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Thai Hospital Seeks Donations To Send Comatose German Tourist Home

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My Prayer to FedEx and Fred Smith

: FedEx has always given in a Caring and planthropic manner in times of need. I am forwarding this to Fred Smith CEO and his Board of Directors.

A German Citizen has been in a Coma in Thailand for several weeks. The Hospital is asking for Donations to get him home to Germany. He has no relations there to help him return home, so The Hospital has sent out a Prayer to all for Donations for Transportation. The Hospital has written off Millions of Baht in medical care, but need approx $12,500 USD to purchase an airline fare to get him home.

Fred did wonderful things in the past during Humanitarian Crisis. I only hope to avail of Him and Federal Express Employees to Help.


Reverand Glenn M. Roland

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I will also remember the German Embassy having so far not having lifted a finger or am I missing something?

That's ridiculous. There is an organisation founded by the former German ambassador to Thailand that has millions of Baht to help Germans in need. The current ambassador is actively promoting this organisation. I forgot the name but have brochure somewhere... And they will only become active after the embassy itself cannot.

If that organisation is not helping, there must be more to the story than we are told.


Thailand is attempting to become a medical hub .... for the private patient :)

Pretty much every non governmental hospital is a (local)business and they cannot afford to have local or foreign non paying bodies taking up their valuable bed/ward space.

As a previous patient in both the (non paying)and the (private)hospitals I have seen that the private hospitals work/run more as a business enterprise than anything else.

Eg: 4 days in a Private hospital = over B400,000

the next 2 weeks in a Government hospital, still in ICU, B45,000

Someone, somewhere is extracting the urine!

You're totally right on that one. Private hospitals have gotten the taste of bad western habits, overcharging. This poor German guy would have been dumped out on the street. Funny thing is, he would have been given to a public hospital. Kudos to the one he's in now. Very unselfish of them, what the medical industry used to be like.


hel_l, I can't even get a visa for my Thai wife so we can visit the states for a vacation. Why do we need an American Consulate or Embassy for the public if they won't provide any service? On another note. If anyone needs free health care, go to the U.S. You'll get that, a monthly check, free housing and education. You just can't be American though. You have to be an illegal immigrant.

Go figure. :huh:


My question is why was a mentally ill man allowed to travel by himself or perhaps he did not? Without being able to question the man it would be difficult to ascertain if he was in fact abandoned.

I have experienced family members who have distanced themselves from a 'problem' in a private school and this mans reaction to not being allowed on the aircraft is somewhat predictable. Confusion transcends to fear and thus quite understandable that his fear of being stranded caused his reaction to climb and thus fall. The self inflicted injuries also could be a result of that but I am no psychiatrist.

However, that being said, the attitude of the German Embassy is appalling or perhaps they still maintain the stupidity of the Master Race and only the strong survive.


Ouch. That's a bit harsh isn't it? Why don't you just skip the pleasantries and call them all Nazis?



I will also remember the German Embassy having so far not having lifted a finger or am I missing something?

That's ridiculous. There is an organisation founded by the former German ambassador to Thailand that has millions of Baht to help Germans in need. The current ambassador is actively promoting this organisation. I forgot the name but have brochure somewhere... And they will only become active after the embassy itself cannot.

If that organisation is not helping, there must be more to the story than we are told.

Then add to the list another one in our neck of the woods that the German authorities are not helping.

He is a good bit older and also suffers from a mental illness. He need sto get back to Germany to receive medical treatment.

As far as I am aware no cash, deserted by wife, on overstay and kicked out of the German Embassy on 2 occasions.

Officially, not their responsibility......................................


I will always remember the name of this hospital and the lady involved:

Songklanakarind Hospital in Had Yai,

Sukanya Panthomrawee, head of the hospital's patients' rights and entitlement division.

I will also remember the German Embassy having so far not having lifted a finger or am I missing something?

Indeed, but please DON'T travel without travel insurance.

Preaching in the desert though :whistling:

Embassies are here to promote their country, NOT to help citizens in distress.


