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13 Thai Officegirls Got Death Penalty In China ?

In the popular Thai magazine koosangkoosom of this week a 3 page story about 13 Thai officegirls who recently were lured into a drugstransport from Thai to China who all received the death penalty by China.

'Somebody who presented himself as a jobbroker sended then to China for a job as officeworker, they had to 'carry something' that became fatal for all of them.'

As on Google I can't find anything about this I wonder if this is just a -pretty sick- fake story or is there -very sadly- no media attention for this case ? Anybody who knows ?

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I received an email back in July about drug traffickers in China, all pictures, very gruesome. Wife reads the same magazine and read this same story. The death penalty in China is a bullet to the back of the head.


I received an email back in July about drug traffickers in China, all pictures, very gruesome. Wife reads the same magazine and read this same story. The death penalty in China is a bullet to the back of the head.

Even without the details of what methods are used to murder, it's heart-wrenching that totally innocent, hardworking young people can be punished by death just for being a bit naive or ignorant by a failed government who cannot seperate right from wrong themselves.

But that's how they are, most of all I can't understand that there is no international media attention for this...


I received an email back in July about drug traffickers in China, all pictures, very gruesome. Wife reads the same magazine and read this same story. The death penalty in China is a bullet to the back of the head.

Even without the details of what methods are used to murder, it's heart-wrenching that totally innocent, hardworking young people can be punished by death just for being a bit naive or ignorant by a failed government who cannot seperate right from wrong themselves.

But that's how they are, most of all I can't understand that there is no international media attention for this...

you are so right, very sad indeed.


It's a horror story, if true, but it wouldn't surprise me if it happened in China. That country has a history of abysmal human rights abuses.


In general the Justice system works in 2 ways, 1. as a deterent 2. For those that ignore the deterent to be punnished and possibly be rehabilitated

In order to be a deterent the people who are intending knowingly to break the law need to be aware of the consequences

Firstly if this story is true - does anyone really think these naive young Thai Girls new what they where actually doing and if so

where they aware what would happen to them if caught

I don't know what else to say without knowing the facts but on the Thai side the person that arranged for these young girls

to break the law needs to be brought to account and exposed with a view to send them to China to face the music and possibly admit that

these young girls where not aware of what they where doing, this will probably never happen because the people involve will likely have enough power money and influence to avoid being exposed

Again assuming the story is true...................................so sad if it is


I oppose the death penalty anywhere, but isn't the key question whether each person knew or did not know they were transporting illegal drugs? Don't you find it a little hard to believe that they did not know?


They should only get life in prison like they would in the USA, not the death penalty. Each American prisoner costs the public around $20,000/year. So if a 30 year old gets life in prison and lives to be 75, it will cost, not adjusting for inflation, around $900,000 for the luxury of keeping him imprisoned. Wonderful system (If you are a business in possession of a prison contract).


A Human Life really isn't worth anything in this region is it ? sadley.gif

That's a pretty broad condemnation without having all the facts, isn't it? Correction: without having ANY facts.


I am personally against the death penalty, whether for murder in the US or Japan, for drug smuggling in China or Malaysia, or for adultery in Taliban-land or Iran. if this story is true as reported, then I find it unlikely that these women knew nothing of what they were doing (although they may not have understood the full ramifications). But to snuff out the lives of these women for this crime just highlights why I think the death penalty should be abolished everywhere.

I am not saying these women should get off without punishment. But death?


They should be regarded as innocent until proven guilty but i doubt they will get any decent representation. The Chinese are notoriously harsh on drug trafficking and answer to no one. it looks very bleak for these girls, a complete nightmare.


I oppose the death penalty anywhere, but isn't the key question whether each person knew or did not know they were transporting illegal drugs? Don't you find it a little hard to believe that they did not know?

I really don't actually, it is amazing just how naive some of these young Thai people really are, something I have discovered many times.

You have to set the scene..........this apparently trustworthy older influencial thai business man promises them good jobs in China, get them set up with transportation and organises everything, then tells them in the heat of the moment you must take these small items with you and give them to your contact on arrival in china, do you really think any of them would have the remotest idea what they where getting into....................hardly


A Human Life really isn't worth anything in this region is it ? sadley.gif

That's a pretty broad condemnation without having all the facts, isn't it? Correction: without having ANY facts.

