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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Jacky, I always liked that song by Sanya Nirandon but the good version has been removed by youtube- ( Grammy perhaps?) and there's just a version with his vocals turned right down Never mind, here's a country classic

Edited by bannork
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Ironically rgs, I was playing the Johnny Nash version to my students in our summer camp yesterday, perfect for a singalong, though the lyrics make little sense in Thailand, especially in a time of drought.!

By the way I think soibiker, hence forward following your initial programme known as sb, has just insulted db- he said there were a lot of easy listening songs being played on this forum! lol.

I'have to say rgs, I'm worried about your Sweet preferences. I was lucky, when the sh.t hit the fan in the early 70s and Mud, Bay City Rollers,etc preened before the cameras. I was already immune being 18 with a solid grounding in the rock classics via Hendrix, Floyd Rory etc behind me, but I fear yourself as a much younger soul from Blighty may have fallen under their evil influence. You must have been a mere toddler then of 5 or 6, perhaps happily playing with your first lego set when mother turned on TOTP and there they were, the ultimate in bad taste, shamelessly mocking the hallowed halls of rock with their trite trash. And you, in your youthful innocence,wide-eyed and enjoying a cup of Ovaltine before bedtime, may have subconsciously absorbed glitter rock as the hallmark of quality rock.

Psychiatrists say the first 5 years of life make an indelible impression, I was so lucky, the first song I heard on departing the womb was the one below.

Meanwhile Johnny Nash, what a great song.

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Ironically rgs, I was playing the Johnny Nash version to my students in our summer camp yesterday, perfect for a singalong, though the lyrics make little sense in Thailand, especially in a time of drought.!

By the way I think soibiker, hence forward following your initial programme known as sb, has just insulted db- he said there were a lot of easy listening songs being played on this forum! lol.

I'have to say rgs, I'm worried about your Sweet preferences. I was lucky, when the sh.t hit the fan in the early 70s and Mud, Bay City Rollers,etc preened before the cameras. I was already immune being 18 with a solid grounding in the rock classics via Hendrix, Floyd Rory etc behind me, but I fear yourself as a much younger soul from Blighty may have fallen under their evil influence. You must have been a mere toddler then of 5 or 6, perhaps happily playing with your first lego set when mother turned on TOTP and there they were, the ultimate in bad taste, shamelessly mocking the hallowed halls of rock with their trite trash. And you, in your youthful innocence,wide-eyed and enjoying a cup of Ovaltine before bedtime, may have subconsciously absorbed glitter rock as the hallmark of quality rock.

Psychiatrists say the first 5 years of life make an indelible impression, I was so lucky, the first song I heard on departing the womb was the one below.

Meanwhile Johnny Nash, what a great song.

BN, good to hear from you old friend.

For me, early '70s were, Roxy Music (before they went shyt) Bowie (before he went shyt with his druggie albums) Elton John, before he went all shyt, Queen, before they went all prog rock.

I still remember the sneers from the prix in the 6th forum with their Genesis, ELP and Yes albums, whilst I had Space Ritual.

Ovaltine before bed, LOL, it was usually a back hander, then upstairs to listen to 208 radio Luxemborg.

Thankfully punk and John Peel came along to rescue me.

Rory came later, as did Neil Young and Traffic.

Good gawd man, I am stunned, are you a TEFLr old chap?

Never mind, feast your ears on this classic, banned by the Beeb.

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BN, I remember a few years ago my brother scoring tickets for the Stones in the early '80s.

Great gig by the way.

My father was most disparaging, are those, rant removed for PC reasons that didnt exist in those days, still going?

My father saw them in some dump of a dancehall in Blackpool and wasnt impressed, see above for details, no comment.

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5555 Northern dance halls rgs, places where even the cockroaches were afraid to be seen. my brother recently got married for the third time ( as it was for his betrothed, so surely double third time lucky) he got married in Spain but had a party somewhere near Blackburn in a Northern Working Man's club. From all accounts it was a shabby venue with a worn carpet, too dark lighting and naturally a bad comedian.

I see from your comments regarding prog rock etc that you were so unlucky to be coming of age musically when that pretentious crap was in full bloom. The 6th room sneers! 5555. If you had been born 10 years earlier, samplers like Nice Enough to Eat, "Fill your head with Rock , that wonderful era when Hendrix and Lulu could be on the same bill, on TV was in full swing . Amazing really.. I was born too late myself, after leaving school in 73 I took a year off and being a naive idiot,I went to teach in an approved school in Stoke to 'do some good' !

Being young and from a middle class home I had no real comprehension that some kids didn't have that warmth and the confidence that comes from growing up in a close and loving family

Conversation first day went along these lines:

'Hey you, teacher, ave yer got any ferkin music ?'

