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Thailand Becoming More And More A Dumping Ground For Foreign Criminals?

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This Newbie feels like throwing in his two cents today. I just have to say... Is Thailand becoming more and more a dumping ground of the world's criminals?? This can't be good. When I was just in SE Asia this past spring ( while in Thailand they were Phuket, Chiang Mai, and little of Bangkok ), I've always been paying attention to my surroundings, especially crime and scams. However, I was so focused on the locals and not the Farangs. Looking back, it should have been every stinking Joe, especially with all the recent news about crime and murder by foreigners. As a Lao/American that was able to blend in the scene discreetly, and a good understanding of both English and Thai languages, there were some disturbing signs throughout my travels.

First off, and I hope nobody takes offense to this, some of these " Farangs" are just scumbags. I see how they treat the locals, especially the women like crap. If someone was a dirt bag here in the states, he is most likely to be a bigger dirt bag in Asia. The major problem is that the local customs look up to the Farangs, especially the women, whether they were working or not. Well, not this Philly kid. The poverty has long fueled a desire for a better life. And most see a foreigner as an escape out of it. But unfortunately, some will cling on to any foreigners they meet. I have in some cases spoke up in public when I see a dirt bag acting like one. One clown decided to ask a girl to sit down and treat her to dinner, when the bill comes, he decided not to pay for her part. The owners refused to say anything to this farang because they did not want any problems. Come on dude.

My point is and with No offense, I hope someday the culture of seeing all foreigners as some godly figure will change in Asia. Here in the states, you will get nowhere.

My two cents.


I have to agree with what you are saying in your generalization. I see many farang that are rude and repulsive. But not all of us are. Just as with everywhere else in the world, there are good and bad people. I think more farangs are getting caught here as they thought it was a safe hiding place and now that most of Thai Immigration is computerized, they are catching more of the scum. Just reading this forum at times makes me wonder what these people are doing here if they just complain about everything here. I rarely go out to a bar, but the other night I saw an old friend stop at a bar as I was riding by and I wanted to talk with him. We sat down and were enjoying ourselves until I looked around at what some people were doing. Stuffing Baht in girls underwear and this wasn't a real gogo bar. Just a local bar. I guess it was just a bunch of drunk people having "fun?" We finished our drink and went home.


Glad to know you agree with my generalization. I know there are good and bad people everywhere in this world. Your story about seeing foreigners acting rude in the bar is another example I've also seen. I also saw when a Farang enters the joint, the flock of girls just swarming him, regardless of looks, age, and information about their background. Do as like, I hope these girls have some common sense and practice some sort of safeguards. Just because the locals may not understand or reluctantly cope with how rude some of you are in a public place, but the other foreigners may not like it either.


op you in thailand, wake up pal, it aint the usa!

ps. you should worry more about the men then thai girls, the girls dont fly 24 hours to be with the men.


it's not a crime when there is no guilt, look at the japs, hardworking not afraid to fail, a product of torturers , killers and rapists , occupiers of foreign sovereignty, fathers & grandfathers never put on trial.

get over it! japs are the most beloved foreign race in thAIland:blink:


It will happen more and more, cops on the take so they are ok with it.

If you want it to go the other way, showing a radical decline we need Thaksin and his regime to clear the riffraff


I don't really understand the intentions of the OP.

First of you question whether Thailand is becoming a dumping ground for foreign criminals.

I would say it has always been attractive for foreign criminals to stay abroad rather than at home (!!) and with no numbers to back it up, I'm pretty sure that over the last 40 odd years many have decided

to "retire" here. And probably even given up their old ways and living a good life. Similar to a lot of other cheap, sunny places with fairly complicated extradition policies, frankly.

Then you proceed to describe completely different scenarios of general behaviour of foreigners, who may or may not be criminals which you refer to as scumbags. I think the bars you observe actually encourage the behaviour you so dislike, and I would recommend you just change your scene. Would you also step into a lap dance bar in the US and get mortally horrified at the low behaviour of the gentlemen frequenting such an establishment? Come on.

