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Swedish Man Murdered In Bangkok

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Swedish Man Killed in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- A 45 year old man has been killed in Bangkok, and his Thai wife is suspected to have killed her husband with a knife, writes the Swedish tabloid expressen.se

”A police investigation has already started, Anders Jörle, press officer at the Swedish ministry of foreign affairs confirm to the newspaper.

The man had been living and working in Thailand several years, and he was a well known person in the Swedish society in the Thai capital.

One person has been arrested already. According to expressen.se, it is the killed Swedes wife.

”A Thai investigation has began already, and the mans family has been informed, says Anders Jörle, press officer at the ministry of foreign affairs in Stockholm.

Source: http://www.scandasia.com/viewNews.php?news_id=7254&coun_code=se


-- 2010-09-10


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Swedish businessman murdered in Thailand

BANGKOK: -- A successful Swedish businessman was stabbed to death in Bangkok.

A family quarrel ended in tragedy when the 45-year-old man stabbed in the chest.

Now, his Thai wife arrested - suspected of murder.

In more than 20 years, the 45-year-old businessman living in Thailand.

There he had a consulting company and helped including Swedes who wanted to buy a house in the country. He was also one of the Swedish embassy advisor in connection with the 2004 tsunami.

Was stabbed in the chest

On the night of Thursday Thailand time the man got into a fight with his Thai wife - and the Swede was stabbed to death.

- It is true that a Swedish man has been murdered. Apparently so is there have been some sort of family tragedy, "said foreign ministry's press officer Anders Jörle.

According to Thai media is now his wife arrested on suspicion of murder.

Well known in the country

The Swedish businessman was well known among Swedish entrepreneurs and people living in Thailand and had a number of major Swedish companies in the country on its client list. After studying in Sweden, moved abroad and the man he both wrote and spoke Thai fluently.

- He is a very well-known businessman here in Thailand. He ran a company that helped other companies to settle down here. What he did not know is not worth knowing, "says a source to Aftonbladet.

The man's relatives in Sweden are informed of the incident.

-- Aftonbladet.se 2010-09-10

Translated via Google translate from http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article7754753.ab


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!


Anyone know his screen name here on ThaiVisa?

"What he did not know is not worth knowing" - that pretty much rules out a majority of posters here who usually knows everything about <deleted> NOT worth knowing.

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Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Every now and then there will be an article about a farang killing a Thai woman. Usually those cases are not about a married couple but about a boyfriend or customer. But you are correct, I also cannot recall (but I am sure someone else can) a case where the farang husband killed his Thai wife.



Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.


Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

Umm mostly by having some gigs i presume whistling.gif and when thai girl reaches her boiling point there is no speaking to them dry.gif


Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

Theyve usually siphoned off most of the money before going directly to jail but before that they will screw their lawyer get pregnant and elope with the lawyer and payoff the Police case solved he slipped off the balcony onto the knife.............. 25 times no doubt.


It might seem like alot because it immediately and widely gets reported, but the murder rate among foreigners here is still much lower then say in the US where we have like 16000 murders a year, I'm from the US and i feel safer here than in LA

Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

I'm from the US and i feel safer here than in LA

well I'd say as long as you don't marry a Thai wife, you will continue to be safer than in the US! :ph34r:


:) Off the topic, but that really made me smile, as you're so right!

Anyone know his screen name here on ThaiVisa?

"What he did not know is not worth knowing" - that pretty much rules out a majority of posters here who usually knows everything about <deleted> NOT worth knowing.


my ex-girlfriend also like to kill me or hurt much without any reason, and last time when i want go out from she only because her son hide all knifes around home nothing happen... this kind of behaviour not have any sense, but if you look TV you can see many crazy ladies in each kind of evening housewife-movies, look like "loose face" concept and buddist serenity is some kind of fable, but maybe in real life this more applicable to bar-ladies

I'm from the US and i feel safer here than in LA

well I'd say as long as you don't marry a Thai wife, you will continue to be safer than in the US! :ph34r:

ANYWHERE is safer than LA......It's true though, seems all the Thai wives I know are really angry about something almost all the time. Whats up with that??

