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Big Changes At Prem International, Chiang Mai


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Apart from small details remaining on their website, the Prem name has been removed from the north's most expensive academic establishment.

It is now variously described as 'PTIS' and 'Traidhos Three Generations', a new spelling of their original name when they opened the Mae Rim campus.

The only media mention was hidden away in a tiny news story (actually a PR blurb on some activity or other), used verbatim and without question by our weakly (sic) rag, 'Chiang Mai Mail'.

Responsible questions via the Prem/PTIS/Traidos website have been ignored.

Northern parents - many of whom are of course prospective clients of these people - feel that the public deserves rather better than this amateurism.

'Town and Gown, and n'er the twain shall meet', eh?

Can anyone - ideally those 'responsible' - shed any light on this?

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It is the founders philosophy, or at least marketing strategy, that families from children to grandparents will live and learn at the facility they wish to develop. Hence the 3-G as part of the name. Additionally I believe they are trying to de-politicize the place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know the school communicated the name change in the local papers and wrote to parents. The owner is returning to part of his original name for the center which was Tridhos Three-Generation School Village that started back in 1997, the same time as the financial crises impacted this part of the world. He is now is calling it TraidhosThree-Generation Community For Learning. I think changing the name for the entire center is a good thing for the long term. The international school part is still called PTIS International School. The center has many sport academies and the students benefit from the additional features. The on-site farm is a wonderful aspect for the students.

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