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Need Recommendation For New Phone With Big Screen And Key Pad

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Okay JayPhone shop thanks, will check it out.

Spending +25K bath on a iphone no thanks if I can get a Wildfire or something similar for 10K.

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Went to Central today and found a Jay Market store on 3rd floor that has the Wildfire for 11.5K bath, BUT the sales man wouldn't let me play with it as he didn't want to open the damned box. Needless to say that I didn't buy anything:unsure: . Does the sales man man really think he can sell a phone on that price level without people trying it??

Well I encountered that before when shopping for a digital camera, had 3 models pinpointed and went to Big Camera in big C North Pattaya, they told me that they will only show me one camera. Went to Big Camera in Royal Plaza and played around with all 3 models and eventually bought one, and everybody happy.


Unfortunately I think that's par for the course in Pattaya - which is one of the reasons why I ended up buying my HTC Desire from bask1.com. They didn't let me pay with it in advance either but at least they were quite a bit cheaper. Don't know if they have the Wildfire though.


Unfortunately I think that's par for the course in Pattaya - which is one of the reasons why I ended up buying my HTC Desire from bask1.com. They didn't let me pay with it in advance either but at least they were quite a bit cheaper. Don't know if they have the Wildfire though.

No they don't. Well anyway I am going offshore soon for 2 month work, will have a look around when I am back. I don't like the idea of paying so much money for a phone without trying it first.


....seems they're coming out with newer and better phone every time you turn your head, but I'm confident I got the right one. Anything bigger than a 4" screen is going to have problems fitting in your pocket!

....at least with a Galaxy S-like phone with a 4.3" screen, when someone asks you, "......or is that a 'rabbit' in your pocket?", you'll really be able to show 'em when you whip out the phone! :whistling:


Its worth the extra for an Iphone, because when you whip out your HTC or Blackberry or whatever, someone will whip out their Iphone4, and you will think to yourself "i wish i spent B10,000 more and got one of them.


No, actually I laugh at them for having wasted 10K more for an inferior product. ^_^

Edit: Actually the most expensive Android phone at the moment is around 25K. I think the Iphone 4 is around 40K or more due to all the fanboys having to get one, so it's at least 15K more.


Its worth the extra for an Iphone, because when you whip out your HTC or Blackberry or whatever, someone will whip out their Iphone4, and you will think to yourself "i wish i spent B10,000 more and got one of them.

No, actually I laugh at them for having wasted 10K more for an inferior product. ^_^

Edit: Actually the most expensive Android phone at the moment is around 25K. I think the Iphone 4 is around 40K or more due to all the fanboys having to get one, so it's at least 15K more.

.....I, for one, say, let's wait for some of the shootout reviews and comparisons of all these 'next generation' (or class) of phones due to be out in the next few weeks:Windows 7 with its unique(?) use of 'Tiles' interface - will it be a fast contender? The Androids with their Super AMOLED displays and 2.2 Froyo, and iPhone4 with it's cool video conferencing-will it be able to literally 'talk and chew bubble gum' at the same time? We shall see and will be able to compare all the Pro's and Con's of each phone and then have a nice discussion, with the understanding, of course, that personal preferences and tastes usually color ones perceptions.


......OK fellows, moving forward a step, I have another question: A friend who is going to LOS has an unlocked GMS iPhone4 which currently has an ATT chip/sim(?). When he changes over a LOS(Asian) chip/sim, we know the phone contacts will be 'lost' (because they are in the 'ATT' chip/sim) but will all his downlowned apps be lost, too, or can everything be transferred from his 'ATT' chip/sim onto his LOS(Asian) chip/sim? In other words, can an unlocked GSM phone be used in both the USA and then LOS (and back in the USA again)?

He needn't lose his contacts, go settings/mail,contacts... scroll down and press import SIM contacts. Any number on the SIM and not already on the phone will be copied to the phone. This way all contacts are always available regardless of SIM card. Though I suspect they are already stored on the phone, as Itunes tends to do that..

He won't lose any apps. The apps on his phone are related to the itunes account they were 'purchased' (even the free ones), and the computer where the guy has his itunes library. Changing your SIM does not change your itunes account, Only the network provider.

If it is indeed an unlocked GSM iPhone 4 then he will have no probs, and can switch between ANY sim as much as he likes, you don't even need to turn it off when you switch.

