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Miss Thailand Universe 2010 Catches Heat For Looking Sexy

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You're all missing the point!

She stands accused of being


The most worrying accusation to the Fabric of the Nation, implying Bra-lessness, Decreased Decorum and Immodesty.

*LAVISH = Bra-lessness, Decreased Decorum and Immodesty.

*OUTSTANDINGLY LAVISH = dressing like a farang.

As in . . . splutter . . . gasp . . . "She's ... she's ... she's being lavish!!!"

All is permitted all is allowed all is available - but it must never ever be seen.

Amazing Thailand.

'Outstandingly lavish'- that is superb English! Whoever coined that oxymoron deserves a pay rise.

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Hey, wait a minute. My wife didn't tell me she was doing this!

Hold on! Your wife? I'm selling my mansion in Hua Hin LOL

Yea, that was before I put my glasses on.


From the lead post:

“Very annoyed!! Some say it’s too much!! What is perfect for you??? This is me. If it’s too much or too little, this is me. I’m not trying to make myself more then my abilities. I’ve been like this since the day I was born! End of that! I want to raise it up! If I could raise it up 180 degrees then I would’ve done it a long time ago. I’ve always been like this!! What do you want me to do? Do you want me to just wear my sash and walk with it on? Is that a Thai woman? Once in your life can you be at peace? What more do you want?? Can you come to realization to why you’re criticizing so much for? You can forget about Thai if you want. I’m tired of it!! Have you ever given me support? That’s it – the end! This is me.”

[source via Entertain Teenee/INN News]


Here's wishing you all the best Miss Thailand Universe Fonthip Watcharatrakul.

Good to see you taking a shot at your critics. I can be fairly sure assuming you got where you are with very little support from others.

Keep standing up yourself and be proud of who you are.

Double standards and questionable your values have nothing to do with it.

Know what you want and go get it !!

More power to you Fonthip. Leading by example.


Thailand will soon be ready to appreciate the humour of the Ministry of Silly walks, if not already.


She looks different in every picture - I think she's one of the few who deserve her title...

I am reminded of this awful song, sexy, naughty, bitchy - that's the way we like them! Go pook look :)

Miss Filipines... brrrr... oh no.


From a woman's point of view in the fashion business, I must say that the dress looks very vulgar, she doesn't look fresh, rather tired looking with too much pancake on her face and panda eyes.

She doesn't look groomed at all.

As far as flashing her fanny in front of the camera, that is simply poor taste. It may work for class "C" top shelves magazines, but certainly it will not impress the judges (some of which are women) at an international beauty contest.

Take a look at the pics of previous winners, sultry, elegant, classy... no chance of winning for this cheap looking "young" lady.

I don't care if you work in the fashion industry your words are no more valid than any posts on this thread. If you think a couple of friendly photos of the Thai entry in a short red dress having a bit of fun with a couple of other competitors is vulgar then there's plenty of places in Thailand where you won't see that. On competition day she and all competitors will be standing side by side on a stage in front of 3000+ wearing hi-cut swim wear being broadcast to a mainly male audience of about 100 million plus all over the globe. So what's more vulgar.....the sexy little red dress or the bikini waxes on display to the world on competition day?

From a detached, professional point of view, she does look trashy and vulgar.The bikini wax doesn't have anything to do with itn

At the end of the day, she has entered the contest to represent the epitome of Thai beauty, elegance and intelligence, not to be taken on by an escort agency..

On a second thought though, you mybe right. She IS the TRUE representation of young Thai women.


You can't be a beauty contestant without displaying the goods.

Miss Taliban just flashing her eyes at the judges from behind her veils will never reach the finals.


You can't be a beauty contestant without displaying the goods.

Miss Taliban just flashing her eyes at the judges from behind her veils will never reach the finals.

Miss Universe is an international beauty contest, not a cattle market.

Of course, the "goods" must be displayed, it's a question of how they are displayed.


From a detached, professional point of view, she does look trashy and vulgar.The bikini wax doesn't have anything to do with itn

At the end of the day, she has entered the contest to represent the epitome of Thai beauty, elegance and intelligence, not to be taken on by an escort agency..

