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Thailand Ranks 58th In World's Best Country List

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I am gobsmacked at the rating thailand is 57th let alone being rated the best city in the world, that would have to be the joke of the century, almost had me, but not quite.

Take away the nightlife and this country has zilch to offer. For all of those living here, that care to admit it to themselves, you know what i am talking about.

As for the weather, could not get any worse, surely. ????

What's so good about feeling like your stuck in a sauna, showering 4 times a day, and changing changing clothes just as often due to breaking out in sweat being 5 minutes out doors. One here never gets to appreciate a nice summer like Europe or a Spring down in Australia.

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A few years ago Nong Khai, came i think in top 3 towns in the world to retire. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd all thai towns, clearly getting paid off.

Oh and China 59th, could almost be based on internet censorship.

A travel magazine that came out about A month ago,said Bangkok was the best city.

Probably owned by a Thai - I also believe Chiang Mai was second? co-incidence? hmmmm call me cynical


maybe they should broaden the scope of the questions to included

types of beer avilable, price of beer, coldness of beer, availability of beer, who serves the beer, etc

maybe then Thailand would have gained a few points



That's for exapts.

But most of ordinary citizens live in dire conditions.

Here in Ysaan extreme poverty and acute malnourishment are the norm.(just look at the WHO statistics about the extreme malnourishment rate in the world, Thailand has one of the highest)

In many villages people don t have even a pair of shoes, nor a single blanket, nobody has s life insurance and people often die young for appendixitis or perfectly curable illnesses.

Most of people just survive eating rice with frogs, bugs, snakes, ants and so on and drinking rain water.

Regarding middle class Bangkokians, yes, they have more things including 95% of them have so many debts they will not able to pay even in the next lifes.

Regarding the 5% of ultrarich people, for sure they put the average up, they are so filthy rich they don t know how to spend so much money.

The only people I've seen without shoes in Issan are tramps or terminal drunks.

I've seen some old people malnourished, but not a lot, most middle aged ladies are well overweight.

A lot of Issan people have their income supplemented by their offspring sending back money.

In my wife's village, when not working, the women sit around,gossip and play cards. People are always passing by each other's houses and dropping in for a chat and a laugh. After all they've known each other all their lives.

Nearly every house has at least one motorbike.

District hospitals usually provide a quick service, far quicker than Bangkok, and I'd be surprised to hear of anyone dying of appendicitis as they should be able to get to the nearest hospital easily in time.

Judging by the sound of laughter in Issan, I'd say it's one of the happiest places to live.


Yes, this looks about right.

If you are a young student, cross country skier, that needs a lot of health checkups due to excessive blood doping.

Politics is of no interest since all parties agrees about everything of importance, and you only have 2 months off during the summer

to enjoy the sunny climate.

Finland seems to be the right place for this average person. :D



Yeah apparently they didn't include the Taxes AND the economic climate for entrepreneurs. How hard is it to start a business there, what are the laws like in regards to corporate tax and banking? Do they help SMEs?


Who cares? most of are here, not because we love Thais, but because it is cheap, cheerful and full of babes - take those away and 95% of us vanish... Vroooom!


A travel magazine that came out about A month ago,said Bangkok was the best city.

Owned by American Express - Travel & Living, I think it is called.

Probably owned by a Thai - I also believe Chiang Mai was second? co-incidence? hmmmm call me cynical


Didn't notice Cambodia on that list.

Not good to be African, you can see wht they are all heading for Spain.


Checked Vietnam - at #81.

I have a far higher quality of life than I did in Thailand, have far more food options, both in supermarkets and going to restaurants, and bank much more of my salary. It is difficult to spend a thousand dollars a month, unless you waste it.

OK, the average income is lower than in Thailand, the education is higher, the amount of English spoken is far higher.

There are no go-go's, few girly bars, but what the heck. It's a good place to live.


My country (Slovenia) is ranked 24 just behind Italy but in front of first next Eastern EU country Czech Republic… I like living in Slovenia but I would trade my 24 place anytime to be with tilak in Korat even though Thailand is only 58.


I think the idea of the ranking is about the experience for citizens, not expats. Expats are going to be an odd class of people in any country. You would have to do a totally separate ranking for expat desirability.


I think the idea of the ranking is about the experience for citizens, not expats. Expats are going to be an odd class of people in any country. You would have to do a totally separate ranking for expat desirability.

Totally agree (almost) with this - I think it's probably based on data put together by researchers from online government data - which maybe acurate or not - I mean I think Thailand is generously marked on the 'education' matrix for example - yes they all go to school so 10 out of 10 - but how 'good' is that education? not just counting degrees produced - because we all know what a Thai degree is worth.

Your other point is very valid (yikes!) that it's not about expats desirability - but that might be a very interesting chart in its own right - Thailand would come out as number one I'd imagine - closely followed by Philippines.


