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Australian Red-Shirt Conor David Purcell To Be Deported From Thailand

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Well done ,I think its time for many foreigners to understand NOT to interfere in Thailand politics. After all we are only guests here . Hope this story will be set as example for the future.

We all have right to express our conscience. There are consequences however. With your type of thinking, the world will never become a better place.

...and the world keeps getting worse indeed.....


I don't think anyone here is saying we can't complain or point out faults in the country... A forum like this one is an ideal and perfectly legal place to do so, as is a conversation with a Thai or a foreigner. If you like, you are perfectly within your rights to sit with a red (or yellow) shirt and spend hours trying to turn them around (and good luck to you!)... BUT... It is the law in Thailand and indeed most other countries (including "the land of the free", the US of A) that non-citizens, whether they pay taxes or not, cannot take active part in organised political demonstrations. This is what this idiot did - he clearly and blatantly broke the law and he got punished for it. But if someone on this forum agrees that this was the right course of action (ie: enforcing Thai law for a change), that opinion doesn't necessarily mean they believe all foreigners should be completely gagged.

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Well done ,I think its time for many foreigners to understand NOT to interfere in Thailand politics. After all we are only guests here . Hope this story will be set as example for the future.

Unfortunately, no matter how clear the message, there will always be the odd man/woman out.


They would do well to put a prominent red stamp on his passport while deporting him, with a brief explanation of why he was deported.

"Because he was a foreigner he may not have understood the law." Ha ha ha.

On the contrary, I would say "Because he was a foreigner he OUGHT TO HAVE FULLY RESPECTED the (UNKNOWN) laws of the country he was travelling to." Dumbass.


But to say that all foreigners should stay out of politic point of view is ridiculous. I dont know, but in my country we have Chinese, Arabs, Indians South Americans and Africans with various position in the government as deputies mayor and ministers...

This maybe so, but I bet all the abovementioned personages hold your countries passport and are citizens and not living in a country as a perpetual tourist ?

May I suggest as tourist, go walking through the middle of Washington DC and shoot your mouth off about the President, US involvment in Iraq etc etc and think you will find "freedom of speech" in action very quickly....:whistling:

In Canada our politicians represent the people who elected them or the Government who gave them plum positions 50% are not Canadian born but come from every country of the world. So an Indian or any other immigrant living in Canada thru his politician in parliament has the same rights as a person born in Canada. 50% of the population in Canada is not white. Forty years ago if you saw a negro you stared because it was not someone you saw often.

Wow! If you called a black skinned man in America a negro, you would most likely get get the crap kicked out of you! I know a few of my brothers in my union that surely would! Perhaps you should update your vocabulary a bit? Aside from that I agree with you, both the US and Canada (where my parent were born) have citizens from probably every country on the planet. The second largest city of Thai residents on the planet is in Los Angeles California, USA.

Back to the subject: freedom and freedom of speech is not free. Speaking at an anti government rally, that was declared unlawful is just that, against the law! He broke the law. He thought he was above the law by yelling at the Thai judge and he was finally convinced to plead guilty and he will now be deported to whatever country will allow him in. He will have to come up with airfare first most likely as Thailand will not pay for his deportation! Maybe his Embassy (which ever one that may be) will pay? Maybe not... But a rational person would not put themselves in his position, would they?


Why do some people get involved in something that is of no concern to them, I am glad he is going and i hope others with the same view leave as well.

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:

Having read much of this forum that is what it is and complaining about visa requirements.


Well done ,I think its time for many foreigners to understand NOT to interfere in Thailand politics. After all we are only guests here . Hope this story will be set as example for the future.

We all have right to express our conscience. There are consequences however. With your type of thinking, the world will never become a better place.

I donot think this guy or the Brit Savage are the type who will make the world a better place.


ysaan, I hear what you say but he's an idiot.

I disagree with those who say that foreigners shouldn't have an opinion on anything related to Thai politics whilst living in Thailand. Everybody is entitled to a view, but should exercise prudence and great restraint in voicing it. You do so at your peril.

To put himself forward as he did is sheer lunacy and he's lucky he's only being deported. He shold be doing several years, and I think the judge when he said that this idiot may not understand Thai law was merely getting him out of the country so that the Thai government isn't keeping him. he won';t get back, so the problem is solved.

He's an idiot and will always be an idiot.


