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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Bkk don't listen, well tomorrow it will be packed at Rama 2 for Ying lee concert and sat is anniversary of fan tv at Prapredeng, put on by Grammy gold. Although there are less concerts about these days luktung has never been more popular. Here is quite a rare film of luktung from 30 years ago. Somewhere, next part maybe he says luktung will never be as popular as Thai Sakhon! Pop and string are more popular with the young though, especially K pop (yuk)

The son of Surapon is in this film, some interesting bits in the whole thing.

Last taxi I got into on Friday he had waipot on then chai mun cing, never heard a taxi playing string yet!

Love it, love your local knowledge as well.

You will well know that Praphra daeng and its ugly sister Prasamut Chedi are Mon regions of Bkk.

My mrs, her mother and her grandmother are Mon.

Check out Songkran Mon Vs Songkran Bkk.

Jeez, I am almost pissing my pants here, I have been to more Likay concerts in PPD than your normal Thai, guess thats what happens when you marry a mair yok?

Agree KPop sux.

Get your ass to the cinema at Prakhanong and watch some serious Likay.

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We live in Prasamut chedi and it's as rough as a badgers bum. They have sonkkran a week later here around pra preadng, Don't know much about likay apart from the cross over singers to luktung, do you know the names of any famous troupes? They certainly spend a bit on malis but a lot of them are fake of course with the singer giving the money to fans to give them back for face. Even so it's well known women fans can spend a fortune on their favourites, the hero often being a small feminine sort like Chaiyi Meechai or Gung Suttirat

Is there still a cinema at Prakhanong where is it?

Edited by jacky54
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Chedi LOL, Suksawad Rd, yeah you are correct its hardly Thong Lor.

The mrs has family that live just off Theparek in PPD, just under the bridge beside the wat (sorry cant remember its name).

There is a temple beside Big C on Theparek that hosts these Likay concerts.

There used to be a piece of waste ground on On Nut 17 beside soi Hollywood that hosted Likay concerts, it was like a fun fair with Thai syle bingo, air rifles etc etc.

had to pay 20 baht for the use of a plastic seat, some of the old timers just brought matts and sat on them for free.

Old biddies, young kids running wild and a couple of barking soi dogs, I usually retired to the beer tent and knocked back Leos with the locals.

Sorry bad grammar on my part ref Prakhanong cinema, I was reminiscing back to a bygone era, that part of town has changed beyond all recognition with all the new condos.

I dont think it ever recovered from the financial crisis of 97/98 when at least 4 dept stores closed.

Down at the other end of Pridi at the Klong Tan end its pretty much as it was, still have the old wooden houses etc beside the market.

If you know that part of town, if you are at the traffic lights with the police box on your RH side and you are turning left to go to Petchaburi Rd, right on the corner on your LH side is a 5 storey complex.

The mrs used to work in there sewing up these Likay costumes, some of them cost a fortune.

The mrs has met most of them, her favourites are, Pornthip and the old guy with the bad arm known as "loong" Yong.

On the cable tv we have in the house, there is a channel dedicated to Likay, 4050, Rose Media & Entertainment channel, the mrs thinks its the greatest thing since sliced bread. LOL.

Happy days indeed.

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rgs you're from the US right? I'm from England and although we've produced many great bands from The Beatles, Stones Who to the Pink Floyd, etc, we lack a certain emotional traditional grounding, for want of better words. We have a folk tradition, Fairport, Sandy Denny, etc, but it's a tiny minority, there are no communities steeped in gospel, country, bluegrass, blues. There are differences in the UK,, but they are not really community based. The country is far too small and connected for that.

So in the US you have all these different genres,blues from the delta, Cajun,mountain folk music, New Orleans jazz, southern rock, west coast, country rock,Chicago blues etc. I get a sense of identity, geography ,from the bands, a sense of style like a painter daubing his canvas in a certain way.

I like that.

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BN^^^^, sorry not from the land of Uncle Sam, in fact when I visited they told me they couldnt understand me, although their grandparents could, work that out.

English speak, do you want a lift to the car park?

Pasat American, do you need a ride to the parking lot?

Nowhere has produced a band like this, I repeat NOWHERE.

BC, one of the best.

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5555 I remember you slagging off 'whispering' Bob Harris a few weeks ago- no yank would have even heard of him. Being a 'nice' middle class hippie I always liked him, I remember reading in 1972 he had over 1,500 albums in his bedroom. I envied him until I heard his dad was a cop ..... never mind, it takes all sorts to make the world go round.

There are a lot of things worse than peace and love!

Music is like food, because I like somtam, that doesn't mean I don't like tom yam kung.

All depends on the mood, atmosphere , place but it's also nice to have commitments,and there are few more dedicated than the Hawkwind fans

Fasten the seat belts...

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^^^^, as Midnight Oil once asked us, "whats so funny about peace love and understanding (sorry cant remember the song name)?

I am giving you a "greenie" for two reasons, thanx for the laugh about Old Whispering, but more importantly for the HW, Space Ritual, what an album, never bettered.

Probably one of the Hawks best ever trax,

Set the controls for the heart of the sun, get those wah wah pedals set to full max.

The only other band I can think of who were so despised by the music press and Whispering Bob would be Black Sabbath.

That tawat would rather talk about obscure prog rock band no one had heard of such as PFM or Focus, much loved by the upper 6th, or his other favourites, Little Feat (LG was a heck of a slide player) the tawat totally ignored what was happening in the UK at the time, thankfully Punk came along and blew them out the water.

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Not going to argue with you, IMHO they only released two decent albums, Morrison Hotel and LA Woman.

The rest were nothing more than the drunken ramblings of a madman.

These days I prefer to listen to this, note, NOT Whispering Bob doing the intro.

The utterly brillaint DG, they tell me these days he refuses to play this song.

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