My Prayer to FedEx and Fred Smith

FedEx has always given in a Caring and planthropic manner in times of need. I am forwarding this to Fred Smith CEO and his Board of Directors.

A German Citizen has been in a Coma in Thailand for several weeks. The Hospital is asking for Donations to get him home to Germany. He has no relations there to help him return home, so The Hospital has sent out a Prayer to all for Donations for Transportation. The Hospital has written off Millions of Baht in medical care, but need approx $12,500 USD to purchase an airline fare to get him home.

Fred did wonderful things in the past during Humanitarian Crisis. I only hope to avail of Him and Federal Express Employees to Help.


Reverand Glenn M. Roland

Nice letter, but I would amend:

A German Citizen has been in a Coma in Thailand for several weeks.


A German Citizen has been in a Coma in Thailand for nearly 11 months.

in order to reflect the reality.

Still, bravo to you for the effort. :thumbsup:


I will always remember the name of this hospital and the lady involved:

Songklanakarind Hospital in Had Yai,

Sukanya Panthomrawee, head of the hospital's patients' rights and entitlement division.

I will also remember the German Embassy having so far not having lifted a finger or am I missing something?

Indeed, but please DON'T travel without travel insurance.

Preaching in the desert though :whistling:

Embassies are here to promote their country, NOT to help citizens in distress.

Now I know the meaning of harshness!


I agree its extraordinary of the hospital to have provided such involved care for such a long time without remuneration and kudos to them for doing so.

I understand the German Embassy's (among others) policy of not providing financial assistance to its citizens in a foreign country, but given that the Thais have done so much for him already, perhaps an exception is warranted in this specific case and they could finance his return home.

Short of that, an offer of assistance from one of German ex-pat organizations in Thailand would be a terrific gesture.

I agree that the Thai hospital has been super generous and supportive of this man's needs. Now the germans need to take care of one of their own. Pity that the German Embassy is not willing to help out; however, the US Embassy is much the same. Real shame...

I agree with everything stated but would it not be in the hospitals own financial interest to repatriate this man at their expense.


German embassy should be ashamed, leaving a very sick person to fend for themselves in a foreign country.

To the contrary, i would applaude the German embassy for its actions.

It is not the German embassy that would be paying, but German children who would be paying interest on the bill for the rest of their lives. As would subsequent generations. (The German gov. runs a fiscal deficit, and gov. debt is very rarely paid off.)


For a man who had the means to get himself to Thailand, and the irresponsibility to not take the proper insurance precautions?

Enlightened leades such as Merkel and Cameron understand that left wing social policies such as that implied in this poster's comment have brought ruin. The Age of Entitlement is over; A new Age of Enlightenment has arrived.

The patient should not be spared pity; the generosity of the hospital should not go unnoticed; nor the call for private donations go unheeded. But as for the public purse, the children must come first.


There must be something wrong with me!

I do not feel sorry for this guy at all, nothing to do with the fact that he is a German, but to do with the fact that he should never have left Germany without proper insurance and a back up plan or two.

I left home when I was 19 and have not gone back except for the odd short holiday in 16 years. I have lived in 5 countries and worked hard to support myself and now even harder to support my wife and little boy.

I have only been to the Embassy twice since leaving the UK, once to register our marraige and once to re-new my passport. I've never expected the Embassy or anyone on that matter to do anything for me for free or without something in return.

If the shit hits the fan for me, I will deal with it like I always have done.

so why is everyone feeling sorry for this guy? he left home, got in the shit, couldnt handle it and now other people are expected to bail him out! I do not get it!


I will always remember the name of this hospital and the lady involved:

Songklanakarind Hospital in Had Yai,

Sukanya Panthomrawee, head of the hospital's patients' rights and entitlement division.

I will also remember the German Embassy having so far not having lifted a finger or am I missing something?


I will always remember the name of this hospital and the lady involved:

Nice one Irene,any spare cash should be donated to these caring people,the true face of Thailand,LOS.....

Songklanakarind Hospital in Had Yai,

Sukanya Panthomrawee, head of the hospital's patients' rights and entitlement division.

I will also remember the German Embassy having so far not having lifted a finger or am I missing something?


