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Norwegian Arrested In Pattaya Underage Sex Bust

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The quickest way to take care of the problem is to make all prostitution illegal. Wait, it is illegal already in Thailand? They why are there so many hookers everywhere you look? Oh, lots of hungry policemen and politicians and mafia to feed their immorally ravaenous materialistic appetites.

And no bust here and there is going to curb the underage flesh trade. Where one is taken out there are three to take his/her place. And for every foreigner busted there are 100 Thai men gleefully plunging into underagers, going completely unnoticed.

Go ahead and do what you want, but know that paying for your sex only perpetuates the problem.

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India is really bad. I remember doing a 30 day tour with a private car and driver. We passed a really young girl sitting by the road one day. I asked what she was doing. He said she was a hooker...did I want to sleep with her? She was 12 years old...and according to the driver, not uncommon at all...sick...

I would submit this has been common knowledge for the past 50 years. Anyone who does not know about it is in denial or just plain dumb.

I'm neither in denial nor am I dumb. I did not know this. I hope you can accept that maybe it is common knowledge to you, but not to everybody. Peace.

Me too. Isn't it strange the specific knowledge some attain and perceive we all have! :ermm:

10 years ago I made a decision to retire to SEA. I had lived here as a young man. However I did check out all of the other retirement destinations both on the net and by talking to others in the same situation as myself. One of the reasons I never went to Goa to check out the beach was the reputation of drugs and child abuse.

I think it is prudent to know something about places you visit before you go.

Information about India and child abuse and child marriages is all over the place.


Too bad you missed out on Goa. There are some great places just outside the "crazy" zone. Fantastic, isolated beaches.

Info about child abuse and child marriages are all over the place for many, many countries...but that is not something many would specifically search for.

If child abuse keeps you from visiting countries, there are many you will miss out on...many are here in SEA including Thailand...

I've done thousands of hours of research on well over 100 countries. Visited 70 so far, and spent most of the past 6 years doing full time travel researching places to retire, as well as adventure travel (no home, just the hotel where I was sleeping...or tent...or train...or yurt...or whatever). And have never really run across info regarding this....but again, it was not something I was specifically searching for. I am sure it was there, but did not catch my attention.

But I do understand this is a problem world-wide. Pretty sad.


The quickest way to take care of the problem is to make all prostitution illegal.

I'd suggest the complete opposite. Make prostitution legal, after ensuring that you have a proper legal framework to vigorously prosecute underage sex etc. That way you get rid of most of the corruption that is rife in the prostitution business virtually everywhere.


Too bad you missed out on Goa. There are some great places just outside the "crazy" zone. Fantastic, isolated beaches.

Info about child abuse and child marriages are all over the place for many, many countries...but that is not something many would specifically search for.

If child abuse keeps you from visiting countries, there are many you will miss out on...many are here in SEA including Thailand...

I've done thousands of hours of research on well over 100 countries. Visited 70 so far, and spent most of the past 6 years doing full time travel researching places to retire, as well as adventure travel (no home, just the hotel where I was sleeping...or tent...or train...or yurt...or whatever). And have never really run across info regarding this....but again, it was not something I was specifically searching for. I am sure it was there, but did not catch my attention.

But I do understand this is a problem world-wide. Pretty sad.

I must admit it is pretty tricky finding the information. I had to type goa sex into google.


Feel sorry for the guy. Its natural that older guys like younger women. 16 is hardly 12 or 14 and she was blatantly selling her services? And as another poster stated who can tell the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old? The game has changed and the guy got caught out by the change. This could have happened to any guy taking a girl from the beach front, so I think some of you TV posters are being a bit hard on the guy since a good percentage of you would have done the same, not knowing the girl was underage? Be honest with yourself and admit it?


The quickest way to take care of the problem is to make all prostitution illegal. Wait, it is illegal already in Thailand? They why are there so many hookers everywhere you look? Oh, lots of hungry policemen and politicians and mafia to feed their immorally ravaenous materialistic appetites.

And no bust here and there is going to curb the underage flesh trade. Where one is taken out there are three to take his/her place. And for every foreigner busted there are 100 Thai men gleefully plunging into underagers, going completely unnoticed.

