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Australian Red-Shirt Conor David Purcell To Be Deported From Thailand


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CORRECT. However, this act was illegal at the time and it was well advertised by the Authorities what would happen to foriegners that conducted themselves in this way.

GUILTY - Sentenced - Deported, capiche? :blink:

30 000 Thais also broke the law, which was also advertised and ????????????? CAPICHE?

He got caught - capiche ?

Not everyone who who parks on double yellow lines gets caught, not everyone who breaks a speed limit gets caught.

Those that do get punished.

This prat got punished - end of story, big black stamp - capiche ?

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^ Up to you kuffers, there might be a few old cranky ones on here but its normally the yunions that make em that way.

Of course Im not that much older than yourself but naturally you would include me in that cateogry. I am wondering how you classify someone as old and cranky, is that perhaps someone that has lived a little longer than you and might have a little more understanding and experience, not to mention expertise.

Totally irrelevant, but trust an old man to say "perhaps someone that has lived a little longer than you and might have a little more understanding and experience, not to mention expertise"

Experience in what? Expertise in what? Understanding in what?

What do you know of my experience and expertise? i for one know of yours but will save my opinion on the matter for other times.

Perhaps what you want to say is have different perception of things due to education, upbringing, social background and surroundings.

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CORRECT. However, this act was illegal at the time and it was well advertised by the Authorities what would happen to foriegners that conducted themselves in this way.

GUILTY - Sentenced - Deported, capiche? :blink:

30 000 Thais also broke the law, which was also advertised and ????????????? CAPICHE?

He got caught - capiche ?

Not everyone who who parks on double yellow lines gets caught, not everyone who breaks a speed limit gets caught.

Those that do get punished.

This prat got punished - end of story, big black stamp - capiche ?

LMAO, i was not aware he was trying to hide, nor was i aware anyone else was hiding

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^ Up to you kuffers, there might be a few old cranky ones on here but its normally the yunions that make em that way.

Of course Im not that much older than yourself but naturally you would include me in that cateogry. I am wondering how you classify someone as old and cranky, is that perhaps someone that has lived a little longer than you and might have a little more understanding and experience, not to mention expertise.

Totally irrelevant, but trust an old man to say "perhaps someone that has lived a little longer than you and might have a little more understanding and experience, not to mention expertise"

Experience in what? Expertise in what? Understanding in what?

What do you know of my experience and expertise? i for one know of yours but will save my opinion on the matter for other times.

Perhaps what you want to say is have different perception of things due to education, upbringing, social background and surroundings.

Thats also part of the point I was trying to make, you 'think' you know but in fact you are quite far from reality.....anyway, don't let that slow ur momentum. Do you really think the 'system' cares about whether or not you approve?

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Of course Im not that much older than yourself

According to both your profiles, you're 99 years old and kuffki's 33, so you're actually 3 times his age, and old enough to be his great-grandfather...

And you believe everything people put in their profiles. :lol:

I think i also have myself listed as an executioner, but that was a desire, not a reality ;)

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Of course Im not that much older than yourself

According to both your profiles, you're 99 years old and kuffki's 33, so you're actually 3 times his age, and old enough to be his great-grandfather...

And you believe everything people put in their profiles. :lol:

I think i also have myself listed as an executioner, but that was a desire, not a reality ;)

I always thought it was 99 doggie years.

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^ Up to you kuffers, there might be a few old cranky ones on here but its normally the yunions that make em that way.

Of course Im not that much older than yourself but naturally you would include me in that cateogry. I am wondering how you classify someone as old and cranky, is that perhaps someone that has lived a little longer than you and might have a little more understanding and experience, not to mention expertise.

Totally irrelevant, but trust an old man to say "perhaps someone that has lived a little longer than you and might have a little more understanding and experience, not to mention expertise"

Experience in what? Expertise in what? Understanding in what?

What do you know of my experience and expertise? i for one know of yours but will save my opinion on the matter for other times.

Perhaps what you want to say is have different perception of things due to education, upbringing, social background and surroundings.

Thats also part of the point I was trying to make, you 'think' you know but in fact you are quite far from reality.....anyway, don't let that slow ur momentum. Do you really think the 'system' cares about whether or not you approve?

"you 'think' you know but in fact you are quite far from reality.." IN YOUR OPINION which has been formed again from your education, upbringing, social background and surroundings.

It is not about the system, it is about people on TV bashing the guy.

Again do i agree with what the system did-NO i do not.

Can it be changed?-Most likely NO, but with some effort it could be adjusted possibly in time if more people will show little more support then just worry about their own backsides.

How do you think in Thailand it is perfectly acceptable to mistreat a foreigner-because all other foreigners could not care less.

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It is not about the system, it is about people on TV bashing the guy.


This is nothing to with TV posters bashing this guy.

It is about somebody who quite rightly got deported for breaking the law.

I don't see any travesty of justice here.

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Yeah, i told a fib in my profile when I was playin with someone here and forgot to change it back (doh!)

I think my profile also use to indicate I was a Cuban Cigar dealer in Iraq or something similar, tis only a profile, didnt think it would do any harm.

When I think about people that were dealt with harshy by courts I think about the guy that threw the shoe at Mr Bush, now he really got slammed. I really can't see the harshness kuffkey is talking about

everything here looks fair and just to me, a job well done, is my perhaps my rose coloured glasses need cleaning?

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Dont send the bastard back here.Send him to New Zealand.

no, he's a convict. they've got it right.

A rather witless observation.

New Zealand was a penal colony too.

Could u please provide me the info that New Zealand was a penal colony......

I may have been slightly ... er ... less than completely accurate ...

