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Depression In Chiang Mai.


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In yesterday's International Herald Tribune: "Thai Airways To Borrow Money For New Planes As Demand Grows".......

..."Tourists came back quickly after the political situation stabilised", he said. "So we're now revisiting our old problem of aircraft shortages".


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I can only think of one venue that I mite put in the quality category and it does not set on the main drag. Key word mite.

But I hate places with "mites". I might go there once, but as soon as I find a mite I leave. I've never seen a high quality place that had mites. :blink::lol:

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There is PLENTY of good nightlife for degenerates in Chiang Mai. It is not Bangkok or Pattaya, but a lot more fun than most places. If that is ALL one is looking for, they might be disappointed, but most people have other interests as well.

Agreed, CM has enough night life. Some guys go there for a break from Pattaya.

There are still plenty of tourists in Pattaya but the composition is changing: more Middle Eastern, Russians, Indians... and families :)

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There is PLENTY of good nightlife for degenerates in Chiang Mai. It is not Bangkok or Pattaya, but a lot more fun than most places. If that is ALL one is looking for, they might be disappointed, but most people have other interests as well.

Agreed, CM has enough night life. Some guys go there for a break from Pattaya.

There are still plenty of tourists in Pattaya but the composition is changing: more Middle Eastern, Russians, Indians... and families :)

That's one major reason we are in Chiang Mai. If we want those things in our face we would be living in other locations.

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Number #1 is a quality bar?

Agree nice little Gin Joint and always my first (or second.third choice)

Good conversation,beer cold,food looks good (never eat in pubs ..MKJai)and they also have free internet ...good to check the lottery results ..but you need a torch to see whats wot. :rolleyes:

Noticed on last visit however that the first half was shut...LHS assume lack of punters :unsure:

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Can we mention that Number #1 is a quality bar? It has nothing to do with prostitution. I go there with family and everything and is probably one of the best regular expat bars in town.

Yes, and it has two of the BETTER pool tables in Chiang Mai bars. The balls actually go straight when you hit them. The women are friendly, but not invasive if you don't want them to be. And, they won't stand for being "mauled" either.

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Help could anybody say where this wonderful place is ? I'm new in CM and like it

Can we mention that Number #1 is a quality bar? It has nothing to do with prostitution. I go there with family and everything and is probably one of the best regular expat bars in town.

Yes, and it has two of the BETTER pool tables in Chiang Mai bars. The balls actually go straight when you hit them. The women are friendly, but not invasive if you don't want them to be. And, they won't stand for being "mauled" either.

Number 1 Bar was a respectable place during the two years I lived in CM. I actually like to find places with better beer prices than 7-11, just for the hel_l of it. That used to bring me to Jai-Yen where it was two large Chang for 80 THB (place is gone), or Day-li (west side, below Nimenhimen), which had 3 large Leo for 120 THB. I would be inclined to go to John's Place if I am going out in the touristy area, and I have a VIP card for 20% off drinks, all the time. They are consistent. I would like to see them eject a certain group, that has caused too many fights to count, many with each other. It is still a lot calmer than "Spicy", and the owner John is really good proprieter, who is respected in the community.

Tuskers is real nice; I especially like half price Fridays, and the Thai Visa parties had super good BBQ (A+).

Edited by Thighlander
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It seems the overwhelming focus of this thread has been a comparison of CM versus other Thai cities on the amount of and quality of bars and the females who inhabit them. As a long-time resident of this fair city, I must say that we who live here year round have reached our decisions based on an entirely different set of critieria. It would be best if you night owls and bar types stay away from CM. We draw a more gentile folk...family men, golfers, trekkers, students of Buddhism, arts afficionados...perhaps drawn to the other, less seamy attractions of the region. Pattaya, Bangkok and Chiang Mai are light years apart...in every imaginable way...except that Thai citizens inhabit each city (and even they are vastly different depending on which city they claim as home, or as a temporary home). This vast cultural diversity is what makes the LOS a unique place to live in and visit. I am not attempting to offend anyone here; just point out that CM cannot be likened to other, more rowdy locales.

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It seems the overwhelming focus of this thread has been a comparison of CM versus other Thai cities on the amount of and quality of bars and the females who inhabit them. As a long-time resident of this fair city, I must say that we who live here year round have reached our decisions based on an entirely different set of critieria.

Eh, speak for yourself? :) I'd say most people here live here year round. Just that I've been here 15 years with minimal trips abroad doesn't mean I don't enjoy rolling out of Spicy at 3am and throwing up in the moat. In m0deration of course.

