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I wasn't sure where to post this, so picked "General".

I'm looking for a place to buy basic survey instruments like a level, theodolite, tripod, staff, 100m tape and similar. Cheep Chinese stuff is preferred but I'd like to see it before I buy.

Anybody have any suggestions as to where to look?


There is a magazine for the "construction" industry...

published by "Business News Centre,Co., Ltd".

see their Thai website (no English) at


phone 02-886-0800, 02-886-0898

This was a free mag, I picked up my copy at JSSR auction perhaps 4 years ago.

Within the mag there are several business whom have ads selling such items.

There may be a download of the current issue on their website.

Hope this helps.


There is not a on-line download of any issue at bnc.co.th,

I asked Mrs. Howto to look thru the site.

This publication may perhaps be found at newsstands or book stores.

Perhaps posting this in the following forums may yield results,

- "Farming in Thailand"

- "Real Estate-housing" (etc)

and the sub-forum "Do It Yourself housing"

Sorry I can't be of more help.


Thanks Howto. After your mention of that magazine I remembered it as I used to be a subscriber years ago. On Monday I think I'll give them a call and see if they will mail me a "sample" copy.


I don't know what your budget is - however try TopCon. Here.

Level, tape measure (long 50M -150M) - from most hardware stores.

Thanks for the recommendation Soundman. TopCon is high end stuff though. My needs are just for rare to occasional use. That's why I'm thinking Chinese but to order from them direct means having to meet their minimum order quantity which I'm also not interested in doing. I just need one set.


Have you looked in the usual places? The big box DIY stores? I know I have seen these items in one or more of the stores such as Homeworks, HomeMart, HomePro, Global House or another. I just can't remember which one. I even commented to my wife at the time that I was surprised to see this kind of item in the store. These is a local tool distributor here in Ban Chang that has levels and tapes in various price ranges but not sure about the other items but my guess would be they have them also.

Maybe a Mod should consider moving this topic to the DIY topics as maybe more exposure to the folks that know these things

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