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British Child Molester Gets 42 Years In Thai Jail

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As to WACKO JACKO a 12 year old boy has accused him of molest,so it isnt just"sleeping" with young boys.

And the 20 mil was to the family so that they would drop charges,not to smooth the feelings of the public,but this time it is the DA that has filed charges so there can be no buying out of this one.

And the guy here in Thailand is 24 years old,is allowed to drink,smoke and vote,so he is supposed to be an adult and he got adult treatment,He must have known that he was breaking the law when he came here and started buggering young boys,and he is guilty beyond a doubt because he has it on vidios,so it doesnt make any dirfference if the boys got a kick out of it or not,,Buggering children is again the laws of the host country,and I don't know about england but if a US citizen does it and is caught,it is again the law,doesn't matter if it is legal where it was done,it is unlawful for a US citizen to have sex with anyone under the age of 18 no matter where it happens.

I thought that I would get away from you LIBERALS when I came to Thailand to live,,but I guess not,they should talk to the king and get a law passed,that any liberals come here should have to get a 42 year penalty in the HILTON just the same as that other weirdo. :o

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Kevin, please tell us where you've read about this guy buggering young boys. Haven't seen anything about that anywhere. Or was that your fantasy?

If you break the law and know about it you have to face the penalties and accept them. That's a given and there's not much point saying it. But I was hoping to read some more enlightened discussion about this case.

As an aside, what's all that nonsense about liberals? Who were you referring to Kevin? If it was me I'd like to inform you that I'm not a 'liberal', but if there is one word that would describe all that is best that I have learned in my 10 years living in Thailand and 13 with a Thai wife, it is 'tolerance'. Without it you cannot hope to really fit in here. And in case I'm quoted out of context, I'm referring to Kevin's comments here, not to my attitude towards the child molester, which have been made clearly enough already.

Guest IT Manager

I thought to just stay out and say nothing, but as usual have to stick in my two cents worth.

The guy was caught on video, so he is done and the case is a proven, because of the video.

My only issue is that there are so many here ready to keel haul him after he has been banged up, with the evidence provided by the incredibly trustworthy Thai press. The keel hauling I mean, not the charge/trial/judgement. If you are basing your judgements on what George posted from the Thai press, you are all cracked. The press didn't say what he did, just what he was charged with, as I understand it. Correct me if I am wrong.

Lets face it, if I had a baht for every time I have read something about someone in the Thai press, and I include the 2 English language broadshits as well, where the story changed in a few hours, I would own a bar.

I don't think this is either the place nor the medium, to turn someone preparing for a 40 odd year stint in the Hilton into a monster, with no evidence, as to the what, the how or the detals. If you have nothing better to do than rip into someone with no base for what you say, you are all full of sh1t.

And like another poster, I am not a liberal, just intelligent and tend to ask questions, prior to destroying any shred of credibility I may have.

You have the result of the court case to beat yourselves over, not the details, so back to your Nana Plaza hang-outs and beat off to your collective imaginations.

But thats' just my opinion.


Guest IT Manager
what about Michael Jackson who molests younger boys than what this schmuck was doing

And what do you think you would get for lible Dave?

Be careful - you cannot say such things with impunity! He has not been proved guilty.

Libel never comes into it with Dave. That would require serious planning and understanding of the facts which legally surround the process.

Silly thing is of course, that Daveyo is in the States, and subject to the laws of the States, including I presume, perversion of the course of justice as well as libel. The site is in New Jersey. Work the details out yourself.



lifelover; If he wasn't buggering them,then what was he doing? you seem to know,other than that why are you making a point of my being wrong.Maybe you know what MOLESTERS do with young boys,I am at a loss to know as I have never been in that situation.

And maybe you are just"tolerant,,but that to me is liberalism,are you so tolerant that you would turn the guy loose?

It is tolerance or liberals that have made this world just about not fit to live in anymore.

not safe for women alone on the streets in most places,or for children alone anywhere in the world.

I do not know what he was doing either,but MOLEST means MOLEST and that happens to be unlawful everywhere I have ever been,but maybe the people in those areas are not TOLERANT enough,###### sure not as tolerant as you.

Maybe I wont get along here,but I have been visiting the area around here for the last 35 years for periods up to 2 years at a time and seem to be doing OK.