Why do some people get involved in something that is of no concern to them, I am glad he is going and i hope others with the same view leave as well.

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:

Unless you have permanent resident card or become a Thai citizen, then I say stay out of their affairs. 'Guests' are welcome to leave anytime they choose if they think Thailand is such a horrible country to retire in. I'm not Thai but I do work and pay taxes here so I do have a bit more right to bitch but even I know better to stay out of their affairs. If you wish to protest then write a letter to www.hrw.org .

Fantastic, wholeheartadly agree, if thats the case maye S.A. Iraq, Sebria, Northern Ireland and even Poland and most of Europe would be far better places if we all thought like you...give the man credit, if you believe strongly in something, stand up for it... PR, Residency and paying tax has absolutly no relevance at all, or does that just not apply as this is the lovely Thailand land of smiles...


Why do some people get involved in something that is of no concern to them, I am glad he is going and i hope others with the same view leave as well.

In fact, it was of his concern.

Watching how innocents, including women and children are brutally massacred only to ask the right to be respected and to eat twice a day instead once a day when they are lucky, it is a matter of concern of any human being who is not bloody selfish and who believes freedom and human rights are universal and not limited to races or borders.

For sure this guy it has more heart than anybody of us. For the eyes or this selfish society (I mean in general, not only Thailand or expats in Thailand) he can look an intruder, a child, a reckless and naive man, but our values are different.

He put universal human rights at the first place ,we think about ourselves,enjoying and exploiting the poverty of the people and don t care about human lifes.

It is anybody's choice to have the kind of life we choose, but instead spitting on somebody who -maybe naive - but only dreams about better life for everybody, is not a fair behaviour.

All he wanted was his name in lights and he found a stage he cared nothing for the Thai people.


I wonder how the people that proclaim freedom of speech and right to express one's self would feel if say a Thai came to their respective countries and started meddling in politics? :hit-the-fan:

As a foreigner most of my life I have learned to not meddle in a country's business, it can only lead to grief.

Apart from anything else, this Australian-Irish-Kiwi (lost track) tosser seams like a real nut-case and should count his blessings for getting off so lightly.

"and should count his blessings for getting off so lightly" I agree, absolutely!!!


Well if someone comes to my country and isn't a citizen of my country then no, he has no right to a say and should sit there and mind his own business.

Here Here/ Hear Hear !!!


But to say that all foreigners should stay out of politic point of view is ridiculous. I dont know, but in my country we have Chinese, Arabs, Indians South Americans and Africans with various position in the government as deputies mayor and ministers...

This maybe so, but I bet all the abovementioned personages hold your countries passport and are citizens and not living in a country as a perpetual tourist ?

May I suggest as tourist, go walking through the middle of Washington DC and shoot your mouth off about the President, US involvment in Iraq etc etc and think you will find "freedom of speech" in action very quickly....:whistling:

Well this is why i also said ''if its done in the proper manner''


And yes i agree that Thailand is not ready for that because first they would need to open up to immigrants.

If you meet the requirements you can apply for citizenship.


It is not a matter of not being able to talk about things. He could and probably did discuss his views over a beer with many people and no one objects and in some cases may have taken his views into account in their own actions. Where he crossed the line which is not acceptible is direct participation in ilegal gatherings and advocating its cause from a public stage. This is not freedom of speech...this is taking part in rebellion.

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He should've served the full 2 years. Thai court WAY TOO LAXED. How can you expect people to take the laws here seriously when all they do is give lenient sentences.

And who DOES take Thai laws seriously? Anyone? Anyone?
I'm sure he bloody well knew the consequences but joined in anyways because he let his emotions over-ruled his judgement or lack thereof.

Happened to me last night too. But she was sooooo pretty and I do admit to having had one too many Changs.....

But what did she look like this morning.


Why do some people get involved in something that is of no concern to them, I am glad he is going and i hope others with the same view leave as well.

In fact, it was of his concern.

Watching how innocents, including women and children are brutally massacred only to ask the right to be respected and to eat twice a day instead once a day when they are lucky, it is a matter of concern of any human being who is not bloody selfish and who believes freedom and human rights are universal and not limited to races or borders.

For sure this guy it has more heart than anybody of us. For the eyes or this selfish society (I mean in general, not only Thailand or expats in Thailand) he can look an intruder, a child, a reckless and naive man, but our values are different.

