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Getting Around The Torrent Limiting


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I recently posted in the topic about using various bits of addon software to get around the TOT torrent shaping that seems to be going on at the moment.

however, if there are any smart people out there that could write a bit of code, it seems that the easiest way around these buggers would be to have a simple program that resets your router every hour or so.

I CONSISTENTLY find, that by resetting the router periodically, renews the IP address for those of us on dynamic ISP's and immediately restores your download speed.

After about an hour or so the download speed starts to drop off, then, reset the router and away you go again.

If this was automated from what I have seen it appears to help more than software addons... anyone?

Out of curiosity, would setting the router to hold the IP address for 60 minutes do the same thing??? (i.e Setting the IP lease time?) This should force a new IP address every hour, so it may work..any ideas/ suggestions?

Edited by Llareggub
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There is a reason for the shaping. The current infrastructure can not handle the excess traffic from bit torrent.

People that use bit torrent cause unnecessary load on core routers at exchanges. This means that people that do not download bit torrent

suffer so that others can have their connections downloading / seeding torrents all day.

There are numerous ways to bypass their traffic shaping without re-authenticating with a new session, but considering that 90% of bit torrent traffic is illegal anyway I agree with their stance.

Why should everyone have higher latency so that a few can download their movies.

Most common response, " I am downloading open source software i.e latest linux distro" if that is the case and the source is legit then

you should be able to download direct from their site without delay.

In the end torrents are bad for the masses, hence that traffic should be shaped.

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That is complete bullshit, TOT sells us a connection based on download speed and upload speed, I pay for this every month and I expect it 24/7/365, if they can't deliver, then stop selling the product - you wouldn't expect to buy a bloody car and have to share it with half a dozen others would you? You pay, they should deliver!

I saw nothing in the contract about "sometimes" you can have 3MB, but only when we say so.

Stop making excuses for these <deleted> and start demanding what you paid for!

I was in the middle of writing a post to perhaps alleviate your problem for you, but if this is how you react to a simple statement of fact from another TV forum user then you really don't deserve it I'm afraid.

Dont you realise that the UK is up in arms about broadband speeds advertised and received and the ASA is trying to do something about it? If it's inherent in a progressive internet infrastructure like the UK then it should be little shock to you that allegedly some underhand internet business practices happen in LOS. You cannot dictate how Thai ISPs run their businesses with your logic and misplaced anger.

Moreover I would believe you want maximum torrent bandwidth so you can get all the films/TV/music for free. I'm not pulling you up on the piracy issue here, but the fact that you want all those freebies RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW.

Grow a sense of where you are and have some perspective man.

Edited by ManInSurat
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Although I don't agree with some of the wordings used by Llareggub, I second his thoughts.

If the Internet infrastructure is that poor here, the ISP's should stop selling unrealistic packages, or invest in decent international peering. It might come for a price though, but who says some users wouldn't be willing to pay for a decent connection that also delivers.

And, please stop bitching about the alledged illegality of Torrents. They are not illegal, and although I use Torrents a lot, most if not all is legal.

I am downloading as well as uploading code, and the most convenient and bandwidth-saving way to do this is torrents.

Apart from that, I am interested in classical movies, almost all of them with expired copyrights. I am not interested in the latest blockbuster, but want to complete my Hitchcock Collection.

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Although I don't agree with some of the wordings used by Llareggub, I second his thoughts.

If the Internet infrastructure is that poor here, the ISP's should stop selling unrealistic packages, or invest in decent international peering. It might come for a price though, but who says some users wouldn't be willing to pay for a decent connection that also delivers.

And, please stop bitching about the alledged illegality of Torrents. They are not illegal, and although I use Torrents a lot, most if not all is legal.

I am downloading as well as uploading code, and the most convenient and bandwidth-saving way to do this is torrents.

Apart from that, I am interested in classical movies, almost all of them with expired copyrights. I am not interested in the latest blockbuster, but want to complete my Hitchcock Collection.

No one is bitching about the illegality of torrents. Really, they are not. I even specifically said .. "I'm not pulling you up on the piracy issue here" to highlight that fact. What I personally think about piracy I'll keep to myself and as you say there are legitimate reasons and examples where people should be able to view downloaded content without fear of repercussion.

I meant that the OP's reaction was completely counter-productive and rude after the initial attempt to get help and I wanted to explain that by using the current problems in the UK as an example he/she may be able to relate to. An analogy, close to home, where everyone is being robbed by the ISPs there equally as much as in Thailand. I was also trying to imply that you're much less likely to change the status quo in Thailand as an expat than you would be in the UK. Especially if you're going about it in that rude and abusive manner.... which completely goes against all Thai cultural sensivities.