But beyond not knowing exactly what he was doing,what ever it was seems to be illegal as they have his ass in the can for it and call it child molest.now liberalize that. :o

Guest IT Manager

FWIW, can I point out that none of the posters you are calling "liberals" Kevin, et al., have said anything supportive of the man charged, just that the postings to the forum are OTT in condemnation based on not scarce knowledge of the facts, but ZERO knowledge.

Not one post defending him. Some saying 42 years was OTT, but most saying the disembodied blatherings are all based on ZERO facts in the press or the media.

I now should sit back and wait for my first bollicking I suppose.

After which I will reiterate... read the posts which are not calling for him to be castrated and left in the sun on an ants nest and don't demonstrate your incapacity to deal with the written word.

Not supportive, merely havng a go at dopes who call for his disembowelling in Sukhumvit soi 4 on a Friday who have no vestige of a clue as to what he did, or what the actual charges were for.

Read before you comment on others postings, because to remain silent may well have you thought a fool but blood-letting commentary removes all doubt.

Finger on the mouse... ready ... set...



The key to understanding a situation is control, and when you let your emotions run free you have lost your calm and are liable to make mistakes. This is the case with the posters and not with Mr. Wood. The amount of information given to us in this situation is vague, at best. The use of the word "molestation" denies the mind that isnt calm the proper chance to look at all facts without a biased-ness. Molestation is, as defined by the dictionary:

To subject to unwanted or improper sexual activity.

Until a state of non-consentment is found how can you call it molestation? Molesting is a sexual act but a sexual act is not molesting just as a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a sqaure. Understand? The term is loaded, as is the possibility of another term for this situation: Statutory Rape. Some of the posters with their words set on kill[in more ways then one] may do well to take themselves into consideration. Sex with prostitutes, constantly under-aged prostitutes, is certainly just as bad in this case[with an even greater age seperation.] Can you say its consent if she is forced by the family into the sex proffesion? Are these boys not within the sex profession? We are unsure, all we are sure of is the light in which he is portrayed for sexual acts considered deviant.

With this situation and the ridiculous idea of calling the Tourist Police for gay men brings about the idea of "not to cast stones from your glass house". What he did is punishable by the law in Thailand, as is prostitution, think about it.

Tolerance come from understanding, understanding can only come through tranquility.

"If you control your emotions, you control the world." -The Late Thai Therevada Monk, Bhuddidasa Bhikku.

Guest IT Manager

Interesting view, Joshua, though the dictionary description includes "improper" which the offences committed certainly are, given the ages of the boys, as reported by the press.

Unwanted? Who knows but the boys.. Improper, in my view, yes. Buggery? No idea. etc etc..

See if we can get some measure of rationality into the thread.

Then hopefully it will just go away. :o


I agree that the age difference is improper, as is purchasing sexual acts, as is loveless sexual acts. Though, these are opinions, there is never a right, nor a wrong.

"Nothing is real. Everything is Permitted."


Hmmmm, one of you made a comment of Libel. Well I did not make the accusation first of all, the Prosecutor of California did. Secondly I did not press the charges against Michael the victim did. Third, I do not have videos of Michael actually saying in camera that he did this and that with children. The press has that part.

So let me put it this way if all of you were INTELLIGENT.

Why would a man of 45 years old be wanting to SLEEP with boys of 12 years old.

What do you think goes on inside the bedroom especially when you have a possible suspected known pedophile who is and might be homosexual perhaps.

Base your answers to that question above . OK


Yes I am neutral on this. I was the first time, but now I am very hesitant to believe Michael this time around and also is somewhat persuaded to the negative because of Michaels open verbal admissions over the course of time and of some very alarming facts when one uses some common sense of his so called strange behavior and reasonings.


Any kind of "improper" sexual act towards a child or minor, is wrong, touching, looking, having sex with, it is all the same to me, peverted. I am a woman & would never allow anyone who did this kind of thing to a child of mine to walk away, they would die & a 24 year old MAN, not boy, should know the difference. Whether these CHILDREN, came freely or not, is beside the point, as an adult, he should have known the difference between right & wrong & also, what the law is. Is it any better than a person luring a small child into a car with the promise of a puppy or some sweets & the raping them, if they lure young street kids into their hotel room with the promise of money & molest them & film them? I personally don't think so. You can call me harsh or jugmental if you like, I really don't care, this guy did wrong in the worse possible way & now, happily for me, he is paying a price that I don't think is high enough. I really don't think that the courts would bother to prosecute him if they didn't have evidence, so what is printed in the papers makes no diference, they state that he molested minors & it has been proven by the courts with video evidence. This is enough to convince me that he wasn't inviting them for a tea party & that wrongdoing was done to MINORS.

