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THAI Flight Lands Safely In Los Angeles Following Bomb Threat


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Thai Airways president Piyasvasti Amranand told The Associated Press that the message written in English with bad grammar warned that a bomb was on the plane.

Obviously a terrible joke, since terrorists would not publicize their intented activities, the nutter who did this saw it as a funny joke of course, but it was nothing of the sort, and should he/she be idendified, then the verdict must be a severe punishment.

Edited by personchester
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there really are some <deleted> in the world - this idiot could face 5 years in prison for this shit

Should be 20 years they get...travelling used to be fun....now it is almost fear....oh how the world has changed.... hope the FBI will get the culprit and then give him/her a nice bit of water sports....ie water boarding

Travelling is as much fun as it has always been. I don't see what you have to be fearful of. Travelling by plane is one of the safest forms of transport. More people kill themselves through the food they eat. Try to keep things in perspective.

So u count all the security before getting on the plane fun !!!! And then when u arrive in certain countries the screening that takes place....is that fun also....maybe your way of having fun but certainly not mine

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It’s odd that Americans are so touchy about their English. Did they invent it - yes they did and that’s fine, it shows that English is a living language. There is no grammar academy of English that has control over that. That much is clear.

Certainly, no grammarian can say yea or nay to a sentence provided (that) it is clear. Experts of plain English favor omitting ‘that’ if having it adds nothing to the sentence, saying (that) including it makes a sentence longer than necessary. My sentence was too long I am hoping (that) you will forgive me.

(And for the time (that) it took me to construct the above)

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Why don't they have security cameras in the toilets on aircraft? ...

Security cameras in the toilets? Excellent idea :D Catch the smokers, too, and the cocaine sniffers, the heroin shooters and the Mile High Clubbers. A camera in each of the top four corners of the cubicle, to cover all angles. Live stream to the US Department of Homeland Security.

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Everyone seems to have overlooked the possibility of this being a publicity stunt. Thailand is desperate for attention and TOURISTS! This is free international publicity. The whole story sounds lame to begin with so the remaining possibility is it's a stunt to improve the local economy.

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Everyone seems to have overlooked the possibility of this being a publicity stunt. Thailand is desperate for attention and TOURISTS! This is free international publicity. The whole story sounds lame to begin with so the remaining possibility is it's a stunt to improve the local economy.

However unprofessional THAI sometimes seems, this is no joking matter for an airline.

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Bad grammar--Well that means it could have been a Thai person or an American!

I hope they catch the person responsible for this. Very inconvenient for a lot of people.

I am glad, however, that it was a message and not a real bomb.

Were their any righters from The Nation on that plain? :)

At first I thought you were being sarcastic, with the use of "righters", as opposed to writers. Then I saw "their" instead of there, plain instead of plane. You really shouldn't be critical unless you have all your ducks in a row. It seems to be great sport on TV to put everything and everyone down. We are not kids, act your age and give people a break. Unless we are talking about Thai ad agencies, who seem to have the motto "Wenotnidanyhelprightingenglishadz Kup"

Edited by kennalder
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Better than a cam in the loo, design doorless loos, with openings in direct front view of passengers. A light, short curtain would cover the middle part while sitting.Saves money and weight.

Tobacco could be banned inside the plane, so no smoke detectors necessary in loos. I advocate windowless planes to simplify assembly , and have numerous other ideas for the plane of the future.

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Bad grammar--Well that means it could have been a Thai person or an American!

I hope they catch the person responsible for this. Very inconvenient for a lot of people.

I am glad, however, that it was a message and not a real bomb.

Were their any righters from The Nation on that plain? :)

At first I thought you were being sarcastic, with the use of "righters", as opposed to writers. Then I saw "their" instead of there, plain instead of plane. You really shouldn't be critical unless you have all your ducks in a row. It seems to be great sport on TV to put everything and everyone down. We are not kids, act your age and give people a break. Unless we are talking about Thai ad agencies, who seem to have the motto "Wenotnidanyhelprightingenglishadz Kup"

I also thought 'crusader79' was quite funny - his ducks made a great line.

