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So is it OK to use this this fuc_king word in posting?:lol:

No. Only the Admins get to use big boys words in topic titles. We have to make do with 'fack' or 'fock' so as not to offend.


Yea the You Tube video is funny, nice one George.

If anyone other than George had posted it, it would have been immediately removed and the poster would have been suspended or banned.


That is firetrucking great . Should be mandatory for all non-english speaker to watch to avoid misunderstandings. I bet any of we foul-mouthed englsh speakers ha ve got into trouble at least once when let the word drop and having it intrepted as a word of agression.

For example

"You look firetrucking great"

" why u say firetruck to me

" i didn't"

"well Firetruck you"......................

<deleted> !!!!!!!!!


History's top 10 most appropriate use of the F-word

10th - "Scattered f***ing showers, my arse!" - Noah, 4314 BC

9th - "How the f*** did you work that out?" - Pythagoras, 126 BC

8th - "You want WHAT on the f***ing ceiling?" - Michelangelo, 1566

7th - "Where did all those f***ing Indians come from?" - Custer, 1877

6th - "It does so f***ing look like her!" - Picasso, 1926

5th - "Where the f*** are we?" - Amelia Earhart, 1937

4th - "Any f***ing idiot could understand that." - Einstein, 1938

3rd - "What the f*** was that?" - Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945

2nd - "I need this parade like I need a f***ing hole in the head!" - JFK, 1963

And.... drum roll ...

The number 1 most appropriate time for using the "F" word ....

1st - "Aw c'mon. Who the f*** is going to find out?" - Tiger Woods, 2009

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Men-tally challenged is about right. There is no forking way that I would ever be made a mod. :cheesy:

You protest too much. You'd be well up for a 'Mod for the day' spot.....now that would be fuc_king hilarious......



Thanks for the laugh, George. Having lived and worked in a logging camp I've heard the word used in all those situations.

There are some urban legends where the wordcame from. In Irish law, if a couple were caught committing adultery, they would be punished "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.

There were many similar stories that are hard to document, but have persisted in oral and literary traditions for many years; however, it has now been accepted as an urban legend.

Apparently, the word did not come from any of the following:

"File Under Carnal Knowledge"

"Fornication Under the Christian King"

"Fornication Under the Command of the King"

"Fornication Under the Consent of the King"

"Fornication Under Carnal/Cardinal Knowledge"

"False Use of Carnal Knowledge"

"Felonious Use of Carnal Knowledge"

"Felonious Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"

"For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"

"Found Under Carnal Knowledge"

"Found Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"

"Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" (referring to the crime of rape


fuc_k George...Did some fuc_ker hack your fuc_king account or what?

This is so fuc_king unlike you....Your usually such a nice reserved fuc_ker. ;)


There certainly are plenty of lads around who cannot complete a sentence without that word.

I guess that's how their mothers taught them to speak.

There are some urban legends where the wordcame from. In Irish law, if a couple were caught committing adultery, they would be punished "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.

There were many similar stories that are hard to document, but have persisted in oral and literary traditions for many years; however, it has now been accepted as an urban legend.

Apparently, the word did not come from any of the following:

"File Under Carnal Knowledge"

"Fornication Under the Christian King"

"Fornication Under the Command of the King"

"Fornication Under the Consent of the King"

"Fornication Under Carnal/Cardinal Knowledge"

"False Use of Carnal Knowledge"

"Felonious Use of Carnal Knowledge"

"Felonious Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"

"For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"

"Found Under Carnal Knowledge"

"Found Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"

"Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" (referring to the crime of rape

Another theory i have heard is that it comes from the sound of the p*n*s in the excited female passage . uck uck uck .

Any more theories ???

(Hope it ok to ofer that theory )


I think it started in the British army some eons ago , the food was so bad some bright spark shouted "" Who called the cook a fuc_king asshol_e " a resonse quickly followed "Who called that fuc_king asshol_e a cook ".

It was noted that profuse usage of the word can reduce strees , as in " fuc_k ' "fuc_k ' "fuc_k ' 'fuc_k " "fuc_kING fuc_k MAN ' STRESS GONE lol 555

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