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Australian National Brutally Bashed & Robbed In Pattaya

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(edited, see above)

I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. .........Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side........

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked.

I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out.......... (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)


I feel your pain, been here three years and lately I am ready to leave and never look back. ........

Went to North Face in Central Festival Mall. I bought a bag that when I got home was too small for my work gear. I returned it the same day .......... I replied, loudly, "Then get off your Monkey ass and call him!!!"

I go to the Market to buy X, the salesman (and I use that term loosely) says "50 baht" my girlfriend cuts in "Why you charge him 50 baht when I know it's only 30 baht?" "Oh sorry farrang, 30 baht" I go back the next day by myself..."50 bath farrang" <deleted> off!

Unlike you I work off in Malaysia and Vietnam. I am so glad I'm here only 50% of the time otherwise I'd be crazy or in jail for cutting some Thai Key-Gong's throat.

I tell my friends in the states not to come here and I'm on my way to greener pastures as soon as a better deal comes up.


If these two are anything to go by, I can understand why expats in Pattaya have a certain reputation.

One complains because a pharmacy has run out of his friend's medication, even when they offer to order it; complains again when, after 20 years living here, he still pays the driver on the road side (obviously dangerous), complains when another baht bus won't take him all the way to Jomtien, even though he has done the route countless times before and knows it is usual; and complains when his breakfast is not cooked as he wants, even though he knows "it is usually a problem" at that restaurant.

Another buys a bag he decides he doesn't want then calls the sales girl a "Monkey" and complains when he is over-charged in a market.

Somehow I feel that when either or both finally manage to leave they will not be missed.

I will miss them! In fact i already do miss them....at least they tell it like it is..

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I never said you should go home, you just should not say Thailand is a safe country. Also you have to take into account that (and i cant prove it) things are not recorded well here. Im sure things are better recorded in the West. I just posted this because i got sick and tired of people saying how safe Thailand was.

I'm not running around saying Thailand is safe, I'm just making a point that your table doesn't make a good case for saying Thailand is much more dangerous than other big population centers around the world. Thailand is definitely not a 3rd world country either. You need to get out and see what a 3rd world country looks like before using such terminology.

As far as suicides and murders are concerned, I believe the Pattaya media report every single one, which is suprising considering it's a tourist hub and doesn't need bad publicity.

Im not comparing Thailand with other tourist destinations, im not a tourist i live here. So it would be silly to compare it to tourist destinations. I compare it with developed countries in Europe. Calling Thailand a 3rd world country is a bit over the top but how can you trust a police force that is so corrupt. How can you expect that all suicides were real. Many expats question it.

I think some people are confused about what a third world country is, a third world country is one in which was colonized. Thailand has never been colonized thus it is not a third world country.


(Plus - better quality of expats here in VN also.

<deleted> is a "better quality of expats"?

I think he's referring to the loud, dishevelled, beer-swillin', loutish type that Muang Thai could do without. Surely you've noticed.


Your post is so funny. Any man anywhere would be enraged if another man had sex with his girlfriend once let alone for 5 years. I'm surprised you're still alive. Can you really blame the boyfriend?

You don't know much about Pattaya then. The majority of girls working in the bars here have Thai boyfriends who are more than happy for their girl to go out and have sex with other men. If they doing it for free (highly unlikely), then sure, they might get upset.

I have lived here for a long time and i serioulsy doubt most of the girls that work bars have thai BF's Ex BF's and EX husbands probaly but not current ones,

I also cant see why anyone would fuc_k a thai girl knowing she had a bf for 5 years. Get a life

Most bar girls do not have Thai boyfriends, the only majority that is true of these girls is that they

come from the poorest areas of Thai society.


I never said you should go home, you just should not say Thailand is a safe country. Also you have to take into account that (and i cant prove it) things are not recorded well here. Im sure things are better recorded in the West. I just posted this because i got sick and tired of people saying how safe Thailand was.

I'm not running around saying Thailand is safe, I'm just making a point that your table doesn't make a good case for saying Thailand is much more dangerous than other big population centers around the world. Thailand is definitely not a 3rd world country either. You need to get out and see what a 3rd world country looks like before using such terminology.

As far as suicides and murders are concerned, I believe the Pattaya media report every single one, which is suprising considering it's a tourist hub and doesn't need bad publicity.