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Everyone seems to have overlooked the possibility of this being a publicity stunt. Thailand is desperate for attention and TOURISTS! This is free international publicity. The whole story sounds lame to begin with so the remaining possibility is it's a stunt to improve the local economy.

In your world a bomb threat on a national airline would serve to INCREASE tourism??? :blink:

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'venturalaw' timestamp='1283945458' post='3870408']

Markaew' timestamp='1283943688' post='3870340']

Everyone seems to have overlooked the possibility of this being a publicity stunt. Thailand is desperate for attention and TOURISTS! This is free international publicity. The whole story sounds lame to begin with so the remaining possibility is it's a stunt to improve the local economy.

In your world a bomb threat on a national airline would serve to INCREASE tourism??? :blink:

Sure it would , Thai-air anounces new adventure tours for those who dare , hidden bombs on board , you find them before the times run out , you get your fare refunded in full .

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I'd take a bet that Alcohol was involved in this problem, like Alcohol is involved in so many problems.


Yes, the security person who sent all the fire trucks and detained everybody obviously is a hopeless drunkard with zero gumption left; such messages and worse are found everyday in toilets of schools around the world, and white-washed once a year or two.

What strikes me is it was a T A flight ; there must be such messages on lots of flights, but usually stewards know better (caveat US planes, who take the cake ).

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It’s odd that Americans are so touchy about their English. Did they invent it - yes they did and that’s fine, it shows that English is a living language. There is no grammar academy of English that has control over that. That much is clear.

Certainly, no grammarian can say yea or nay to a sentence provided (that) it is clear. Experts of plain English favor omitting ‘that’ if having it adds nothing to the sentence, saying (that) including it makes a sentence longer than necessary. My sentence was too long I am hoping (that) you will forgive me.

(And for the time (that) it took me to construct the above)

You miss the point. It is not that Americans are 'so touchy' about their English. The English language is unreasonably difficult. The point is that Americans are sometimes, as in this case, criticized as being illiterate. It is the criticism of Americans, not the English language, that gets old.

Edited by venturalaw
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Bad grammar--Well that means it could have been a Thai person or an American!

I hope they catch the person responsible for this. Very inconvenient for a lot of people.

I am glad, however, that it was a message and not a real bomb.

Were their any righters from The Nation on that plain? :)

At first I thought you were being sarcastic, with the use of "righters", as opposed to writers. Then I saw "their" instead of there, plain instead of plane. You really shouldn't be critical unless you have all your ducks in a row. It seems to be great sport on TV to put everything and everyone down. We are not kids, act your age and give people a break. Unless we are talking about Thai ad agencies, who seem to have the motto "Wenotnidanyhelprightingenglishadz Kup"

wow, this forum never ceases to amaze me.

At first I thought you were being sarcastic with the one obvious mistake, but then I saw the other two obvious mistakes with a smiley face and I was POSITIVE you were being sarcastic.

That is how your post should have read. You were so close to not being an idiot.... and then you fell short.

And the high tone really makes it funny.

The others that didn't pick up on it and then fell into the trap by commenting on it.. I'm at a loss.

Act your age.. lol.

You shouldn't be so critical when you lack rudimentary powers of observation.

How obvious does it have to be?

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You can't even JOKE about such things at airports these days without a SWAT team jumping in.

What's wrong dude? How's it in an airplane after 9/11, when people are talking about a possible bomb in the aircraft you're sitting.....:angry:

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Flight TG794, which departed Bangkok at 7.30am local time

In the interest of accurate reporting, TG794 departs Bangkok at 7:30PM local time. And, based on the time the flight in quesion landed at LAX, the above is a typo -- and the flt was not delayed 12 hours (which would have added a bit more intrigue).

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next time ,a lil boy will pee a drop out of the bowl and the next in line will come out yelling " Help there might be liquid nitroglycerin on the floor" .


In the same line, I find it incredible some couldn't understand the innocent plane / plain , right/ write above , and started a feud, throwing in the ludicrous ' That ' that should be added , as if we were writing for a literary prize here .

and now I'll stop watching this topic.

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