I'm surprised, Finland has appalling statistics in alcoholism (leading cause of death for men and second for women!) , weather, too much money, nothing to fight for or whine about, who knows the reason.


i wonder if all of you would be this happy with your life in thailand if your earnings were thai-standard.

Jeez, Thailand is BELOW Albania, Belarus, Cuba, Dominican Republic, etc....very sad. I was in Albania a few years ago. What a crazy country. And Cuba? Come on...something seems out of whack here. I know politics hurt Thailand's position, but no way is it worse than these countries?????

Then Thailand IS correctly placed! cheesy.gif


Who cares? most of are here, not because we love Thais, but because it is cheap, cheerful and full of babes - take those away and 95% of us vanish... Vroooom!

somebody's got the cold hard truth straight!


Obviously they didn't take into account the quality of bush in Thailand as one of the measures of the quality of life. Since it's widely known that bush here can be very good I suggest the Thai government make an official complain. Leaving the bush out of equation may even amount to neo-imperialism on part of the rich countries that are trying to unfairly come up on top of statistics and influence international public opinion in spite of lack of good bush.


Obviously they didn't take into account the quality of bush in Thailand as one of the measures of the quality of life. Since it's widely known that bush here can be very good I suggest the Thai government make an official complain. Leaving the bush out of equation may even amount to neo-imperialism on part of the rich countries that are trying to unfairly come up on top of statistics and influence international public opinion in spite of lack of good bush.

Bush? Does this relate to the Australian outback?


If you look at the movement of people and where they choose to live - it must tell a different story? Everybody wants to get out of Cuba and unless you are living in a war zone (Afganistan, Iraq, half of Africa) or underwater (Pakistan, Bangladesh) or have no job and need free health care, then nobody wants to go the the UK.

But there's quite a few people choosing to live in Thailand.

At least in the UK you can become a citizen ;) Try and do that in Thailand, or are we still in the I Love Thailand honeymoon period? I returned to the UK because of lack of personal rights in Thailand. If I had to choose between the two it would be UK; there are lots of places in the world where its warm that you can visit if you get fed up with the British weather. At least I have rights here, decent legal system, police that police, decent paid jobs, no riots by mobs, and funnily enough the UK is much cleaner and greener than Thailand.


Obviously the rankings didn't include climate since Finland, Sweden and to a lesser extent Switzerland are dark and miserably cold most of the year. Just what exactly is included in the "quality of life" category anyway?

Last time I saw one of these surveys where they just throw a bunch of numbers from the CIA factbook in to a machine without any analysis Thailand was ranked as having just about the worst weather in the world, far lower than all those countries as well as lots of other cold and wet countries

Finland's and Sweden's climate maybe better for about 2 or 3 months out of the year but I'll take Thailand's climate the other 9 or 10.

It's not. The few weeks you can call summer in Scandinavia, the weather is about the same as we have now in the rainy season. Only 15-20 degrees less. And to refer health care in Sweden as being better than in Thailand is just a bad joke.


I am gobsmacked at the rating thailand is 57th let alone being rated the best city in the world, that would have to be the joke of the century, almost had me, but not quite.

Take away the nightlife and this country has zilch to offer. For all of those living here, that care to admit it to themselves, you know what i am talking about.

As for the weather, could not get any worse, surely. ????

What's so good about feeling like your stuck in a sauna, showering 4 times a day, and changing changing clothes just as often due to breaking out in sweat being 5 minutes out doors. One here never gets to appreciate a nice summer like Europe or a Spring down in Australia.

Weather? Apparently you have never lived in Siberia, northern Canada or northern Scandinavia so you do not have much to compare Thailand to.


I am gobsmacked at the rating thailand is 57th let alone being rated the best city in the world, that would have to be the joke of the century, almost had me, but not quite.

Take away the nightlife and this country has zilch to offer. For all of those living here, that care to admit it to themselves, you know what i am talking about.

As for the weather, could not get any worse, surely. ????

What's so good about feeling like your stuck in a sauna, showering 4 times a day, and changing changing clothes just as often due to breaking out in sweat being 5 minutes out doors. One here never gets to appreciate a nice summer like Europe or a Spring down in Australia.

Weather? Apparently you have never lived in Siberia, northern Canada or northern Scandinavia so you do not have much to compare Thailand to.

How do you know where i have lived????

I have lived in a part of Macedonia where it gets to as low as -30. So don;t go telling me I haven't felt the cold. At least I only have to bear the cold 2 - 3 months of the year and at the same time enjoy wonderful snow and skiing, 20 minutes away. Then look forward to the European summer. Nuff said.!!!!!!

Now compare that to the stench, filth and heat in Thailand 365 days a year and you start to get the picture.