On a second thought though, you mybe right. She IS the TRUE representation of young Thai women.

If you were detached, and professional, you would know that there is no detached, professional point of view when it comes to looks or outfits. There's only opinions and trends.

If you really believe beauty pageants are about intelligence then no amount of professionalism can help you, as you live on another planet.

And finishing off with a racist comment on Thai women - classy!!


The above is not a racist comment, because Thais are not a race. The only possibly racist comment here is the one referring to 'Miss Talilban.' So I assume a majority of these commentators feel no hesitation at automatically dismissing the entire Muslim world because its women don't show enough crotch? We live in a very dangerous world these days precisely because the power and money brokers with their degenerate laissez-faire capitalism show little or no sensitivity toward the large portion of the world that doesn't particularly want its daughters to be whores.

"According to the organizers, the Miss Universe contest is more than a beauty pageant: women aspiring to become Miss Universe must be intelligent, well-mannered, and cultured."--- Wikipedia

Yes, Thailand can still be a conservative society with bordellos in its midst, as long as such activities are kept off the streets. Why do you think there is such a campaign to reduce the foreign presence here? That's nothing, of course, compared to the regimes we'll be living under if we can't come to terms and somehow accommodate Islam and other traditionalists, including Christians. Not everything is for sale.


The above is not a racist comment, because Thais are not a race. The only possibly racist comment here is the one referring to 'Miss Talilban.'

Way to go to blow up your own argument. Thais are not a race but the Taliban is? Right.

I want retract racist, as Thais aren't a race, you're right about that. So let's just say he/she made a broad generalization on a group of people based on their nationality. Namely implying that young Thai women are "trashy and vulgar".

"According to the organizers, the Miss Universe contest is more than a beauty pageant: women aspiring to become Miss Universe must be intelligent, well-mannered, and cultured."--- Wikipedia

Hardie... I hate to shatter your illusions but despite what the organizers of this beauty pageant may publicly aspire to, it is absolutely not about intelligence. "Well-mannered and cultured" in this context means "didn't appear naked in centerfold spreads, and didn't participate in adult movies". That's the bar that they set, and they're sticking to it! Welcome to planet earth.


To represent Thailand a person needs ability, intelligence, confidence, grace, dignity, class, charm, decorum, charisma and an outstanding personality.

Its sad that the current Miss Thailand seems to be lacking in all the above.

How do you know her so well, did you get a personal interview? I say "GO GIRL!" ....have as much fun as you can over there, if you win the big prize, that's just icing on the cake.


great photo! Human body as art. (Miss Trinidad and Tobago, above). Darn, she's so dazzling, I'd even pick her up if she was hitchhiking in the pouring rain on a dark hwy.

Which would you rather have, pictures of a slightly blanched, slightly pouchy Miss Thailand in the newspaper, or pictures of sprouted potato head Thaksin, as we so often see?


So I assume a majority of these commentators feel no hesitation at automatically dismissing the entire Muslim world because its women don't show enough crotch?

I think the Muslim world can be exceptionally proud of its entrants at this year's pageant, as exemplified by these representatives from three different continents.

Miss Indonesia:


Miss Egypt:


Miss USA:



So I assume a majority of these commentators feel no hesitation at automatically dismissing the entire Muslim world because its women don't show enough crotch?

I think the Muslim world can be exceptionally proud of its entrants at this year's pageant, as exemplified by these representatives from three different continents.

Miss Indonesia:


Miss Egypt:


Miss USA:


You looked hard for these three lovely specimens, but last time I counted there were some 30+ Muslim countries in the world, very few of which are in this pageant, Egypt being the only one from the middle East unless you count Turkey, or Lebanon- who's probably Christian- or Israel... and I doubt she's Muslim. And no, i doubt that anyone is very proud of them, though i certainly support the concept of 'Muslim lite.'

So we all agree that Miss Universe is a sexist meat market, and Donald Trump is the main pimp, but some of you think that's fine, while others of us don't. I hope none of my tax money goes to support this in any way.