Im not comparing Thailand with other tourist destinations, im not a tourist i live here. So it would be silly to compare it to tourist destinations. I compare it with developed countries in Europe. Calling Thailand a 3rd world country is a bit over the top but how can you trust a police force that is so corrupt. How can you expect that all suicides were real. Many expats question it.

I think some people are confused about what a third world country is, a third world country is one in which was colonized. Thailand has never been colonized thus it is not a third world country.

I think YOU are VERY confused what a third world country is. It has nothing to do with if it was colonised or not.

'"The term Third World was originally coined in times of the Cold War to distinguish those nations that are neither aligned with the West (NATO) nor with the East, the Communist bloc. Today the term is often used to describe the developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania.Many poorer nations adopted the term to describe themselves"


Somehow I think there is more to this Story.

There always is more to these stories.

It is somewhat of a shame that this man traveled all the way here to Thailand, only to get what he could have got by just walking down many of the streets in Melbourne, or Sydney Australia. Maybe he came here to get away from the racist bashing that he would get in the wrong area in Australia, and ended up in the wrong area of Pattaya only to get what he could have got at home. (In no way am I suggesting that this attack was racially based, just that as a non white Australian his safety is compromised in certain areas of Australia.)

I dont know Pattaya all that much, but I do know that when I go there, I only carry the money that I intend to spend, and nothing else. When around walking street, I always stay in areas where there is a large eclectic group of people, and I never go to the dunny down one of the side soi's alone, even better I use the dunny in the large shop or restaurant.

Having seen areas like West End Brisbane, St Kilda Melbourne, and similar around the world, these are dangerous places to be at night on your own, so be careful when in these areas, or you will get in trouble, no matter what country you are in.


Blimey it would be good when you lot realise that Pattaya. Phuket, Nana and Ko Samui are not the real Thailand. 

They are areas of Thailand that the lowest form of pond life congregate (Thai and Foreigner).

And that means Upstanding people like TV posters sometimes get bashed and robbed.  :whistling::lol: .

Of course i am not saying that every body who lives in these places are pond life. 

There are many,many Good, wholesome Thai's and Foreigner's alike who live in these places. :D

So true, every city has their danger spots, certain areas in Los Angeles like Compton, Liberty city, little Haiti in Miami, etc.

Its an unfortunate incident but should not be blown out of proportion. Every city has its more and less safe areas so you have to do your homework, know the areas and take the necessary precautions.

As a Thai I feel ashamed whenever I hear these kinds of stories but whether it be thais or foreigners when the right chance comes for these low lifes/scumbags we're all fair game.

The other day a motorcycle came racing out of the soi and hit my car right in the middle. I was rather baffled why would anyone drive like that since the streets were relatively empty and I was driving really slow. Only upon hearing a women scream "thief thief" did I realize the driver of the motorcycle just snatched a bag and was on a getaway until I became an unknowing thief catcher. I had to pay for the damages on my car as I had only 3rd party insurance. Oh well at least something good came out of it!


I think some people are confused about what a third world country is, a third world country is one in which was colonized. Thailand has never been colonized thus it is not a third world country.

Uhh, not exactly. Australia and Canada were colonies at one time. Hardly 3rd world places. The USA was colonised by the Spanish, French and English. Norway was a colony too. Where does your logic take you?

Thailand was not officially a colony but it suffered a worse fate over the centuries. It was at times either a conquered nation or a nation of collaborators. Not much different than some European countries in that regard. Hardly, a history to boast about. Invasions and control of parts of its territory by the Chinese, Burmese, Indians and Khmer were a regular occurrence.. For example, do you think the Burmese were having a picnic in Ayutthaya back in in 1767? Why else did King Taksin move his capital to Thornburi? Surely it wasn't for the scenery and flowers?