It would be best if you night owls and bar types stay away from CM. We draw a more gentile folk...family men, golfers, trekkers, students of Buddhism, arts afficionados...

You forgot the temples.. Wow I love temple history & architecture. :rolleyes: ( You don't work for TAT or the Thailand Elite company right? )

But seriously, I have to admit I am a family man too. It's like my alter-ego.

As for the bar types, I think they make up a far smaller percentage than they used to. Single male tourists tend to pretty faithfully stick to Pattaya and other beach areas these days. That hurts tourist nightlife in the North.

Pattaya, Bangkok and Chiang Mai are light years apart...

That, and an overnight bus ride. People I know just call someone special in Pattaya and ask her to take the NCA bus. I'd worry about the multi-day commitment involved though.

This vast cultural diversity is what makes the LOS a unique place to live in and visit.

Agree with you completely on that one.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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All nights on which I'm at home being a family man suck. This being a Sunday I went to Church, then went over to visit my mum in law and have lunch at the excellent Sanpytong Carefour food center. That may sound depressing (hah, gratuitous cameo of the actual topic!) but the MIL is an absolute requirement to enjoy all that Chiang Mai has to offer at night later in the week.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Can we mention that Number #1 is a quality bar? It has nothing to do with prostitution. I go there with family and everything and is probably one of the best regular expat bars in town.

Not true, plenty of working girls there ...... well there were 2 weeks ago.

This is information passed to me by a friend.

As a respectable married person, I have no direct knowledge of the joint.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Depression? What depression? Pattaya, Samui and Phuket, now THAT'S depression!

I was in Phuket 2 weeks ago and it was VERY busy. I was very surprised after reading all the gloomy stories.

What I meant was the loutish behavior by the typical football hooligan crowd on a 3 week binge, and/or ancient crusty sexpats. That is depressing. ;) Note that I'm trying to advocate the middle ground here: I like a small but vibrant section of tourist nightlife for Chiang Mai, but obviously not turning it into Pattaya or Patong.

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Can we mention that Number #1 is a quality bar? It has nothing to do with prostitution. I go there with family and everything and is probably one of the best regular expat bars in town.

Not true, plenty of working girls there ...... well there were 2 weeks ago.

This is information passed to me by a friend.

As a respectable married person, I have no direct knowledge of the joint.

Well, that's another thing, and I say this as much to Fore Man as to you: There are "working girls" pretty much everywhere. This is actually a point that is often lost on people who are advocating against the tourist section of naughty nightlife. I can walk around the corner from my moo ban and find working girls at one of the restaurants, karaokes or the bamboo outside bar a stone's throw away. It's a scene that's just not as easily consumed by tourists and those-not-living-here-year-round. But GREAT cultural diversity, ForeMan. ;)

Note: I'm happily married as well, so I'm only going for a few drinks, just like most people do. And this applies to my visits to the tourist areas as well.

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I'm no Thaksin apologist but the business I owned seemed to go down the pan from around the time Thaksin was ousted in the coup in 2006 which I eventually closed in 2008 and it seems to have got worse since then.

I don't see much promotion for the North of Thailand a fair bit for phuket and the south. Very few people over here in the UK seems to have heard of Chiang Mai.

I'm with you on this one. September 19, 2006 was the start of the down turn. Promotion for the north of Thailand, NONE. The few business that are doing well deserve to be commended. The other business that are struggling only time will tell.

For us it was the last little red temper tantrum. Didn't receive a single enquiry for 6weeks, usually 2-3/day? I've had to start being NICE to my enquiries :bah::lol: Memories are short though, and luckily we're receiving more than enough late starters to make up for it, and then some! Safety in numbers maybe but we're taking on far more large parties of 25+ then ever previously. Scales of economics come into play, more profit for less effort, I'll take some more of this every year if I can get it!

The way the western press over-dramatised the whole sorry affair never did anybody any favours. Back in England the holiday banners were reading "Smashing Summer Saver Long-haul Bargains, Avoid Troubled Thailand!" Great, thanks a flaming bunch :realangry:

The upturn in enquiries & bookings we're experiencing can't be isolated, I reckon this is purely a temporary lull. Enjoy the peace while you've got it, it's not going to last!! B)

We're already getting tight on finding accommodation for our guests come November through February, proof positive in my book.

Oh the sky's falling down...again?!?!

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There is nothing good to say about night life in Chiang Mai if you are a farang male. There are discos/clubs such as Warm Up, Riverside, Monkey Club. But try making a move on any of the girls there and see how fast the Thai guys warn you off or try and push you away. I've now been attacked 3 times in these places because I tried to talk to Thai girls (the guys don't do it openly: usually they wait till you go to the toilet, then come with a couple of their friends and grab you by the throat as you open the door). They're fine if you go to 'farangland', Loi Kroh etc, but move in on their territory (Nimmanhamen area etc) and they don't like it one bit.