Closer to the point- and the thread- I applaud the efforts of those Thais who make the effort to make Thailand something other than a brothel for foreigners, and maintain those traditions that are still viable in this day and age. Remember Havana?

p.s. Nikster, I realize that Islam is not a race, though it IS heavily associated with Arabs, hence the term 'possibly'.

p.p.s. Whoever called Thai society 'mas macho' needs to think a little harder on that one.


I want retract racist, as Thais aren't a race, you're right about that. So let's just say he/she made a broad generalization on a group of people based on their nationality. Namely implying that young Thai women are "trashy and vulgar".

That implication only comes from your own twisted interpretation of what I wrote.

Please, do not go implying what you think I implied by saying what I said.... stick to the black characters on your white screen.

If I wanted to imply that young Thai women ARE "trashy and vulgar" I would have just said so.

What I did say though, is that the majority of young Thai women dress in such a way that makes them look trashy and vulgar.

And rest assured that this comment is absolutely NOT based on nationality.


The above is not a racist comment, because Thais are not a race. The only possibly racist comment here is the one referring to 'Miss Talilban.'

Way to go to blow up your own argument. Thais are not a race but the Taliban is? Right.

I want retract racist, as Thais aren't a race, you're right about that. So let's just say he/she made a broad generalization on a group of people based on their nationality. Namely implying that young Thai women are "trashy and vulgar".

"According to the organizers, the Miss Universe contest is more than a beauty pageant: women aspiring to become Miss Universe must be intelligent, well-mannered, and cultured."--- Wikipedia

Hardie... I hate to shatter your illusions but despite what the organizers of this beauty pageant may publicly aspire to, it is absolutely not about intelligence. "Well-mannered and cultured" in this context means "didn't appear naked in centerfold spreads, and didn't participate in adult movies". That's the bar that they set, and they're sticking to it! Welcome to planet earth.



Thailand is the Land of Face. Thai personality is split between what is proper to be seen and what is not proper to be seen. It is all about maintaining proper appearances on the outside while all the tomfoolery occurs behind closed doors.

Some conservative Thais are upset that the national face is shamed when Miss Thailand vamps it for the cameras. These are the same Thais who maintain that certain things are not happening, ignore them, and do not speak of them polite society. My beloved wife and Thai family are these traditional and conservative people. We just do not mention these topics and put the blinders on in certain areas of BKK and Pattaya. We dare not even consider a family trip to Phuket.

Most of the shots are just spontaneous fun and games for the photographers that would not have hit the mainstream media in the past. However, the Internet knows and sees all. It is so easy to disseminate information and images in the electronic era. (Please forgive the pun.)

Interestingly, she does look pissed off in one shot. I wonder who peed in her porridge in that shot.:D


Me I am happy to see good looking girl's parade around in whatever sexy looking clothing they choose to wear. If a certain type of woman want to walk around with a bedspread thrown over them, that's their choice....but honestly, it's just sick.


From a woman's point of view in the fashion business, I must say that the dress looks very vulgar, she doesn't look fresh, rather tired looking with too much pancake on her face and panda eyes.

She doesn't look groomed at all.

As far as flashing her fanny in front of the camera, that is simply poor taste. It may work for class "C" top shelves magazines, but certainly it will not impress the judges (some of which are women) at an international beauty contest.

Take a look at the pics of previous winners, sultry, elegant, classy... no chance of winning for this cheap looking "young" lady.

So how do you feel about women at the pinnacle of fashion who parade up and down catwalks in London and

Milan in next to nothing................... or are you just a little jealous of how sexy she looks.


You want to know what's trashy and vulgar? Scantily-clad girls singing and dancing in festivals at the wat... at the freaking wat for Christ's sake! Well, easy-going monks are slow to bite the hand that feeds them, of course, so villagers have to take matters into their own hands sometimes, and if they have to drive every last one of us out to take back their country, they might just do that, too. Only the most jaded among us would deny that Thailand is a country that has lost its moral compass.

Welcome to planet Earth, the Machiavellian one so popular in Europe for the last half millenium? I'll pass... The planet is what we make it, and it won't survive divided amongst itself and disrespectful of its broad masses who occupy the countryside.