Colonial powers couldn't be bothered with the expense of colonisation in Thailand as it was cheaper to just take the parts of the country that were deemed worthwhile. You know that area east of the Mekong? It used to be part of Siam, but the French took it as part of their Indochine holdings. You know all those Shan refugees that the Thais mistreat? Well technically the Shan or "Tai", are Thais. The British took the Shan province and folded it into their Burma territory. If Veera et al really wanted to wave the national flag, the should go and take back parts of Burma and Laos too. Oh, and don't forget about your friends the Japanese. The came for an occupation back in the 30's which the Thai government collaborated with. Thailand was freed because of the sacrifice of Commonwealth and US forces. Ask a Thai if he or she is aware of the role Thailand played in WWII and you will get a blank stare. 3rd world countries have campaigns to rewrite their histories.


this is the one where thailand comes out near the top

Murders with firearms


Statistics can easily be misleading (or misunderstood)... The lack of any time frame where the data was compiled is abnormal and makes no sense, not to mention the fact hat these statistics report 5'140 murders in Thailand of which 20'032 were by firearm!!! Such biased results (where is Brazil for example) do not prove anything...


its all generalizations yes some partrs off thailand are dangerous some are not where i used to live in london if you walked through the housing estate at night drunk alone 100% you would get robbed other ares no problems i would say where i live in thailand is pretty safe we all know the dodgy parts of thailand and most normal people stay away from them ,they are only tourist traps anyway why would you go to them if you live here B)

Good point, so this part of London that you write about is promoted as a world class tourist destination, promoted around the world as a safe, carefree place full of happy smiling locals eager to please you. Ideal for your next holiday?

well yes its pretty common knowledge london is promoted as a world class tourist destination attracting hundreds off thousands of tourists a year ............

put your brain in gear before you comment me thinks

I agree London is a world class tourist destination and I have been there many times. I have never been beaten, robbed, or suffered any crime there. Guess I am one of the few lucky tourists.

um lived in London a long time. Of course if you enter certain areas you will get done. Same goes for anywhere, I remember parts of Brazil where the getting done is written very clearly all over the walls, the locals will even tell you don't be a loco, even us locals won't go there

also the bum bag is probably significant, none of the racist or xenophobic crap, just it spells something out to those with an eye for such things



One post deleted

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I was attacked by 2 teens near the South Pattaya temple around 8pm not long ago. One of them pulled a kitchen knife on me. With 6'6' and military background I luckily managed to fight both of them off with some good kicks. Several Thais just watched and smiled from safe distance. Did not bother to call police. It seems to happen so often these days, from what I read and hear. Reckon, it won't get better. Terrible for elderly people who make good targets.

Arai-wa :blink:

Two thai teens (probably all of 45kgs) attacking a 6"6 farang..

jeez mate you should have given them both a thousand baht each and sent them on their way for having balls of brass..

Did you miss the part about the kitchen knife.. someone with a knife has a big advantage. And there were 2 of them. Im pretty sure you would not fair much better.

No, actually i did get the part about the kitchen knife, i was just wondering how a guy could actually go about kicking his way out of trouble when one guy is waving a knife around and the other guy is most probably circling around you, looking to clock you on the back of the head from behind, or around the legs with a stick or whatever he can get his hands on..aka..thai style.

As for me, no, at least i can admit that i wouldnt have fared much better...I would have been wearing flip flops, which would make mooving about and kicking even harder, notwithstanding the likely outcome of getting your legs seriously slashed..Dunno, maybe the guy was wearing army boots :blink:

No doubt Bruce Lee would have faired much better, err..or 007....but thats playing pretendy-poos isnt it


Did you miss the part about the kitchen knife.. someone with a knife has a big advantage. And there were 2 of them. Im pretty sure you would not fair much better.

No, actually i did get the part about the kitchen knife, i was just wondering how a guy could actually go about kicking his way out of trouble when one guy is waving a knife around and the other guy is most probably circling around you, looking to clock you on the back of the head from behind, or around the legs with a stick or whatever he can get his hands on..aka..thai style.

As for me, no, at least i can admit that i wouldnt have fared much better...I would have been wearing flip flops, which would make mooving about and kicking even harder, notwithstanding the likely outcome of getting your legs seriously slashed..Dunno, maybe the guy was wearing army boots :blink:

No doubt Bruce Lee would have faired much better, err..or 007....but thats playing pretendy-poos isnt it

Ok just read like you said how can you even mention it as its so easy to win. I am not sure i could win because you don't do much against a knife if you are not trained. Plus 2 against one is never a fair fight.


