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Where To Buy Cheap Fans In Hh?


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Well, my electric bill came in and holy fuc_k, I use too much aircon, I won't even say the value because it hurts to think about it. My ceiling fans I find are prettymuch hopeless and the best fan I have is a little portable one really, so my missus came up with the genius idea of, "why don't you just buy a huge portable fan like everyone else uses?" I clearly never thought about this <_< I fell in love with a huge standing one at a indoor type market next to my home yesterday but it was 2300bht and I'm sure they can be had for cheaper' So any nice backstreet places selling em cheap? I haven't a clue to where to look ...

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I don't know how big you're looking for, but Tesco has good prices on medium sized standing floor fans and the other place to check is Big Kiang across the street from the Market Village Mall and south just a bit. Remember to ask for a discount at Big Kiang as they will give you lower than the first price especially if you are buying more than one fan.

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Almost same price in all shops,, depends which make 600-900 for a decent sized fan, are you sure its the air con and not your water pump or hot shower, these are what raise the cost on my electric rather than the air con

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