Oh, of course they're not really Thais: I should have said Chinese-Thais, the ones who run everything here.

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Can we mention that Number #1 is a quality bar? It has nothing to do with prostitution. I go there with family and everything and is probably one of the best regular expat bars in town.

Yes, and it has two of the BETTER pool tables in Chiang Mai bars. The balls actually go straight when you hit them. The women are friendly, but not invasive if you don't want them to be. And, they won't stand for being "mauled" either.

I envy guys who’s balls go straight when they hit them. Mine always fall to the right.

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But try making a move on any of the girls there and see how fast the Thai guys warn you off or try and push you away. I've now been attacked 3 times in these places because I tried to talk to Thai girls

Is it possible that you were hitting on their girlfriends? I've never heard this complaint before and I've visited a lot of places that are mostly Thai.

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There is nothing good to say about night life in Chiang Mai if you are a farang male. There are discos/clubs such as Warm Up, Riverside, Monkey Club. But try making a move on any of the girls there and see how fast the Thai guys warn you off or try and push you away. I've now been attacked 3 times in these places because I tried to talk to Thai girls (the guys don't do it openly: usually they wait till you go to the toilet, then come with a couple of their friends and grab you by the throat as you open the door). They're fine if you go to 'farangland', Loi Kroh etc, but move in on their territory (Nimmanhamen area etc) and they don't like it one bit.

Oh, of course they're not really Thais: I should have said Chinese-Thais, the ones who run everything here.

Try hitting on single girls next time. :) Even when girls are in a group, they would often be separate from a boyfriend group who are seated together as well. It saves a lot of trouble if you just ask if they're single, or wait for them to make a move. (And even when they make a move you still have to ask. Far too many girls trying to make their boyfriend jealous for their own silly little schemes.)

Better yet, make contacts online first. Honestly in this day and age I wonder why people play the bar pick up game with supposedly "good girls" but who just end up being high maintenance hassle at best. If a girl allows her to be picked up by some random drunk Farang in front of everyone else then honestly there's got to be something wrong with her. In the pre-Facebook/Hi5 era, [and I'm entering into a history lecture now], the thing was to exchange biz cards or phone numbers discretely and see if someone would bite through SMS, or end up obviously drunk, confused and vulnerable on the sidewalk come closing time, in which case one of the best-case scenarios was that they didn't throw up in your car and pass out. I can't tell you how happy I am that civilization has moved beyond that crap.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Depression? What depression? Pattaya, Samui and Phuket, now THAT'S depression!

I was in Phuket 2 weeks ago and it was VERY busy. I was very surprised after reading all the gloomy stories.

What I meant was the loutish behavior by the typical football hooligan crowd on a 3 week binge, and/or ancient crusty sexpats. That is depressing. ;) Note that I'm trying to advocate the middle ground here: I like a small but vibrant section of tourist nightlife for Chiang Mai, but obviously not turning it into Pattaya or Patong.

I'm currently living in Bkk (next door to Soi Cowboi no less!!) and have been for the past year or so. I just returned from Pattaya after spending 4 days there and was in CM last month for 5 days, doing the touristy stuff.

I would definitely advise to keep the Pattaya crowd OUT of CM - you guys that live there definitely do not want that bunch in CM. Having said that, I must say that CM is far too quiet, particularly in the evenings. I stayed in Centara on Loi Kroh road and basically walked the strip in one day. My view is that CM needs a more vibrant nightlife, NOT necessarily prostitution but at least decent pool bars. Someone commented that at least the two pool tables in #1 is decent (the table across the road is better) but this is a long shot from being a Brunswick.

As my avatar reads, Bkk_or_ up_country, I'm intending to retire and settle down in Thailand in the very near future (where remains to be seen). I'm single (divorced) and intend to remain so. However, I'm also a full fledged professional and yet I want a vibrant nightlife - hope there's nothing wrong with that. I like the feel of CM and the culture - hate the lager louts in Pattaya but the nightlife there is great (though the girls / katoeys would not score above 5/10 even on my lowly scale.