He put universal human rights at the first place ,we think about ourselves,enjoying and exploiting the poverty of the people and don t care about human lifes.

It is anybody's choice to have the kind of life we choose, but instead spitting on somebody who -maybe naive - but only dreams about better life for everybody, is not a fair behaviour.

Very noble sentiment, however doesnt change the fact that the guy is an asshol_e, maybe even a deranged asshol_e but still an asshol_e.


A wise move by the government. He obviously needs mental health help that Thailand is unable to provide. As well, his life would be at risk in a Thai jail. By removing the fellow, Thailand avoids the problems associated with incarcerating a fellow like this, banks some goodwill with foreign governments, and shows compassion for a fellow that has some obvious mental health issues.


Haven't read all of this, just seen the news on ABC TV (PSI).

IMO this effin idiot got off very lightly. Ok, time served for the stupidity shown at the rally, BUT the arseh#le should have been jailed for a long time for the utter disrespect he showed to the Thai justice system in abusing judges and abuse he targeted to the system at his release.

I sincerely hope his few days in the Thai jail system <deleted>#ked some sense into him. :annoyed: I doubt it!


We all have right to express our conscience. There are consequences however. With your type of thinking, the world will never become a better place.

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:

Majority of problems existing in the world today is due to outsiders interfering in issues that has nothing to do with them. Clean up the mess in your own country/countries before imposing your own morals and judgements onto others.


After reading posts on this website for the past four-five years I have some observations to share. It appears to me that most of the members who post or post replies are ex-pats from around the world. I would be curious to know how many are Thai nationals. It seems to me that the only reason most of us even bother to visit this website is because the bars haven't opened up yet or the 'bar girls' (whoops prostitution is against the law here and does NOT exist) are still sleeping and we all have way too much time on our hands.

So to amuse ourselves we spit out a whole lot of drivel that is pretty much meaningless to all concerned. Clearly, neither the Thai government nor the locals seem to give a rats ass what any of us think since nothing ever changes here in favor of the 'farongs' that I have seen so I really wonder why any of us even care what goes on here.

My conclusion outside of what I stated earlier is that some of us truly believe in what we think which as in all cases of any point of view has two sides of a coin.

Since most of us probably come from countries where there is at least the appearance of free speech and a right to exercise that vocally or peacefully in a crowd without fear of obvious retribution, we feel somewhat repugnant to the idea that killing people in cold blood is an avenue we would like to walk down. It amuses me that while most of us on this site appear to be anti red shirt I am curious why those red shirt haters think ALL red shirts are pro Thaksin for example. I find it utterly amazing and somewhat amusing that most of those individuals think that people making 100-200 baht a day have any political motivation at all. Ergo for the idiots in the crowd that means why do they give a rats ass about Thaksin? Could it be that they only care about acquiring some parity with the elite? Nah, why would anyone complain about making a whopping 10-200 baht a day. hel_l, in 100 years they could buy a car on credit.

As one Thai friend of mine told me, "who should I vote for, a crook who gives me nothing or a crook who gives me a tractor?"

The thing that I question not only here but in other countries is why do they put up with this crap? Does the fact that no laws get enforced have anything to do with it? No one ever gets a ticket for going thru red lights and you only get a ticket for not wearing a helmut prior to or after the police take their naps. Maybe the masses, and let's face it anyone want to bet who would win an election if one were forthcoming; maybe they just don't care enough or are truly savy enough to understand that the elite, the military and the police will kill them if they take offense to getting a whopping 100-200 baht a day.

Now, I ask all you intelligencia out there what does conversation generally get those in the minority in any set of circumstances? NOTHING

Look at history and you can see almost any civilization has had to go thru revolt and tempest to optain freedom.

I agree that probably the only place a foreigner should mouth off about the government of a country is in a forum such as this. The consequences to do otherwise can be severe. It takes a courageous or stupid individual to do otherwise. But the sentiment is there. I think all of us excluding the inept brainless individuals who are probably hiding from their ex-wives, the government, bill collectors or the authorities (gee who's left here?) would agree that it would be nice if all peoples everywhere were treated justly, fairly and equitably- a fairytale of course but a pure thought nonetheless.

But at the end of the day the people of the country have to want it. You can't force it down their throats for them. (Iraq??) And with change comes pain. Maybe the masses here don't want the pain. But to suggest that they are stupid is an insult.

