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Pattaya Looks To Iran For Next Tourist Invasion


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Pattaya, Thailand - Pattaya resort, which kicked off its tourism career as a rest and recreation destination for American GIs in the Vietnam War, is looking for new warriors to storm its beaches.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Pattaya Office has decided to target Iran next year as a market for the resort after watching arrivals of Iranian tourists to the kingdom more than double last year, reaching close to 80,000.

"Firstly, they are rich," said TAT Pattaya director Niti Kongrut, explaining his Iranian offensive. "Secondly, they are sanctioned by Europe and the US because of their nuclear program

more here --- http://www.earthtime...t-invasion.html

Edited by Boater
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Oh Goody, more and better Iranian restaurants! Seriously. I do hope they don't allow in too many "stoners" though, as in people who have participated in Iran's legal system which includes the public stoning of adulterers and "sodomites" to death, with their heads sticking out, and their still live bodies buried helplessly in the ground. So I guess Thailand isn't much interested in helping the civilized world community to stop Iran from going nuclear; not too surprising looking at the history of Thailand (as in World War 2).

Edited by Jingthing
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"The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Pattaya Office has decided to target Iran next year as a market for the resort after watching arrivals of Iranian tourists to the kingdom more than double last year, reaching close to 80,000."

Don't you just love the TAT..... I can just imagine the meetings on new markets and strategy. "Right guys, who has recently started coming here that didn't come before"?

....."I heard there was a few Iranians here this time".... "OK lets promote Pattaya in Iran and yet again we can report we have done a great job promoting the City as the work is already done". "Up 50% already."



"Right meeting over, who's up for a soapy?"

Edited by changnaam
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I guess this is more bad news for the bars and nightclubs in the city. :unsure:

Not sure about that. I have noticed many free spending, drinking Iranians. I reckon many of those who want to party in a town like Pattaya are not among the more fundamentalist pro repressive government Iranians.

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I guess this is more bad news for the bars and nightclubs in the city. :unsure:

Not sure about that. I have noticed many free spending, drinking Iranians. I reckon many of those who want to party in a town like Pattaya are not among the more fundamentalist pro repressive government Iranians.

Oh I get it now. Thanks JT, my attempt at sarcasm was poorly veiled as ingnorance on my part. I will aim to be more literal next time around. Cheers.

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I guess this is more bad news for the bars and nightclubs in the city. :unsure:

Not sure about that. I have noticed many free spending, drinking Iranians. I reckon many of those who want to party in a town like Pattaya are not among the more fundamentalist pro repressive government Iranians.

Oh I get it now. Thanks JT, my attempt at sarcasm was poorly veiled as ingnorance on my part. I will aim to be more literal next time around. Cheers.

Sorry BKK, I missed your incoming sarcasm ...

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Nothing special against them, but on a recent walk down to Bali Hai at night, I felt like the only lonesome farang down there.

TAT should consider how to regain Western Tourists instead. Never seen Iranians buying houses or condos here.

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Nothing special against them, but on a recent walk down to Bali Hai at night, I felt like the only lonesome farang down there.

TAT should consider how to regain Western Tourists instead. Never seen Iranians buying houses or condos here.

Not saying about you, but many people can't tell the diff between Iranians and Arabs, even Indians etc., and they are very different.

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Nothing special against them, but on a recent walk down to Bali Hai at night, I felt like the only lonesome farang down there.

TAT should consider how to regain Western Tourists instead. Never seen Iranians buying houses or condos here.

they are, UK TV ran a tv series Big Trouble in Thailand, also the The Sun or News of The World ran a full two page spread, ' Young, British and Paying for Sex ' all circled around pattaya :whistling:

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Nothing special against them, but on a recent walk down to Bali Hai at night, I felt like the only lonesome farang down there.

TAT should consider how to regain Western Tourists instead. Never seen Iranians buying houses or condos here.

I sold a house to an Iranian several years ago. He did a runner when immigration came looking for him. He didn't lose the house though - he had already put it in a Thai girl's name.

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This is great news for pattaya.

About time we got some quality tourists. :ph34r: :ph34r: pick the ugly one out the three.

Top marks :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Most of the Iranians here seem to be single males though.

I wonder why?:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Throwing Stones at the missbehaving Womans back home made them tired, so they need some much needed relaxation. :whistling:

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I am sure some of them (maybe one or two) might be decent people. Most are coming for your women and little girls and boys!!

Then watch the government complain about human trafficking !!!!

I come from an Arab world and they treat woman like S***. I was spat at, sworn at and even had stones and I mean stones not pebbles thrown at me on a regular basis.

All because I am white, blonde woman who has 2 dogs. That makes me the lowest of the low.

I was told by authorities to look the other way and not to cause trouble.

God help your Thai woman if the come in their droves as they have no mercy.

Turns racism around !!!!!!!

Another rant over

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This is bad news for the ladies of pattaya.

as we all know how they treat the girls back home.

