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Disrespect For Law The Root Of Thailand's Woes: Chuan

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Disrespect for law the root of country's woes: Chuan

By The Nation

Former prime minister Chuan Leekpai yesterday blamed people's disregard of laws for many of the country's current problems.

Chuan, the chief adviser to the ruling Democrat Party, said people had a better understanding about democracy these days than in the period immediately after the political system became a constitutional monarchy. However, many people still lacked a good understanding of their responsibilities.

"When people know about their rights, they should also be taught about the [accompanying] duties. We must teach people about regulations and respect for duty. The problems stem from failure to respect the laws," he said.

Chuan, who practised as a lawyer before entering politics more than four decades ago, cited as an example the severe insurgent violence in the deep South, which he blamed on a leader who "failed to respect the rules and resorted to unlawful means" of addressing the insurgency.

"Today both Buddhists and Muslims suffer. Failure to address the problem with the principle of law led to new problems. Being strictly true to the law may not solve all problems, but I can guarantee that this way, you won't see the country going backwards," he said.

The remarks appeared to be a thinly veiled attack against fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, whose government adopted a hardline stance against dissident Muslims.

Chuan made the remarks in a speech titled "Thai Representatives in the People's Hearts" at Thammasat University during an academic panel discussion organised to mark the anniversary of the death of Prince Rapi Pattanasak, who is regarded as the father of Thailand's modern laws.

A former leader of the Democrat Party, Chuan told the audience he was convinced politicians who respect the rules and laws would also refrain from becoming corrupt.

He said the country's political changes had also engendered corruption among politicians. He estimated that more than half of parliamentarians were elected because they bought votes.

Chuan called on younger aspiring politicians to embrace the goal of becoming professionals, and not to enter politics to protect their families' business interests or to make personal gains.


-- The Nation 2010-08-07

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Mr Chuan has a valid point , public disobiedience can't be tolerated ,but the government needs to take control , so that law and order are maintained, instead of letting things roll on into bigger issues , the soft option proccess never pleases anyone and In a democracy , generally people take pride in thieir country and heritage.:)


It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.


If they want to weed out corruption they need to start at the top and work down...but something tells me the politician's will start at the bottom and never get to the top! Just call me cynical. :whistling:


It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.

I don't recall anyone ever accusing Chuan of any corruption. He is considered to be one of the most honest PM's Thailand has ever had. Back up your statement with a fact or two.


It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.

I don't recall anyone ever accusing Chuan of any corruption. He is considered to be one of the most honest PM's Thailand has ever had. Back up your statement with a fact or two.

While it is true that he is considered to be among the more honest Thai PMs, his government collapsed over corruption charges. It appears that he wasn't personally involved, but there it is. He will be forever tarnished by his associations both with fellow politicians and even within his own family.


He's right but it goes further than that. Thailand's woes, and the World's in general, stem from people's lack of respect, period.

If people don't respect each other on a personal level how are they going to respect the rules set by others?

These days people, more and more, have respect for only one thing.



It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.

I don't recall anyone ever accusing Chuan of any corruption. He is considered to be one of the most honest PM's Thailand has ever had. Back up your statement with a fact or two.

While it is true that he is considered to be among the more honest Thai PMs, his government collapsed over corruption charges. It appears that he wasn't personally involved, but there it is. He will be forever stained by his associations both with fellow politicians and within his own family.

If guilt by association were a measurable offense, every one of us would be in jail.


If they want to weed out corruption they need to start at the top and work down...but something tells me the politician's will start at the bottom and never get to the top! Just call me cynical. :whistling:

What is your definition of the 'top'? There's the 'top' and then there's the 'TOP'. It needs to start at the 'TOP' but it never will, unless there is drastic change. I don't see that coming anytime soon. I think there also needs to be clarity in the fact that politicians have no real power to stop corruption. Why would they even want to? It's not in their best interest.


Start by enforcing the law. Of course that would mean a whole new police force

Couldn't agree more, Deez. The root of the problem here is not the respect or the lack of respect for the law. Thai people are very much like any other nationals.

The big difference between Thailand and say a European country, is that the Police here is utterly incompetent, unwilling and unable to enforce the law.

Even worse, the Police breaks the law constantly. And people see that and think, if our law enforcement officers can do, we can do too and get away with it.

Thailand has some goos laws, but the enforcement is almost always a catastrophe. And this creates this total ignorance for the law here.


Agreed...but what amazes me is with such a lack of enforcement the Thais do quite well doing things properly. Here in Pattaya, you can do just about whatever you want in full view of the police and they will do nothing. Run a red light, pass on the left or right shoulder, jump lights, 3 lane turns while totally blocking other lanes...and let's not even start with the scooters...many are just plain crazy the way they drive.

So, given the current state of affairs, I'm amazed it isn't total chaos like in some Middle East and African countries!


If they want to weed out corruption they need to start at the top and work down...

but something tells me the politician's will start at the bottom and never get to the top! Just call me cynical. :whistling:

Well this explains why Chaun groom and isolate Abhisit from the normal shenanigans of political life

as much as he could. We have the least corrupt PM at the top in possibly Thailand's history.

Is he untainted by anything, pure as a new born babe etc yada yada yada, no it is at present an impossibility.

