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Thais To Let Go 47,000 Civil Servants

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It was reported in the Singapore New Straits Times that the Thai goverment is to replace compensate and replace 47,000 civil servants by offering early retirement packages. The goverment has budgetted 1.3 billion baht to do so.

It also reported that they wanted to replace these people with computers for efficiency.

I guess that it is about time.

I hope that the goverment would at least start thinking about having a feedback department and one that communicates in English too if it wants to catch up in the global race.

Sometimes too efficiency is not enough and to suceed effectiveness has to be considered.

Pehaps they may also consider that computers are not the solution and people are still needed. Look at efficient Singapore, try calling any bank for example and you ending up being spoken to by a machine, hopefully Thailand doesn't reach that state imaginge press 1 for English press 2 for Thai press 3 for Chines, press 4 for.... and you might not get to speak to an operator after pressing 10 keys or you might get a messgae that says "All our operators are busy please do not hang up be cause your call is important to us". then the phone goes dead.

The cost of human resource is still low in Thailand and the goverment needs to consider unemployment as well. I am sure that there are many brilliant people out there in Thailand that will help to contribute to the efficiency of the country.

Perhaps, the "my pen rai" attitude has to change if efficiency and effectiveness in the civil service is to be attained.

Working longer hours and through the weekends may not be a solution either, someone needs to look at the problems the civil servants are working on, perhaps creativity had died along the way, murdered by bureaucracy because ideas get watered down or removed before they reach the top.

Well removing the "dead wood" is a real good start, at least start from the top levels I hope. Quick reviews of top management has to be done fast so that there is no waste of funds as many middle management are just worker bees and carry out instructions without question.

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