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Multi-Level Marketing (Mlm) In Thailand

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I wonder if anyone has experience of MLM in Thailand, as I am involved with a lady who does this for Zhulian. I'd like to hear anything good or bad. I'm not interested in the concept for any commercial reasons but simply because it seems to be a big part of her life and if I'm having a relationship with her, it will impact on me too.

Essentially she is involved in selling Zhulian products and recruiting agents. She does not seem to sell a lot of product material, but nevertheless is very active attending seminars and speaking on the phone with colleagues, one of whom seems to try to control her. I have read about it [MLM] on Wikipedia and the concept seems to get a lot of negative comments; they say for instance in USA that only about 1% of the agents involved with it, actually qualified for any commission and of those, only 10% made more than $100/week. It seems to have been the subject of legal action in a number of cases.

I attended a seminar recently, just to give her some support, and it seemed like brainwashing to me. They have a song and a gesture etc. and play foolish games at the conference. There are a number of people in Thailand, it seems, who have become very wealthy from it. According to my lady, some of them make 1m Bt/month. One even is said to make 10m Bt/month. I'm not sure I believe this, and I think some of this is brainwashing. I think a lot of lies are told about agents' level of success.

She showed me the magazine, full of Thais who have attained some sort of high level, Royal Crown or something like that. They wear a weird costume and a gold crown - really quite bizzarre. Pathetic even. The owner of Zhulian Thailand seems to wear a white military costume in all his official pictures. Does he have a ligitimate military rank? I'm not sure. In one picture it shows him meeting Queen Sirikit. I asked my lady why he was meeting the Queen and she said that the palace use their products. All bunkum of course.

I feel that the involvement with Zhulian is possibly a source of problems for us in the future. Does anyone have similar stories or information to share? Many thanks.

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I know a few people that are selling Amway and other stuff. They are actually all doing quite well financially, driving cars, latest phones, jewellery, everything bought from their MLM sales. I guess the reason why it get's so much bad publicity in the US is that if people are going full time for MLM they expect to get rich quick, which is obviously only possible for anyone who got in in the beginning. As average salaries in Thailand are so much lower, these kind of MLM schemes are a good way for many Thais to work for themselves and get a decent income. Of course, they are not going to become really rich, but it allows a better life than most people. The whole thing is a bit brainwashing, but this is how Thailand works, they are all brainwashed from the moment they are born, through kindergarten and school.

If you are lady is selling this stuff and making some money from it, be supportive of it, it's better than her doing nothing and asking you for money...

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I met a rather nice woman from online and she took me and recruited me into their MLM, actually some of their products that i used while I was with her were rather quite good and very reasonably priced. So I went along to be a member , I have to buy a minimum of $100 item for use from them every month, supplements,coffee, shower gels, tooth paste, laundry and house cleaning stuff.

She tried to make me believe that money is made quicker on recruitment than pushing the products.

I have always impressed upon her that it is a ridiculous idea and incomprehensible. She actually left her job at a 100 year old multi national company as aregional head to join Aimstar as a full time occupation. been about a few months now, and she seems to rising in rank and very much busy and happy with her life.

Her target is to be earning some ridiculous amount by december. She is no spring chicken and seem to know what she is doing.

They wont sign a foreigner except if he already has a work permit, they say theirs is different as its a 100% Thai originated.

Yes they are always in meetings, seminars, on the phone or on the road.

Tell her to research about Aimstar, may be she will make better bucks there to convince you to let her be.

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If your lady is selling this stuff and making some money from it, be supportive of it, it's better than her doing nothing and asking you for money...

Yes, this is a good point. She is the first Thai girl who's never asked me for any money. She ran around in my car a bit over the weekend, which made me feel I was being used, but at least she offered me money for gas.

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I met a rather nice woman from online and she took me and recruited me into their MLM, actually some of their products that i used while I was with her...

Thanks, that's helpful. I met this lady on-line too. I hope it's not the same person ;-)

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You summed up mlm very well! It's popular here, with Amway probably being the most common brand.

Zhulian sells costume jewellery and coffee to ladies with too much money and time in which to spend it, if I found the correct website. Coffee is subject to growing demand here sellers people learn how to make the drink properly. Zhulian doesn't have many agents yet so your lady stands a chance of making some money by signing up a few.