Go ahead and do what you want, but know that paying for your sex only perpetuates the problem.

You are spot on here.

The reason there is so many prostitutes in Thailand is a cultural one. Basically daughters are obliged to take care of their familys (mothers/fathers/etc), not the sons. If you are not very well educated (or are but can't find a job) then you will earn about 5000 baht a month working in Big C, etc (or 28 baht an hour in a 7/11). If you want to make much more money without doing 12 hrs a day then the only choice you have is to enter the sex industry. This encompasses many things, from being femail drinking company in bars to ladies that can be hired from karaoke bars, to freelancers walking the street. I am in a relationship and don't partake in this activity, but have spent enough time in Thailand/with Thais to know what goes on.


It is sadly a fact that underage sex workers are available in Pattaya and many other parts of Thailand. To imply they are the majority is absurd. One thing that does concern me is the increasing number of 50 plus ladies of the night, kind of an aesthetic blow on an already not very pretty situation.

How old are you?

:cheesy: da heat seaking Post! (old ladies - better camolfage for pot bellied, bald, skinny 'not very pretty' speciesmens senor)


The quickest way to take care of the problem is to make all prostitution illegal. Wait, it is illegal already in Thailand? They why are there so many hookers everywhere you look? Oh, lots of hungry policemen and politicians and mafia to feed their immorally ravaenous materialistic appetites.

And no bust here and there is going to curb the underage flesh trade. Where one is taken out there are three to take his/her place. And for every foreigner busted there are 100 Thai men gleefully plunging into underagers, going completely unnoticed.

Go ahead and do what you want, but know that paying for your sex only perpetuates the problem.

You are spot on here.

The reason there is so many prostitutes in Thailand is a cultural one. Basically daughters are obliged to take care of their familys (mothers/fathers/etc), not the sons. If you are not very well educated (or are but can't find a job) then you will earn about 5000 baht a month working in Big C, etc (or 28 baht an hour in a 7/11). If you want to make much more money without doing 12 hrs a day then the only choice you have is to enter the sex industry. This encompasses many things, from being femail drinking company in bars to ladies that can be hired from karaoke bars, to freelancers walking the street. I am in a relationship and don't partake in this activity, but have spent enough time in Thailand/with Thais to know what goes on.

How does that explain the male prostitutes?


Rule of thumb. Prostitution is legal. Underage prostitution is illegal.

Punters have to check their id's (which might be fake). Alice in Wonderland.

Prostitution is illegal in Thailand.


The reason there is so many prostitutes in Thailand is a cultural one. Basically daughters are obliged to take care of their familys (mothers/fathers/etc), not the sons. If you are not very well educated (or are but can't find a job) then you will earn about 5000 baht a month working in Big C, etc (or 28 baht an hour in a 7/11). If you want to make much more money without doing 12 hrs a day then the only choice you have is to enter the sex industry. This encompasses many things, from being femail drinking company in bars to ladies that can be hired from karaoke bars, to freelancers walking the street. I am in a relationship and don't partake in this activity, but have spent enough time in Thailand/with Thais to know what goes on.

Hi MaiChai

Holy cow --- that is a very narrow & simplistic view of a cultural " problem" that in no way affects the vast,vast,vast majority of poor Thai families. The moral standards of Thai rural families are in my view higher and considerably more strict than similar families in the west.

When did you last hear of a chaperone back home? Still in use here.

If your post somehow suggests that Thai parents encourage or promote their daughters into prostitution -- then I cannot disagree with you more strongly.

They would (and do) loose great face when a daughter takes up "the oldest profession".

Whilst I am very inexpert in these matters --- I am certain there are many other TV members who have considerable experience in this field -- who can contribute with absolute authority. :rolleyes:

I would put it to you that the vast majority of young ladies working in this field are doing so for reasons other than taking care of the "mothers/fathers/etc"

Such as: A personal lifestyle choice.

To care for their children and/or boyfriend.


