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My Friends Think I Might Have Dengue?


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so i have flu like symptoms for a few days, snotty, sore through, coughing, fever, aches n pains.. now all the flu symptoms are good except for the fact i'm still having fevers and feel pretty drained / lethargic.. i dont feel *that* sick and think i'm slowly getting better, there's been no rash or anything, do i need to get checked out? and where's the cheapest place to do it?

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well i'm just askin for info really.. i dont know jack about dengue, i dont think it exists in sydney where i live. that said, even if i do have dengue, if i'm not that sick there's not much the doctors will do other than add me to their stats so what's the point in going?!

Boater - i did figure i'd be a lot sicker if i really had dengue.. but not having any experience or knowledge i thought i'd ask around.

if i was at home in australia, with the symptoms i have now, i wouldn't be rushing to the doctor, i'd be staying at home in bed til i was better.. but people are making me paranoid.

Edited by jkzero
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i did figure i'd be a lot sicker if i really had dengue..

When I had Dengue, I was at Patong Hospital for a first check. They just gave me Paracetamol, because two of their schoolbook symptoms were missing. Feeling miserable after 2 more days, I went to town for a blood check, and they kept me there immediately. 4 days later I went home again, feeling ok. It was a bit more than Para.. to get healed. Better have a good check than feel sorry later, believe me.
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well i'm just askin for info really.. i dont know jack about dengue, i dont think it exists in sydney where i live. that said, even if i do have dengue, if i'm not that sick there's not much the doctors will do other than add me to their stats so what's the point in going?!

Boater - i did figure i'd be a lot sicker if i really had dengue.. but not having any experience or knowledge i thought i'd ask around.

if i was at home in australia, with the symptoms i have now, i wouldn't be rushing to the doctor, i'd be staying at home in bed til i was better.. but people are making me paranoid.

Unfortunately I have had it several times (3) and the intensity was different each time.

Monitor your fever and maintain your electrolytes as a priority. If you are in doubt seek medical assistance immediately. Not all cases of dengue are hemorrhagic but then again most ashume Dengue Fever even when the symptoms do not match.

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I'm just out of case of flue myself, pretty nasty one but in 2006 when I got duenge, I was far more affected than this normal flue.

Now I have the same symptoms as you described with a serious dry cough and a sore throat.

Has taken me 1 1/2 week to recover.

In doubt, go and see a doctor.

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A friend of mine went through the same things. He would get sick, then feel better, then get sick again. I kept nagging him to go the hospital for a blood test. Eventually he got very sick and went. Turned out it was dengue all along and the remission then resumption is typical.

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Did every bone in your body ache the first few days? If so u have dengue, if not than its the flu.

Last year i had dengue and god it hurt, pain everywhere, no sleep, no appetite and fever up and down. Went to Bangkok -phuket hospital and they also wanted me to stay and i asked why? they said to monitor me, I said no, if i get worse i can always come back

Even if u have dengue there is no cure other than rest and plenty of liquds and valiums to help sleep.

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