From a woman's point of view in the fashion business, I must say that the dress looks very vulgar, she doesn't look fresh, rather tired looking with too much pancake on her face and panda eyes.

She doesn't look groomed at all.

As far as flashing her fanny in front of the camera, that is simply poor taste. It may work for class "C" top shelves magazines, but certainly it will not impress the judges (some of which are women) at an international beauty contest.

Take a look at the pics of previous winners, sultry, elegant, classy... no chance of winning for this cheap looking "young" lady.

So how do you feel about women at the pinnacle of fashion who parade up and down catwalks in London and

Milan in next to nothing................... or are you just a little jealous of how sexy she looks.

No, I don't think 'babsy65' is being jeaousy, she got more class than doing that.

'babsy65, I share your sentiment, as I see you speak from the facts through many years of experiences on seeing loads of classic beauty.

Although, I'm no beauty expert, I've always in a soft spot for beauty pageants, having watching Miss Universe pageant ( every year) long before Porntip Nakkirankanoke came into the picture. Even worked ( as a volunteer) once as a chaperon for Ms Thailand when it was held in Miami Beach, FL in the '80s.

I agree with you on the high standard that Ms Universe Organisation use as criterias when judging the pageants to pick out the winner. One word....they are looking for the most perfect one.

On looking at her pic flaunting her legs in mini red dress at the cameras in Las Vegas. I have to borrow quote from the great actress and a pioneer in aerobic excercise, she once said....." nothing beats a great pairs of legs." what she means is a pairs of long ( from the knees down), straight and lean legs.:clap2:

Why she had to flaunting her short, fat knees and big toes ???:bah:


From a woman's point of view in the fashion business, I must say that the dress looks very vulgar, she doesn't look fresh, rather tired looking with too much pancake on her face and panda eyes.

She doesn't look groomed at all.

As far as flashing her fanny in front of the camera, that is simply poor taste. It may work for class "C" top shelves magazines, but certainly it will not impress the judges (some of which are women) at an international beauty contest.

Take a look at the pics of previous winners, sultry, elegant, classy... no chance of winning for this cheap looking "young" lady.

So how do you feel about women at the pinnacle of fashion who parade up and down catwalks in London and

Milan in next to nothing................... or are you just a little jealous of how sexy she looks.

No, I don't think 'babsy65' is being jeaousy, she got more class than doing that.

'babsy65, I share your sentiment, as I see you speak from the facts through many years of experiences on seeing loads of classic beauty.

Although, I'm no beauty expert, I've always in a soft spot for beauty pageants, having watching Miss Universe pageant ( every year) long before Porntip Nakkirankanoke came into the picture. Even worked ( as a volunteer) once as a chaperon for Ms Thailand when it was held in Miami Beach, FL in the '80s.

I agree with you on the high standard that Ms Universe Organisation use as criterias when judging the pageants to pick out the winner. One word....they are looking for the most perfect one.

On looking at her pic flaunting her legs in mini red dress at the cameras in Las Vegas. I have to borrow quote from the great actress and a pioneer in aerobic excercise, she once said....." nothing beats a great pairs of legs." what she means is a pairs of long ( from the knees down), straight and lean legs.:clap2:

Why she had to flaunting her short, fat knees and big toes ???:bah:

Oop ! That great actrees : Jane Fonda, sorry :wai: .


The only criticisim I have is of that first photo...the one where she is wearing the red mini-dress coustume. It makes her thighs look fat


If those thighs are "fat", I'll take "fat" every day. :thumbsup:

Why she had to flaunting her short, fat knees and big toes ???:bah:


If those knees are "fat", I'll take "fat" every day. :thumbsup:


German gal a bit of a heffer

While admittedly not the prettiest of contestants facially, Kristiana Rohder's body fat percentage certainly seems to be within an acceptable range.

germanyq.jpg germany2.jpg


Me I am happy to see good looking girl's parade around in whatever sexy looking clothing they choose to wear. If a certain type of woman want to walk around with a bedspread thrown over them, that's their choice....but honestly, it's just sick.

And Patpong is not?

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