For the last 6 years or so I have lived in Bangkok. Prior to that I lived upcountry. About 15 years in Thailand. I suppose in Bangkok you see the worsted of it. Those huge massage parlours up Ratchada Road, coffee shops all over the place, karaoke bars that don't have much singing going on (there is one at the end of my soi and the girls sit out on the pavement at night on plastic chairs waiting for customers; some of the girls have alot of bruises all over their legs), my girlfriends cousin is a Thai hostess (she sits with rich gentlemen and gives them company while they drink expensive whisky, and several times a week she goes with a customer), short time hotels (2hrs for about 200 baht), etc. Huey Kwang is a late night market that is specifically targeted at keeping the girls that work on Ratchada Road beautiful; I mean lots of clothes shops selling beautiful/sexy clothes, late night hairdresser/beautician shops, etc.

When I lived up country, there was not many beautiful girls around, and then at holiday times (like Songkran) loads of beautiful girls would return home to families. Not saying they were all on the game; just alot of them.

Getting back to beautiful girls. I would say in all honesty that most pretty girls in Thailand at some point in their lives have worked in the business. The only exception to this would be ladies from rich families, but even those receiving money from their families for studies, etc, might find they don't get enough to live the high life in Bangkok and might resort to dipping into the business to finance their lifestyle. Thats the way it is here, and it seems quite typical in many Chinese dominated cultures (I have similar experiences when living in Singapore and Malaysia and I believe its like that in parts of China, Hong Kong, Macau, etc).

So the economics really kick in here. The choice is a hard 12hr day job that will give you about 5000baht a month, or something a bit more risky with less hours and much higher pay. A lady has to do what she can to make ends meet? Whether you agree with it or not thats the way it works here. Men are prepared to pay and ladies are prepared to offer service.

Regarding education: there is alot of well educated Thais in Bangkok; not all of them can get good jobs. My stepdaughter studied at ABAC and got a degree in business and management, and ran up some serious debts in the process. Not my problem as she never consulted me on her education, so why should I take responsibility for it? She was sold a nice pitch about how an ABAC degree would open doors, etc. Reality is that she has now finished her degree and can't get a job. So she is selling soft drinks in a market stall for someone. All that education and now on a 5000 baht a month job. Sigh. TiT.

Regarding parents supporting prostitution. I had a young gf once; her father was two weeks older than me. I remember we took her mother to the bar where she worked! We had a good night out that night. Even her aunt worked in a neighbouring bar! I do remember her mother calling her corsely "a prostitute" when they fell out one time (I speak and read Thai enough to get by; even though this gf had a Khumer based home language). So the answer to your question is that alot of the parents know what their daughters get up to and they either don't talk about it or they don't acknowledge it.


Lets add to this envy and 'Keeping up with the Jones', social pressure.

In kow tow society every nuanced presence of being better off than your mates

puts pressure on them to also rise above you, or be forever subservient.

This happens from the most basic cluster of ladies in a massage shop,

up to the HiSo Kunyings and their ladies in waiting.

What's sad is the accumulation of possessions and power is more important than

HOW you do it. A few of my friend's ladies are fine till they visit home for 2 weeks

and then mom complains that her 'neighbors daughter did this or that sent this or that

for the family', suddenly formerly contented girls are worried about how to make the

family image look better through acquistions.

I know girls that went on the game simply because all their friends had MORE,

and they felt inferiors when their clothes were not as good, and the new phones came out.

No one asks are really cares HOW the phone was bought, just that they have it,

and their status in their circle goes up.

This is a top to bottom cultural phenomenon. ( well not 100% at the top)

(Footnote see Potjamin; a classic asocial social-climber, Thai style..)



RE: Polanski. 1) Thirteen doesn't make him a peado. Pretty sure peado is pre-pubescent


pre -pubescent, like 11 ? 12 is OK then ? :coffee1:

(in any case, the girl in the Polanskicase looked very much like a child on the photos of her at that time - not the other, later pics that can be found too )


Scandinavian countries have free sex. No need to come to Pattaya.

i am scandinavian. i hear this from time to time. all it tells me is that the person who says it is just taking everything he/she hears for a fact and will use it in conversations or discussions later on.

do you really think scandinavians sleep with anyone anywhere? maybe because you have seen it happen a couple of times? that is crap. i suggest you get to know some scandinavians before you make statements like that.

