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I was upgraded from 6mb to 8mb Indy last night after a technician called me at 10P.M. to help me with the wrong username they had SMS me.

This morning I am downloading torrents at average speed of 900kb/s using a private tracker.

I am very happy with 3bb 8mb indy and was very impressed with their service in getting me going.

I am getting my 8mb down and 600kbs up on speedtest to Los angeles.

if you are testing on speedtest.net that is a fake reading!!!

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I was upgraded from 6mb to 8mb Indy last night after a technician called me at 10P.M. to help me with the wrong username they had SMS me.

This morning I am downloading torrents at average speed of 900kb/s using a private tracker.

I am very happy with 3bb 8mb indy and was very impressed with their service in getting me going.

I am getting my 8mb down and 600kbs up on speedtest to Los angeles.

if you are testing on speedtest.net that is a fake reading!!!

what speedtest should i use then thanks


After using 8m Indy for a couple days now, I have to say I am pleased with making the switch. In normal web browsing, it "feels" about the same as Premier. Slows down a bit in the evening, but still very usable.

This is what I am loving...


  • 2 months later...

I am considering this switch at the moment. I download torrents and watch iplayer etc. My 3mb premier is fine for surfing and is pretty stable however for streaming video and downloads it isn't quite good enough. Was thinking that with 8mb or 12mb INDY i might get a bit more bandwidth for these services. However, i also like to trade stocks online and play cards sometimes which require a stable connection. Would you guys recommend sticking with premier or changing to INDY?

Any input appreciated.


Stick with Premier. The alternative is even worse.

Exactly - but it is all location, location, location....

Hey guys

Thanks for replying. Have you tried INDY Phil? I am located in Sansai, Chiang Mai and fairly close to the DSLAM i think. Not really had any issues with Premier except my downloads are limited to 400 kbps. I NEVER get more than this. I also have TOT 3mb and that seems to have improved a lot recently. In fact there isn't much between my connections and i pay 1090 a month for Premier and only 590 for TOT.


As for the OP - if you have premier service for 1000 baht, hold on to it unless they _seriously_ mess it up. Which is always a possibility. But if you're getting good international speeds, and no issues streaming youtube etc, then keep it.

I have 8M 3BB. It was total crap in the beginning, now it's a little better. I get the feeling they are screwing with the system constantly because it's very inconsistent. If I could get 3M premier for 1000 baht I'd probably switch to that. 2500 for 5M seems way overpriced, particularly because I don't trust 3BB to make this an actual "premier" line. For 1000 Baht, I'd take the risk, but not for 2500.

I've said this before but forget about speedtest.net - 3BB is cheating on that big time. It will always tell you everything is fine. Seems to be 3BB's major technical breakthrough:They found out how to cheat on speedtest.net! Thanks a lot.

I have TOT at my other house - seems surprisingly good now, almost better than 3BB. Which ISP is the best is something that changes every few months. The only way to be safe is to have them all. CAT was great. Then it turned to crap. True was great. Now it's not so. 3BB was great in the beginning - not anymore. Now TOT seems surprisingly good all of a sudden.


Stick with Premier. The alternative is even worse.

Exactly - but it is all location, location, location....

Hey guys

Thanks for replying. Have you tried INDY Phil? I am located in Sansai, Chiang Mai and fairly close to the DSLAM i think. Not really had any issues with Premier except my downloads are limited to 400 kbps. I NEVER get more than this. I also have TOT 3mb and that seems to have improved a lot recently. In fact there isn't much between my connections and i pay 1090 a month for Premier and only 590 for TOT.

No, but I've read enough complaints by people who have.


TOT has been pretty good lately i agree. I'm tempted to try a faster package with them as they are a lot cheaper than the 3 bb premier packages. The decision is so difficult because im on the Premier 3mb which is no longer available. If i could just switch back there would be no harm in experimenting.

In Chiang Mai we have AIS 3g which has really improved recently also. I keep this as a backup so effectively i have 3 ADSL connections at the moment and i can afford to let one go.

  • 8 months later...


I olan to change from Premier 3MB to Indy 9MB. Some members have experience in that? I am more and more unhappy with my premier package. While "rush hours" still simple radio streaming is not successfull. Early in the morning, it is fast. But then i sleep.

I am wonder what members report which use Indy packages and like to use webradio and videosites like youtube.