As its been said, takeaway the adult fun factor, and this place has nothing to offer most people.


If you look at the movement of people and where they choose to live - it must tell a different story? Everybody wants to get out of Cuba and unless you are living in a war zone (Afganistan, Iraq, half of Africa) or underwater (Pakistan, Bangladesh) or have no job and need free health care, then nobody wants to go the the UK.

But there's quite a few people choosing to live in Thailand.

Try looking at the immigration figures into the UK before making such a stupid statement. There are thousands of people from so called rich countries move to the UK every year, were they all unemployed and in need of health care prior to going?

Seconded,the usual gone native, and born again Thai, comment.


I have a lived both in Finland and Sweden.

Not only is the weather crap, people are also cold.

Don't get me started on the taxes.

Finland and Sweden must be paradise for people that don't want to work.

If I am well informed, in those countries, it is even forbidden to pay a prostitute for her services.

Factors examined in the analysis range from education, health care, quality of life, economic dynamism, and political environment.

Obviously the rankings didn't include climate since Finland, Sweden and to a lesser extent Switzerland are dark and miserably cold most of the year. Just what exactly is included in the "quality of life" category anyway?

Arrai na? :ermm:

That's why so many Swedes are living in LOS? Switzerland is such a tiny little country, only rich because of their Banking system.

Again: What does the quality of life include???? :ph34r:


A travel magazine that came out about A month ago,said Bangkok was the best city.

They did not say it was the ABSOLUTE best city, just the best for short-term, American type tourists. As with this survey, check out the criteria closely on that one.

My country (Slovenia) is ranked 24 just behind Italy but in front of first next Eastern EU country Czech Republic… I like living in Slovenia but I would trade my 24 place anytime to be with tilak in Korat even though Thailand is only 58.

Slovenia is a really beautiful country. I love that part of the world. My cousin is living there now....


I wouldn't read too much into this story. Everyone knows Newsweek is a total "rag", and not investigative journalism. They just make things up out of thin air.

Thailand is #1!


Take away the nightlife and this country has zilch to offer. For all of those living here, that care to admit it to themselves, you know what i am talking about.

Now compare that to the stench, filth and heat in Thailand 365 days a year and you start to get the picture.

I am very happy that you have decided you could never live in Thailand.


I am gobsmacked at the rating thailand is 57th let alone being rated the best city in the world, that would have to be the joke of the century, almost had me, but not quite.

Take away the nightlife and this country has zilch to offer. For all of those living here, that care to admit it to themselves, you know what i am talking about.

As for the weather, could not get any worse, surely. ????

What's so good about feeling like your stuck in a sauna, showering 4 times a day, and changing changing clothes just as often due to breaking out in sweat being 5 minutes out doors. One here never gets to appreciate a nice summer like Europe or a Spring down in Australia.

Weather? Apparently you have never lived in Siberia, northern Canada or northern Scandinavia so you do not have much to compare Thailand to.

How do you know where i have lived????

I have lived in a part of Macedonia where it gets to as low as -30. So don;t go telling me I haven't felt the cold. At least I only have to bear the cold 2 - 3 months of the year and at the same time enjoy wonderful snow and skiing, 20 minutes away. Then look forward to the European summer. Nuff said.!!!!!!

Now compare that to the stench, filth and heat in Thailand 365 days a year and you start to get the picture.

As its been said, takeaway the adult fun factor, and this place has nothing to offer most people.

You have obviously not been to the nicer parts of Thailand. Sad, as there is so much to offer. Heat? We have been wearing long pants and long sleeve shirts at night as it has been fairly cool lately. I love the rainy season! But in April/May...it is HOT HOT HOT!

We were in Macedonia 2 years ago. Traveled there from Albania on our way to Greece. Loved Lake Ohrid...wish we could have seen more. Great wine also!


You know something ? When I read surveys , polls etc , on all manner of differing things , with all of the accompanying facts , statistics and wherewithall , assembled by a person or group of people for what ever reason , I do not neccessarily believe one half of it and quickly forget the other half .

Just look at what has been posted here for example , thoughts , feelings , condemnations and all manner of 'Other stuffs' , when in actuality there is nothing in the compilation to give any-one "Knots-in-thier-knickers " , you are responsible to a certain extent , for the choices you have made in your life , good , bad or indifferent . Success comes in what you make of and with your life , learn to be content , it is all you have to work with , hindsight is considered perfect , but will afford you absolutely nothing in what you are or have today .

Personaly I feel I have found my nirvana in simplicity itself , I do not need what was previously sought after or desired or considered a neccessity , I have found happiness in the day to day living of my life without fretting or concern with what ails the rest of the world . I have vested myself of all that does not provide , but rather taketh away , my small pension has transformed itself into a kings ransom , tomorrow is another day yet to be explored .

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