What is your problem with your lady being involved in this? Are you funding it in some way? If so that would be most unusual. Many Thai ladies have little prospect of working other than for low pay in a factory or shop or waggling their behinds in a bar somewhere. Would you prefer her to do that instead of mlm or do you have a problem with her seeking some legitimate financial independence from you? Would you rather she hang around all day gambling, drinking and sneaking off with another boyfriend whilst also dipping into your pocket?

From what you have written, your lady deserves some praise and support. Good on her for making some effort! You can support her without going to the danged gee-up events. They are American in style and the Thais just lap it up so let her have fun too.

Perhaps I've been a bit hard on you and it's just that you don't know the way things are here yet, but sometimes we farang need a kick up the rear to get things into perspective. Just let her have her freedom provided it's legal and you aren't putting too much into it yourself.

Good luck with your relationship! :)

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Any MLM Business that relies on a distributor to primaraly recruit other people into the business rather than to sell the product is classed as a Ponzi scheme.

See link http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.breton/browse_thread/thread/e890eb65b8c88dfa

There are many examples of this and the worst case being peddled around the World at the moment is a company called "Dubli"

See link http://thespinfactor.com/thetruth/2008/09/25/dubli-another-complex-scam/comment-page-67/#comment-146641

This should set you straight on these schemes. BE AWARE OF THESE PEOPLE THAT ARE PEDDLING THIS MISERY.:angry:

Do your due diligence first.

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Any MLM Business that relies on a distributor to primaraly recruit other people into the business rather than to sell the product is classed as a Ponzi scheme.

See link http://groups.google...890eb65b8c88dfa

There are many examples of this and the worst case being peddled around the World at the moment is a company called "Dubli"

See link http://thespinfactor...#comment-146641

This should set you straight on these schemes. BE AWARE OF THESE PEOPLE THAT ARE PEDDLING THIS MISERY.:angry:

Do your due diligence first.

Correct - Pyramid selling is illegal in the U.K. to get round this M.L.M. was peddled.

the only people who make money are the ones in it at the start.

The whole concept is flawed in favour of the the top earners.

3rd world countries are easy prey for this B.S. ...the more desperate insecure or poor people are the more inclined they are to be succered into a scam.

This is why so many poor people get roped into being drug mules and dragged of into the sex for sale market.

Misery is not a strong enough word for M.L.M.

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All businesses are pyramid schemes. The owner makes the majority of the money with the least amount of work while the manager makes less than the owner with a lot of work and down to the lower employees who make less with even more work down to the toilet cleaners who make the least with the 'crappiest' job.

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I would never believe in that kind of crap. People involved are usually very good at lying. They recruit usually easy targets, people with no job or unsure about what to do but who dream everyday to make millions of bath and they are used by the founders to make money for themselves just like posters above said.

It is your life, but if my girlfriend was doing this, I would ask her to stop dreaming and get a real job or a great idea if she wants to make money.

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The only thing I have seen in Thailand to object to in this business is the fired up way that sales people use friends and family to insinuate themselves into the homes of other and then pull out their book. However, the goods seem to be of good quality and the best brands are popular. Perhaps the top earners make the big money from sub-agency appointments but, at least in the case of Amway, you can sign up just to get a discount on purchases.

A poster mentioned earlier the temptation for poor people to get involved in the drugs trade. I suggest that mlm, for all its possible faults, is a much better option than that and some of the scams that Thai women dream up for themselves. If the OP pushes his girlfriend into leaving her scheme he may damage their relationship. If he wants to do it he should have ready for her a better opportunity that he will actively support. The poor of this country deserve whatever breaks they can get and we should not impose Western prejudices on their attempts unless we have an alternative ready. How about giving her a couple of million baht to create the business of her dreams? Is that more realistic and appealing to farang boyfriend? Or are some people of a mind that relationships are about control?

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All businesses are pyramid schemes. The owner makes the majority of the money with the least amount of work while the manager makes less than the owner with a lot of work and down to the lower employees who make less with even more work down to the toilet cleaners who make the least with the 'crappiest' job.