Another thing is that CM is NOT the easiest place in the world to get to (limited and expensive flights). In order to boost the economy, it needs to offer more - in my view, something in between the current Loi Kroh scene and Nana Bkk.

p/s: though I live next door to soi Cowboi, I'm yet to actually have even a drink in any of the bars - that's just not my scene. I prefer soi 22 (Bkk) where they have decent pool bars. One other thing - the prices in CM and Pattaya are a dream compared to Bkk (beer prices I mean)

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What I meant was the loutish behavior by the typical football hooligan crowd on a 3 week binge, and/or ancient crusty sexpats. That is depressing. ;) Note that I'm trying to advocate the middle ground here: I like a small but vibrant section of tourist nightlife for Chiang Mai, but obviously not turning it into Pattaya or Patong.

As my avatar reads, Bkk_or_ up_country, I'm intending to retire and settle down in Thailand in the very near future (where remains to be seen). I'm single (divorced) and intend to remain so. However, I'm also a full fledged professional and yet I want a vibrant nightlife - hope there's nothing wrong with that. I like the feel of CM and the culture - hate the lager louts in Pattaya but the nightlife there is great (though the girls / katoeys would not score above 5/10 even on my lowly scale.

Another thing is that CM is NOT the easiest place in the world to get to (limited and expensive flights). In order to boost the economy, it needs to offer more - in my view, something in between the current Loi Kroh scene and Nana Bkk.

That's why we earlier mentioned Number 1 bar which has somewhat decent pool tables, is a bit bigger, and professionally run. Say a miniature version of Gullivers. Did you visit that one? (It's just inside a tiny soi). But yes I fully agree with you that Chiang Mai could use some quality options. An advantage Chiang Mai does have though is that you don't have to be married to the foreigner/tourist scene unless you want to; also for pool/snooker and more quality nightlife options there is a LOT outside the tourist area.

What I'm saying is that Chiang Mai would still be a cool town in it's own right even if you take out ALL tourist related venues. If you do that in most other places outside of Bangkok, there's not all that much left. In Chiang Mai, there is.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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There is nothing good to say about night life in Chiang Mai if you are a farang male. There are discos/clubs such as Warm Up, Riverside, Monkey Club. But try making a move on any of the girls there and see how fast the Thai guys warn you off or try and push you away. I've now been attacked 3 times in these places because I tried to talk to Thai girls (the guys don't do it openly: usually they wait till you go to the toilet, then come with a couple of their friends and grab you by the throat as you open the door). They're fine if you go to 'farangland', Loi Kroh etc, but move in on their territory (Nimmanhamen area etc) and they don't like it one bit.

Oh, of course they're not really Thais: I should have said Chinese-Thais, the ones who run everything here.

That's strange, I have exactly the opposite reaction by Thai males and find night life in CM to be amongst the best in the world. (and I'm not talking about whoring, just about going out, having a good time and meeting people, male and female, maybe finding a gf)

My mates and I on our weekly "males only" nights head straight for the Thai only areas to hit on young university students. Guys, girls and ladyboys always approach us, we laugh at their poor attempts to speak English, they laugh at our poor attempts to speak Thai, but after a few drinks nobody cares and we get down to the serious business of sneakily squeezing each others bums ......

OK so I admit to being an equal opportunities bum squeezer., why not TIT.


Monkey is awful ... too crowded

No.1 bar and all other joints on/near Loi Krow awful (might be OK for a couple of visits a year if you don't mind mixing with pros)

Spicey too awful to visit under any circumstances unless you need a last minute pro, and don't mind being drugged and robbed.


To fit in with the Thais you don't sit and nurse a solitary beer, you buy a bottle of whiskey + mixers, or the 5 large bottles of beer promotion. Men don't pour their own drinks, girls do that for you. I'm always amazed at the number of white guys who never learn to do this.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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There is nothing good to say about night life in Chiang Mai if you are a farang male. There are discos/clubs such as Warm Up, Riverside, Monkey Club. But try making a move on any of the girls there and see how fast the Thai guys warn you off or try and push you away. I've now been attacked 3 times in these places because I tried to talk to Thai girls (the guys don't do it openly: usually they wait till you go to the toilet, then come with a couple of their friends and grab you by the throat as you open the door). They're fine if you go to 'farangland', Loi Kroh etc, but move in on their territory (Nimmanhamen area etc) and they don't like it one bit.

Oh, of course they're not really Thais: I should have said Chinese-Thais, the ones who run everything here.


To fit in with the Thais you don't sit and nurse a solitary beer, you buy a bottle of whiskey + mixers, or the 5 large bottles of beer promotion. Men don't pour their own drinks, girls do that for you. I'm always amazed at the number of white guys who never learn to do this.

I don't want anyone pouring my drinks. I prefer to do it myself the way I like it. I hate it when they stand there waiting to add ice and liquor and so forth. I'll mix my own thank you.

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