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Thai Court Grants Extradition Of Alleged Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout


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Washington would have seen a refusal to extradite as a betrayal so I am only stating the facts. They really wanted this man and I am happy they got him. I also hope he gets the best lawyers and gets a fair trial. Then we'll see.


I thought the dude who got the Nobel Award forNewcomer of the Year don't think in silly "if you're not with us you're against us" logic. But probably not and it is my mistake to assume that. You are the 'expert'.

Anyway 'Washington' could only expect what it is possible according to the Thai law and not that what they want so bad. Calling any other outcome betray is just patronizing and dominating behavior. You don't make friends with that attitude nor can convince people that they start to love the USA. So don't be surprise if people show you the finger. :P

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I assume you are one of those who still insist on seeing a birth certificate ?

Obama can't be that bad. He is the first person ever who got a Nobel Award for the Best Newcomer of the Year.

Funny part is that the so-called birther movement has its prototype in Thailand.

The Democrats started a censure motion that was based on the claim that the then PM was not born in Thailand and an illegal alien and and is therefore not eligible to serve as prime minister. These claims were false, a stupid birther argument, and the then PM proved his Thai Nationality with documents that he had registered to military service in his youth as every Thai man is required to do by law.

This silly and xenophobic censure motion wasn't many years ago in a very distant past during the "heydays" of anti Chinese sentiments and discrimination of Chinese immigrants, but only recently, less than 15 years ago.

Unlike Abhisit, Banharn Silpa-archa (that is the then PM) was born in Thailand and not in China as the Democrats claimed to have "evidence" for. And Abhist could also not provide the document that he registered for military conscription at age 18.

One of the differences is that in Thailand after some proof was given the Dem's stopped. In America the teabaggers are still at it.

And for "And Abhisit could also not provide the document that he registered for military conscription at age 18." you probably have a pointer. More to the point we are deviating from the OP.

You could had ignored that stupid anti Obama rant as off topic. I just tried to drag the discussion back to be more Thailand related and added some interesting trivia.

"Mind you having registered for military service is IMHO not the same as having a Thai birth certificate." - mind you that you are just restarting a stupid birther argument. Take it as fact that Silpa-archa is Thai.

And you know what, the 'teabagger' remind me at the Abhisit friends and Thaksin haters at TVF.

"You could had ignored"...Where did you learn English? In Thailand. LOL More importantly you don't address or attack, if you will, the substance of my post you only attempt to dismiss it by calling it stupid. What's incorrect about it? And what, my friend, do you find "stupid" about it? Also, your cohort and you attempt to marginalize my position and dismiss me as if I was on hte lunatic fringe of the political spectrum by stating or claiming that I asscribe to the "birther" movement. Maybe your the one's that are on the lunatic fringe of having a logical discusion.

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"the US is now run by a Marxist Muslim. He's an apologist to every country in the world for any perceived sins of our country. He bows before the Saudi King and Emperor Hirohito. "

It's sad to see people who are so obviously unamerican, filled with loathing for their own country. Nationals of other countries might believe they are the norm, they are nothing but a lunatic fringe.

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"the US is now run by a Marxist Muslim. He's an apologist to every country in the world for any perceived sins of our country. He bows before the Saudi King and Emperor Hirohito. "

It's sad to see people who are so obviously unamerican, filled with loathing for their own country. Nationals of other countries might believe they are the norm, they are nothing but a lunatic fringe.

Maybe it is an attempt on irony? Mirroring the Bush basher. As a National of an other Nation i cannot really take it serious. If he is real, he is at least honest. Some of the most 'prolific' Obama fans at TVF write comments that are far worse in the eyes of a national of another country.

And accusing a fellow countryman to be un-.....(file in the respective Nation) is actually one of the most stupid arguments i can imagine.

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And accusing a fellow countryman to be un-.....(file in the respective Nation) is actually one of the most stupid arguments i can imagine

This will most likely shock you so please do not knock over your terminal but ... FOX News watching dittoheads routinely call "liberals" and yes even President Obama UNAMERICAN.

You bet it's stupid, but stupid is as stupid does. However when you are dealing with people of this level might as well use terms they understand :D

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And accusing a fellow countryman to be un-.....(file in the respective Nation) is actually one of the most stupid arguments i can imagine

This will most likely shock you so please do not knock over your terminal but ... FOX News watching dittoheads routinely call "liberals" and yes even President Obama UNAMERICAN.

You bet it's stupid, but stupid is as stupid does. However when you are dealing with people of this level might as well use terms they understand :D

So what? It is stupid, no matter form what side it comes. Silly piss contest who is the bigger nationalist and represents the nation better. Fox news is Fox news you don't have to explain me that.

Funny enough - FOX criticism always comes on a retarded level that almost beats FOX itself. :P

GlennBeckRapedAndMurderedAYoungGirlIn1990.com - that was cool.

