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Al Qaeda To Blame For London's Explosions?


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*** UPDATE ***

Controlled explosion in cannon street ... suspect package found and police are now undertaken a controlled explosion ... this has just been announced over the tanoy here at my work .. i was also delayed 45 mins on the train just outside liverpool st due to another suspect package ...

i suspect this is just a jittery response. But it will impact on the indominable spirit of the English .. people will still be in the pubs this evening and their resolve will not be budged

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Such great sadness once again, will it never end?

The atrocity perpetrated in London yesterday only serves to remind us that these degenerates thrive on the horror that they create. It is with equal sadness that I read within this thread (and associated threads), how many knee jerk reactionaries want to simply attack and destroy the world of Islam and the Muslim faith. With 1.4 billion followers of the religion, it is clearly not possible, so, lets get real!

I am a Christian living and working in an Islamic country, believe me, these people are as sickened by this outrage as everyone else. So please guys, don’t allow your anger at the previous days happenings (natural as it might be), cloud your understanding of what an Arab or follower of Islam really represents.

I can only reiterate that this abomination was NOT caused by true Muslims, but terrorists who use the religious cloak to justify their actions.

As a Brit, we have seen the problems caused by the IRA over the years, thank God, those days seem to be in the past, however, did we believe that ALL Irish were bad? Of course not, I suggest the same sentiments must apply here.

Please remember, the proliferation of hatred can only play into the hands of the Terrorists who thrive on the ability to divide a nation and subsequently conquer and destroy it.

This must never happen!

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Neeranam - believe what you want mate, but normal thinking people dont work conspiracies, alterior motives, and the impossible into every animalistic action of these bloody fanatical nutters. It is what it is - a bombing caused by nutters. If we did this for oil I for one want to know why we aren't benefiting from it one satang!!!  Oil should be flowing cheaper than evernot at record highs least for UK and Yanks!

there is perverse effect when it comes to oil ... prices rise but the oil companies make record profits .. so while the normal everyday man is not beneffiting from the oil reserves obtained from iraq, and the pipeline built on afghan soil , sure as ###### the rich business man is ... it just so happens that bush and he's cronies have a vested interest in oil ..

not to mention good old halliburton ...for anyone who dioesn't know a good old american company .. who have profited from the war by being awared major multi millon dollar contracts .. and who happens to have "vested" interest in this company .. why who else but good old Mr Cheney himself ..

please i implore everyone to watch micheal moore 9/11 .. it makes interesting viewing ..

the wool is being pulled over our eyes ... by both vile parties .. muslim and western leaders ... i far one plan to find myself an island in the ocean and not let these pigs effect my life or control my destiny

We've all seen it - purely a film for entertainment purposes - Fictional propoganda!!

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I think its Standard Police Procedure in UK not to report hoaxes or suspect packages publicly. So that news above re: Cannon Street is unlikely to be officially reported.

They had to comment on the 2 supernumery bangs via controlled explosion yesterday in order to account for the additional ones heard.

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IMHO it is an absolute must read for all seriously interested in solutions to this Gordian Knot.

And the solution is... for the West to "proceed with relentless, brutal, and, yes, blood-soaked offensive military actions until we have annihilated the Islamists who threaten us." :o

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Received this from a friend in Tunisia:

It is a Crime!!

We have followed with astonishment the harrowing attacks that took place in London. Any Muslim cannot but express his categorical condemnation of these callous, cruel and criminal attacks, amounting to crimes against humanity. It is unjustified, whatever the motives, and whoever the perpetrators to blindly attack defenceless and innocent civilians.

On this tragic occasion, we at Nahdha (Renaissance) Party of Tunisia,

1- Consider the tragedy of London a crime against humanity and mourn all the victims of this aggression as a common loss for Britain and the whole world.

2- Present our heartfelt condolences to the victims' families and express our solidarity with them in these trying times, while hoping for the prompt recovery of those who survived the attacks.

3- Vigorously denounce this inhumane terror along with all terrorist activities, which imperil the lives of civilians. Such activities are, we stress, utterly alien to the spirit of Islam, which upholds sanctity of human life and holds the loss of a single human life as tantamount to the loss of humanity in large and vividly rejects injustice and aggression

  4- Call on the Muslim youth all over the world to stay vigilant and to restrain from being involved in such acts that are contradictory to Islam since it is clearly emphasised in the Holy Quran that killing a single soul is equal to killing the whole of humanity (Quran S.V:32) due to God's ennoblement of each and every human being..

5- Appeal to intellectuals, politicians and civil society activists from both Muslim and Western circles to bolster tendencies towards dialogue, co-existence and co-operation between cultures and civilizations, in order to combat all forms of extremism and promote the eminent values of pluralism and tolerance.