I know a very high ranking police official in Chiang Mai who told me the situation is futile. So it must go very high up to keep these people down.

How many of us walk down the street and not want to help a poor person out? Does anyone feel guilty drinking a beer at a 100 baht a crack while most of the workers make little more than that for a 12 hour day? Or if not guilty (we didn't cause it I know) at least compassion??

Perhaps it best to conside this website a form of entertainment. To take oneself seriously here is sheer stupidity because they don't even take themselves seriously here. We should stay out of their politics publicly. But privately, what goes on here is apalling.

I don't know enough about what the foreigner did. Sounds pretty stupid but I don't have the facts. Apparently, he is either a complete idiot or a truly courageous (but stupid) individual.

I remember having dinner with an individual and complaining about the way as a foreigner we are taken advantage of constantly. We pay more than locals to visit the national parks. We pay more to golf. We get ripped off every time we buy something if they think they can fleece us. Service is non-existent. He laughed at me and told me the Thais treat the Thais even worse. I never thought of that. But when you see the way they act in traffic with absolutely no respect for lights or someone trying to go in line even with traffic stopped or someone who has a car problem and they just run you over it makes you furious. Maybe it is the same everywhere but here they call this the Land of Smiles when actually it is the Land of Scams.

Like someone said if you don't like it go back to where you came from. Well, no I just say get it off your chest here until the bars open up and the girls wake up and then go party.

I would like to download a movie but as we all know you can't any more on most internet servers and my cable is out so no TV. And most of the web sites I like to look at are now blocked. LOL Sh.., why am I here again?

Oh well, now that I have gotten all this off my chest I am gonna go look for one of those non-existant bar girls and listen to her tell me how handsome I am and how much she loves me and then I am gonna buy her a big house to live in with her entire family because I know she will love me forever.

  • Like 2

After reading posts on this website for the past four-five years I have some observations to share. It appears to me that most of the members who post or post replies are ex-pats from around the world. I would be curious to know how many are Thai nationals. It seems to me that the only reason most of us even bother to visit this website is because the bars haven't opened up yet or the 'bar girls' (whoops prostitution is against the law here and does NOT exist) are still sleeping and we all have way too much time on our hands.

So to amuse ourselves we spit out a whole lot of drivel that is pretty much meaningless to all concerned. Clearly, neither the Thai government nor the locals seem to give a rats ass what any of us think since nothing ever changes here in favor of the 'farongs' that I have seen so I really wonder why any of us even care what goes on here.

lots of drivel removed (rubl)

Like someone said if you don't like it go back to where you came from. Well, no I just say get it off your chest here until the bars open up and the girls wake up and then go party.

I would like to download a movie but as we all know you can't any more on most internet servers and my cable is out so no TV. And most of the web sites I like to look at are now blocked. LOL Sh.., why am I here again?

Oh well, now that I have gotten all this off my chest I am gonna go look for one of those non-existant bar girls and listen to her tell me how handsome I am and how much she loves me and then I am gonna buy her a big house to live in with her entire family because I know she will love me forever.

I'm glad you know yourself and included the 'we' in

So to amuse ourselves we spit out a whole lot of drivel that is pretty much meaningless to all concerned

although I'd like to exclude myself. As for waiting for bars to open, I have a regular job here in BKK, sat behind a computer for 10+ hours and rather relax at home looking one of those movies I downloaded somewhere. Maybe "Kelly's heroes", or "Dr. Strangelove", keep smiling ;)


It's ironic really. I have a feeling that this type of guy wouldn't be to pleased if a Thai tourist in Australia would start to put his nose in a Aussie politics.


I mean really? If you're a Farang, log on to Thai Visa and vent all you want. Hey! We all have opinions and this is a great place to voice them. But!!!

Actively being involved in Thai politics or social protest movements is shear stupidity. If your not a citizen, then you're a guest. It's not your country. So, if you can't comprehend that there are "lines in the sand" that you just don't cross, then you're probably going to be joining Mr. Purcell at some time in the future. Stupidity tends to be self-correcting.

And as for Mr. Purcell? Well...Bon Voyage dude! ;)


This seems a fairly sensible resolution of a problem from a Thai court, and I'm glad Purcell can go home. I'd agree that he was extremely foolish to venture onto the red shirt stage, and might even go along with suggestions that he showed an inflated sense of self-importance and exaggerated his military prowess. I have to say though that I thought he had a point when he talked about Thai-style live fire zones and dodgy rules on the use of lethal force, which indeed were a million miles from anything he might have encountered in the ADF.

