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Good Present For Thai 1yr Old Boy


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Hi Ladies,

Being male, I haven't got a clue. It's for my girlfriend's sister's baby boy - they're having a bit of a party and I can't make it, so would like to make up somehow.

Budget is 1,500 baht. Any suggestions very welcome.

Thanks in advance,


p.s. It would help tonnes if it's available from Central, Chit Lom.

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I bought a Gund stuffed bear for the child of one of my staff, everyone who has seen it has raved about it. They are soft, squishy, with silky hair. I don't work for the Gund company but whenever I buy a stuffed animal for a kid, I buy a Gund.

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Thanks BambinaA & sbk for the feedback.

I settled on a detachable, music playing, spinny thing in the end. Bit of a rush desicion I'm afraid, but at least the g/f was happy with it.

And as it turns out, I can attend the do afterall.

Will remember the advice for when I have a 1 year old of my own to deal with though! (Not for a good few years yet hopefully)

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My son will be 1 in less than 3 weeks and I was thinking of buying him either gold or a Buddha amulet but unfortunately I am working out of country so I cannot be there. Any ideas of what my wife could buy for me?


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I doubt a 1 year old boy would be interested in gold or a Buddha Amulet. Is this for the mother or the boy??? :D

Try buying the same thing Insight bought.

detachable, music playing, spinny thing in the end

Or horror of horrors, buy him some English children's books (Nursery rhymes with pictures that moves and etc). I know it is a horrible thought :o but it is educational. A lot of children lack the love of reading nowadays, never too early to start.

Edited by JoJo
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I doubt a 1 year old boy would be interested in gold or a Buddha Amulet.  Is this for the mother or the boy??? :D

Try buying the same thing Insight bought.

detachable, music playing, spinny thing in the end

Or horror of horrors, buy him some English children's books (Nursery rhymes with pictures that moves and etc). I know it is a horrible thought :o but it is educational. A lot of children lack the love of reading nowadays, never too early to start.

The gold or a Buddha amulet is for my son and not for his mother, she has enough, but the problem with a Buddha amulet is trying to find a good one which is difficult for us farangs.

When I came back from Pakistan I did buy some nursery rhymes and fairy stories but he was more interested in scrumpling the pages.

Actually after 3 months he didn't recognise me for a while until I started to sing to him again after which it was a lot better. The day before I left to come back his mother was going to leave him with me but he wouldn't stay and cried a lot so she took him with her.

I was unhappy about that but what can I do? Stay home, not work and no money for their future or go away to work and earn for the future?

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When my son was a baby his father worked away from home. I kept an unwashed shirt belonging my ex and would wear that when I was feeding the baby. (the baby could then smell his dad :o)

Back to the original question, why not buy some childrens books which also have dvd's telling the stories or nursery rhymes?

My first gift to any baby is books. :D It's never too soon to introduce books to a baby :D

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Back to the original question, why not buy some childrens books which also have dvd's telling the stories or nursery rhymes?

My first gift to any baby is books. It's never too soon to introduce books to a baby.

I love books and I have been reading since I was old enough to get a junior library card and comics before that. I have worked in over 20 countries around the world and the only country I could not get books was Angola.

I hope that my son will be able to speak, read and write in Thai, English and Muser as we have a couple of hilltribe people working for us. Now is the time to teach your children as they will listen and learn much more easily than old men like me.

I do read to him and sing to him as often as I can and I do miss him so much but I will be back at the end of August for a couple of weeks.

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Gold ankle rings with bells would be a good gift at that age. Helps to keep track of them as well. Do not believe a neckless would be safe on a one year old.

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He has the silver ankle bells already but if I can get the gold ones that would be good.

When I left in April he was rolling around and working out how to crawl and when I came back I realised why my wife had put the bells on his ankles.

He moves so fast now and everything has to be lifted about a metre off the floor level.

I wasn't going to give him a chain to wear but I think perhaps I will get it fitted to his ankle and nail the other end to the floor so we will know where he is. If we bought a gold chain for his neck he would certainly bite it and probably try to eat it.

Thanks to everybody for the suggestions and I will tell my wife and get her to choose.


:D:D when he smiles I look like this.

:D When his pampers are full...... I look like this

:o When his pampers are full he looks like this or this :D

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:D  :D  when he smiles I look like this.

:D When his pampers are full...... I look like this

:o When his pampers are full he looks like this or this  :D


Me too! That's just how I feel about my 7 month old son! :D !

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Just give the child a nice warm hug :o:D :D

I would love to do just that Tytus but I am working out of the country and I won't get back until a month later.

When I was home at the beginning of the month he was unsure of me for a while until I started singing to him the songs I normally do when I am at home. Unfortunately all of the men around him except me are Thai so I am a bit of a stranger really. He is OK after a while though he wouldn't stay with me just before I left for some reason. It hurt a little bit but I am used to it though he is not. On the other hand I won't be working away for ever.

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Thats good..Well there is another thing...maybe you could buy him a teddy bear....SO that he could remember that u have bought it for u ...

I had thought of something like a Gorilla or an Orang Utang to remind him of his big hairy farang dad.

I will see what I can find over here.

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He is begining to walk, a push toy the kind with the handle he can push in front of him or pull something with noise. Shape sorting box. Mini toy piano, any toys that he can make something happen with be it sound or light or motion. 1 is such a great age of developement there are so many things you can give him to stimulate this. If you do buy books you need to buy the hard pages or clothe books, he will destroy anything else at this age as I think you already mentioned happening. One of those sit on and ride cars is good at this age too.

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Thanks to everybody for their ideas.

He was not walking when I left a couple of weeks ago but he can stand up using what is available and has learnt how to use a small plastic chair to climb onto the bed, but not to climb down, yet. He has a sort of seat on wheels which will just fit in the gap at the end of the table and knows how to get it into the right place to fit or he will go the other way around.

He into things which make noises and also the boxes that they come in.

I will buy him something nice when I get home as there is not a lot here for him.

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I'm sure he'll be just happy to see his dad again billd766 but don't get too upset if he doens't recognise you at first, babies have pretty short attention spans (like fish :o ) & with you working away this is going to be a regular theme of your home comings. Eventually he will get older & remember you more & more, I was out of the country for most of my 7y/o neices life but from about 2 1/2 she remebered me, as my sister had pictures of me around the house & would always remind her who I was. Maybe something for your wife to think about doing daily?? Have a great trip home & enjoy your time with your wife & son :D

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I'm sure he'll be just happy to see his dad again billd766 but don't get too upset if he doens't recognise you at first, babies have pretty short attention spans (like fish :o ) & with you working away this is going to be a regular theme of your home comings. Eventually he will get older & remember you more & more, I was out of the country for most of my 7y/o neices life but from about 2 1/2 she remebered me, as my sister had pictures of me around the house & would always remind her who I was. Maybe something for your wife to think about doing daily?? Have a great trip home & enjoy your time with your wife & son :D

Thanks Boo

I was lucky in my first marriage as I didn't really work abroad until my first son was 13 so it wasn't so bad. There are pictures of me around but most of the time they talk to him in Thai but my wife does speak in english as well. My contract is up at the end of August and if it is renewed I will take it as future money for the family and if not, I will be more than happy to go home again.

Hopefully I can put this picture up on the post.


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