  "Oh mankind! We have created you from a single pair of male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you." (Holy Qur'an S. 49, A. 13)


Rached Ghannouchi

Nahdha of Tunisia

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We can practice passive resistence, debt cancellation, stoicism, or non-violence, but the nutty factions and fanatics won't appreciate those efforts.

They believe Judaeo-Christian civilization needs to be eliminated.

By all means be accommodating to moderate Islam, but vaporize the nutters.

We're letting them be martyrs, doing them a favour really.

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We can practice passive resistence, debt cancellation, stoicism, or non-violence, but the nutty factions and fanatics won't appreciate those efforts.

They believe Judaeo-Christian civilization needs to be eliminated.

By all means be accommodating to moderate Islam, but vaporize the nutters.

We're letting them be martyrs, doing them a favour really.

Moog- you couldn't have said it any better!!! :o:D:D:D:D

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Salim Mansur, associate professor in the department of political science at the University of Western Ontario, discusses the need for a Muslim reformation against the prevailing orthodoxy, in his article Muslims, Democracy, and the American Experience published in the Middle East Forum.

He concludes:

In concluding, the Qur'an informs that without reform of belief, civilizations in the past vanished, and warns, "O people, it is you that have need of God, and God is the Self-Sufficient, the Praised One. If He please, He will remove you and bring a new creation (in your place)."[22]In the democratic age, God's message resonates through the voice of sovereign people. Muslims are standing at a fork of history in the early years of the twenty-first century. Their choice for reform will lead them on the path of Islam as democracy. Their refusal to embrace reform, however, will leave them stagnant within a cultural system incongruent with the spirit of the modern age of democracy while they indulge in identity politics, nostalgia, grievances, and resentment against a West they do not understand.
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Salim Mansur, associate professor in the department of political science at the University of Western Ontario, discusses the need for a Muslim reformation against the prevailing orthodoxy, in his article Muslims, Democracy, and the American Experience published in the Middle East Forum.

He concludes:

In concluding, the Qur'an informs that without reform of belief, civilizations in the past vanished, and warns, "O people, it is you that have need of God, and God is the Self-Sufficient, the Praised One. If He please, He will remove you and bring a new creation (in your place)."[22] In the democratic age, God's message resonates through the voice of sovereign people. Muslims are standing at a fork of history in the early years of the twenty-first century. Their choice for reform will lead them on the path of Islam as democracy. Their refusal to embrace reform, however, will leave them stagnant within a cultural system incongruent with the spirit of the modern age of democracy while they indulge in identity politics, nostalgia, grievances, and resentment against a West they do not understand.

TM, I'm with you all the way. Muslims need to make the right decision, but it is also incumbent on the rest of us to understand that Al Quaeda etc are not representative of Islam, and to make sure we don't rise to the bait of retaliation - investigation, prosecution and punishment, yes, but not retaliation.

Now, like never before, people of all faiths and nationalities must stand together against the terrorists. Remember: 'All it takes for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing.'

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QUOTE(The_Moog @ 2005-07-08 18:19:23)

In the Thai 6pm news it was just announced that Thaksin is sending a plane to London to bring people back to Thailand.


Thats a help!


Just reporting what Mrs Moog translates.

Maybe the English should be flown back from the South of Thailand then eh???? :o

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The more I hear and see, I have to blame ALL the muslims for this. They do NOTHING except say "it's not all of us just the radicals or "we feel for your loss" blah blah blah. <deleted> that, start finding these screwballs in your own religion. I CANNOT believe that the so called GOOD muslims don't know ANYTHING about who these people are or where they are.

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QUOTE(The_Moog @ 2005-07-08 18:19:23)

In the Thai 6pm news it was just announced that Thaksin is sending a plane to London to bring people back to Thailand.


Thats a help!


I wonder if he will sell all his property in London.

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The more I hear and see, I have to blame ALL the muslims for this. They do NOTHING except say "it's not all of us just the radicals or "we feel for your loss" blah blah blah. <deleted> that, start finding these screwballs in your own religion. I CANNOT believe that the so called GOOD muslims don't know ANYTHING about who these people are or where they are.

Exactly if every day normal muslims rose up, grassed these animals we'd end this sh*te easy.

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The more I hear and see, I have to blame ALL the muslims for this. They do NOTHING except say "it's not all of us just the radicals or "we feel for your loss" blah blah blah. <deleted> that, start finding these screwballs in your own religion. I CANNOT believe that the so called GOOD muslims don't know ANYTHING about who these people are or where they are.

Exactly if every day normal muslims rose up, grassed these animals we'd end this sh*te easy.

With the same reasoning you would blame all Irish for the IRA, all germans for the Baader-Meinhof, all italians for the Red Brigades etc.

Don't make sense to me.