One of the few sensible posts on this subject....

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:whistling:I have never posted on this site in the past.I do have my own blog that allows me a fair amount of freedom to express my feelings on all things "Thai".This last spring found me watching live TV footage of all the riots and Red Shirt rallies.The Thai Government was brutal towards the rural Thais in the end.I watched all this from my Saimai home with my "Red Shirt" Thai Family.I cried my fair share of tears for the unlucky Thais that died in this constant never ending wheel of Thailand's "Bad Karma".I believe that this last government change was number 18 or 19 in the last 60 years or so,by other means than a democratic free election.This is like every four years or less if my math is correct?My feelings towards the Aussie who got busted?The man was not thinking very clear at all,and others used him for their own means....This is so very "Thai".I, like many farangs read this web site a number of years before i married my Thai Wife,in hopes of avoiding the mistakes of other farangs.I must admit complete failure.I have made all the wrong moves in this very different culture.The farang who was used by Red Shirt leaders was a fool,but he is not alone.I do however support the right to voice your opinions,when matters turn against you for being a farang,not Thai.This site is full of complaints about everything Thai.I also have my fair share of problems,but they our mine.In my three years here in Thailand,i have seen everything,and it is always the same.My wife,Amporn tells me"Normal Thai",and looks at me in complete surprise if i complain about anything.I am very sure that getting into a real harsh talk about Thai political affairs,will only end badly.This "LOS",is not our country,and we do not have the right to interfere.I believe the judges in the farangs case,handled it "Thai Normal".luckkyybuddha999

After reading posts on this website for the past four-five years I have some observations to share. It appears to me that most of the members who post or post replies are ex-pats from around the world. I would be curious to know how many are Thai nationals. It seems to me that the only reason most of us even bother to visit this website is because the bars haven't opened up yet or the 'bar girls' (whoops prostitution is against the law here and does NOT exist) are still sleeping and we all have way too much time on our hands.

So to amuse ourselves we spit out a whole lot of drivel that is pretty much meaningless to all concerned. Clearly, neither the Thai government nor the locals seem to give a rats ass what any of us think since nothing ever changes here in favor of the 'farongs' that I have seen so I really wonder why any of us even care what goes on here.

My conclusion outside of what I stated earlier is that some of us truly believe in what we think which as in all cases of any point of view has two sides of a coin.

Since most of us probably come from countries where there is at least the appearance of free speech and a right to exercise that vocally or peacefully in a crowd without fear of obvious retribution, we feel somewhat repugnant to the idea that killing people in cold blood is an avenue we would like to walk down. It amuses me that while most of us on this site appear to be anti red shirt I am curious why those red shirt haters think ALL red shirts are pro Thaksin for example. I find it utterly amazing and somewhat amusing that most of those individuals think that people making 100-200 baht a day have any political motivation at all. Ergo for the idiots in the crowd that means why do they give a rats ass about Thaksin? Could it be that they only care about acquiring some parity with the elite? Nah, why would anyone complain about making a whopping 10-200 baht a day. hel_l, in 100 years they could buy a car on credit.

As one Thai friend of mine told me, "who should I vote for, a crook who gives me nothing or a crook who gives me a tractor?"

The thing that I question not only here but in other countries is why do they put up with this crap? Does the fact that no laws get enforced have anything to do with it? No one ever gets a ticket for going thru red lights and you only get a ticket for not wearing a helmut prior to or after the police take their naps. Maybe the masses, and let's face it anyone want to bet who would win an election if one were forthcoming; maybe they just don't care enough or are truly savy enough to understand that the elite, the military and the police will kill them if they take offense to getting a whopping 100-200 baht a day.

Now, I ask all you intelligencia out there what does conversation generally get those in the minority in any set of circumstances? NOTHING

Look at history and you can see almost any civilization has had to go thru revolt and tempest to optain freedom.

I agree that probably the only place a foreigner should mouth off about the government of a country is in a forum such as this. The consequences to do otherwise can be severe. It takes a courageous or stupid individual to do otherwise. But the sentiment is there. I think all of us excluding the inept brainless individuals who are probably hiding from their ex-wives, the government, bill collectors or the authorities (gee who's left here?) would agree that it would be nice if all peoples everywhere were treated justly, fairly and equitably- a fairytale of course but a pure thought nonetheless.