Im on the 9m/1m indy package the speeds are good. from 12:00-24:00 i average around 300-350kb from international sites, filesonic, fileserve. etc.... however like clockwork at 00:01-11:59 I get 900-1200kb from the same sites. radio and video streaming has never been a problem at any hour of the day unless the power goes out :)


I olan to change from Premier 3MB to Indy 9MB. Some members have experience in that? I am more and more unhappy with my premier package. While "rush hours" still simple radio streaming is not successfull. Early in the morning, it is fast. But then i sleep.

I am wonder what members report which use Indy packages and like to use webradio and videosites like youtube.


Ok, i just was in the 3BB Shop in the Threpasit Road Pattaya for change from Premier 3MB to Indy 9/1MB. He told me, i will take about 1-3 days. But i visit the Support Center on the backside of the building and aks if they can switch faster. He did it in 30 seconds. Now i check the line, and so far i am happy with it. Youtube, Webradio and downloads are fast. Write now with about 6-7MB.


The strangest part is "speedtest.com" tells me my D/L speed is 7.56/0.95MB almost any time of the day regardless of locations. :blink:

3BB cheats on speedtest.net. They're not even very clever about it, if you have a 23ms ping to the USA, you know it's fake. Ping should be between 200 and 300 ms.

I don't know how they do the faking, don't really care either, all that matters is speedtest.net is useless. I find it works to lesser known location though. Example I get the fake results to San Francisco (10mbit, 30ms ping), and 2.5Mbit and 250ms ping to Palo Alto, which is right next to San Francisco.

I am thinking to switch from my 10Mbit "pro" package to Premier. I think pro was supposed to have a 10:1 contention ratio - but I notice that Pro isn't available anymore, and the speeds have been bad for a month now so I don't think I get a 10:1 ratio now. Feels more like 1:25 or 1:50 (from past experience).

The only premier package 3BB still offers is 5Mbit for 2000 baht. Steep but if it works it will be worth it. True unfortunately doesn't deliver where I live.

On a totally unrelated though I wish they would offer bandwidth limited accounts that are not shared with anyone else. That way I'd get 10 GB / month (example) for a good price, and share only with others who have limited accounts. We could all do some torrenting but the pigs that are hogging the lines wouldn't interfere with us. A Belgian ISP released stats for their heaviest internet users - the biggest bandwidth hogs. The top guy had downloaded over 2TB of data in a month. Over 2,000 GB!! I don't want to share my lines with these people.

http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ uses a cache so speeds are fast. I have the simple 6 mb for 599 baht here in phuket Great deal I think


Last Result:

Download Speed: 6117 kbps (764.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 474 kbps (59.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Then compare with http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest

Flash (adobe) LA;

Download Speed: 1127 kbps

Upload Speed: 299 kbps


The strangest part is "speedtest.com" tells me my D/L speed is 7.56/0.95MB almost any time of the day regardless of locations. :blink:

3BB cheats on speedtest.net. They're not even very clever about it, if you have a 23ms ping to the USA, you know it's fake. Ping should be between 200 and 300 ms.

I don't know how they do the faking, don't really care either, all that matters is speedtest.net is useless.

The ISP isn't faking it. They're caching international access -- which is actually good for all of us, but it makes many speed tests give invalid results on international speeds.

See my Phuket Gazette articles. Start at http://phuketgazette.net/computers/ and look at the June 8 and June 16 articles.


Ok, i just was in the 3BB Shop in the Threpasit Road Pattaya for change from Premier 3MB to Indy 9/1MB. He told me, i will take about 1-3 days. But i visit the Support Center on the backside of the building and aks if they can switch faster. He did it in 30 seconds. Now i check the line, and so far i am happy with it. Youtube, Webradio and downloads are fast. Write now with about 6-7MB.

On www.PhuketInternetSpeed.com we've had several people change from 3BB Premiere to 3BB Indy. The 3BB staff invariably says that Premiere has faster international speeds. They've been proven wrong, over and over. The numbers are quite clear: cheaper Indy 3BB lines are almost always faster than more expensive Premiere 3BB lines.

The only problem with switching from 3BB Premiere (any speed) to 3BB Indy (any speed) in Phuket is that 3BB's service has gone steadily downhill. There are much better alternatives.

In fact, we're seeing that AIS's HSPA "3G" service is actually faster than any of the 3BB options - wireless internet, in Phuket, right now, is faster than wired 3BB service. Look at the numbers and see for yourself.

I've written about this in the Phuket Gazette. Go to http://phuketgazette.net/computers/ and look at the Live Wire article dated August 3. I have an update on AIS HSPA in last Saturday's edition of the Gazette. The Live Wire column will appear online later this week.