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Thailand condemns terrorist attack in London

BANGKOK, July 8 (TNA) – Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinwatra today condemned the series of bomb attacks in London’s transport system on Thursday killing at least 50 people and wounding 700.

“On behalf of Thai people, I would like to express deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims,” he said.

Thailand and its people strongly condemned this act of terror causing many lost of lives and have shared the sadness with the British people, he said in a statement.

The Prime Minister urged the international community to unify its strong force to fight against the terrorism that could happen at any corner of the globe.(

--TNA 2005-07-08

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PS: I'm in London at the moment. I was on a bus this morning. I often ride the tube past Algate East. I passed the scene at Edware Road this morning. I am fuming  :o

I was not in central London yesterday, but am concerned for the welfare of people I know who may be in the area near Russel Square near U of London. Hoping for the best. Does anyone know if a victims' list has been published. It's a little gruesome, but at least we know if people aren't on there, then they are probably ok.

It's also worth noting that the Edgeware Road area is right on the north side of a main middle eastern ethnic community in central London, and London itself is a very ethnic multi-national area, just like New York, Madrid, Bali, etc.

These eff-ing maniacs do what they do because they are self-righteous maniacs, not because they are speaking for the mainstream of their people and religion. I hope we find them all and kill them all. The rest of society will be better off for it.

Hope everyone from TV in the area is doing ok. See you at Battersea!!

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Not sure if it has been reported or not, but I think at least one person saw one of the attackers, the one on the bus.

A guy called into BBC Radio 2 and gave a phone interview. He said he had (luckily) hopped off the bus due to slow traffic about 30 seconds before it went up. hard to tell if this was an authentic story, but it is what I heard.

He said there was a young olive skinned male on the lower level of the bus who appeared to be in a very agitated state and kept looking inside a bag that he had with him on the floor of the bus.

Obviously we know what happened shortly after that. But the man who called into the BBC said several other people had hopped off the bus with him. I'm guessing that several people had a good look at the guy on the bus.

I hope this all turns out to be true, and that authorities will be able to get an ID on this creep, track him down, and prosecute and penalize him.

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Not sure if it has been reported or not, but I think at least one person saw one of the attackers, the one on the bus.

A guy called into BBC Radio 2 and gave a phone interview. He said he had (luckily) hopped off the bus due to slow traffic about 30 seconds before it went up. hard to tell if this was an authentic story, but it is what I heard.

He said there was a young olive skinned male on the lower level of the bus who appeared to be in a very agitated state and kept looking inside a bag that he had with him on the floor of the bus.

Obviously we know what happened shortly after that. But the man who called into the BBC said several other people had hopped off the bus with him. I'm guessing that several people had a good look at the guy on the bus.

I hope this all turns out to be true, and that authorities will be able to get an ID on this creep, track him down, and prosecute and penalize him.

Bring back Public Hangings springs up in my mind!!! :o

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IMHO it is an absolute must read for all seriously interested in solutions to this Gordian Knot.

And the solution is... for the West to "proceed with relentless, brutal, and, yes, blood-soaked offensive military actions until we have annihilated the Islamists who threaten us." :o

Not sure which comic you are reading, but it certainly isn't Imperial Hubris:

The rhetorical fireworks and public acrimony from such a debate

would greatly stimulate thoughtful policy reevaluation by Americans,

especially those outside academe, the Washington-Boston corridor, and

Hollywood. Perhaps Americans would find that, after a long hiatus,

they can still think for themselves, define what is in their interest and

that of their country, and decide that the elites' foreign policy mantras

need not only review but silencing. But, with this said, no one can pre-

dict the outcome of such a debate. It may be bin Laden is correct, that

the status quo in U.S. policies toward the Muslim world will be reaf-

firmed. Although I, for one, hope this is not the debate's result, if it is,

so be it—as always, the majority must rule. Whatever the decision, as I

said earlier, America's military confrontation with Islam will continue.

An honest debate will, however, allow Americans to know what they

are signing up for: a policy status quo that will guarantee broadening

conflict with escalating human and economic expense, or new policies

that have potential, over time, for a less confrontational and bloody

relationship with Islam. Whatever the choice, it must be made by all

Americans after all options are presented and debated, and not solely

by their elites with the guidance, lobbying, money, and machinations of

oil companies, weapons makers, evangelical preachers, and Israel and

its acolytes.

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If its discovered that the bombers are Saudi Arabians, I think the Coalition should immediately invade a country - not Saudi Arabia obviously, but some other one.

Here are some ideas....





The Moon

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If its discovered that the bombers are Saudi Arabians, I think the Coalition should immediately invade a country - not Saudi Arabia obviously, but some other one.

Here are some ideas....





The Moon

Well... France would be the easiest... :D

totster :o

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