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Going On A Cruise Next Year To Japan

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hi, next year, after a visit to the UK, by my thai girlfriend, we will return to thailand in May, marry, then fly to china for a short cruise ( honeymoon), calling at china, south korea and japan. My thai gf, does not need a visa for korea, and she believes she can quite easily get a china visa. but she is a bit concerned about the japan visa. she tells me, all they require are copies of her bank statement showing she has enough money in there to support herself.

we will be in hiroshima for 1 day, then tokyo for 2 days, then fly to hong kong. if need be, i can put 200,000 baht in her account in january.

i will phone the Japanese embassy in bkk on monday, and see what they say. my gf does not want to use a thai visa company ( to get the china and japan visa ). though if she is declined for either, then she will.

does anyone have any idea how much they will want to see in her bank account? when she asked them, they were not very forthcoming.

and will the china visa be quite straightforward, as my gf claims?

my gf told me she could get the visas no problem, they will be easy to get. i have now booked the holiday, and now it seems it will be a little more complicated to get the visas. anyone had any dealings with getting a visa for china or japan for their gf, or can offer any advice.

thanks alot

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My Wife has had several China visas. We live in HK so have always applied for them in HK so might be a slightly different procedure than applying in Thailand, however my wife and lots of other Thai's we know have never had any problems getting the China visa. Should be OK :)

Hong Kong and South Korea she will get a visa on arrival so no problem there. Sorry no clue about Japan.

Edited by deankham
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hi, thanks for the replies. i phoned the japanese embassy in BKK. they advised as i am paying for the cruise, i should write an accompanying letter, like a sponsor letter, which details our relationship, mention i am paying for the holiday,and details of the holiday. i should also provide copies of my bank statements and employment details. my girlfriend also has to show she has enough money in her bank account, to support herself ( even though i am paying ). i suggested to the visa lady at the embassy that i could deposit a large sum in her account in january. she advised me against this. instead i will transfer smaller amounts each month. my letter might help a small bit, but the main emphasis will be on my girlfriend's application.

i will probably do the same for the china application.

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