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Any Apple Mac Experts In Town?


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I'm just having one hel_l of a time here. I'm desperate. For the past 4 to 5 weeks I cannot open PayPal site, sometimes also Godaddy site to do my business. It's completely freaking me out. I even called PayPal customer service in Singapore. The girl on the phone told me "Paypal cannot be used by Macs, use a different computer". The strange thing is, sometimes like maybe 1 out of 100 attempts, PayPal opens on my Mac!!! But most of the time it loads the title, then wait, wait wait wait wait....10 minutes or more but can't load! I've tried turning off security stuff, I've tried using different DNS servers all over the world. Nothing seems to work. I posted in the comp/net forum but no one could help. I'm desperate, any Mac experts in Chiang Mai? I'm in town and will pay for advice that actually works.

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I did'nt start any thread like that. Thanks for the very un-helpful, snotty reply.

Tried doing something constructive? eh?

Never said you did - its running in the Computers forum (wasn't intended to be snotty) - and I did ask if you tried IE - which was meant to be constructive. If PayPal works on PC's but not on Mac's, maybe IE for Mac will work as a halfway house.

PS: how helpful were the other posts?

Edited by wolf5370
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I appreciate any posts with the intention to help.

The essence of your post was simply to thumb your nose at mac users.

Do you own a mac, use it for business and possibly have an insight which would be helpful?

If not, why are you posting on this thread?

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Hello & Thanks. Well I'm having the same problem whether using Firefox, Safari or Chrome.

Safari 4, Firefox

macsurf, as I write this, I have PayPal open and running with no issues. I am on an iMac with OSX 10.6.4 using Safari 5.0.1. I just tried it with Firefox as well. No issues. Despite what the person in Singapore told you, there is no issue I have been able to find with using Macs and PayPal. I did a check on the Apple Support Forums and the closest thing I could find was someone having an issue with PayPal where the person had the parental controls enabled. Other than that, I did not see anything that looked like it was related to your issue. I have a feeling if it was a Mac issue, there would have been lots more in the forums about it. I would look to other issues such as ISP problems or PayPal itself having issues with an IP address coming from Thailand.


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How many Macs do you have? It could be an issue with your mac and not paypal is self.

Have tried to use a friends PC or mac to confirm this?

There is a very good mac shop in the Siam Discovery in BKK, floor 4 iStudio its called they have always been very helpful to me. I think they are also on the 5th floor of Paragon.



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I too an running on a Macpro and finding no problems accessing PayPal. In the past, I did notice that I was unable to access particular sites when using OpenDNS. Though using OpenDNS allows for faster web access, it also caused some headaches for me. If you are using it, I suggest you remove it temporarily and then try accessing PayPal. Hope that helps!

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Thanks for the very un-helpful, snotty reply.

That's rich coming from a Mac owner. TV is not a paid-for professional service, chillout a bit.

Try clearing cache/dumping cookies, unplug router, take machine to internet cafe (could be ISP).

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In addition to clearing your browser cache, ensure you also clear your local machine DNS cache with:

dscacheutil -flushcache

This is the OSX equivalent of the Windows "ipconfig /flushdns" command.

Additionally, I recommend installing the Google Chrome browser. If find it extremely superior to both Safari and Firefox on both of my Macbooks. (Not to mention, way faster on my Win7 netbook).


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In addition to clearing your browser cache, ensure you also clear your local machine DNS cache with:

dscacheutil -flushcache

This is the OSX equivalent of the Windows "ipconfig /flushdns" command.

Additionally, I recommend installing the Google Chrome browser. If find it extremely superior to both Safari and Firefox on both of my Macbooks. (Not to mention, way faster on my Win7 netbook).


Thanks Mestizo & all the other replies. I wasn't even aware of DNS cache clearing, will try today. I will also try bringing my mac to the net shop, maybe it's some weird

situation with my 3BB connection... I do have latest version of Chrome but the same thing is happening with it. Thanks again everyone.

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jackr : " That's rich coming from a Mac owner."

Really, why? Have you actually had experience with Mac owner's being unhelpful and snotty to you?

Or are you just jumping on the bandwagon of the stereotypical current view?

If you have fair enough. By all means share some anecdotal evidence.

By the way if you asked Mac owners 20 years ago what they thought about PC users

they would have told you they were a bunch of pirating yuppies.

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Thanks for that David. I just downloaded Firefox 3.6.8 but it's still not loading Pay Pal or Godaddy.

I'm scanning Macforums also for answers, Thanks again!

I agree with ? generic? I'm using a macbook and an iMac no problems with paypal in Chrome/firefox ( not tried Safari) I don't have problems ( touch wood0 so i suspect it is something particular to your Mac. AFA 'apple works on everything' comment. Mas are just brilliant at integrating different software. My wife has a Sony PC and I realy hate having to wander thorough windows/ outside software. Give me a Mac everytime

Just to add Apple Pro solutions will probably sort it for you for a few hundred baht,

Edited by msg362
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jackr : " That's rich coming from a Mac owner."

Really, why? Have you actually had experience with Mac owner's being unhelpful and snotty to you?

Or are you just jumping on the bandwagon of the stereotypical current view?

If you have fair enough. By all means share some anecdotal evidence.

By the way if you asked Mac owners 20 years ago what they thought about PC users

they would have told you they were a bunch of pirating yuppies.


yes I have but the retort was at you jumping down some guy's throat who was trying to give you advice, although you were clearly looking to pounce on the first poster that gave a hint of the done to death PC/Mac rant. I also gave some advice for your predicament but looks like you've overlooked that also in favour of a puerile response. Whatever. This forum is fast going down the pan so no surprise really. Hope you waste lots more time not getting your problem solved.

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Lots of yak yak yakking but zero anecdotal evidence from you. And he deserved my retort. What help did he offer? "Tried IE" ? The only IE for Mac is an old 5.1 version. He was being snotty.

And by the way I did thank all posters for helpful replies. That includes even you.

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My experience in CM was that the official Mac shops were incompetent.

I found an English guy named Richo who proved a godsend - works from his apartment: +66 89 491 6602.

I think he lives out in the sticks now, but comes to CM fairly regularly.

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It sounds like ISP to me, especially if you have 3bb indy. There are many site that can't be accessed with that service. Have you tried a different computer on that connection yet, or tried your computer on a different connection. I have been using Macs for years and I have never seen a site that can not be accessed with a mac. Also, I use paypal everyday.

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Read about a place to take a Mac in Bkk, but does anyone know of a place in Chiang Mai that is competent and knowledgeable on a Mac laptop...... customer wishes to know..... need reasonably quick answer.


sorry didn't see about richo from the stix. Will have him give Richo a call

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Crickey talk about surgical removal of the funny bone! I DID try and be helpful - I DID make a suggestion (twice). Real touchy aren't we. Rest assured I'll stay away from your posts in future.

Don't worry about it Wolf... Sadly the 'spoiled brat' attitude is pretty typical of Mac users. (With 3 exceptions that I know of ;) ) Especially when they learn the cold truth that any computer system can go wrong, and there's no magical 'it just works'.

Give him time, he's slowly coming out into the real world. ;)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Read about a place to take a Mac in Bkk, but does anyone know of a place in Chiang Mai that is competent and knowledgeable on a Mac laptop...... customer wishes to know..... need reasonably quick answer.


sorry didn't see about richo from the stix. Will have him give Richo a call

The Chiangmai Apple dealer has always been helpful if I have a problem.

Their main store in in Sirimankalajarn across from soi 1 or thereabouts.

Other stores are at Airport Plaza, 3rd floor and KSK ground floor inside the building across from Starbucks, though these two are mainly sales outlets.

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