I quite don't understand the embassy at all. I was under the impression that an embassy must provide financially to countrymen who are in trouble aborad. I'm pretty sure an englishman (friend of a friend) got his ticket paid from the embassy to go back to england. I was under the impression that they Must help you out and then you have to give the money back once resettled. Am I wrong then?

You got that wrong. The main idea behind an embassy is to have a established diplomatic connection between the two involved states and not to be an emergency service for fellow countrymen in distress.

You are correct on your idea on an embassy but unfortunately most people thank that their embassy is a free meal ticket.

Many years ago, embassies were almost that. Any traveller could go to his embassy and receive emergency assistance, including tickets home. A written undertaking was solicited at the time, and the emabssy recovered later.

Like so many things, and with travel being so common now, a few abused the honour system that operated well and emabssies withdrew the service.


Truly a sad story. I can understand why some countries decide not to help people as this is sometime abused, but in this case it's not a question of abuse, the man is breathing via a hole in his throat!?

To me this is crystal clear; Germany should pay for the transport as soon as possible and possibly reimburse the Thai hospital for caring for the man for so long.

I feel like giving the hospital a donation. Really.

I'm in Germany right now and made a phone call regarding the guy's accident. yesterday. Yes, Germany should pay for his transport back and they must pay- at least - most of the bill.

Some newspapers are on the story and I guess it's just a matter of time that they'll bring him to a German hospital.

I can't believe that it already happened last October and nobody tried to solve this problem from the beginning. What's an embassy for, if they don't help?

Does anybody have the phone number of that particular hospital? I'd like to talk to them to have all details to help this poor guy.

Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers.


Truly a sad story. I can understand why some countries decide not to help people as this is sometime abused, but in this case it's not a question of abuse, the man is breathing via a hole in his throat!?

To me this is crystal clear; Germany should pay for the transport as soon as possible and possibly reimburse the Thai hospital for caring for the man for so long.

I feel like giving the hospital a donation. Really.

I'm in Germany right now and made a phone call regarding the guy's accident. yesterday. Yes, Germany should pay for his transport back and they must pay- at least - most of the bill.

Some newspapers are on the story and I guess it's just a matter of time that they'll bring him to a German hospital.

I can't believe that it already happened last October and nobody tried to solve this problem from the beginning. What's an embassy for, if they don't help?

Does anybody have the phone number of that particular hospital? I'd like to talk to them to have all details to help this poor guy.

Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers.

Try this:

post-33509-077989200 1283429421_thumb.jp

The website isn't in English, google translated:



I quite don't understand the embassy at all. I was under the impression that an embassy must provide financially to countrymen who are in trouble aborad. I'm pretty sure an englishman (friend of a friend) got his ticket paid from the embassy to go back to england. I was under the impression that they Must help you out and then you have to give the money back once resettled. Am I wrong then?

You got that wrong. The main idea behind an embassy is to have a established diplomatic connection between the two involved states and not to be an emergency service for fellow countrymen in distress.

You are correct on your idea on an embassy but unfortunately most people thank that their embassy is a free meal ticket.

Many years ago, embassies were almost that. Any traveller could go to his embassy and receive emergency assistance, including tickets home. A written undertaking was solicited at the time, and the emabssy recovered later.

Like so many things, and with travel being so common now, a few abused the honour system that operated well and emabssies withdrew the service.

What the fkuc are u talking about? It doesn't matter if people abused the honour..(which one) Translations for example a marriage was also a free service provided by them, and now they'll give you a card from any translation service. One page about 1,500 baht and if you're not lucky enough they still want to see the "legalized "documents to "legalize" again.

This guy's obviously very sick and needs help. So there's no way for them to say they've got nothing to do with it. Wake up fools working for the German embassy. What they're doing right now is also called abandoned aid assistance. Shame on the Chancellor and all the Mickey Mouse characters in Thailand working for them.


so why take money????? sorry - my mistake - everything is money especially if its a farrang ( and for the nobheads who post - they can afford it - RUBBISH) - why not send him home on humantarian grounds instead of GREEDY GROUNDS


There must be something wrong with me!