Yes Damian you are correct to a certain degree.:rolleyes:

Your reply is almost verbatim to what the MLM's (Scammers) use to try and dispel their bad image and make the gullible feel more at ease that it is a real money making deal.

In any REAL business it is only fair that the owner / boss receives the bigger percentage of the takings as he has invested ALL his money on HIS business.:ermm:

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I have seen many people working their @rses off trying to make a living in MLM.

99% of them failed, the rest 1% are the owners of the MLM business ;)

I say it only one time:

MLM products are products that are produced and bought dead cheap and sold TOO EXPENSIVE.

You don't see MLM products in computers, laptops, Television sets, cars, houses, beds, couches, and so on.

Only in products where profits of up to 500%, 1000% and more can be made -from the buying price- from people, dumb and eager enough to buy them.

The MLM owners know that....and they know that very well and laugh themselves back onto the deck of their yachts, laughing about so much stupidity of people working for them :lol:


Edited by LaoPo
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All businesses are pyramid schemes. The owner makes the majority of the money with the least amount of work while the manager makes less than the owner with a lot of work and down to the lower employees who make less with even more work down to the toilet cleaners who make the least with the 'crappiest' job.

Yes Damian you are correct to a certain degree.:rolleyes:

Your reply is almost verbatim to what the MLM's (Scammers) use to try and dispel their bad image and make the gullible feel more at ease that it is a real money making deal.

In any REAL business it is only fair that the owner / boss receives the bigger percentage of the takings as he has invested ALL his money on HIS business.:ermm:

Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

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Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

Exactly so.

I think that some posters are limiting themselves to displaying their understandable prejudices regarding mlm rather than considering the situation described by the OP. What's right for his girlfriend in this? What could he do for her in this? What alternative can he offer that's better?

The strengths and weaknesses of having an mlm agency in Thailand are secondary to what's going on in their relationship over this.

If he can't find something better he should let her get on with it and focus on their relationship.

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All businesses are pyramid schemes. The owner makes the majority of the money with the least amount of work while the manager makes less than the owner with a lot of work and down to the lower employees who make less with even more work down to the toilet cleaners who make the least with the 'crappiest' job.

Yes Damian you are correct to a certain degree.:rolleyes:

Your reply is almost verbatim to what the MLM's (Scammers) use to try and dispel their bad image and make the gullible feel more at ease that it is a real money making deal.

In any REAL business it is only fair that the owner / boss receives the bigger percentage of the takings as he has invested ALL his money on HIS business.:ermm:

Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

I take it that you have never owned any business to talk like this. You would also make a terrible manager if you can't respect the hard work business owners have to go through before business can be successful. If it was as easy as you think, anybody with little money could sit on their ass all day and let other people work, but the truth is that most businesses don't survive the first 3 years.

I do know some who got very rich not doing much and letting other people work for them, but they had great ideas, a very strong marketing sense and doing what most people believed was foolish.

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Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

Exactly so.

I think that some posters are limiting themselves to displaying their understandable prejudices regarding mlm rather than considering the situation described by the OP. What's right for his girlfriend in this? What could he do for her in this? What alternative can he offer that's better?

The strengths and weaknesses of having an mlm agency in Thailand are secondary to what's going on in their relationship over this.

If he can't find something better he should let her get on with it and focus on their relationship.

In my opinion you are wrong, why would you let your girlfriend waste her time and money on something that doesn't make any sense.

She is depending on the company and even if 1 day she can make $100 a week, there is always the risk that the company closes. So she loses all for nothing, just the head people got rich in time. These companies don't have a very long life.

If she wants to sell consumer products why don't she find some reliable factories of the same products and start by being an agent for the factories, even opening a small office and can negotiate by herself anything with the factories and even have her own brand in the future. It is not that hard, you don't need a big capital and you may make money in the future, but it takes time and lots of work.

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Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

Exactly so.

I think that some posters are limiting themselves to displaying their understandable prejudices regarding mlm rather than considering the situation described by the OP. What's right for his girlfriend in this? What could he do for her in this? What alternative can he offer that's better?

The strengths and weaknesses of having an mlm agency in Thailand are secondary to what's going on in their relationship over this.

If he can't find something better he should let her get on with it and focus on their relationship.

In my opinion you are wrong, why would you let your girlfriend waste her time and money on something that doesn't make any sense.