Most people here I meet are in love with Thailand (and love even more to comment and moan about the sometimes absurd and alien customs of the place - which is why they love it, I guess, in some unconscious way).

I will share that upon engaging in what I thought was some random chattiness with a bloke outside a bar recently, I was disgusted when he declared Thai people to be "little black monkeys that'll stab you in the back". That after supposedly 25 years of coming to the place and a Thai ex-wife and kids. A very nasty piece of work.

Leave people like that alone and find the good ones. Plenty around.


Again, the key word here is " Some ". Please read my post again. Not a scumbag???? So no problem, march forward and move on. No skin off anybody's back. Its just a forum. When was the last time you remember Thailand having so many problems???


I can't see any good argument that Thailand should be reserved as a dumping ground solely for misfits and fruit cakes.

Thailand attracts people running from all sorts of thing, why not the law too?!


Again, the key word here is " Some ". Please read my post again. Not a scumbag???? So no problem, march forward and move on. No skin off anybody's back. Its just a forum. When was the last time you remember Thailand having so many problems???

I don't really remember Thailand having problems.

Perhaps you would like to enumerate the problems that Thailand has, and link those to the impact of foreign criminals.

Anyway, to answer your poorly worded question:

"Thailand becoming more and more a dumping ground for foreign criminals?"

Which I will interpret as

"a) Is Thailand becoming a dumping ground for foreign criminals?

b ) Is this a bad thing?"

a) No. No country exports or exiles its criminals to Thailand; that is Australia you are thinking of; another popular tourist destination with attractive beaches but not generally confused with Thailand. IN any case, we no longer do that, as a matter of policy. Thailand has long been used by people escaping the law - or, more generally - reality, such people including criminals. However, the Thai police - probably one of the most effective police forces in the country - are now arresting suspected criminals in ever-more publicised numbers. This could be because there are so many foreign criminals accumulated here that it was bound to happen, or the marvels of the internet and modern technology, so that whenever the police put someone's passport number in to their computer, the Interpol Bingo Machine spits out a matching numbered ball, or perhaps its because a journalist has sobered up in Pattaya and now phones back to his newspaper about such things. Anyway, from the number of such headlines regarding foreing criminals being arrested here, I would guess that there are now less, rather than more, foreign criminals here than there used to be.

b ) It is probably a bad thing that there are lots of foreign criminals here; actually, most of us farang wish all the other foreigners would piss off home, criminal or otherwise, and we could pretend we were living somewhere exotic and remote, and the bar fines would go down due to lack of demand. But more than that, there is a specific concern that foreign criminals might ignore the restrictions on their tourist visas, and continue to exercise their trade in this country, which would be definitely a bad thing.

So anyway, I hope that answers your question without upsetting anyone



I don't understand how some immigration and law enforcement authorities still don't seem to have worked

out how to be notified of an individual's criminal record when checking passport details

and yet some consumer websites now have the ability to develop very detailed profiles

of consumers right down to knowing all our individual preferences and shopping habits ?

Surely it shouldn't be that hard particularly with today's technology? :blink:


Again, the key word here is " Some ". Please read my post again. Not a scumbag???? So no problem, march forward and move on. No skin off anybody's back. Its just a forum. When was the last time you remember Thailand having so many problems???

Your post does not make any sense. You start with talking foreign criminals but most of your post is talking about how rude drunk farangs are towards prostitutes. Now Thailands recent problems are the fault of these rude, scumbag farang criminals you saw in girly bars around Thailand?

Someone might call troll soon... whistling.gif


I don't understand how some immigration and law enforcement authorities still don't seem to have worked

out how to be notified of an individual's criminal record when checking passport details

and yet some consumer websites now have the ability to develop very detailed profiles

of consumers right down to knowing all our individual preferences and shopping habits ?

Surely it shouldn't be that hard particularly with today's technology? :blink:

A lot of us don't commit our crimes in our own names, so it might not be simple


Some of us resent minor peccadillos from the past being trawled up at every opportunity by strangers who have no understanding of the matter in question.