But is he the man working top down to limit and minimize corruption when he can? IMHO yes.

So believing the laws are valid and can be respected and observed/obeyed and not letting

profiteering over-ride the laws is the main need. We have someone for good or ill has applied

'the LAWS as written' to most situations he could, the side screaming blood murder about

'unfairness' and not getting their way, is the side that habitually ignores the laws unless

they benefit for them in a substantial way.


It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.

I don't recall anyone ever accusing Chuan of any corruption. He is considered to be one of the most honest PM's Thailand has ever had. Back up your statement with a fact or two.

While it is true that he is considered to be among the more honest Thai PMs, his government collapsed over corruption charges. It appears that he wasn't personally involved, but there it is. He will be forever tarnished by his associations both with fellow politicians and even within his own family.

You can't in reality be having a stick to hold over ever wild dog in the country's forest,

even if you are head of the nation. Nor can you do more than remonstrate to family members

that their bad acts reflect on your good works. Cain and Able, You can't be your brothers keeper,

etc. Being a national leader / PM is basically; putting out fires as the come up, in order of severity,

and trying to put in place infrastructure that keeps more fires from cropping up in future.

Some PM 's have worked in this logical and patriotic fashion, others have lit the fires themselves,

or ignored some fires and put out only those that didn't benefit them. Some have handed out matches

wholesale as long as the burnt offerings came their way, on schedule and large enough.


It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.

K. Chuan is probably the poorest of all politicians. He may not always be effective, but IMHO almost everyone would agree he's honest!


It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.

I don't recall anyone ever accusing Chuan of any corruption. He is considered to be one of the most honest PM's Thailand has ever had. Back up your statement with a fact or two.

Yes, Chuan is one of the good ones


Yes, Chuan is one of the good ones

Sure, he's drawing the best cartoons during international meetings. I'm eager to see his first exhibition.


It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.

I take it you don't agree with him because he in your understanding is being hypocritical.

Makes no difference to me . He is pretty much right on with what he says. There are other things that can have a bearing but for the most part it is disrespect for the law.


If they want to weed out corruption they need to start at the top and work down...

but something tells me the politician's will start at the bottom and never get to the top! Just call me cynical. :whistling:

Well this explains why Chaun groom and isolate Abhisit from the normal shenanigans of political life

as much as he could. We have the least corrupt PM at the top in possibly Thailand's history.

Is he untainted by anything, pure as a new born babe etc yada yada yada, no it is at present an impossibility.

But is he the man working top down to limit and minimize corruption when he can? IMHO yes.

So believing the laws are valid and can be respected and observed/obeyed and not letting

profiteering over-ride the laws is the main need. We have someone for good or ill has applied

'the LAWS as written' to most situations he could, the side screaming blood murder about

'unfairness' and not getting their way, is the side that habitually ignores the laws unless

they benefit for them in a substantial way.

Good point

"the side screaming blood murder about

'unfairness' and not getting their way, is the side that habitually ignores the laws unless

they benefit for them in a substantial way. "

We just had a prime example of that in Bangkok by the red shirts

So when ever some one hears cries like that just remember what happened in Bangkok by people who cried unfair. That was a extreme case but you see the possibility. What would have happened if they had some brains in the leaders..SCARREY.


I learned in the army that respect has to be earned... it is not a right which comes with position.

When nobody respects the police who are meant to uphold the law...what do they expect??


Mr Chuan has a valid point , public disobiedience can't be tolerated ,but the government needs to take control , so that law and order are maintained, instead of letting things roll on into bigger issues , the soft option proccess never pleases anyone and In a democracy , generally people take pride in thieir country and heritage.:)

Democracy? When...?? Where....??


did he mention anything about the coup, the reign of PAD?

I don't remember to hear him say something that time.

Still ranting about the coup. Given how the reds have burnt Thailand, I can understand why PAD wanted Taksin out. Can you imagine how much corruption there would if the reds suceeded and gained control of the country. The reds have given us display of disrespect for the law during their burning, rioting, killing days.


Mr Chuan has a valid point , public disobiedience can't be tolerated ,but the government needs to take control , so that law and order are maintained, instead of letting things roll on into bigger issues , the soft option proccess never pleases anyone and In a democracy , generally people take pride in thieir country and heritage.:)

Democracy? When...?? Where....??

Democracy, I quote what people do in a democracy, they have pride in themselves and country, I fail to see this pride in the Thai democracy, maybe I stand corrected here ,but its hard to find.


People only love and respect democracy when those democratic institutions are turning out the decisions they personally agree with.

As soon as a decision, however "democratically" arrived at, is reached that they disagree with they become The Mob.

I use the " " as democracy means many different things to different people. The only true democracy is a referendum on every issue where voting is mandatory even if the vote registered is a "I don't care". But that is almost totally unworkable and would rely on the voters having full and unfettered access to the facts and the truth.

Those two words "facts" and "truth" instill fear into the hearts of politicians worldwide.

Still in Thailand it might work to redistribute the wealth better as the politicians would have to be out every week buying votes. :whistling:


It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.

I don't recall anyone ever accusing Chuan of any corruption. He is considered to be one of the most honest PM's Thailand has ever had. Back up your statement with a fact or two.

Yes, Chuan is one of the good ones

Or he has never been caught

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