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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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BN, do you remember in the early '90s the guys with the bootleg cassette tapes, 25 baht I think they were.

Used to buy them by the boatload, if after 3 songs I didnt dig them, out the window they went, some guy downstairs probably couldnt understand why it was raining cassette tapes.

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55555.. deep down in your psyche rgs, there's a hippy dancing joyously, competing with the hard street -wise punk of Lou Reed-,

The ego- free communal joy of true Buddhism, having seen through the games people play, .....coupled with Nietzsche railing against false optimism in any romantic realities, ie live your life amor fati- love your fate- take on all challenges, embrace suffering for it will make you stronger...., can be a powerful combination


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"From the scientific point of view it is now very likely that there will be again another Ice Age, quite soon, in the world, that we shall have the north part of the world all frozen like it used to be, and we're beginning to have natural disasters, from the scientists' study it seems likely that we should soon begin to have these great changes in the earth's climate so people will not be able to live where they have, and the oceans will rise, and many cities will be flooded, like London, and Calcutta, and so on. These things, they say, will happen, according to scientific theory, in about forty years at the most, but maybe even quicker."


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