BTW Iran executes, Prostitutes, little girls and Homosexual young men

Such a nice county Iran.. Not :bah::bah::bah:

Edited by sohn
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This is bad news for the ladies of pattaya.

as we all know how they treat the girls back home.

BTW Iran executes, Prostitutes, little girls and Homosexual young men

Such a nice county Iran.. Not :bah::bah::bah:

I share your objections to the barbaric policies of the Iranian government. People should learn about that and also if anyone really believes Iran isn't going for nuclear weapons that will destabilize the entire middle east, and perhaps the entire oil dependent world, I have a bridge to sell you. However, people are people, and just because someone is Iranian doesn't mean they support the policies of their government. As we have seen lately, there is a vast undercurrent in Iran towards freedom (but most still want the bombs, oh well ...).

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I guess this is more bad news for the bars and nightclubs in the city. :unsure:

Not sure about that. I have noticed many free spending, drinking Iranians. I reckon many of those who want to party in a town like Pattaya are not among the more fundamentalist pro repressive government Iranians.

Agree completely. Not all Iranians are muslim fanatics or drug dealers. I met a couple of them in Goa last year. Regular guys who were fed up with the restrictions in Iran but of course couldn't say too much to complain.

They were telling that all their friends like to party and have a good time just the rest of us.

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Earthtimes: "The first time tourists come to Thailand they come to Pattaya, because it's close to Bangkok," Niti said. "The second time, it's still okay, but the third time they want to try something new so they go to Phuket and discover Phuket is more beautiful than Pattaya."

The other way around for me! Twice in Phuket was enough.

As for Iranian tourists....I thought they were going after the Indian's! There's a lot more Indian's than Iranian's.

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At least they would drastically bring down the average age of tourists and foreign residents in Pattaya, while giving the girls an occasional hard male torso to cuddle.

The whole gay community in Tehran may all decide to relocate to where their actions are not frowned upon. Its a win win for everyone, I suppose.

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The whole gay community in Tehran may all decide to relocate to where their actions are not frowned upon. Its a win win for everyone, I suppose.

I certainly hope so but that won't happen for two reasons.

-- most gay Iranians don't have the financial means to qualify for long term visas in Thailand

-- Thailand won't grant refugee visa status to the oppressed gays of Iran; Iranian gays are even having lots of problems staying in Turkey, yes Iranian gays are a severely oppressed group of people, this is no joke for them.

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What do the dogs have to do with the way you were seen as being the lowest of the low?

Dogs are considered dirty in the Muslim world, on a par with eating pork. It is a sin to be touched by a dog so I understand. One way to get rid of a few of them would be to give the soi dogs viagra so they can breed like merry hel_l, that should sort the problem out.

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This is bad news for the ladies of pattaya.

as we all know how they treat the girls back home.

BTW Iran executes, Prostitutes, little girls and Homosexual young men

Such a nice county Iran.. Not :bah::bah::bah:

I share your objections to the barbaric policies of the Iranian government. People should learn about that and also if anyone really believes Iran isn't going for nuclear weapons that will destabilize the entire middle east, and perhaps the entire oil dependent world, I have a bridge to sell you. However, people are people, and just because someone is Iranian doesn't mean they support the policies of their government. As we have seen lately, there is a vast undercurrent in Iran towards freedom (but most still want the bombs, oh well ...).

Only one country in the Middle East has nuclear weapons and it is not Iran. Iran was one of the first countries to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty in 1968. The country in the middle east who has nuclear weapons happens to be quite aggressive and have refused to sign the treaty.

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This is bad news for the ladies of pattaya.

as we all know how they treat the girls back home.

BTW Iran executes, Prostitutes, little girls and Homosexual young men

Such a nice county Iran.. Not :bah::bah::bah:

I share your objections to the barbaric policies of the Iranian government. People should learn about that and also if anyone really believes Iran isn't going for nuclear weapons that will destabilize the entire middle east, and perhaps the entire oil dependent world, I have a bridge to sell you. However, people are people, and just because someone is Iranian doesn't mean they support the policies of their government. As we have seen lately, there is a vast undercurrent in Iran towards freedom (but most still want the bombs, oh well ...).

Only one country in the Middle East has nuclear weapons and it is not Iran. Iran was one of the first countries to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty in 1968. The country in the middle east who has nuclear weapons happens to be quite aggressive and have refused to sign the treaty.

Depends on how you define aggressive. Using or threatening to use those weapons in offense would be aggressive; I don't think Israel has ever done that. As far as treaties, they are worthless as the world knows Iran is playing games and going towards these weapons, any other view is purely Tehran propaganda. BTW, you DO know that much of the Middle East is now quietly (as they also hate Israel) ALLYING themselves with Israel to push opposition to Iran's program, because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Speaking of aggressive, I'll give you aggressive, such as the leader of Iran's rhetoric that the Jewish state of Israel should be wiped off the map, now that's aggressive, really, we don't nuclear weapons in the hands of such lunatics and we also don't need another holocaust. Edited by Jingthing
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