"while he was also struggling to stand on his own, assisted by several locals"

For all of the Thai bashing in this thread and others of late, let's be mindful of what is the exception and what is the rule ... and be thankful that there are locals and rescue personnel who will help most anyone who appears to be in trouble or in need of assistance.

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happening alot lately! but what is this editors note: <deleted>?

Hi my friend onenut,

i wonder why a few of my mates that have been involved in trouble in the uk over the last few months didnt get a mention in the local papers.Football related and drink related incidents happen in their hundreds at the weekend in England and i wouldnt dare to guess how many in Scotland and South Wales.

We have an incident in soi 6 of all places and people jump on the bandwagon and say happening a lot lately.

Give over man

Were your friends BLACK or Chinese Tourists? These kind of comments are redicoulus. This Australian is looking like a Tourist and if the news that Tourists become robbed and beaten up in Pattaya, it will have an influence on the Tourist numbers!

If in Gemany a Black or Chinese guy make the same experience, one can be sure it make HEADLINES


I am completely lost reading some of the comments in this thread (read: SOME, not all!)

I am shocked at how many falangs post in here that they come here for sex, openly advocating paying bottom dollar for sex, yet complaining that Pattaya is like a toilet? Err...

It almost makes me feel embarrassed to live here. I am just thankful I am in my mid 20's and don't look like (and certainly don't need) to pay for sex.

Take it as you will. If you don't like the country, leave. If you want to continue taking advantage of this country and it's people, go right ahead, just stop your freakin' whinging.


I also had troubles in Krabi last year - got bashed on the beach walking home from work. Almost murdered.

There were four similar incidents that I knew of, 2 with tourists, one with expat, one with local Thai.

None ever made the newspaper.

I love Thailand and my wife is from there.

Chiang Rai to Chiang Khong is lovely, and I feel very at home there.

Phuket, Krabi, Pattaya - I enjoy some aspects but the crime levels are ridiculous.

A month ago I ended up moving to Vietnam for work, as the protests have decimated tourism in Thailand, hence opportunities and payscales.

AMAZING how the people here in Vietnam DO smile - genuinely, and they welcome you with open hearts and minds.

The workforce are so eager to learn and genuinely friendly.

EVERY night on the walk home I get greeted and welcomed by almost all locals I pass, and invited to join the locals for beer and food.

Not to pay for it - but because they love foreigners.

My staff invite me out and insist on paying. It's a struggle to share a bill. They are proud of their country, culture and hospitality.

It's actually hard to get a night at home.

There is a distinct lack of rip-offs, nastiness and xenophobia, and nobody has tried to get me to pay money for anything.

It is easy to do stuff with little or no formality, and I'm raving about this place to all my friends.

I used to promote Thailand - and still love the place and love to go there - but with warnings about paying too much, tuk tuk mafia, scams and people always after money.

Plus of course, prices going through the roof.

Now I'm telling people that if they like Thailand, they'll LOVE Vietnam.

This is the friendliest place I have ever been, a beer costs 20 baht - IF the locals let you drink without being invited to join them.

I have to agree that Thailand is doing its best to work itself into political troubles, hateful attitudes towards foreigners, hassles and touts, constant attempts at scams and rip offs and the increasing crime rate.

If you MUST pay for , Thailand is probably still the place to be. If you can bother to talk with other humans, you'll probably find women or men who actually like you here - and will spend time with you for free, because they are genuinely hospitable, want to practice other languages, and enjoy your company.

If you like beer - consider your options. 60 baht isn't cheap for a beer when you're out compared to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

If you like to meet great women, nice guys, pay reasonable prices and have free wifi, awesome coffee, trouble free and beautiful beaches, plenty of affordable nice hotels with tremendous service - leave and try Vietnam ( Central Coast or Saigon.)

It'll be a while before you're back in Thailand. Take my word for it.

I'll be back in Bangkok to catch up with a couple of friends that can't make it way - and for some great Thai food dishes that I have come to love and that I can't get here. It will be a quick visit.

The rest of it - no competition. Vietnam wins hands down - and I didn't even know it.

All I can say is - consider your options.

(Plus - better quality of expats here in VN also. Sorry folks. If I offended anybody, they're probably the ones I'm referring to. Just read through any of the comments on ThaiVisa and you'll see for yourself. It often gets commented on, so I'm not alone in saying so.)

