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Married Visa

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Live here and work offshore Far East, come and go on a 90 day type "O" visa which I renew during a return trip to the UK.

Been in a relationship for 4 years, if I have a Thai wedding, can I change my visa to marriage???

Or do I need to have a UK style/approved marriage to qualify.

I have been seperated from my UK wife for 8 years. For her own reasons she will not agree to an amicable divorce.

Reasons are inhieritence, insurance and her new found christian beliefs.

Some people have told me I can apply for a divorce without her permission owing to the time seperated?? Have no idea, how genuine this is?

Excuse the long winded questions.


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You currently have the same visa marriage would qualify for. If you are asking about extension of stay from Immigration it would have to be a legal registered marriage and you would have to divorce before that would be allowed.

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You need to have a legal marriage, not only a ceremony at home. A legal marriage in Thailand means you go to the Amphur to register that marriage, which is recognized as a legal marriage in the UK as well. You can also have a legal marriage in the UK, which will be recognized in Thailand.

Of course you will first need to divorce in the UK. Can't help you there, but in most countries not living together for a long period of time would be a valid reason in one way or the other. Contact a citizens advice bureau for legal advice.

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Some people have told me I can apply for a divorce without her permission owing to the time seperated?? Have no idea, how genuine this is?

It is genuine advice.

Uk Divorce.

You do not need her consent if you have been seperated for 8yrs. (I think 5yrs is the required timescale)

You can divorce her on grounds of seperation and the fact you are not going to reconcile the marriage.

Speak to a Solicitor or citizens advice bureau for legal advice.

or Google UK Divorce laws beforehand...

Edited by Tafia
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