She is depending on the company and even if 1 day she can make $100 a week, there is always the risk that the company closes. So she loses all for nothing, just the head people got rich in time. These companies don't have a very long life.

If she wants to sell consumer products why don't she find some reliable factories of the same products and start by being an agent for the factories, even opening a small office and can negotiate by herself anything with the factories and even have her own brand in the future. It is not that hard, you don't need a big capital and you may make money in the future, but it takes time and lots of work.

You've echoed my point. Who is he or anyone else to decide whether or not to let her? He could explain his point of view once he has some factual information about the company, as opposed to opinions about the mlm market in general. Are you sure, for example, that the company in question forces new agents to invest money? If they don't there's nothing lost if it doesn't work out. If they do, it's too late because she seems to have become an agent already.

I repeat, though, that if the OP still wants to talk hr out of her dream opportunity he had better darn well have something else ready for her other than a tissue for the tears. And he needs to be careful how he handles the matter.

Perhaps a factory agency would be better as you suggest. I really don't know but would their products be easier to sell? Would they be better people to work for. Could she work in her own chosen hours and at her own chosen pace? At least it's something for the OP to look into if he thinks it's a better option.

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I have seen many people working their @rses off trying to make a living in MLM.

99% of them failed, the rest 1% are the owners of the MLM business ;)

I say it only one time:

MLM products are products that are produced and bought dead cheap and sold TOO EXPENSIVE.

You don't see MLM products in computers, laptops, Television sets, cars, houses, beds, couches, and so on.

Only in products where profits of up to 500%, 1000% and more can be made -from the buying price- from people, dumb and eager enough to buy them.

The MLM owners know that....and they know that very well and laugh themselves back onto the deck of their yachts, laughing about so much stupidity of people working for them :lol:


"You don't see MLM products in computers, laptops, Television sets, cars, houses, beds, couches, and so on."

Actually you do see them. As per my 1st post DUBLI do just that and what a BIG scam that one is. Google it and see what you find?

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All businesses are pyramid schemes. The owner makes the majority of the money with the least amount of work while the manager makes less than the owner with a lot of work and down to the lower employees who make less with even more work down to the toilet cleaners who make the least with the 'crappiest' job.

Yes Damian you are correct to a certain degree.:rolleyes:

Your reply is almost verbatim to what the MLM's (Scammers) use to try and dispel their bad image and make the gullible feel more at ease that it is a real money making deal.

In any REAL business it is only fair that the owner / boss receives the bigger percentage of the takings as he has invested ALL his money on HIS business.:ermm:

Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

If I did not know better I would think you are a left wing Unionist? who thinks the boss does nothing all day.....PLEASE :rolleyes::offtopic:

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All businesses are pyramid schemes. The owner makes the majority of the money with the least amount of work while the manager makes less than the owner with a lot of work and down to the lower employees who make less with even more work down to the toilet cleaners who make the least with the 'crappiest' job.

Yes Damian you are correct to a certain degree.:rolleyes:

Your reply is almost verbatim to what the MLM's (Scammers) use to try and dispel their bad image and make the gullible feel more at ease that it is a real money making deal.

In any REAL business it is only fair that the owner / boss receives the bigger percentage of the takings as he has invested ALL his money on HIS business.:ermm:

Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

If I did not know better I would think you are a left wing Unionist? who thinks the boss does nothing all day.....PLEASE :rolleyes::offtopic:

What's the point of making a remark like that? In any case, there's nothing wrong with being a left wing unionist. Look what's happened to workers' rights since unions were screwed to the wall. I imagine that a few bosses wished they had a union too.

Also off topic, but perhaps you want to slag someone off rather than have a discussion that helps the OP.

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All businesses are pyramid schemes. The owner makes the majority of the money with the least amount of work while the manager makes less than the owner with a lot of work and down to the lower employees who make less with even more work down to the toilet cleaners who make the least with the 'crappiest' job.

Yes Damian you are correct to a certain degree.:rolleyes:

Your reply is almost verbatim to what the MLM's (Scammers) use to try and dispel their bad image and make the gullible feel more at ease that it is a real money making deal.