But at the end of the day the people of the country have to want it. You can't force it down their throats for them. (Iraq??) And with change comes pain. Maybe the masses here don't want the pain. But to suggest that they are stupid is an insult.

I know a very high ranking police official in Chiang Mai who told me the situation is futile. So it must go very high up to keep these people down.

How many of us walk down the street and not want to help a poor person out? Does anyone feel guilty drinking a beer at a 100 baht a crack while most of the workers make little more than that for a 12 hour day? Or if not guilty (we didn't cause it I know) at least compassion??

Perhaps it best to conside this website a form of entertainment. To take oneself seriously here is sheer stupidity because they don't even take themselves seriously here. We should stay out of their politics publicly. But privately, what goes on here is apalling.

I don't know enough about what the foreigner did. Sounds pretty stupid but I don't have the facts. Apparently, he is either a complete idiot or a truly courageous (but stupid) individual.

I remember having dinner with an individual and complaining about the way as a foreigner we are taken advantage of constantly. We pay more than locals to visit the national parks. We pay more to golf. We get ripped off every time we buy something if they think they can fleece us. Service is non-existent. He laughed at me and told me the Thais treat the Thais even worse. I never thought of that. But when you see the way they act in traffic with absolutely no respect for lights or someone trying to go in line even with traffic stopped or someone who has a car problem and they just run you over it makes you furious. Maybe it is the same everywhere but here they call this the Land of Smiles when actually it is the Land of Scams.

Like someone said if you don't like it go back to where you came from. Well, no I just say get it off your chest here until the bars open up and the girls wake up and then go party.

I would like to download a movie but as we all know you can't any more on most internet servers and my cable is out so no TV. And most of the web sites I like to look at are now blocked. LOL Sh.., why am I here again?

Oh well, now that I have gotten all this off my chest I am gonna go look for one of those non-existant bar girls and listen to her tell me how handsome I am and how much she loves me and then I am gonna buy her a big house to live in with her entire family because I know she will love me forever.

  • Like 1

This seems a fairly sensible resolution of a problem from a Thai court, and I'm glad Purcell can go home. I'd agree that he was extremely foolish to venture onto the red shirt stage, and might even go along with suggestions that he showed an inflated sense of self-importance and exaggerated his military prowess. I have to say though that I thought he had a point when he talked about Thai-style live fire zones and dodgy rules on the use of lethal force, which indeed were a million miles from anything he might have encountered in the ADF.

One of the few sensible posts on this subject....

Somehow I doubt he has the knowledge to professionally make those judgments. Just more of his 'self-importance' drivel IMHO. Anyway with the insults he threw at the judges every time appearing in court he's lucky they waived a few more months for 'contempt of court'


He opened his mouth in the court-room and proved to all that he is not 'all there'.

For all, it seems like a better and safer result that he is deported and not much else...


Please, dont judge him!!! He, probably love Thailand and think that what he is doing is the right thing!!!

I love Thailand....but i prefer peace!!!


Why do some people get involved in something that is of no concern to them, I am glad he is going and i hope others with the same view leave as well.

I wholeheartedly agree. None of us foreigners who spend our money and live here should have any opinion at all on anything to do with Thailand and should do an Oliver Twist and just hold out our bowls for as much sh*t, harassment and shakedowns as the Thais want to give us. None of us should complain, none of us should take any interest in human rights abuses, corruption or other unsavory practices.

We should all just forget everything we've ever thought about morals, integrity, fairness or honesty the moment we get off the plane and exist in out own little cocoons oblivious to anything that is going on around us - then this will be a very empty forum left just to people asking the price of a motorbike tire or where to buy Marmite :blink:

This is one of the best contributions I have seen on Thaivisa for a long time.

Yes, the Man from Oz lacks pulchritude and looks, as Basil Fawlty once said, like "a hideous orang-utang", but I for one will only go along with the principle that no one should interfere or otherwise express an opinion about another country's internal politics, when

No country anywhere in the world takes upon itself the right to invade another.

When that happens, we can safely leave other countries to sort out their own problems in their own good time.

However, nowhere in human history or geography have we yet seen such admirable self-restraint.

So, looks like we can make our comments about Red and Yellow here for a few more decades yet....

Well said!!

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