(your definition of free sex is ... ?)

by your name i take it you are thai, and i will have you know that what you say is utter nonsense.

i live in both countries and has done so for many years, and there is NO DOUBT easier to get sex (not buy, mind you)

in thailand than in scandinavia. thai girls (again, not talking girls selling sex here) will go to bed with a guy

on a much earlier stage than a scandinavian girl will. on any given night out in thailand, a guy has A LOT higher

chance to meet a girl who will spend the night with him, than he will have in scandinavia.

i know it because i live here and there.

i will also have you know that scandinavian girls have integrity and honor. and honesty is still highly regarded

here, while as in thailand lying is commonly accepted and widely used.

shame on you.


100 quid says the bar tipped off police, nothing will happen to mr pedo and the girl / bar / police will get a nice pay day. I've been in cowboy before (with girls my age and older) and asked how it worked when I saw several girls blatently underage.

Only thing that disgusts me big time with Thailand and messed up farangs, some are mentally younger then my sister and physically underage.



Scandinavian countries have free sex. No need to come to Pattaya.

i am scandinavian. i hear this from time to time. all it tells me is that the person who says it is just taking everything he/she hears for a fact and will use it in conversations or discussions later on.

do you really think scandinavians sleep with anyone anywhere? maybe because you have seen it happen a couple of times? that is crap. i suggest you get to know some scandinavians before you make statements like that.

(your definition of free sex is ... ?)

by your name i take it you are thai, and i will have you know that what you say is utter nonsense.

i live in both countries and has done so for many years, and there is NO DOUBT easier to get sex (not buy, mind you)

in thailand than in scandinavia. thai girls (again, not talking girls selling sex here) will go to bed with a guy

on a much earlier stage than a scandinavian girl will. on any given night out in thailand, a guy has A LOT higher

chance to meet a girl who will spend the night with him, than he will have in scandinavia.

i know it because i live here and there.

i will also have you know that scandinavian girls have integrity and honor. and honesty is still highly regarded

here, while as in thailand lying is commonly accepted and widely used.

shame on you.

What does having integrity, honor and truthfulness have to do with screwing?

Are you saying the only women who have round heels have no honor, integrity or honesty?

My oh my what kind of women are you sleeping with.

So the ladies of Scandinavia are cold fish and don’t want to bed men with much frequency, what does that have to do with honesty, integrity and honor?

So Thai women happen to like sex more frequently with more partners, so what?

What does being nice have to do with having sex?

Does it make a woman better if she goes to bed with a man on the 10th date rather than the first date?


Scandinavian countries have free sex. No need to come to Pattaya.

i am scandinavian. i hear this from time to time. all it tells me is that the person who says it is just taking everything he/she hears for a fact and will use it in conversations or discussions later on.

do you really think scandinavians sleep with anyone anywhere? maybe because you have seen it happen a couple of times? that is crap. i suggest you get to know some scandinavians before you make statements like that.

(your definition of free sex is ... ?)

by your name i take it you are thai, and i will have you know that what you say is utter nonsense.

i live in both countries and has done so for many years, and there is NO DOUBT easier to get sex (not buy, mind you)

in thailand than in scandinavia. thai girls (again, not talking girls selling sex here) will go to bed with a guy

on a much earlier stage than a scandinavian girl will. on any given night out in thailand, a guy has A LOT higher

chance to meet a girl who will spend the night with him, than he will have in scandinavia.

i know it because i live here and there.

i will also have you know that scandinavian girls have integrity and honor. and honesty is still highly regarded

here, while as in thailand lying is commonly accepted and widely used.

shame on you.

What does having integrity, honor and truthfulness have to do with screwing?

Are you saying the only women who have round heels have no honor, integrity or honesty?

My oh my what kind of women are you sleeping with.

So the ladies of Scandinavia are cold fish and don’t want to bed men with much frequency, what does that have to do with honesty, integrity and honor?