Ok, i just was in the 3BB Shop in the Threpasit Road Pattaya for change from Premier 3MB to Indy 9/1MB. He told me, i will take about 1-3 days. But i visit the Support Center on the backside of the building and aks if they can switch faster. He did it in 30 seconds. Now i check the line, and so far i am happy with it. Youtube, Webradio and downloads are fast. Write now with about 6-7MB.

On www.PhuketInternetSpeed.com we've had several people change from 3BB Premiere to 3BB Indy. The 3BB staff invariably says that Premiere has faster international speeds. They've been proven wrong, over and over. The numbers are quite clear: cheaper Indy 3BB lines are almost always faster than more expensive Premiere 3BB lines.

^^ Absolutely not my experience.

3BB Premier 5Mbit is way better than the 12Mbit connection I had prior to that. The main difference is that 3BB Premier 5Mbit doesn't waver - it's 5Mbit. Rush our or not, day or night, whatever. I haven't had to think about my internet connection since I got premier. A good indicator is that Skype works flawlessly, no delays, no outages.

I don't know about the older premier packages - those were way cheaper and I can very well imagine that 3BB at some point decided to just make them slower, e.g. bunch them in with the Indy allotment. TIT so they won't tell you this.


The strangest part is "speedtest.com" tells me my D/L speed is 7.56/0.95MB almost any time of the day regardless of locations. :blink:

3BB cheats on speedtest.net. They're not even very clever about it, if you have a 23ms ping to the USA, you know it's fake. Ping should be between 200 and 300 ms.

I don't know how they do the faking, don't really care either, all that matters is speedtest.net is useless.

The ISP isn't faking it. They're caching international access --

Kindly explain the difference?!

That was a rhetorical question - I know what caching is. It just makes the speed test sites useless. Of course in some ways it's speed test's problem - they should not allow caching of their content, and they could prevent this pretty easily. For instance, they could make up new, random data every time you run it, and verify the data on the client side via CRC. Do that over https and the ISP has no way of caching or cheating. But speed test isn't that advanced, unfortunately.

Another new development in Thai internet is remote co-hosting of servers. So when you access Microsoft.com, your connection will leave Thailand on a Microsoft-owned line which goes into Singapore, and from there uses Singapore's connection to the USA. The effect is that you're accessing that server as if it was hosted in Thailand. Your ISP isn't paying for the outgoing bandwidth, the private company is. Google, Apple, and Microsoft all have their own lines.


i definitly can say after a few days of change from Premier 3Mb to Indy 8Mb, that my connection is much faster then before. I see this on downloads,Webradio,Youtube and much more. So i am happy that i decided to change.

About the Support from 3BB. Yes, if you call the hotline, their support is terrible. They NEVER call back. NEVER. I living near the 3BB Support Center Pattaya Threpasit Road. If i have some issues, i go there and speak with the technicians. This works very welll.

Ok, i just was in the 3BB Shop in the Threpasit Road Pattaya for change from Premier 3MB to Indy 9/1MB. He told me, i will take about 1-3 days. But i visit the Support Center on the backside of the building and aks if they can switch faster. He did it in 30 seconds. Now i check the line, and so far i am happy with it. Youtube, Webradio and downloads are fast. Write now with about 6-7MB.

JOOC, did they advise you that if you are unhappy with non-Premier, that you can revert to your old Premier 3Mb at the old price?

I transferred my grandfathered Premier 3Mb account from Jomtien to Hua Hin last spring and am in the last month of a six-month prepaid package. When I was in the Hua Hin 3BB office, asking about changing to non-Premier the gal said I could try it, and if I was unhappy, they would reinstate my B1,090/mo Premier 3Mb plan. That was the first and only time I had heard that.

So, next month I think I will give it a try. Just wondering if they mentioned the ability to resume your Premier plan if you're unhappy with non-Premier.


yes indeed, they offered me to change back to the Premier package if i unhappy. No fees... But, they said also, that my Premier package is not longer available. So i have to choose another package.

I had the same package: B1,090/mo Premier 3Mb plan (incl. vat about 1166 Baht). About three years ago i choose the 2Mb package for this price. Later, they upgraded to 3Mb for the same price.

Anyway, so far i am happy with 9Mb Indy.

But, they said also, that my Premier package is not longer available. So i have to choose another package.

Hmmm. That's what I would expect, but the Hua Hin rep said I could get the same package and price reinstated, and I was leery. I will ask again before I change, I guess, and see what they say then.

Glad to hear that you (and others) have switched from the Premier 3Mb plan to non-Premier 9Mb and are satisified. That's very encouraging!

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