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Tourist Fashion Crimes In Bangkok'S 'Red Light' Zones


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We sent a photographer out to Patpong and Soi Cowboy in search of the wackiest, tackiest tourist fashions, of which there was certainly no shortage

This week's red shirt drama may have forced the organizers of Bangkok International Fashion Week to postpone the shows till April, but that doesn't mean we can't talk style. Or rather, a lack of.

Tourists aren't always the most fashionable bunch, with Bangkok attracting more than its fair share of travelers who opt for comfort over style. We get it, we travel too. But some areas of the city tend to be hot beds of fashion crimes -- particularly the go-go bar zones of Patpong and Soi Cowboy.

We sent Thailand-based photojournalist John Le Fevre out to these two infamous streets to capture some of the nightly style crimes that take place. Here are a few highlights, accompanied by a lot of lowlights.



Padded sole clogs and a bare navel? Not a good look, even for Patpong.


Bright orange might be appropriate for rescue personnel and golf pros, but this fellow is clearly neither.


Suspenders and a belt might be the sign of a well prepared man, but the Casey Jones look is well out of place in


This guy appears to have raided his little sister's cupboard before going out. Frightening.


This Soi Cowboy patron was so eager to check out the action he forgot to take off his pajamas before heading out. At least he's comfortable.

Read more: Tourist fashion crimes in Bangkok's 'red light' zones | CNNGo.com http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/play/tourist-fashion-crimes-bangkoks-red-light-zones-621130#ixzz0vUrQE3Rk

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the germans are the worst culprits , they havent a bloody clue how to dress, bright stupid flowery shirts and thai gold dripping off their necks, i would say the english come in second running around with their beer bellies bulging out of the mauy thai vest they just bought at the local market, sad !! bah.gif

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What a refreshing change of pace this thread is! Not just a question asked by someone who didn't use the search function or a troll looking to incite something. There's actual work that went into this thread.....well done!

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So how should we dress when trawling the fleshpits?

Personally, I can forgive a lot of fashion misconduct, so long as the oxters are hidden, the trousers sharply pressed and the shoes well-shined.

I feel in this day and age, particularly in the Thai climate, a jacket is an unnecessary pretension, and a hat unnecessary for evening wear; indeed, it renders one might accidentally omit to doff it on entering a room, and render unintended offence - surprisingly easy, after even a modicum of bibation.

Anyway, that's my view, but unlike the OP, I am not a fashion guru, so I look forward to a clear guide to sartorial elegance for my next soi cowboy sojourn


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