Sorry to sound rude but you are really blinded. It occurs frequently in expats of less than a few years, they see things based on how they want to, often as a rebellion towards their previous place of residence and espouse wonderment to everyone about their new country.

I lived in Vietnam for over four years. The armpit of SE Asia it is. Thailand is not nearly a nice place as tourists think it is, but it fairs better than Vietpit. The locals are honest? The exact opposite of what I would say about them. Viets lie, they tell lies to make other lies go away, they even tell lies to make the truth sound like a lie so that the lie they are telling you now is the truth. Viets smile? I would not trust a Viet smile any more than I would a Thai one, in fact I would lean in favor of the latter if I had to choose.

"distinct lack of rip-offs, nastiness and xenophobia". Wow, a threefer. Three extreme errors in one sentence. Vietnam is the rip-off capital of Asia. They rip you off so much that when it becomes obvious, they don't even bother to cover it up. Viets regularly shout and scream when any little thing doesn't go their way. Viets are very xenophobic when it comes time to cross-cultural dating. Sure if you just want to sit at a stupid little picnic table over chips and beer and smile with everybody, they'll do that. Try to cross the lines, though, and get lectured or worse, get the treatment.

Don't get me all wrong though, I am not going to knock your first points about Thailand. I would agree with you on those, there is potential for real trouble here, including with some of the expats too, as you say. I've had situations where I quickly said "thanks but not thanks" and got the hel_l out of dodge.

On the economic front, Thailand comes out the winner both in the long run as well as immediately in many instances. Prices on many things are much lower, there are far more shopping options, and more availability of places to live with a broad array of prices. Vietnam is the opposite: monopoly on pretty much everything, low selection on goods whether personal care, household, food or lodging -- and the prices can be extortionate, especially on the latter. They are a lot more persistent on dual pricing -- locals vs. foreigner.


I am completely lost reading some of the comments in this thread (read: SOME, not all!)

I am shocked at how many falangs post in here that they come here for sex, openly advocating paying bottom dollar for sex, yet complaining that Pattaya is like a toilet? Err...

It almost makes me feel embarrassed to live here. I am just thankful I am in my mid 20's and don't look like (and certainly don't need) to pay for sex.

Take it as you will. If you don't like the country, leave. If you want to continue taking advantage of this country and it's people, go right ahead, just stop your freakin' whinging.

You're far to young to be making comments about sex in Pattaya. Come back in 30 years. Coming on here and bragging about how you're too young and handsome to have to pay for sex is a bit out of place don't you think? Most of the people you're posting to are over 50 and were also once young and attractive.

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Basically, then, even if you have done no wrong, you may be standing in for some other farang who has wound up some Thai men and is not available for a beating.

Needless to say, my next holiday will be in the Philippines

Philippines..not to sure if you ever been there before ..but maybe you might be in for a shock..

Its not as safe as you think to walk around late at night..some areas can be dodgy as <deleted>..

and a word in your ear. i think the bar girls also have Philippines BF.who will be only to happy to give you a slap if you piss them of also .

If you truly want to be safe , there is no safer place than the comfort of your mamas apron strings cheesy.gif


freakin' whinging.

You're far to young to be making comments about sex in Pattaya. Come back in 30 years. Coming on here and bragging about how you're too young and handsome to have to pay for sex is a bit out of place don't you think? Most of the people you're posting to are over 50 and were also once young and attractive.

Well im still just about in my prime just a little smidge over 40 rolleyes.gif..

jampola..you might not have ever payed for sex,,maybe you pay in other ways ..dinner ? movies? shopping ? Or maybe you are so coooooool you only have to look at a woman and you can make them cum so there is no need to have sex ..But believe me when i say you will pay for it some day just like the rest of us..

Freaking whinging ..<deleted> ..can you not swear like a man just like the rest of usjap.gif

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I know it is slang for ass in the USA and if the guy was from the USA I would have referred to it as such but the poor guy is an aussie, hence the reason I called it a bum bag. Are you trying to say your corruption of english is better than my corruption of english?


Ha-ha , normally men only wear a waste bag when they have prostate problems , then it is strapped to thier thigh , as apposed to carrying money in a 'Fanny bag' which is strapped around the waist .

Fanny is American for backside. In Australia, fanny is ladies front centre lower between

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