I believe all the thai operators now offer iPhone 4 friendly micro sims.



He needn't lose his contacts, go settings/mail,contacts... scroll down and press import SIM contacts. Any number on the SIM and not already on the phone will be copied to the phone. This way all contacts are always available regardless of SIM card. Though I suspect they are already stored on the phone, as Itunes tends to do that..

He won't lose any apps. The apps on his phone are related to the itunes account they were 'purchased' (even the free ones), and the computer where the guy has his itunes library. Changing your SIM does not change your itunes account, Only the network provider.

If it is indeed an unlocked GSM iPhone 4 then he will have no probs, and can switch between ANY sim as much as he likes, you don't even need to turn it off when you switch.

I believe all the Thai operators now offer iPhone 4 friendly micro sims.


Thanx a lot for that! This will help many a beginner to the cell phone scene.


I'm amazed that there are still people out there storing contacts on a SIM card.

Is there any Android phone on the market that has touch screen AND a keypad similar to the new Blackberry Torch? I like the physical keys and the Android funcionality.


I'm amazed that there are still people out there storing contacts on a SIM card.

Is there another method we can use to store info when moving an unlocked GSM phone between countries?


I'm amazed that there are still people out there storing contacts on a SIM card.

Is there another method we can use to store info when moving an unlocked GSM phone between countries?

I store my contacts since the days I had that Siemens phone about 8 years ago in my mobile's memory. When traveling, I just take the Thai SIM card out and replace it with a prepaid card from the country I visit. My Thai GSM card goes into my old mobile so that I am still reachable under that number.


I'm amazed that there are still people out there storing contacts on a SIM card.

Is there any Android phone on the market that has touch screen AND a keypad similar to the new Blackberry Torch? I like the physical keys and the Android funcionality.

Google G1, Motorola Droid 2, HTC G2, HTC Dream, and many others, it's not something I've been interested in so haven't really followed that segment, but there are plenty available.


I'm amazed that there are still people out there storing contacts on a SIM card.

Is there another method we can use to store info when moving an unlocked GSM phone between countries?

Yes, using Google Contacts or (eww) Microslush Outlook.


No, actually I laugh at them for having wasted 10K more for an inferior product. ^_^

Edit: Actually the most expensive Android phone at the moment is around 25K. I think the Iphone 4 is around 40K or more due to all the fanboys having to get one, so it's at least 15 more.


Inferior product 555555555you should be a comedian the iPhones are the best smart phones the only reason people

Buy others is because they can't or won't pay the extra

Watch the reviews on the gadget show


Inferior product 555555555you should be a comedian the iPhones are the best smart phones the only reason people

Buy others is because they can't or won't pay the extra

Watch the reviews on the gadget show

One friend of mine with certainly enough money to buy it destroyed his iPhone with a hammer over the frustration that it never did what he wanted it to do. Has now a 20k Baht Android phone and is a happy camper.

Another friend of mine who has an iPhone had significant problems connecting his Bluetooth headset to it and he still carries his old Nokia with him to take pictures AND send them by MMS...

The iPhone is a fashion statement with integrated telephony option. But nothing more.

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Ok the signal problem is shit but if you put the bumper case on it then it's ok and you have to really squeeze it to make the signal go but to call the 4g a fashion statement is bs non of the functions are a problem on mine but you do get duds same with anything


HTC Wildfire is a pretty cool little Android phone which should sell for around or below 10,000 baht. Not sure if it's available in Thailand yet though. Otherwise there's the older HTC Tattoo for around 8,000 baht.

Thanks for the links. That Wildfire looks hot, he-he. If its not on the market yet I can wait a little. Never heard about the brand HTC before but then again I don't know anything about phones.

I bought an htc wildfire last week and am pleased with it...this coming from a non-smartfone user who previously owned a nokia 1680 but I had read a bit about android (google related and open source code) so was marginally informed...

I paid eur279 at amsterdam schipol airport and now in use in the provinces of VN so there don't appear to be any 'locked/unlocked' problems, just stuck in the VN SIM card...recommended as an entry level smartfone...


I bought an htc wildfire last week and am pleased with it...this coming from a non-smartfone user who previously owned a nokia 1680 but I had read a bit about android (google related and open source code) so was marginally informed...