I'm just happy that when I have children here in LOS, there is one less sicko on the loose for me to worry about.

Dave, as for Micheal Jackson, let the courts decide, as they have in this case & then we can pass our own judgment, it doesn't look good for him, what with his past history & if they find him guilty, then I hope justice will prevail. But until then, innocent until proven guilty.

Guest IT Manager

Boo, do you have a good recipe for pumpkin soup please? Also, how do you make ordinary cream sour for the soup. Thanks.

Also, quite off that particularly appropriate question, it was pointed out by at least three posters, including me, that the crimes (not alleged crimes, but those he was found guilty of), were improper. There has still been no argument on that score.

I don't, Joshua didn't, Lifelover didn't. All that was suggested was that posters, in this forum, have no better information as to "facts", than you my treasure, and therefore are blathering. They are shaking thier poor tired wrinkled old penises up and down with rage and putting their hearts at risk, just to prove that they are moral upstanding chaps.

In the opinion of the council, they should look long and hard at themselves, and to give them their due the Nana Plaza Crowd haven't joined in yet, though it is early for them. When they get here, all he11 will break loose, trust me. Then off they will go tomorrow to boff girls 40 years their junior and howl about the nasty idiot in Klong Prem.

See, still haven't disagreed. :o


42 years are not even enough for a sick f... like this guy. They should put him away for life. But he probably won't survive 42 years in there anyway.

Please never let him out again.

Guest IT Manager
What do you think goes on inside the bedroom especially when you have a possible suspected known pedophile who is and might be homosexual perhaps.

Base your answers to that question above . OK


Which part Dave;


Might be







IT, I'll see if I can come up with a recipe for you, not much of a cook myself but I'll see what I can find, new wife & all that, still a bit green around the kitchen, ###### them thai men for being such good cooks! :D

My apologies if you & others thought I was poking a finger at you, it wasn't intended, this is just a subject that I feel very strongly about & tried to express. I have always beleived that children should be protected, sometimes from themselves as well as others. Personally I think he got what he deserved. I was raised by parents who would have done anything to protect me & thats the way all kids should feel, it doesn't always work that way but it makes me feel better to know this guy is'nt around anymore. :o

Guest IT Manager

Normally Boo, I would ask my wife, but after I told her to tell the guy at the market she needed a phuk tung yai, (a large pumpkin), she hasn't spoken to me for a week, so it means I have to make it.

Also I don't disagree with anything you said, and I don't take anything personally if it stays put.

My only grief, from the minute this thread hit, was that the breast beating was from an impossible to assume, high moral ground. No comment at all on the offence, the charges or even, in my case anyhow, the length of sentence. In fact that is the only thing I would have a problem with when I see Thai men kill and dismember their wives, and initially get let off because of their high social position, is that... the length of sentence.

I think it sends an instructive message to people who want to come to Thailand for underage sex, and I hope the lesson is taken on board by some of the denizens of South Jomtien Beach, for one.

On the other hand, when Thai teachers screwing 11 year old girls are put into the office, and then pay out 20,000 baht or anything for that matter, to shut the parents up, it makes a complete mockery of the "justice" system, and I use the word in its' pure sense, not in its' "as applied here" sense.

It is only recently, as last week, where a 23 year old teacher was dragged through the mud for having an affair with her 14 year old student. Pictures of the lad on TV, put the lie to it, as he had to be 65-70 kgs of football player, not an effete little boy. Again, I don't condone it, but after 24 hours, the teacher charged the boy with rape, which was more likely, and then 24 hours later, the Education Ministry was putting an arbitrator in place to assist them to sort it out amicably.

The humour around the board was that ppl were lining up and asking to "be in the class". Every time a person makes a comment like that in one situation, then does a perfect back-flip over what is not hugely different (participants 24 and 13/14 in both cases), I try to point out the nature of applying common sense before running off at the mouth.

It is in no way, written to be taken as anything than what I present... valid argument, critical discussion, and tinged with ironic humour. Those who fail to read fully what is written, IMHO, show themselves as clumsy and incapapble of rational discussion.


The M.Jackson stuff, we know very little, so why bother yourself with these expressions of distress and hate. Judge lest ye...

