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Wedding Planners - Nakhon Si Thammarat


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NST is not exactly the wedding mecca of Thailand as nice as it is. I very much doubt they will have one there but I know of one who travels throughout Thailand marrying people. PM for the details if you want them. Good luck :D

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Thanks H2ODunc, I know my preference is Samui and not NST , Dunc is this the same person I may have previously PM'd you about? If so I have contacted her again today to see if she is able to do it or knows someone locally. Thanks again.

GL - Yeah your probably right simple is best, but with 60+ guests coming from Australia and 500 odd Thai guests we need to put something together, we will be having a Budahist ceremony at my boyfriends home and would like to hold the party close by, which is made difficult by the fact we are in Australia - hence the wedding planner!!

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Try the big hotels, Twin Lotus, Ligor or Grand Park as they often do big weddings and I'm sure have someone dedicated to such occasions. Google for the websites.

Failing that there are a few wedding 'shops' that might be able to help, 'I Love You' is one that comes to mind. No experience because I got married before the Twin Lotus et al were built. I'll ask around for you tomorrow though.

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  • 4 months later...

My wife has just suggested 'why don't you hold the wedding party in picturesque Khanom' (approx 50 miles South of NST) on the beach (famous for being the only, along with my home town of Sichon, sea-area in the world with Pink Dolphins - which I've been lucky enough to have seen on two occasions!!! The beaches there are beautiful and largely unspoilt as it is the next tourist hotspot "just waiting to happen". There are several hotels in Khanom including 2 five-star hotels (for your Australian guests primarily I suppose) with other less expensive options available to cater for all. If you are interested, my wife can make some enquiries as to the feasibility of holding such a big wedding party on the beach and we can contact other parties for you (we already know personaly of some good food caterers that have provided excellent food for much larger sittings than this before (1,000+ my wife has just informed me). We are not wedding planners but my wife has done this sort of thing before with her sister and assures me that it would not be a problem to organise/arrange. We can even barter with the hotels and other services for discounts for you. If you want a 'traditionalThai' wedding this can also be arranged.

Let us know (if you are interested) and give us some more details such as on anticipated budgets/prices and anything else that might be relevant.

Edited by LivinginKata
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