I do not feel sorry for this guy at all, nothing to do with the fact that he is a German, but to do with the fact that he should never have left Germany without proper insurance and a back up plan or two.

I left home when I was 19 and have not gone back except for the odd short holiday in 16 years. I have lived in 5 countries and worked hard to support myself and now even harder to support my wife and little boy.

I have only been to the Embassy twice since leaving the UK, once to register our marraige and once to re-new my passport. I've never expected the Embassy or anyone on that matter to do anything for me for free or without something in return.

If the shit hits the fan for me, I will deal with it like I always have done.

so why is everyone feeling sorry for this guy? he left home, got in the shit, couldnt handle it and now other people are expected to bail him out! I do not get it!

You do not feel sorry for him because he is German, right?

Also many people from the UK are traveling without any insurance and lots come in serious trouble. It doesn't really matter where you have lived before and what you;re doing right now.

How could you deal for yourself being in a koma? To be perfectly honest, i don't believe your story that you never needed help from others. You know why I'm feeling sorry for this guy?

Because I'm human.

You don't need to get it. You've already got enough racism.


There must be something wrong with me!

I do not feel sorry for this guy at all, nothing to do with the fact that he is a German, but to do with the fact that he should never have left Germany without proper insurance and a back up plan or two.

I left home when I was 19 and have not gone back except for the odd short holiday in 16 years. I have lived in 5 countries and worked hard to support myself and now even harder to support my wife and little boy.

I have only been to the Embassy twice since leaving the UK, once to register our marraige and once to re-new my passport. I've never expected the Embassy or anyone on that matter to do anything for me for free or without something in return.

If the shit hits the fan for me, I will deal with it like I always have done.

so why is everyone feeling sorry for this guy? he left home, got in the shit, couldnt handle it and now other people are expected to bail him out! I do not get it!

You do not feel sorry for him because he is German, right?

Also many people from the UK are traveling without any insurance and lots come in serious trouble. It doesn't really matter where you have lived before and what you;re doing right now.

How could you deal for yourself being in a koma? To be perfectly honest, i don't believe your story that you never needed help from others. You know why I'm feeling sorry for this guy?

Because I'm human.

You don't need to get it. You've already got enough racism.

I'm not racist at all, like I said, it has nothing to do with him being German.

Here is the reason I do not feel sorry for him: first of all he cracks the shits because he tries to fly a day earlier than was booked with his ticket and tries to jump into the departure area and banged his head which puts him into a coma.

Then he has no insurance!

Don't you think he brought this upon himself?

I do, and that's why I do not feel sorry for him.

If you feel so sorry for him why not put your hand into your pocket and help fly him home?


Some of the comments do illustrate my earlier point about taxpayers not wishing to pay the costs of situations like this. If people are concerned or wish to help, just contact the hospital and the German Embassy and ask what you can do. No point in posting how much one is touched or "feeling" that they will help if one doesn't dig into the wallet.

Last year there were a number of incidents involving UK and Australian nationals suffering serious injury on Phuket. The local UK and Australians had fundraisers. It is up to the local, large, german community in Thailand to take the lead on this. Until someone does, there really is no point in tut tutting or pointing fingers of blame at the government. Nothing is stopping Mr. & Mrs. Schmidt from reaching out.


Any body interested in starting a ThaiVisa milk of human kindness thread ???

Guess it would be pretty arid going by the this and other similar threads.

" it's his fault, let him die, Somnomna.........." is too prevalent an attitude, in my opinion.

It can go wrong for any body at any time and only the stupids don't realise this.


Some of the comments do illustrate my earlier point about taxpayers not wishing to pay the costs of situations like this. If people are concerned or wish to help, just contact the hospital and the German Embassy and ask what you can do. No point in posting how much one is touched or "feeling" that they will help if one doesn't dig into the wallet.

Last year there were a number of incidents involving UK and Australian nationals suffering serious injury on Phuket. The local UK and Australians had fundraisers. It is up to the local, large, german community in Thailand to take the lead on this. Until someone does, there really is no point in tut tutting or pointing fingers of blame at the government. Nothing is stopping Mr. & Mrs. Schmidt from reaching out.