I think I'm starting to learn (after 3 years) that on TV there are times where you should just turn away and do something else instead. I think I'll get my coat.

N.B. I genuinely do have a solution to the issue at hand here :P

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Appalling ignorance. I'm glad that Manin understands that there is not point in trying to reason with a madman.

Only problem is sometimes I come to the realisation far too late!

Anyway for all the other torrent users of TV who would like a viable workaround, which is really actually an alternative, then I will be happy to oblige. Certainly not for the benefit of the OP, but so as not to denigrate the overall quality of TV and keep this forum a place which people would like to come back to and as a source of tried and tested information!

Nearly all legitimate content that is available via a torrent will also be available via the plethora of file hosting companies. I will not name any outright so as not break TV rules but the acronyms of RS, MU, FS, HF should help you clarify who I am referring to. Each of these charge a relatively small monthly fee for you to be able to download content from their servers, which is uploaded by the general public. File hosting sites have their detractors and with very good reason - which is an argument that I'd rather not go into here. I will simply say that legal and copyrighted content is widely available at these sites. I am writing this with that content in mind!

You can simply create an account with any of these sites, pay your monthly fee of say $10 for unlimited or in some cases limited content and download to you heart's content without fear of repercussion or victimization as you'd be using it for non-nefarious purposes. I will also mention at this point that most of these file hosting providers also allow you to download content from their servers as a non-paying member for a reduced service. So you can use this for free, if that's a major concern. Though if you bedrudge ~$10 a month for a service like this then maybe you should keep hammering away at torrents in the hope something or someone capitulates one day.

If upload/download bandwidth is a severe issue many modern day file download managers, such as the excellent FDM have lots of customizeable options that will allow you to dictate exactly what bandwitdth is used - when, where and how.

FDM in conjunction with a file-hosting site is a fantasic way to access legal content for all at a minimal cost for the service and still maintain your lovely download speeds.

The beauty of this method for me is that you are free to leech to your heart's content (as you have paid a nominal fee for the privlege to do so) and you no longer have to be concerned about which peers or nodes you are connected to in your local area. I much prefer this method and it enables me to access content much much much much faster than I would otherwise with a torrent.

This is a working solution I use on a daily basis and using Sunny Valentine's Hitchcock portfolio as an example I can categorically state that this kind of media would be easily available there.

I sincerely hope this helps people that are suffering any problems with torrents.

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Google glasnost and check to see if your connection is being throttled. You may be surprised to find out it isn't. A slow download could simply be that the computer you are connecting to is switched off. Remember that the notion of torrents is that you are getting parts of files from other users.

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Google glasnost and check to see if your connection is being throttled. You may be surprised to find out it isn't. A slow download could simply be that the computer you are connecting to is switched off. Remember that the notion of torrents is that you are getting parts of files from other users.

Which neatly fits into the alternative method that I set out above as with the alternative, unless the file-hosting server is undergoing maintenance or under a DDOS attack it will always be there for you and your getting your file in it's complete form and from source. Using a download inconjunction with this to aid in the efficiency of the way the data is downloaded from the server to your machine just compliments the whole process perfectly.

I just think torrent=futility.

I think I've made enough posts that allude to this fact now, lmao :D

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Google glasnost and check to see if your connection is being throttled. You may be surprised to find out it isn't. A slow download could simply be that the computer you are connecting to is switched off. Remember that the notion of torrents is that you are getting parts of files from other users.

Thank you, that is quite interesting!

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Google glasnost and check to see if your connection is being throttled. You may be surprised to find out it isn't. A slow download could simply be that the computer you are connecting to is switched off. Remember that the notion of torrents is that you are getting parts of files from other users.

Thank you, that is quite interesting!

This is why torrents are arcaic

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Google glasnost and check to see if your connection is being throttled. You may be surprised to find out it isn't. A slow download could simply be that the computer you are connecting to is switched off. Remember that the notion of torrents is that you are getting parts of files from other users.

Thank you, that is quite interesting!

This is why torrents are arcaic

They work. TIn fact I would say they are a proven technology.

They may not be instant but for anything popular they almost are.

The fact that many people have the same part means that there is no single point of failure

unlike a central download location.

What's the rush anyways? Even something with1 or 2 seeders will eventually get downloaded.

I really don't understand the impatience of some people.

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