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With the high cost of 2nd hand vehicles in Thailand, I'm wondering whether it would be more cost effective to import from the UK. Anyone had any experience in doing this, and the cost in doing so? And are there any major draw backs ? Thank you..........


No positives to this idea, only drawbacks. We all wish it wasn't so. Buy here, it's the only way.

Pleased you asked, and pleased these forums are available as it means one less victim of the Thai system.

You have to accept the high secondhand price I am afraid, but it's not all bad news, as depreciation is far less, and they don't rust away either.

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thanks for all the responses...I'll leave well alone! ......would Cambodia have lower import duty?? Or had I not better go there either??:lol:

If you really want a nightmare, sure, go ahead.


Most of the advice is spot on - do not try unless you have excessivley deep pockets and are also well connected to the highest level of Thai customs.

As advised - check out the threads - read the nightmares!!

One guy did manage to import a classic TR6 - that was in need of an 100% renovation. Consequently the magpie attraction wasn't there.

He was prepared to pay the price which turned out to be much cheaper than renovating the car in the UK due the Thai labour costs being so comparitivley low.

Contrary to advise that the "Book" would be a magor hurdle - this in fact waas the easy / simplest part.

One exception is to "Temporary" import the car - you will need an import licence from the Commerce department and then you need to loadge the import duty with Customs - said to be refunded when the car leaves the country. Even so - you are only allowed one year entry and would anybody believe that Customs would actually give back the 218% import duty???.

One avenue (Unexplored) would be to try a temp import with say a Malaysian registred car??

For example - I will be doing the reverse in that I am taking my Thai registred car to Singapore and back. As in Europe - I will need international insurance and the car will have a visa stamped in my passport alongside my personal visa - so I leave the country and the car MUST leave with me.

Again - as other members point out - it's easier to pay the man his money and buy a car in Thailand !!!


I think the last time i worked out the duties etc it was about 270%

that's if you ever get the car out of the hands of the customs "officials"

you can bring the car in on a carnet de passage for about 12 months - I suppose then you's havve to lose it and the paperwork and the customs paperwork and then re-invent a load of new paperwork - you'd have a year to grease palms - if that didn't work you'd have to get out of the country - and I think there's a 6 montth no return clause.


BTW - although the cost of secondhand is quite high here - so is the subsequent resale.

I factored in the rates of exchange on a vehicle of mine and it has gone down in price about £900over 8 years - now that's cheap

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