I was getting New Zealand confused with Tasmania. Van Diemen's land and all that ... the u2 song was playing in my mind.

Sorry to any Kiwis who require counselling as a result of this blunder.

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ballpoint, 99 doggie years is about right.

kuffki, what is the mistreatment you keep going on about? :blink:

Sounds to me like he's twisting off because the Thais had the temerity to follow up on what they said they would do prior to the start of the protests, and actually arrest one of the foreign protestors. Not only was the guy waving his little red flag about, he was also in the highly visible, and audible, position of being up on stage with the rest of the vitriol spouting, lie ranting, salivating loonies on numerous occasions. It would have been criminal not to arrest the dupe. Trying to compare the arrest of this mouthpiece for a movement advocating, and actively trying to carry out, the violent overthrow of a legally installed government with the weirdos who travel around disrupting G8 and NATO conferences is itself a little warped.

By the way, I was just filling out an Aussie visa application for my wife. One of the questions goes something like "are you, or have you ever been, a member of a group that has used or advocated violence to further its goals?" I guess he would have still been an Irishman if this little event had have taken place before he got his Aussie residence. Food for thought though for Thaksin and half the PTP.

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I think my profile also use to indicate I was a Cuban Cigar dealer in Iraq or something similar, tis only a profile, didnt think it would do any harm.

Bugger !

You mean you are NOT a cuban cigar dealer ?

Where will I get my Montecristo's from now.

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I think my profile also use to indicate I was a Cuban Cigar dealer in Iraq or something similar, tis only a profile, didnt think it would do any harm.

Bugger !

You mean you are NOT a cuban cigar dealer ?

Where will I get my Montecristo's from now.

He's not even Cuban.

I have some dusky maiden's thighs that have been hand rolled on tobacco leaves that you could sniff. For a small price of course. I'm trying to save up to become a Brazillian wax dealer.

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I have some dusky maiden's thighs that have been hand rolled on tobacco leaves that you could sniff. For a small price of course. I'm trying to save up to become a Brazillian wax dealer.

Please send by Fedex - the cheque is in the post. :D

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Sabre>> He elevated the opinion that 'farang shouldn't have an opinion here' amongst normal people. That is damage done to us all.

And screaming at judges in a court-room wasn't done to be nice, even if you might not label it as 'done in malice'.

Of course farang should have an opinion, we're all human beings after all. Of course we need to exercise a degree of diplomacy and cultural sensitivity about where and when we voice that opinion.

There's no doubt that the guy has some problems with self-control and of course he has acted very stupidly, but if being stupid were a crime then we couldn't build enough prisons to fit everybody in.

At the end of the day, his biggest crime was to voice his opinion in a foolish way. An unpopular opinion. He has not stolen, or used violence or hurt anybody physically. In my view he has harmed nobody except for himself.

Whats is normal people to you ? Because when i speak with Thai people who are not brain washed, they think most foreigners who come here come for sexy time with dark skin women, but the others are who the one who work and live here are actually interesting to listen.

I think you BG has put a little bit of herself into your head. We all know what he did was stupid, but this is not the point. Any educated and self respected Farang or Thai can make the difference between foreigners with their opinion and this kind of guy.

By your judgment next time a farang is arrested, you should go in the media and say how sorry you feel because now all foreigners will be seen as criminals...

Come on grow up. If someone has the guts to speak, good for him, but he should chose the right method to do it and be more clever about it.

Dont forget that people who actually make a difference in the world are the own who dare to speak up and dont just accept what "has to be accepted".

Honestly I can't work out whether you're supporting what I said, or attacking it?

Please don't start on the 'I'm-a-more-respectable-farang-than-you' nonsense because it's an attitude that brings out the very worst in people in Thailand, and is generally just a sign of one's own insecurity.

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Of course Im not that much older than yourself

According to both your profiles, you're 99 years old and kuffki's 33, so you're actually 3 times his age, and old enough to be his great-grandfather...

Lesson number one: Don't believe everything you read

Lesson 2: Don't believe ANYTHING kuffki writes :o

Oh you and Neverdie will surely get along really well. Thank God, neither of you are in any position to actually do anything

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^Now you are starting to scare me kuffki, what sort of daily break down do you want or would just a general idea go well for you. My days and weeks vary significantly or are you referring to the fact that I don't have a job to goto & can occupy my time with other things?

Also off topic, perhaps you might like to create another thread?

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^Now you are starting to scare me kuffki, what sort of daily break down do you want or would just a general idea go well for you. My days and weeks vary significantly or are you referring to the fact that I don't have a job to goto & can occupy my time with other things?

Also off topic, perhaps you might like to create another thread?

Like i said you have your opinions and i have mine!

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Oh you and Neverdie will surely get along really well. Thank God, neither of you are in any position to actually do anything

Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Ohh don't worry about it CH, he will tell you all about yourself, he's done that with me a number of times, its rather amusing stuff really. Anyway, nobody could be as important as someone like him, most likely here on a big monthly wage (60,000 baht) and bugger all benifits :rolleyes: .....but running the world and knowing everything and more.

kuffki, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so you enjoy yours.

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Oh you and Neverdie will surely get along really well. Thank God, neither of you are in any position to actually do anything

Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Ohh don't worry about it CH, he will tell you all about yourself, he's done that with me a number of times, its rather amusing stuff really. Anyway, nobody could be as important as someone like him, most likely here on a big monthly wage (60,000 baht) and bugger all benifits :rolleyes: .....but running the world and knowing everything and more.

kuffki, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so you enjoy yours.

Argument ad hominem as a forum lifestyle choice.

Typically those that practice it escalate and eventually disapear.

It's some sort of ego gratification sop and some egos can never be satiated.

Ignore it, life's too short.

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