In any REAL business it is only fair that the owner / boss receives the bigger percentage of the takings as he has invested ALL his money on HIS business.:ermm:

Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

If I did not know better I would think you are a left wing Unionist? who thinks the boss does nothing all day.....PLEASE :rolleyes::offtopic:

What's the point of making a remark like that? In any case, there's nothing wrong with being a left wing unionist. Look what's happened to workers' rights since unions were screwed to the wall. I imagine that a few bosses wished they had a union too.

Also off topic, but perhaps you want to slag someone off rather than have a discussion that helps the OP.

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Thanks for all the positive and negative points, this has been helpful to gain an alternative view. However, I must say that some of you have perhaps not read my opening paragraph, in which I said what I wanted from the outset; that I simply needed to know more about MLM in Thailand because I am contemplating a relationship with this woman.

Instead some of you have asked "what is the problem you have with your girl doing this?" and further, "if the OP gets his girl to stop [doing MLM]". Actually I suggested nothing of the sort and I do not have a problem with her involvement. But I feel that because this is a potential new relationship for me, I have every right to know about her work, notwithstanding that it is a new concept for me.

The question is not therefore whether I will urge her to stop working in MLM, but whether I will continue the relationship at this very early stage. Is that reasonable?

But anyway, thanks to all for what you've written.

Actually what I noticed recently, was that the 'mentor' who helps her, seems quite controlling. This person booked a room for me at the resort/hotel where the conference was taking place, which I stayed in on my own. It was all a 'block booking'. Anyway it transpired that the mentor had tried to make a profit on my room rate for the two nights. I found this out by accident. So naturally I felt a lack of trust.

So, I can't blame my lady for this, but the sort of people with whom she's closely working, obviously might affect our relationship in the future.

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I have seen many people working their @rses off trying to make a living in MLM.

99% of them failed, the rest 1% are the owners of the MLM business ;)

I say it only one time:

MLM products are products that are produced and bought dead cheap and sold TOO EXPENSIVE.

You don't see MLM products in computers, laptops, Television sets, cars, houses, beds, couches, and so on.

Only in products where profits of up to 500%, 1000% and more can be made -from the buying price- from people, dumb and eager enough to buy them.

The MLM owners know that....and they know that very well and laugh themselves back onto the deck of their yachts, laughing about so much stupidity of people working for them :lol:


"You don't see MLM products in computers, laptops, Television sets, cars, houses, beds, couches, and so on."

Actually you do see them. As per my 1st post DUBLI do just that and what a BIG scam that one is. Google it and see what you find?

I don't consider that system as a MLM kind of business.

It's an auction system and everybody is free to bid or not. With MLM you are more or less "convinced" about a certain product (that one doesn't need) and how fantastic the deal is.

With "your" system it's an online thingy, the same as the Television sales; same thing as MLM: also products bought very cheap/made very cheap with enormous profits.

Last week I spoke to a Chinese Lady manufacturer in bedding sets they are selling to QVC in Germany; they sold a first order of 150.000 (!) bed sets at US$ 6/piece.

They sell that for Euro 49/piece. ($ 62) and that's a 1000% profit.

Go figure.


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Morden, I replied to Damian's stupid off topic reply which I guess you share with him? Cheers.

To the OP good luck with your gf. support her where you can but also subtly show her where the business failings may be. Good luck. :)

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Morden, I replied to Damian's stupid off topic reply which I guess you share with him? Cheers.

To the OP good luck with your gf. support her where you can but also subtly show her where the business failings may be. Good luck. :)

My reply had everything to do with the topic. I posted directly relating to MLM. More or less that perhaps for some people this may be a better option than say 7-11 or working massage or in a restaurant slaving away for someone else. Now reply to me again so we can continue this.

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Morden, I replied to Damian's stupid off topic reply which I guess you share with him? Cheers.

To the OP good luck with your gf. support her where you can but also subtly show her where the business failings may be. Good luck. :)

My reply had everything to do with the topic. I posted directly relating to MLM. More or less that perhaps for some people this may be a better option than say 7-11 or working massage or in a restaurant slaving away for someone else. Now reply to me again so we can continue this.