I found the name of the organisation: "Deutscher Hilfsverein". Founded by a former German ambassador to Thailand, the purpose of this organisation is to help Germans who got in trouble through no fault of their own and can't get themselves out. Examples in their brochure show medical cases, like this one. They get their funding from the German expat community that you mention. It appears that even Germans are human, who would have thought.

If this organisation doesn't help, there is more to the story than we've learned from this thread.


Some of the comments do illustrate my earlier point about taxpayers not wishing to pay the costs of situations like this. If people are concerned or wish to help, just contact the hospital and the German Embassy and ask what you can do. No point in posting how much one is touched or "feeling" that they will help if one doesn't dig into the wallet.

Last year there were a number of incidents involving UK and Australian nationals suffering serious injury on Phuket. The local UK and Australians had fundraisers. It is up to the local, large, german community in Thailand to take the lead on this. Until someone does, there really is no point in tut tutting or pointing fingers of blame at the government. Nothing is stopping Mr. & Mrs. Schmidt from reaching out.

I found the name of the organisation: "Deutscher Hilfsverein". Founded by a former German ambassador to Thailand, the purpose of this organisation is to help Germans who got in trouble through no fault of their own and can't get themselves out. Examples in their brochure show medical cases, like this one. They get their funding from the German expat community that you mention. It appears that even Germans are human, who would have thought.

If this organisation doesn't help, there is more to the story than we've learned from this thread.

Well searched. I bet there is no organisation for British expats like this German organisation. My hat to former German ambassador, you really do have heart unlike many of the heartless contributors of this thread.



You are right on the spot. Why then have a consulate office? Why then warn citizens not to visit a country when in danger? The health and welfare of the citizens should be its concern not only shaking hands with Foreign Minister and ambassadors of other countries.

Have you ever heard of travel insurance agencies?

Of course embassies also offer a certain services for their fellow countrymen, but they are not a welfare institution.

So sad and tragic individual cases maybe, that is not the job of an embassy to help here out.

That said, a hospital in a developing country is not a welfare institution either.

I wonder if someone would complain if the hospital decided to wheel the guy out of the hospital and park him in the street awaiting his death?

This is the kind of situation where an exception should be made.

I actually feel like taking some action to make this happen.

And hospitals in "developed countries" like Germany certainly will not be welfare institution , you will not even get a visa without a travel insurance, Thailand let people in too easily.


From the first page 'Koch had knife wounds on his arms and neck, apparently from self mutilation," Surachet told the German Press Agency, dpa. "He had tried to get into the departure lounge but was told to come back the next day. Then he went upstairs and attempted to jump into the departure area, causing his head injury." '

Truly a whack job of the highest order. Even if he goes back to Germany the only way he is likely to live is in a state run institution.


Any body interested in starting a ThaiVisa milk of human kindness thread ???

Guess it would be pretty arid going by the this and other similar threads.

" it's his fault, let him die, Somnomna.........." is too prevalent an attitude, in my opinion.

It can go wrong for any body at any time and only the stupids don't realise this.


Agreed, havent commented on this thread at all to date, as very obvious how selfish, self-centered and judgmental the vast majority of expats are in Thailand.

56 posts....If every poster just donated aTHB 1000 to this guy......Considering the vast majority of TV posters are married to independently wealthy Hi-So's with links to the goverment/army/police, bunging a THB 1000 the hospitals way shouldnt be a problem then


Truly a whack job of the highest order.

The pinnacle of compassion and understanding, eh?

Even if he goes back to Germany the only way he is likely to live is in a state run institution.

The field of mental health has progressed past the 1950's.


hel_l, I can't even get a visa for my Thai wife so we can visit the states for a vacation. Why do we need an American Consulate or Embassy for the public if they won't provide any service? On another note. If anyone needs free health care, go to the U.S. You'll get that, a monthly check, free housing and education. You just can't be American though. You have to be an illegal immigrant.

Go figure. :huh:

You watch Glenn Beck and listen to Limdick to much. And since when did public schools in the US start charging get a life dude.

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