As for why a man would like to have sex with a boy ask yourself why you would like to have sex with a woman[or man, respectivly]. These questions are only answered with protestations towards your choice, and just like I said, your choice.

It is improper in Thailand to express emotion, to loose face. Now, does this make it wrong to do so? Again, opinion.

There is nothing axiomatic about feelings, desires, and impulses. There is a right and wrong way to define two objects with the term "2"[language differences aside it is always 2 apples or 2 _insert here_] . We cannot say "Sex is wrong IF it is with minors."

Murder can be justified, correct? Seems like some are screaming for blood and proving that the taking of life is ok IF under certain circumstances and all that is being proven is the uncertainty of right and wrong, and how morality is far from definable.


Whew, IT I will contact you. As of this again bottom line is this

Why would a 45 year old man want to sleep with little boys to begin with?????????

Listen if I had that kind of living, and power with money and had my own jet etc, etc, heck I would rather have women of 25 and on up to close my age and have loads of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean women would be the greatest and having them around me under such status quo would be actually be heaven.

Girls you are the best around in this planet. And I also love my wife literally and miss her so very much, I just wish I can be with her right now. She is my beacon and my light and my stabilizer and has a way to comfort me and make me feel well worth it as a human.

So when a man is with a woman, there is this special attraction and rightfully so. Same would of course apply to those who are woman who prefer their own sex or men who prefer their own sex === meaning one adult to another adult.

But when one wants to focus on kids and express this same kind of love that adults do that is crossing the line and gone way overboard.

I mean lets face it. Being 45 and sleeping with a boy!!!!!!!!!! Common sense dictates here something is dead wrong!!!!!!!!!

Same would apply if a woman of 45 is sleeping with a boy in the bedroom. Something is wrong there too unless he just happens to have the whopper that she has been wanting for a long time. That is the only reason I can think of when a woman of 45 wants a boy.

And oddly Thailand does not have sex crimes to charge women. They don't believe that concept even exists. I wonder how many women have literally done such and have never been reported.

Also don't underestimate a womens physical ability. I have seen women literally kick a man to a pulp and they too can force you and even rape a male.

Heck I have two daughters from a previous marriage. One of my daughters has a punch that will not only hurt you but can knock you out. And I found that out myself when I thought she was kidding and told her to give me her best shot on my arm. Man, I was hurting for 3 solid days. After that I believed in her capability.

Here in America I have seen 12 year olds rob, steal, and even beat you physically and you would end up in a hospital.

Like I said before times have changed, and it is not for the better. It is for the worse and even children are killing their parents while they sleep. So it is no picnic for all concerned.



Hey IT; Here this dude is telling everyone that he knows that this pervert has been having sex of some kind for 6 months with male children between the ages of 9 and 15 years old,and was at one time molested himself,[like that might explain why he feels this way] and is crying because he has "tolerance" and thinks that the sentence the judge gave this pervert is to stiff,and thinks that people that believe in law and order and "if you dance,then you gotta pay the fiddler", are homophobic and bigots and this pervert was busted because he sent kiddy porn with himself and Thai children in the pictures and from the sounds of things,must have incriminated himself also.and you seem to think that this dude ain't a liberal.

What ,may I ask,would you call it??

I really don't see what is to discuss,as he is a child molester,9 years old is a child,I don't give a ###### how fast they grow up down under,9 is a child,and he is guilty so what is to talk about,except for the bleeding heart. I do not only hate this pervert,but I hate all perverts.

And what has guys goin out to boff girls 40 years younger than themselves got to do with child abuse, if the girls are over the age of consent??

If I was to do such a thing,40 years junior to me would still be over 30,not 9 years old.



Same would apply if a woman of 45 is sleeping with a boy in the bedroom. Something is wrong there too unless he just happens to have the whopper that she has been wanting for a long time. That is the only reason I can think of when a woman of 45 wants a boy.

daveyo.... i think its time for your medication,......theres a good lad.


Nasty old world out there....some stats for thought... :o


In 1999, an estimated 3,244,000 children were reported to Child Protective Services (CPS) agencies as alleged victims of child maltreatment. Child abuse reports have maintained a steady growth for the past ten years, with the total number of reports nationwide increasing 45% since 1987 (

The NIS uses two definitions of child maltreatment: the Harm Standard, under which children are counted as maltreated only if they have already experienced demonstrable harm; and the Endangerment Standard, under which children are counted if they have experienced maltreatment that puts them at risk of demonstrable harm.