I paid eur279 at amsterdam schipol airport and now in use in the provinces of VN so there don't appear to be any 'locked/unlocked' problems, just stuck in the VN SIM card...recommended as an entry level smartfone...

Yes I am leaning more and more toward this model. Have only managed to find it in one shop in Pattaya so far (11.5Kbath) and they will not allow me to "play" with it. However in the excellent Alatest there is a you-tube clip about it and it looks promising, only thing they complain about is the picture quality, how do you find that?

In same Alatest the Wildfire is now on the 11th spot in overall score with a rising trend, so it can't be bad for sure. The HTC Desire is now on first spot, closely followed by the vey very expensive Apple4.


Some posters mention that new phones are very soon due, are they worth waiting for?


I have both the iPhone 4 and the Samsung Galaxy S (Android system).....Id like to try the HTC EVO but cant find one here in Thailand....

I luv both, but iPhone 4 is my primary phone because of the number of apps/songs/movies/shows and other content......


I have both the iPhone 4 and the Samsung Galaxy S (Android system).....Id like to try the HTC EVO but cant find one here in Thailand....

I luv both, but iPhone 4 is my primary phone because of the number of apps/songs/movies/shows and other content......

Exactly !!! Nokia Symbian and Windows based shouldnt even exist if buyers had a brain an knowledge !!! But Samsung, are they now using Android in their TVs or washing machines ? I didn't know that they were selling phones... hahaha... :-)


oh yes, Samsung have a wonderful Android phone in Galaxy S.....

check out the comparison between ( a ) Samsung Galaxy, ( b ) HTC Desire and ( c ) iPhone 4 here


out of all of the phones I have actually tried, my favorites are iPhone 4 and Samsung Galaxy S....... (BUT I have not tried HTC EVO 4G or HTC Droid Incredible)


only thing they complain about is the picture quality, how do you find that?

re: htc wildfire...yeah, it's got a 5 Mpixel camera and I would've thought that the picture quality would be better...but I wouldn't try any serious photos with a phone camera, just consensual on-the-spot sex in public places (boots in the air and underwear askew) and etc :P ...but there is a camera menu where you can adjust to optimize photo quality and I haven't tried that yet...has got modes like sepia, negative and etc


only thing they complain about is the picture quality, how do you find that?

re: htc wildfire...yeah, it's got a 5 Mpixel camera and I would've thought that the picture quality would be better...but I wouldn't try any serious photos with a phone camera, just consensual on-the-spot sex in public places (boots in the air and underwear askew) and etc :P ...but there is a camera menu where you can adjust to optimize photo quality and I haven't tried that yet...has got modes like sepia, negative and etc

Ohh sorry tutsiwarrior, I meant the quality on the screen for looking pictures/vidio. How is that?


only thing they complain about is the picture quality, how do you find that?

re: htc wildfire...yeah, it's got a 5 Mpixel camera and I would've thought that the picture quality would be better...but I wouldn't try any serious photos with a phone camera, just consensual on-the-spot sex in public places (boots in the air and underwear askew) and etc :P ...but there is a camera menu where you can adjust to optimize photo quality and I haven't tried that yet...has got modes like sepia, negative and etc

Ohh sorry tutsiwarrior, I meant the quality on the screen for looking pictures/vidio. How is that?

well...you know...I useta own a nokia 1680 that had limited video and screen quality and can't really judge with the high falutin htc wildfire...it's better than that fer sure...

(tutsi returns to work in saudi after a rest at home to find that there are video images on his nokia 1680; I open the file to find that the step daughter was torturing the youngest niece while a mate was videoing it...disgusting thai teenagers...)


This must be the most off topic thread in the forum for a while... Simple question to find basic phone that is easy to use and fanboys from left and right talking about their apps and software the phones are running on.

For the OP and someone else that was interested in basic phone to make calls and text with occasional internet and gps navigation AND with full keyboard. The best ones out there are still Nokia ones. Mainly the E series E72 or new E5.

They dont have games or apps and all that stuff these fanboys are all about but are sturdy, reliable phones with proper keyboard and bit bigger screen than in traditional mobiles. Love my E5, very good on phone calls, text and email due to full proper keyboard and Nokia voice guidance navigation beats google maps and stuff big time. And last but not least the battery and power consumption. No need to recharge every day. More like it once a week is enough with moderate call time.

Oh and below 10K range for latest model.

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