods played at the Johnny Walker Championship some years ago. I wish I could remember that young Australian player who placed 2nd or 3rd.

You also ask why this Thai gentleman is not answering your questions on this forum. I imagine you are either fresh off the plane or you are so thick and you do not realize that most Thais do not like confrontation hence the silence. In other words no understanding of Thai culture.

Daveyo please excuse me for saying this but I imagine from your posts that you are a very negative person. Who cares what they do with the money? Do you ask what the government is doing every time you pay VAT or sales tax in the west? And what a strict accounting? This sounds so hypocritical.

Furthermore, you are probably one of those that says the economy stinks worldwide when the reality is that there is a tremendous worldwide rebound. (Hint: stockmarket in Brazil will be leaping upwards soon)Once again you will miss the boat. Of course you will be right and can claim victory in your wisdom when the next downturn occurs.......5, 10, 15 years from now? It is so easy to be negative all the time. I suspect that we would still be living in the stone age if we listened to negativity all the time.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. Don't want to be so hard on you but enjoy life!!Do you know how lucky you are living here in Thailand? The people are wonderful, the women are beautiful, and the beer is cheap! :o So many people in the west would love to trade places with you!.

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Daveyo  where did you get this information that TAT is banking in Singapore?

Believe I was the first to raise this question in here on 2003-11-27, 11:28:45 (page 4) and will further check.


AKTIV COMPANY LIMITED ("Thailand Elite Representative") #1513, 15/F, Q House Asoke, 66 Sukhumvit 21, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand

"Methods of Payment of Membership Fee of US$ 25,000

Money Transfer to Account No. 101-078-063-8 ("Aktiv Co. Ltd"), Swift Code: UOVBSGSG

United Overseas Bank Ltd, 80 Raffles Place 07-01 UOB Plaza 1, Singapore 048624"

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Daveyo  where did you get this information that TAT is banking in Singapore?

Believe I was the first to raise this question in here on 2003-11-27, 11:28:45 (page 4) and will further check.


AKTIV COMPANY LIMITED ("Thailand Elite Representative") #1513, 15/F, Q House Asoke, 66 Sukhumvit 21, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand

"Methods of Payment of Membership Fee of US$ 25,000

Money Transfer to Account No. 101-078-063-8 ("Aktiv Co. Ltd"), Swift Code: UOVBSGSG

United Overseas Bank Ltd, 80 Raffles Place 07-01 UOB Plaza 1, Singapore 048624"

Hey Axel...doesn't the Singapore banking arrangements for the THAI Government Elite card puzzle you ? Any honest reason you can think of that would account for offshore banking ?

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Hey Axel...doesn't the Singapore banking arrangements for the THAI Government Elite card puzzle you ? Any honest reason you can think of that would account for offshore banking ?

Yes Dr., I am puzzled. I am in one of the target-groups, foreigners living in Thailand. Why pay to a private company in Bangkok, but to their account in SIN?

(Small side-remark: Will I get permission by my Thailand-bank, to remit this amount?) Even for the other 'targets' overseas, why not remit to Thailand?

I spent a lot of time already scrutinizing the benefits. Many more questions are still open. Catalogues and web-site are phantastic and colourful, but whatever I click, no answer. Try to find the hospitals, the golf-clubs. Understand, the company has lists available. I will check further.

My final decision will be based on return of investment. If taking the advantages give you a saving of 1 million Baht over 5 years, may be. Lifetime member ship? As said mine or their life?

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Thank you Axel. Monitor it was not I who did raise the legit question. Oh and by the way my friend, you think that I not know Thai culture. Hmmmm, Listen to this, many of the expats here have asked thicker questions to Dion for some answers. You know, I simply sent him an e-mail asking him the very same questions you and many others asked here in this forum.

Seems I get ripped apart for quoting what someone else mentions here and when I sort of agree to such questions.

I am not negative. I am realistic Monitor. Sure it is nice to have a frigin positive attitude, but in reality, things are not that way. Oh stocks in Brazil finally going up, now tell me what that has to do with america or in thailand. Economy????? Get real. Many Americans here are out of work and have been for some time now, and we have not even recovered yet. United is still in the Bankruptcy process and many companies here closed up their doors.

If you think the policies of Thailand are for the better, fine. No problem. It is just that I find it very dangerous and in some cases next to impossible on some of the agendas that are underway now.

Like I said before I would rather play the wait and see game and hang on to my own two shoes before I commit to something only to regret it later.

You like the card, then get it. As for me, it is very unstable and this program can fall flat on its face if they don't meet the quota that they expect.

Last report we had only 300, what is it now???? I have not heard anything since that last report.


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