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(about dating Swindlers)

A site that warns against con artists and Swindlers who use dating and contact sites to find their victims.

Tricks from Thailand

Con artists from Thailand

On the moment a gang of con artists are working from Thailand. They place adverts in different dating sites with stories like: " I am looking for a partner in life, between 20 and 55 years of age, but the age is not realy important, I am searching more for someone with a kind heart who can give me a good future."

They use pictures taken from calendars, or catalogues and it always comes down to this: they need money for a ticket to fly over...

On this page are more details about the way these "ladies" work


Thai story

Many dating sites had adverts in them of beautiful Thai girls, who were looking for a relationship in Europe. These ads were set in different ways but the story was always the same "I am looking for a man between 20 and 55 years of age , with a kind hart who can give me a good future in Europe, with a possible marriage" When someone replies to such an advert this lady tells the story that she would love to come to a country in Europe, but does not have enough money for the ticket .. This is played very well, but no one would transfer money without them delivering proof about their identities, in aswer to such a request a JPG picture is sent of a pasport, that gives the impression that it is a real person The lady in this picture had het ad in the dutch site: datingbox.com as "Mai" with the e-mail adres name: Mayloe Buanglung at operamail. Later it shows that she has more e-mail adresses and after some correspondence she says that her real name is Yu Pianchwingram and a JPG picture of a passport gives the impression that she is speaking the truth. (click the image to see it in full size) On the detailed cutout on the right it can be seen that this is a very amateurisic forgery but you can only see it after some study

The story continues, that she is working in a topless gogobar together with her friends, and that she wants to get out of this life. She has already saved half the money to leave and is looking for someone who can help her with the other half .. The amount of money she needs is about 500 -1000 Euro ($ 400 - 800) and that is proven by another scan that is sent of the visa she already apears to have..

This sad story is enough for most men to reach in their pocket to send the money she needs.. When the victim asks for a bank account number she suddenly advises to use the service of Western Union so she can have the money by wire within 15 minutes after depositing it...

Deze service is rendered in offices all over the world and has for an advantage that another person (who is paid a few dollar for the job) can pick up the money so the con artist can stay out of sight.

The game is played to the end, even untill she, so called, boards the plane to come over. The victim is being stood up, because no one arrives and that they understand that the have been tricked out of a lot of money..

This lady has 10.000 Euro to her name...


Abuse of pictures and names..

One of the most shameless cases concerns this lady named Namthip. Has it been in other cases that the con artists use false names and pictures from calenders and brochures, this beautiful girl realy exists. But she has nothing to do with the scams that are being played... Namthip is a very succesfull singer in Thailand and has no reason whatsoever to want to leave her country The picture on the left is used in datingbox.com the picture on the right is taken from the CD which has reached number 5 in the Thai charts.

This is to show that the girls in the picturer have nothing to do with the activities of the con artists , the story however, is the same as all the others..


Fake passports

After a lot of complaints about this way of tricking people to send money , material could be compared and we got this results. Notice the number on the passports, the two on the top have the same picture, but different names.. (click the images to see them at full size)

These passports are changed with some drawing program in a very amateuristic way, just like the third passport where one face is superimposed over another face


Fake visa

The same things are played with Visa, same trick same amateuristic method..

Compared, they show the same numbers and that is impossible when it comes to travel documents

Al these documents are used to convince the victim about the sincerety of the girl, and to show that they really want to leave the country to come over...


These pictures turned up in Belgium.

These pictures are the next when it comes to fakes , the places to look at are inside the circles . The ticket looks alright, but take a closer look at this cut-out enlarged 400% (click the picture to see it full size)

Tip: Always enlarge pictures of documents to see the possible forgeries , and perfect black letters are impossible in a scanned picture, so they have to be made on a computer by using a drawing programme.


These are only examples, there are possibly a lot more of this fakes out there.. We would like to receive them.


We ar searching for other victims and more information on this subject.

Please write to: [email protected]

Guest IT Manager

IMHO the "john" got what he deserved. If you are dumb enough to do a "mail order bride" you need your head read. The expression "caveat emptor" mean anything to you?

This will turn into another vent fest of people saying the john was stupid. How many ways can you say the John was stupid?

I will wait till Daveyo puts in an appearance then close it. The Johns fault. End of story.

On second thoughts, no I won't wait.

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