Others resent being tarred with the same brush as our name-sakes who have not led such exemplary lives, through no fault of our own but a quirk of database search engines.

Still other people object to data miners trawling through our records, and taking two from here, two from there, adding it all together and coming to a total we did not expect; now if the consequence of that is a slightly surprising advert through one's mail box for haemaroid cream, then that is unlikely to upset many of us, but at immigration, to be lifted under the Prevention of Terrorism Act and held without trial for seven days; well, maybe some of us are relieved to have the checks and balances in place that restrict authoritarian misuse of data recorded about us.

Anyway, the point of my earlier post was that the most efficacious gentlemen of the RTP and their colleagues in immigration are doing such a great job that, if the press is to be believed, Pattaya will be empty soon, and chaps like Paul Gadd will have nowhere to turn



I don't understand how some immigration and law enforcement authorities still don't seem to have worked

out how to be notified of an individual's criminal record when checking passport details

and yet some consumer websites now have the ability to develop very detailed profiles

of consumers right down to knowing all our individual preferences and shopping habits ?

Surely it shouldn't be that hard particularly with today's technology? :blink:

They only count the days you have been here previously.

No overstay?




thought the same as u when I was new in Thailand, now I realized that blaming 'farangs' for their misbehavior is just a joke. They behave this way because they found a fertile ground here , Thais are exactly on the same game but are very careful of their privacy (or saving face). What you don't see does not mean it does not exist.

Also some criminal acts, if committed by Thai people which are well connected ,dress properly and do not cause the community to lose face, are in my experience tolerated by other Thais (especially in rural Thailand), this would never happen in the West


Oh my , yet another one blaming everything on his fellow Falang , most of the problems in Thailand today were created by Thai , they are the ones who set up the fertile places for the scumbags as you call them , to carry on the way they do in certain establishments . I know several 'Perfect gentlemen' as you obviously think you are , but upon arrival on Thailands shores they bump into the magic wand and are turned into just the kind of 'Scumbag ' to whom you refer , they are specifically catered for due to the fact these types of people are , in some ways , good for the country . Do you have any idea just how many destitute locals have thier lives improved in many ways from the millions of dollars these bad people have dropped in Thailand ? Thought not .


Oh my , yet another one blaming everything on his fellow Falang , ....

I suppose he (OP) feels guilty about his behaviour...

Though he does point out mid-way through his post that he is the product of miscegenation, and presumably feels thus entitled to look down on native and nomad alike, being of neither camp - a lucky man indeed - almost a superstar amongst us...



uh, and the OP thinks Thai guys don't do the same thing?

hey, what are all those karaokes and saunas doing around here?

ahh, must be my imagination. :ermm: it's only farang who visit bars.


uh, and the OP thinks Thai guys don't do the same thing?

hey, what are all those karaokes and saunas doing around here?

ahh, must be my imagination. :ermm: it's only farang who visit bars.

I don't thin he was complaining about people signing songs, orenjoying a massage or paying for sex.

I think he was complaining about people being rude, uncouth and impolite to people they met.

Don't quite see the correlation with criminals, but I have led a sheltered life, and try to avoid such people...



I have heard that in Thailand that all it requires to be considered a criminal is to have a photo with someone pointing at you, sometimes they wear sunglasses whilst pointing at you and sometimes they don't,

If you have seen this remember that just because you see people in photos with other people pointing at them does not make them criminal, the pointing as well as the farangethnicity may just be incidental, and is by no means proof of guilt nor of being a criminal,

I hope this clears everything up for you

edit for typo


Others resent being tarred with the same brush as our name-sakes who have not led such exemplary lives, through no fault of our own but a quirk of database search engines.

True. Why my folks named me Adolf Bin Laden Hitler I'll never know.


Others resent being tarred with the same brush as our name-sakes who have not led such exemplary lives, through no fault of our own but a quirk of database search engines.

True. Why my folks named me Adolf Bin Laden Hitler I'll never know.

Osama bin Hitler:lol:

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