So Thai women happen to like sex more frequently with more partners, so what?

What does being nice have to do with having sex?

Does it make a woman better if she goes to bed with a man on the 10th date rather than the first date?

just letting samrit know scandinavian countries don't have free sex dude, people should be corrected when they're wrong. samrit said no need to go to pattaya for sex, i presume because samrit is under the impression that it's easier to get in scandinavia. (scandinavia is apparently overflowing with free and easy sex. not so.)


Scandinavian countries have free sex. No need to come to Pattaya.

i am scandinavian. i hear this from time to time. all it tells me is that the person who says it is just taking everything he/she hears for a fact and will use it in conversations or discussions later on.

do you really think scandinavians sleep with anyone anywhere? maybe because you have seen it happen a couple of times? that is crap. i suggest you get to know some scandinavians before you make statements like that.

(your definition of free sex is ... ?)

by your name i take it you are thai, and i will have you know that what you say is utter nonsense.

i live in both countries and has done so for many years, and there is NO DOUBT easier to get sex (not buy, mind you)

in thailand than in scandinavia. thai girls (again, not talking girls selling sex here) will go to bed with a guy

on a much earlier stage than a scandinavian girl will. on any given night out in thailand, a guy has A LOT higher

chance to meet a girl who will spend the night with him, than he will have in scandinavia.

i know it because i live here and there.

i will also have you know that scandinavian girls have integrity and honor. and honesty is still highly regarded

here, while as in thailand lying is commonly accepted and widely used.

shame on you.

What does having integrity, honor and truthfulness have to do with screwing?

Are you saying the only women who have round heels have no honor, integrity or honesty?

My oh my what kind of women are you sleeping with.

So the ladies of Scandinavia are cold fish and don’t want to bed men with much frequency, what does that have to do with honesty, integrity and honor?

So Thai women happen to like sex more frequently with more partners, so what?

What does being nice have to do with having sex?

Does it make a woman better if she goes to bed with a man on the 10th date rather than the first date?

just letting samrit know scandinavian countries don't have free sex dude, people should be corrected when they're wrong. samrit said no need to go to pattaya for sex, i presume because samrit is under the impression that it's easier to get in scandinavia. (scandinavia is apparently overflowing with free and easy sex. not so.)

Gotta tell ya dude, I got a lot more sex in the good old USA than Thailand and I have lived here for 6 years. Having sex less not make women bad it just makes them women who have sex less. Have no problem with you saying Scandinavian women have sex less than women in Thailand. The problem I had was with your reference to honesty, integrity and honor.

  • 8 months later...

My gut feeling is this guy was a part of a sting operation (unlucky) or just really dumb. For starters in Thailand if you get caught in a crime you can pay your way out before you get to the station. Once your at the station your screwed it'll take 20times more money to get out of if your busted by a few cops. But i know if your apart of a sting operation you can't pay your way out normally because too many people know about the case. That's just how things work.

If you want underage sex go to cambodia or America. I say america because 1 in three american women are fooled around with at a young age so it must be pretty rife there.

And no this guy is not a Pedophile, she is underage but she isn't a baby! Thai girls in this business are happy to do it and they are not forced into it, the ones who are forced into it are the burmese, loas, chinese girls. This girl didn't mind and nor should you guys.

Technically in Thailand if the girl doesn't press charges herself and her parents say it was ok nothing can happen to the guy, (though he'll still pay a fine but do no time). I watched not long ago a thai news channel of a 7y/o addicted to sex with her 40y/o neighbor and that the girl still lives there with her mom because her mom doesn't want to charge the neighbor she just wants her daughter to stop having sex and that's why she went to the media to get advice to stop her daughter having sex. That's a true story. The law does say it's illegal under 18 but the law also says that under 20y/o the parents have control over what the daughter can and cannot do, so the laws overlap each other meaning you can marry a 13y/o if the mom gives permission then you can have sex with her. I know of several couples who were married one 26 and the girl 13.

So basically he pays a dowry to the parents then he'll walk away, and so he should, this isn't the place for more Chris Hanson and the entrapment that stupid US cops pull every day.