' Why, yes, I've got Dark side of the Moon ( no need to say who by) and The 6 Wives of Henry VIII by Rick Wakeman

'Who the ferk is Henry VIII?'


rip Keith Emerson, loved this album, The Nice were full of passion and energy.

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5555 Northern dance halls rgs, places where even the cockroaches were afraid to be seen. my brother recently got married for the third time ( as it was for his betrothed, so surely double third time lucky) he got married in Spain but had a party somewhere near Blackburn in a Northern Working Man's club. From all accounts it was a shabby venue with a worn carpet, too dark lighting and naturally a bad comedian.

I see from your comments regarding prog rock etc that you were so unlucky to be coming of age musically when that pretentious crap was in full bloom. The 6th room sneers! 5555. If you had been born 10 years earlier, samplers like Nice Enough to Eat, "Fill your head with Rock , that wonderful era when Hendrix and Lulu could be on the same bill, on TV was in full swing . Amazing really.. I was born too late myself, after leaving school in 73 I took a year off and being a naive idiot,I went to teach in an approved school in Stoke to 'do some good' !

Being young and from a middle class home I had no real comprehension that some kids didn't have that warmth and the confidence that comes from growing up in a close and loving family

Conversation first day went along these lines:

'Hey you, teacher, ave yer got any ferkin music ?'

' Why, yes, I've got Dark side of the Moon ( no need to say who by) and The 6 Wives of Henry VIII by Rick Wakeman

'Who the ferk is Henry VIII?'


rip Keith Emerson, loved this album, The Nice were full of passion and energy.

Was it Werrington House in Stoke?

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The school itself was outside Stoke roo860 but it was a modern building unlike Werrington House, One day we took the kids in a minivan to watch Stoke play at home,a desperate winter's day in The Midlands.

And here the heat is on and it will be for at least the next 2 months

A remix of one of The Abbey Road classics

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Henry VIII, nice one, up my way they would probably have asked, is he a muslim, how did he get 6 wives?

Anyway I often see you reminiscing fondly about your time spent in The East Riding of Yorkshire, so here a little something to remind you of what you are missing.

A camp Yorkshire man, what an accent, this guy could get laughs just be reciting a phone directory.

I fear you are too young, smart and intelligent to be wasting time upcountry, come down to the capital where Opportunity Knocks.

I think there is a writer in you somewhere.

Never mind following the Hippie Dream.

Heres one from one of Neils worst ever albums.

The Wooden Ships were just a hippy dream, LOL

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rgs, luckily no one reads this thread otherwise I will be shot down over this next remark- the term Northern comedian is an oxymoron (with the exception of Eric Morecambe) and believe me there were plenty of morons- Bernard Manning, Jimmy Tarbuck, the Likely Lads, The Liver Birds,etc.. As a southerner I don't think you know quite how lucky you are.

When I was 16 I hitchhiked to the south in the summer holidays to get a job. I ended up working in a coat- hanger factory in Kent earning 20 quid a week. I saved up enough money for a good stereo but being a tight basta..rd, I hitch- hiked back to home in Hull- buses weren't cheap at that time.

I got stuck somewhere on the road from Bawtry,,turning off from the A1 to the road to Hull. There was no traffic at 2.00 am. I went to the police station and asked if I could sleep on the bench in the reception area for a few hours.

Yer cum struutin in ere thinkin it's an otel and yer can jus settle dun for the night, laddie this ain't the Ritz, now gerrout, fer I book yer

Even In August at 2.00 am the streets in East Yorkshire can be cold, walking along I came to one of those sturdy red telephone boxes, and curled up on the concrete floor with a view of a coal fired power station nearby belching out its poisonous fumes from these enormous chimneys 24 hours a day. You can't believe the size of those chimneys,, and all along the road these desolate grimy terraced houses.

Not many people know Bob Dylan visited Humberside in the mid 60s

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BN old chap, I fear you have misjudged me, I aint no,

Often the tears are running down my face as I piss myself laughing at your succinct observations of life oop north, I can recognise exactly what you talk of.

Grim working mens clubs with Les Dawson mother in law jokes, strippers on a Sunday afternoon, cheap crap beer for the masses, usually Skol lager or Double Diamond.

That track by Dylan is one of my favourites, they are selling postcards for the hanging, great stuff, the circus is in town, puts her hands in her back pocket Bette Davis style.

Plenty of decent bootlegs from that 1966 tour available, they also include Visions of Johanna and Baby Blue.

Correct me if I am wrong, wasnt the Judas concert recorded in Manchester?

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