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"the US is now run by a Marxist Muslim. He's an apologist to every country in the world for any perceived sins of our country. He bows before the Saudi King and Emperor Hirohito. "

It's sad to see people who are so obviously unAmerican, filled with loathing for their own country. Nationals of other countries might believe they are the norm, they are nothing but a lunatic fringe.

I love my country, (America) I fear my government. Unfortunately it is the current regime, in the person of Barrack Hussein Obama who hates his own country. Fortunately, he and his minions will be a one term administration.

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OK, y'all tell me if I understand the timeline of how we got from 07-MAR-2008 to now… (and I'm not so sure that Viktor is going anywhere on Wednesday, at least not legally…)

1.)American agents created a "staged crime", and committed illegal entrapment, when a fake arms deal was discussed with Viktor Bout in a Bangkok hotel on 7th March of 2008… (i.e., the "American illegal sting operation")

2.)Then, with the videos and tape recordings in hand, American agents attempted to immediately hustle Viktor to a waiting jet at Don Mueang, in one of those "extraordinary rendition" routines… (This is the part that you won't read in the controlled news media…) The American agents were stopped by the Thai police, and Viktor has rotted in a Thai jail for two and one-half years now, waiting extradition for a crime that did not occur;

3.)Some months ago, the Thai courts denied the extradition request, since Viktor had committed no crime in Thailand, nor in America…

4.)The Americans immediately reinstated a new extradition request, based on a "real" international crime, wherein they showed that Viktor, years ago, had laundered some money thru a Thai bank… (well, like so what, who hasn't?)

5.)The new charges stuck, and last week's extradition order was handed down… saying that the Americans had 90-days to take Viktor out of Thailand, and that if Viktor ain't gone in 90 days, he walks free…

6.)Then, whoops, "Thai-hat-trick" - - yesterday, the Thai police decided, that well, if it is "proven" that Viktor had laundered some money in Thailand, then he will be so charged, and he will be held and tried for that crime… The plea phase alone will take more than 90 days, thus effectively vacating the existing Thai extradition agreement…

7.)So, just maybe, Viktor can "plea bargain" with the Thai police, pay some tea money - - been there, done that - - and then he will be free to fly back to Russia within a few months…

dos vedanya, Amerikanski baboonski agents ! !


Russia says Nyet !

Thailand says new Viktor Bout trial on 4th September, 2010:

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OK, y'all tell me if I understand the timeline of how we got from 07-MAR-2008 to now… (and I'm not so sure that Viktor is going anywhere on Wednesday, at least not legally…)

1.)American agents created a "staged crime", and committed illegal entrapment, when a fake arms deal was discussed with Viktor Bout in a Bangkok hotel on 7th March of 2008… (i.e., the "American illegal sting operation")

2.)Then, with the videos and tape recordings in hand, American agents attempted to immediately hustle Viktor to a waiting jet at Don Mueang, in one of those "extraordinary rendition" routines… (This is the part that you won't read in the controlled news media…) The American agents were stopped by the Thai police, and Viktor has rotted in a Thai jail for two and one-half years now, waiting extradition for a crime that did not occur;

3.)Some months ago, the Thai courts denied the extradition request, since Viktor had committed no crime in Thailand, nor in America…

4.)The Americans immediately reinstated a new extradition request, based on a "real" international crime, wherein they showed that Viktor, years ago, had laundered some money thru a Thai bank… (well, like so what, who hasn't?)

5.)The new charges stuck, and last week's extradition order was handed down… saying that the Americans had 90-days to take Viktor out of Thailand, and that if Viktor ain't gone in 90 days, he walks free…

6.)Then, whoops, "Thai-hat-trick" - - yesterday, the Thai police decided, that well, if it is "proven" that Viktor had laundered some money in Thailand, then he will be so charged, and he will be held and tried for that crime… The plea phase alone will take more than 90 days, thus effectively vacating the existing Thai extradition agreement…

7.)So, just maybe, Viktor can "plea bargain" with the Thai police, pay some tea money - - been there, done that - - and then he will be free to fly back to Russia within a few months…

dos vedanya, Amerikanski baboonski agents ! !


Russia says Nyet !

Thailand says new Viktor Bout trial on 4th September, 2010:

Sounds as plausible as any other outcome of this rather farcical episode.

And I was so looking forward to Russian special forces trying to spring him during his so secret transfer to the airport. All very Mission Impossible

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Thai-Russian Business Relationship

Only a few weeks ago - 5th of August

Photo Release: EXIM Thailand Boosts Thai-Russian Trade and Investment.

Mr. Suthep Wongvorazathe (second left), Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand), and Mr. Somphan Eamrungroj (far left), Acting President of EXIM Thailand, recently welcomed and discussed Thai-Russian trade. and investment promotion with Mr. Andrey Bykov (second right), President of Russian-Thai Business Council, and Mr. Dmitry A. Smakhtin (far right), Trade Representative of Russian Federation, at EXIM Thailand's Head Office.

"We hope to see you in Moscow next time."

"I don't expect it will be anytime soon"

Edited by Thai at Heart
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