From what I have seen based on a couple visits there, you'd be hard pressed to find a working girl that ISN'T underage in Patts.

That is complete rubbish! You may need an optometrist most urgently.

Dead right there JT but of course what you see in Pattaya does rather heavily depend on the places you frequent and the company you keep. :whistling:

Quite right guys. Old slappers vastly outnumber the ladies in their early 20s and underage girls are few and far between. :ermm:


When this 9 month old thread was resurected I thought it might have an update on what happened to the fellow arrested as detailed in the OP.

However, it turns out people just want to resume an old arguement. :bah:


It is sadly a fact that underage sex workers are available in Pattaya and many other parts of Thailand. To imply they are the majority is absurd. One thing that does concern me is the increasing number of 50 plus ladies of the night, kind of an aesthetic blow on an already not very pretty situation.

nothing to do with the increasing numbers of arab and indian folk is it ?:rolleyes:


From what I have seen based on a couple visits there, you'd be hard pressed to find a working girl that ISN'T underage in Patts.

He is lucky he is not American. He'd be facing some serious time when he returned home.

Of course he is --- then again the US has been chasing a well known paedo for the past 40 years ---- yet \mr Polanski is still free. As OJ said "best legal system money can buy"........... He wasnt talking about hailand

I am sorry, Mate! Sex with underage girl doesnt make you paedophile - paedophile biznes is with children(in case of girls it means:before puberty=no tits,no hair and no monthly sickness).

I dont claim,that children are not available in Pattaya,but underage girls and boyz? - in abundance.

Can you tell girl from child?the easy way is - listen to her speach,child talk in a same pitch of voice like Justin Bieber.

Polanski's girl was underage,not child at all,she had boyfriend already(sleeping boyfriend - same age:14) and she looked 18.

s..iit hit the fan,when she bragged to him about her experience with that famous moviemaker(fairly speaking,you can call him - sex-maniac,quite fair;may be he even suffered from mild satyriosis,but never paedophile)

Do you like Justin Bieber?


The female in the Video is most likely the farang's wife or girlfriend, not the supposed underage prostitute.

Note the "Blessing Strings" on the farang's wrists.

He had probably been to his lady friend's home recently to get these blessing strings.

and the female appeared to be tryng to help the farang.

And her attire, was not what you would find on a beach road or street prostitute.

Interesting point that the BIB were tipped off to the interlude between the farang and suspected underage girl.

How would anyone know her age without ID or personal knowledge of her.

That said, the Thai thing is young one's with white and soft skin.

Just ask any girl in her 20's. She will tell you she is old already.


From what I have seen based on a couple visits there, you'd be hard pressed to find a working girl that ISN'T underage in Patts.

He is lucky he is not American. He'd be facing some serious time when he returned home.

Of course he is --- then again the US has been chasing a well known paedo for the past 40 years ---- yet \mr Polanski is still free. As OJ said "best legal system money can buy"........... He wasnt talking about hailand

Did OJ say that? I've not seen any source gfor it.

And Polanski is not is free precisely because's he's not in America.


Who else on this board feels the crime rate in Patters in way off the charts.

Should be right to say the percentage of the population with dodgy attitudes and disposition is quite on the high side.

You have to ask yourself, what key element and influence has disrupted this pleasant coastal area of 30 years ago? It wasn't like this decades ago - have any guesses?

Sure ask yourself that -- I think it's worth noting this unpalatable side effect of war/foreign policy (Thai and US) and international tourism -- but if you are going toask that also ask who has allowed the change(s), made the change(s) and profited from it. (Personally, I don't look at in a paternalist or chauvinist fashion and assume that Thais are helpless in the face of foreign influences.) I'd also think you might ask yourself -- if you are inclined to reflect on such things or are bothered by the existence of Pattaya's infamous "nightlife" -- how the other 95% of the sex industry not catering to westerners has long flourished in the rest of the country.


You have to ask yourself, what key element and influence has disrupted this pleasant coastal area of 30 years ago? It wasn't like this decades ago - have any guesses?

ya ba happened


Try "the cold war happened", to start with.

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