Damian, there's no point in continuing. Some people cannot discuss properly. They make a point and get bitchy if they are contradicted. It seems that even the OP isn't listening to some of the more helpful observations. I think he might find that a lady with the guts to try to do something better for herself won't put up with someone telling her what to do. If she has made a bad decision she will find out for herself and she wouldn't be the first or the last to make a mistake trying. I wish her luck in this or whichever venture she finally succeeds with and hope that her boyfriend appreciates her before it's too late.

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You are quite incorrect in many points, though your intentions are applaudable!

Zhullian offers many products in addition to what you mentioned. And it is not a Thai exclusivity either. Been to Malay Penisular?

One of our assistants left to work for Zhullian last year. He seems to be doing pretty well to date. He earns about 50k thb a month working 16 hrs day. And he was happy sleeping less but working more.

There are many salemen and saleladies in door to door selling, who make more money than what the average farangs earned. Shocking.

And recruiting new members and sharing in their revenues do increase the recruiter's income proportionately as well.

Progressive and independent ladies that you guys very fortunately met, mostly are decent ladies who want to get ahead in their life.

They deserve praise and support from you guys, if you care enough for the person and are able to provide such basic human relation support.

It would be really great if you guys would not mess them up by offering sticks instead of carrots.

How many of us have the privilege of meeting thai ladies independently on their own, earning comfortable monthly income in excess of 200k thb?

There are numerous such persons in Thailand.

And if you have been in Thailand for more than 3 months and you haven't met any of them yet, you probably are not speaking the same social language nor wanting the same finer things out of life, as they do.

Any Farang or otherwise who desires to live and lead a better life today than yesterday have my humble highest respect and esteem. My salute to you all.

You summed up mlm very well! It's popular here, with Amway probably being the most common brand.

Zhulian sells costume jewellery and coffee to ladies with too much money and time in which to spend it,....

....From what you have written, your lady deserves some praise and support. Good on her for making some effort!

....Perhaps I've been a bit hard on you and it's just that you don't know the way things are here yet, but sometimes we farang need a kick up the rear to get things into perspective. Just let her have her freedom provided it's legal and you aren't putting too much into it yourself.

Good luck with your relationship! :)

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You are quite incorrect in many points, though your intentions are applaudable!

Zhullian offers many products in addition to what you mentioned. And it is not a Thai exclusivity either. Been to Malay Penisular?

One of our assistants left to work for Zhullian last year. He seems to be doing pretty well to date. He earns about 50k thb a month working 16 hrs day. And he was happy sleeping less but working more.

There are many salemen and saleladies in door to door selling, who make more money than what the average farangs earned. Shocking.

And recruiting new members and sharing in their revenues do increase the recruiter's income proportionately as well.

Progressive and independent ladies that you guys very fortunately met, mostly are decent ladies who want to get ahead in their life.

They deserve praise and support from you guys, if you care enough for the person and are able to provide such basic human relation support.

It would be really great if you guys would not mess them up by offering sticks instead of carrots.

How many of us have the privilege of meeting thai ladies independently on their own, earning comfortable monthly income in excess of 200k thb?

There are numerous such persons in Thailand.

And if you have been in Thailand for more than 3 months and you haven't met any of them yet, you probably are not speaking the same social language nor wanting the same finer things out of life, as they do.

Any Farang or otherwise who desires to live and lead a better life today than yesterday have my humble highest respect and esteem. My salute to you all.

You summed up mlm very well! It's popular here, with Amway probably being the most common brand.

Zhulian sells costume jewellery and coffee to ladies with too much money and time in which to spend it,....

....From what you have written, your lady deserves some praise and support. Good on her for making some effort!

....Perhaps I've been a bit hard on you and it's just that you don't know the way things are here yet, but sometimes we farang need a kick up the rear to get things into perspective. Just let her have her freedom provided it's legal and you aren't putting too much into it yourself.

Good luck with your relationship! :)

Thanks for the additional information about Zhulian. I knew only what I saw on the website. My comment about the company wasn't a critical one.

I agree with what you say about the 'progressive and independent ladies' and their farang partners. As I have tried to tell he OP all along, his issue is his attitude to his relationship rather than the merits or otherwise of mlm. I wonder how he would react if she told him that his line of work was, in her view, unethical and she might end the relationship if he didn't resign from his job.

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