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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Thai 3's enjoying a Sunday afternoon skirmish with Prince lovers, live and let live, especially with folks one doesn't even know I say, people get very emotional about their musical tastes, more than about their cuisine leanings in my experience.

Today I was enjoying hacking down a vicious creeper known in Thai as cha-om or Acacia pennata for its botanical term. Thais use the leaves in a curry but the stem and branches are studded with very sharp thorns that tear your skin or shirt to shreds in seconds.

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Not many people know that Prince wrote this song after spending an April day in the fields of Udon Thani, digging out weeds from the sugar cane in 40 degrees.. He's singing about his first Leo after work,

I thought the song he wrote for his first Leo after work was Sexy MF....

Listening to

Edited by kayo
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'Oppressive heat',it's true in March and April,it beats one down working outside,the sheer furnace temperature, craving a cool glass of water within minutes......,conversely how can one describe the cold in the UK? Biting,numbing, whipping one into submission.

I'd rather die in the heat

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BN old chap, I dont know if this auspicious page number has escaped your attention or not, 304.

Are you familiar with this road, that goes from Suwinthawong in MinBuri all the way to Korat, via Chachoengsao, via Wang Nam Keaw, via cee yaek Pak

Thong Chai, where one turns right onto the 24 to The Badlands of Buriram and Surin, LOL.

I dont know if you are a Brooce fan or not, in my house we have unisex toilets, LOL

Guess Brooce and Blyan Adams never made it to Bang Kapi.

Edited by rgs2001uk
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Why is 304 lucky rgs? Yes I've always liked the Boss but I had an unfortunate experience back in the early 80s when I rented a room in a house owned by a friend who was crazy about her 'Bruce'. Se played him non-stop for about 3 years- and then became a dyke when her boyfriend left her ( too much Bruce I expect) and was last heard of living up north somewhere where a lot of the dykes congregate. Incidentally, why are dykes so-called? Is it because like the dykes to hold water they are usually robust and stout, broad shouldered? I think we should be told.

Anyway always liked this one

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Ths first beer after a hot day in the fields is sheer bliss, it reminds me of the time I was a postman in Bristol. Up early, leaping over hedges,scurrying up and down steps, ramming the latest Vogue magazine through the mailbox to smack that snarling Alsation in the teeth, it was energetic stuff and by 7.00 am one was famished. Breakfast never tasted so good, fried bacon and eggs with fried tomato, baked beans and toast, wonderful! It's not exactly suffering but the hard work makes the reward so much more pleasurable.

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