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Are they fresh water fish?

My Japanese Red Cap Goldfish keep dying, so maybe it's time for a change!

They are fresh, but they're a bit of a specialist fish.. Need the right water conditions.. And if you can't keep goldfish alive, a tropical chichlid is probably a step too dfar..

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Are they fresh water fish?

My Japanese Red Cap Goldfish keep dying, so maybe it's time for a change!

They are fresh, but they're a bit of a specialist fish.. Need the right water conditions.. And if you can't keep goldfish alive, a tropical chichlid is probably a step too dfar..

LOL, fair enough.

But I think the goldfish died because of old age - some are still going strong from the first batch that were put in.

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Nice fish Victor,I used to keep freshwater in UK for years.

I hope you find a good home

Yes they are lovely fish fish and the pair were even friendly and came to me at feeding time. I'm hoping someone with big tank and lots of others can take this one in. It's just looking so sad now since it's mate died and doesn't even come to me any more.
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Are they fresh water fish?

My Japanese Red Cap Goldfish keep dying, so maybe it's time for a change!

They are fresh, but they're a bit of a specialist fish.. Need the right water conditions.. And if you can't keep goldfish alive, a tropical chichlid is probably a step too dfar..

Never had a problem with the right water conditions, only special need I found is it's food, doesn't eat dried food, just frozen bloodworms which are easily available in small cubes at 30-40 baht for about 2 weeks supply and they love the baby live shrimp which is only 10 Baht a bag. great fun watching them gulping them down.
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I don't know if it is still there, but used to be quite a reasonable tropical fish shop by the car parking area at Emporium.

About the discuss, I have kept tropicals for many years but always kept away from them because of their special water requirements, however, the wife spotted some and insisted that we get some. Reluctantly I bought 2 expecting them to die within days. 6 months later and they are thriving in a simple (but quite large) comunity tank. You live and learn!

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I don't know if it is still there, but used to be quite a reasonable tropical fish shop by the car parking area at Emporium.

About the discuss, I have kept tropicals for many years but always kept away from them because of their special water requirements, however, the wife spotted some and insisted that we get some. Reluctantly I bought 2 expecting them to die within days. 6 months later and they are thriving in a simple (but quite large) comunity tank. You live and learn!

Maybe your tapwater has similar properties to Amazon river water..

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It would be great if the tap water in Ubon was like the Amazon, however I rather doubt it. My thought is that being bred here in Thailand, they might be more resiliant to water properties than those bred in Europe. Whatever the answer, the fish are thriving. Having said all that, I certainly would not advise people to follow my (bad) example. Discuss are a very specialised breed, I might have been lucky, but I suggest that most will not. They can be an expensive loss if they secumb in poor conditions.

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your cheapest bet is chatujak though and they deliver.

chatujak is unbelievably cheaper than anywhere. I bought 12in tall wooden branches that look like trees and are really decorative for 50 Baht whereas the same in Bangkok costs 3-400 Baht.. Also I bought a hamster caged priced at 1050 Baht in Pattaya for only 400 Baht.
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