Perhaps he was remembering the 3000 students murdered in Tianamen Square by Chinese troops a few years ago.


It'd be a piece of cake to find 15 Thai girls to carry something into China that actually had drugs inside. Education and worldly knowledge are lacking severely in certain regions of the nation.


A Human Life really isn't worth anything in this region is it ? sadley.gif

That's a pretty broad condemnation without having all the facts, isn't it? Correction: without having ANY facts.

Perhaps he was remembering the 3000 students murdered in Tianamen Square by Chinese troops a few years ago.

Perhaps. It's not clear to me if he was referring to China or Asia or Thailand or whatever. It's a tad annoying when I read people making such statements, as if to say "those people" don't value human life as much as my kind, or words to that effect.

But back on topic. Obviously--if this story were true--it would be considered a gross miscarriage of justice. If it were true. China's notorious for fragrant human rights abuses, much of it on its own people. But not knowing any of the details, who knows? Drug mules are the most vulnerable members of the drug trade, albeit, usually knowingly. Hard to believe that all 13 carried drugs and none suspected anything. Were they busted at the airport? And "officegirls?" Kind of an odd term...


It'd be a piece of cake to find 15 Thai girls to carry something into China that actually had drugs inside. Education and worldly knowledge are lacking severely in certain regions of the nation.

Astonishingly Chunky i find myself in agreement with you!!!

I have a horrible feeling these girls are guilty of nothing more than naivity. However, at the end of the day as someone stated, we do not have hold of the facts to make a valid judgement.


I remember a week ago,or so - small note about French man,who was sentenced to death in China for drugs.They do it to all sort of foreigners not only to

Africa or Nepal,there were some Japanese as well.... -no mercy.

isn't the key question whether each person knew or did not know they were transporting illegal drugs?

I think the key question is did this actually even happen or it just one of the countless Thai email forwards that get spread around and often picked up by magazines? Thai newspapers love to report on Thais locked up abroad, I haven't seen this story anywhere.


OK, I can imagine them not knowing, and also consider it would have been easier to succeed if they did not know. People who know have a great tendency to show signs of stress that customers officers are trained to detect.


I oppose the death penalty anywhere, but isn't the key question whether each person knew or did not know they were transporting illegal drugs? Don't you find it a little hard to believe that they did not know?

I really don't actually, it is amazing just how naive some of these young Thai people really are, something I have discovered many times.

You have to set the scene..........this apparently trustworthy older influencial thai business man promises them good jobs in China, get them set up with transportation and organises everything, then tells them in the heat of the moment you must take these small items with you and give them to your contact on arrival in china, do you really think any of them would have the remotest idea what they where getting into....................hardly

If your culture learned 'read: brainwashed' you that it is most, most unpolite, simply impossible to refuse a request or order from a senior (whatever the concequences) it is too easy to call this 'naivity'... Yes ofcourse it is very naive, but it's the culture, education etc. that is to be blamed, most they don't know any better. Say yes if you think no, accept a package on the airport even if you don't want to, imagine how trough-and-trough rotten the people are who take advantage this way...

In Amsterdam Japanese tourists are terribly easy victims for robbers who offer them drugged food or a drink then mug them, for the same reason

Beside this most of this girls probably had never been on an airport before, no experience with travelling, crime, drugs, risks, brought up to be naive, no questioning just care your family, respect your elderly and seniors and do what you are told to do, and the only TV programmes you know are soaps, such a small and ignorant world you live in...

Suddenly you get a chance in life to work abroad, how lucky you are, all your family would be so proud of you, going to another country for your carreer...

Very, very sad...


I oppose the death penalty anywhere, but isn't the key question whether each person knew or did not know they were transporting illegal drugs? Don't you find it a little hard to believe that they did not know?

No, of course not. If that were true the person who wanted to smuggle drugs but didn’t would be just as guilty as the who did smuggle drugs but didn’t want to.


China is not alone in this death penalty for drug smuggling , how about the country the ladies are from ? How about the other Asian countries with the same draconian law ? Oh I see , not same-same , stupidity is no excuse to break the law in any country .

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