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I Think It Is My Fault That All Of The Young Thai Women Go Out With Old Guys.


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Mark, I think you'll have to join me in my boat on the west coast. You'd make a pretty good TROLLER..


Although it does get a bit lumpy out there... just like it does on thaivisa.


It's either that or just join me under the bridge with the rest of the trolls.


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Chunky1' timestamp='1281021067' post='3797507']

Was this a class for the mentally challenged? If so, that would really explain a lot about the type of Thai lady you old guys end up with.

Judging by the (lack) of quality in your posts , some of the younger ones are thus entwined also , did she teach you to write English ?

Just asking 555 .

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See, I knew you would know the answer.

No, I know how to find the answer - There's a subtle difference which I am not at all surprised alludes you.

Dear oh dear. That spell-checker's a wonderful thing, innit? If only it would check meaning as well as spelling. Still i was mighty impressed with your maths, so best stick to that in future, eh?

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Assuming each person told, told another person and nobody questioned the theory to be untrue :rolleyes:

Your work was done after week 7...

week - total

1 = 1

2 = 2

3 = 4

4 = 16

5 = 256

6 = 65,536

7 = 4.29 Billion

8 = Everyone's heard it already!!!

So what rumor should I start? :D


If at the end of the first week she tells one other person then, end of week 1 two people know

End of week two, they each tell one person, so end of week two 4 people know.

This continues as:

1 = 1

2 = 2

3 = 4

4 = 16

5 = 32

6 = 64

Or put another way:

P = 2^n

Where 'P' is the number of people who know and 'n' is the number of weeks that have elapsed.

To find 'n' for any given number of people

P^-2 = 2

(log P)/n = log 2

'n' = (log P) / (log 2)

Now if we assume there to be around 35 million women in Thailand

Then the time for all of them to hear Marky's wise words would be

n = log 35000000/ log 2

n = 7.544 /0.30102999

Works out at about 25 weeks to tell every woman in Thailand.

Which casts a degree of doubt over Marky's theory since anyone who's been here over 25 weeks could conceivably spread the word.

Just to put this into a world picture, all 3 billion of the world's women could have heard the wise words within 32 weeks and it would of course only be a week later that all 6 billion of us learned this heart saving information.

Now to make this really interesting we could add in a probability calculation for people telling other people who already know - and to fine tune it, a probability correction to account for people who die before telling anyone what they've learned.

Sorry to break it for you but you will need an extra week because in week 4 you would have reached 8 people instead of 16. ;)

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Sorry to break it for you but you will need an extra week because in week 4 you would have reached 8 people instead of 16. ;)

Yes indeed.

But its the formula that reveals the answer - unless we are going to rely on working out tables with the demonstrated attendent risk of error.

P = 2^n

Where 'P' is the number of people who know and 'n' is the number of weeks that have elapsed.

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Shaggy dog stories play upon the audience's preconceptions of the art of joke telling. The audience listens to the story with certain expectations, which are either simply not met or met in some entirely unexpected manner.

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The OP thru his various topics, posts, and his insinuations bring to mind a term, I heard many moons ago. "Full of yourself"

There are people who write books and there are people who read books. There are even people in some backward countries who censor books.

There are people who write critiques on books and publish them in newspapers.

The people who write books I would imagine have to be a little full of themselves to write.

They have to have a bit on an ego to throw their thoughts out to a pack of salivating dogs to chew up and spit out.

Sometimes I enjoy reading the critiques of books because they are well thought out and give some insights into what the author was saying.

I can’t say I have ever liked a censor because they stifle free thought and the exchange of ideas no matter what important moral or political code they enforce or save mere mortals from understanding or finding out about.

Critics who express opinions about the author of books without any reference to the writing of the book or without adding anything to discussion of the book or its topic leave me cold.

As a young man I was a chef in a large restaurant. We made soup in 60 gallon steam kettles. At the bottom of the kettle was a faucet to drain the kettle. One day my boss came in and tasted the soup. He said, “the soup sucks.” That is all he said. He didn’t say it needed salt or oregano or more ham base. His comment was worthless from a culinary standpoint and it upset me. The boss wore expensive shoes. The soup was boiling hot. I opened the valve at the bottom of the kettle of boiling soup and 60 gallons of soup went cascading over the bosses shoes. I got fired, of course. But I doubt if the boss ever said to another chef that, the soup sucks.

On the internet in general gentlemen and gentlewomen posters attack the authors ideas rather than the personality of the author. I have often thought it is too bad there is not a 60 gallon boiling soup kettle available in a computer.

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U.S. Army also built the highways from the deep water port at Sattahip to the air bases up north so the ETO trucks could carry the bombs to the warplanes flying over Vietnam which definitely added to the speed of the Marky's message getting around.

On Post-its, billions of Post-its

Edited by Peterbigeyes
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Was this a class for the mentally challenged? If so, that would really explain a lot about the type of Thai lady you old guys end up with.

Same old tosh from Chunky1. Yawn, I have come to the conclusion that you cannot pull a bird, not even in Thailand. :coffee1:

You're kidding right??

There are v few people out there (even those married to locals) that would do anything other than laugh at the suggestion that g/f/wife is anything more than 'mentally challenged'.....

Yes, the exception proves the rule.....

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