The NIS-3 gathered data from a nationally representative sample of 5,612 community professionals in 842 agencies serving 42 counties.

Finding of the NIS-3:

The estimated number of children seriously injured by all forms of maltreatment quadrupled between 1986 and 1993, from 141,700 to 565,000 (a 299% increase).

Considering the Harm Standard:

The estimated number of sexually abused children increased 83%;

The number of physically neglected children rose 102%;

There was a 333 % increase in the estimated number of emotionally neglected children; and

The estimated number of physically abused children rose 42%.

Poverty is significantly related to incidence rates in nearly every category of maltreatment.

More than 44 times more likely to be neglected, by either definitional standard.

Over 22 times more likely to be seriously injured using either definitional standard.

60 times more likely to die from maltreatment under the Harm Standard.

(Executive Summary of the Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect, September 1996 and Reid, T. (1996). News NIS-3 Data. APSAC Advisor, 9 (3).)

Children whose parents abuse drugs or alcohol are put at a greater risk for violent victimization (National Commission on Children, 1993).

With the exception of homicide, children and youths suffer more victimization than do adults in virtually every category, including physical abuse, sibling assault, bullying, sexual abuse, and rape (American Psychological Association Commission on Violence and Youth, 1993).


It is estimated that there are 60 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse in America today (Forward, 1993)

Long term effects of child abuse include fear, anxiety, depression, anger, hostility, inappropriate sexual behavior, poor self esteem, tendency toward substance abuse and difficulty with close relationships (Browne & Finkelhor, 1986).

Clinical findings of adult victims of sexual abuse include problems in interpersonal relationships associated with an underlying mistrust. Generally, adult victims of incest have a severely strained relationship with their parents that is marked by feelings of mistrust, fear, ambivalence, hatred, and betrayal. These feelings may extend to all family members (Tsai and Wagner, 1978).

Guilt is experienced by almost all victims (Tsai and Wagner, 1978).

If a child victim does not resolve the trauma, sexuality may become an area of adult conflict (Courtois & Watts, 1982).

The typical child sex offender molests an average of 117 children, most of who do not report the offence (National Institute of Mental Health, 1988).

It is estimated that approximately 71 % of child sex offenders are under 35 and knew the victim at least causally. About 80 % of these individuals fall within normal intelligence ranges; 59% gain sexual access to their victims through, seduction or enticement (Burgess & Groth, 1984).

Stress indicators such as unrealistic expectations of a child, unemployment and low self-esteem are important characteristics in perpetrators of child abuse (Health & Human Services, 1993).

Approximately 60 % of the male survivors samples report at least one of their perpetrators to be female (Mendel, 1993). :D



:o I am not deffending the boy xxckers but if this a fair trial no i dont think soo. Beucase they do not have any guide line and when the magazine and childrens right movment banging on the goverment how can they get it fair. I bet if he got a qiuet trail he will be off with 5 years or something.

What i understand there is no law raping boys just abusing them under 15 and making porno movies. Some people get off with murder 5 years in thailand then you have a farmer sitting 40 for stealing a cow how is this fair. Untill they have some sort of legal guide line i do not think any court in Thailand is fair. Another questions does he get send back to UK now after 4 years?

May he never get out once more even if the trial was not fair!


Seems the Child Molester has been viewed as a lesser evil than Big ears bringing in Some dancing pills....

Most people where screaming for his head....how come the child molester seems not to be getting much stick?

Seems many people really are staunch customers of your government taxed and supplied drugs.............IT you have become a right ###### since becoming an admin.

Just an observation


OK Folks

A truly rewarding and satisfying sexual experience involves much more than the junction of two people through their genital organs, a quick f##k if you like. It is normally best when between consenting people with some kind of equal and genuine relationship going. These genuine relationships tend to be between couples that are similar in age, educational background and social status.

It matters not if they are same sex or heterosexual but sex with anyone you do not know or you are simply paying to allow you to make use of their body is little better than autoerotic masturbation, satisfying to a degree but never going to raise the roof.

Anybody who looks to children, whether pubescent or not, to provide them with sexual satisfaction has severe psychiatric problems and should be treated as benefits such a person. Severely sociopathic and psychopathic individuals should also be treated in this way.

Lock him up by all means, but put him in a psychiatric institution and keep him there until he is certainly never going to be a danger again. This could be for life or it could be for only a few years if a ?cure? could be found for his condition.

The problem with treating these people as common criminals is that society needs to be protected from them forever, not just for the duration of a prison sentence, which can be shortened with time off for good behaviour, King?s birthdays and many other such reasons. Recognising them as ill and protecting society from the consequences of their illness would seem to make the most sense especially as current medicine has no effective treatment for such people.

I understand that paedophilia is a vile crime and arouses strong emotions but I cannot stop the feeling of lust or attraction I might have for a pretty woman and, no, I have never felt such feeling for a man or a child, whether male or female.

I have four children ranging in age from four to fourteen and all of them have and do sleep with me in my bed at times. They come in the middle of the night if there is a thunderstorm, if they are scared, or cold, lonely or sad or simply if they need a cuddle. They all have their own beds and get tucked in at night but they all know that I am available for them if they need me. Just sometimes I have to unlock the bedroom door!!

If anybody were to molest any one of my children, I would hope they would be treated as I outline above. Not Liberal, simply realistic.

As regards myself, there was a man who spent several years in prison in India for what he did to me when I was six. This severely affected me and caused, amongst other things, severe homophobia for many years, even as an adult. I made strong efforts and overcame my scars but I needed psychiatric counselling from six years until my adulthood.


Kevin, you lost me of what you wrote here. ???????? Trying to figure it out. Anyway, I see some here were victims of past incidents. That is sad, and I do tip my hat to you if you have been able to overcome this emotional damage.

I read these stats here given from a member, and it blows my mind. I do believe these reports are like what 5 to 7 years old now, so I wonder what it actually is reflected right now today????????

As to of these molesters 117 ---------Wow!!!!!!!!!! that many victims?????? per one molester????? :o

Gaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwddddd. Again here in USA, from what I read from the newspapers, usually it is like 1 to 5 victims before they get caught. Having 117 victims they have to be darn awful good, and such expert themselves to avoid detection.

You mean to tell me this British guy will do about between 4 to 8 years in Thai jail and then be shipped to UK???????? Hmmmmm, to this arsehold that is gravy. From what I saw as of his picture he looks big enough to survive and to fend off potential attackers. But that kid of 19 he is in trouble physically. Now whether or not they come out without catching AIDS is another matter.

Out of curiousity I am wondering how many inmates at the Hilton do have AIDS???

Since AIDS is very much a real thing in Thailand out in Society and very much a danger even to those that come just to play with the call girls etc.

All I know is this ------- If you catch AIDS you just signed your own death warrant. Most AIDS victims live 2 to 5 years after diagnosis. And some of these victims themselves contracted such disease not of their own fault either.

This is really sad to see what is going on with people. Like it has gone out of control.

And this Michael thing has to be dealt with sooner or later. Sure he has money, but I can say this for certain, his career is all but shot and finished. To recover from something like this and return to the fame he once had and the money he previously made will never happen again. There will be way too many people who will not trust him let alone allow him to even get close to their kids. He might as well become a recluse and go into isolation since he has so many fears and phobias already, so it might be better for him to simply disappear and be kept away from society altogether.



42 years is actually not enough!! He will be elligible for parole in 21 years!!

He might even enjoy Thai prison!!

One of the readers said he felt sorry for him and that he was "misguided"

How dare he!!!! It is in my opinion a good example and I hope that it will deter others to come here and try to do the same. :o


Dam right, the kiddy fidler diserves everything he gets.. Soap on a rope doesnt come into question here, this fags gonna be droppin it on the floor at every possible opportunity.. The bangkok Hiltons probably gonna be the bast gayboy bar hes ever found.

Guest IT Manager
42 years is actually not enough!! He will be elligible for parole in 21 years!!

The name of the country is "Thailand", not UK, USA etc.. he has been sentenced to 42... he will serve 42. By a judge, without, (catch my breath) asking a single person on Thaivisa their opinion... OMG how could he?

.. he has been sentenced to 42... he will serve 42.

i thought that foriegn prisoners are transferred back to their home countries after serving a certain period in thailand.

they are then supposed to serve out the remainder of their sentence in a prison in their home country.

but i cant imagine, say after 10 years in a thai prison, that the uk authorities would insist on him serving out the remaining 32 years. it would be considered too harsh or an infringement of his human rights or some such nonsense.

in which case he would be out after much less than 42 years.

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