I'm from the US and i feel safer here than in LA

well I'd say as long as you don't marry a Thai wife, you will continue to be safer than in the US! :ph34r:

Yes, in the U.S. the American wives don't need to kill their husbands. Normally their men commit suicide right after they realize the mistake they made. Wait, we don't have marriage counselors here! mystery solved.


Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

Umm mostly by having some gigs i presume whistling.gif and when thai girl reaches her boiling point there is no speaking to them dry.gif


Is that Ryan Giggs or gik


My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

My gf dont drink so no problems for me lol.I think some guys love to have a fiery bird,not for me sorry


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Well - could it be that a lot of the farangs here (Farang is not a bad word in Thai by the way) have a drinking problem and pick up their "wives" in the lady bars? It is a bad combination. At the same time they have a bad attitude as most heavy drinkers do. I don´t know if that was the case in this tragedy, but it is in most of the tragedies occuring here. I have lived with my lovely non-bargirl wife for ten years, and she is most supportive and only uses the knife to prepare the dinner! I don't experience bad vibes because I'm a farang, on the contrary. Next time you may want to try to find a normal girl and not a hooker and go easy on the booze. Just a suggestion. May solve some problems.

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Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Well - could it be that a lot of the farangs here (Farang is not a bad word in Thai by the way) have a drinking problem and pick up their "wives" in the lady bars? It is a bad combination. At the same time they have a bad attitude as most heavy drinkers do. I don´t know if that was the case in this tragedy, but it is in most of the tragedies occuring here. I have lived with my lovely non-bargirl wife for ten years, and she is most supportive and only uses the knife to prepare the dinner! I don't experience bad vibes because I'm a farang, on the contrary. Next time you may want to try to find a normal girl and not a hooker and go easy on the booze. Just a suggestion. May solve some problems.

You dont think the Bngkok hi-so wannabees drink or become violent.There is no difference,find a good one you ok,find a bad one you are knackered


The only bad wives/gf of my mates have been Non -issan,are you surprised or not???,and they were totaly evil witches too


My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

I wouldn't bother wondering too long, eh. You get what you pay for, matey. And for this poor guy, it was a knife in the chest. RIP.


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

A lot a Farang come here, get married to a Thai and still think it's OK to screw around. Thai woman loses face loses her mind and attacks the Farang. If you do a search you will find stories of Farang killing Thai women. I am not saying that this was the case here, but it is a possibility. It is not uncommon for Western women to kill Western men. Can happen anywhere.

Cheers, Rick


Old saying has some truth : You can take the girl out of the bar but you can not take the bar out of the girl

Farang meets girl in gogo bar - falls in lust - marries her and expects a faithful wife by his side - hmmmm - dream on

There is really not that much difference between western women or Thai women - take the ones from the bars and you are asking for trouble - take a "normal" bird and most you will get is nagging. Nagging however is installed into women's genes and they just can't help it. At least you won't (most likely) wake up with a knife sticking out from your chest or your balls being enjoyed by the family duck ...

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Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Basically, you are saying that because you are unaware of foreigners abusing their spouses/partners/girlfriends that this must be a Thai specific issue. Domestic violence is a common occurrence in Thailand and foreigners are sometimes the perpetrators.. One need only look at the past month where we have had a deranged American accused of slicing and dicing a woman. He is also alleged to have beaten his ex wife who is described as fleeing from an abusive relationship. Then we have the accused murderer from the UK that murdered another foreigner but is also alleged to have regularly beaten his girlfriend. Due to the piss poor attitude of the police on domestic violence, most victims do not bother to report the crime in Thailand.

In this specific case we may very well have an innocent Swedish national that was ruthlessly murdered. Or has has been mentioned, there may have been mitigating factors like alcohol or extra marital affairs. You won't know until an investigation is completed. One thing I do know and anyone that has worked with those involved in domestic violence will corroborate this, is that murder by the female is usually the end result of a long drawn out series of events which can occur when a woman reaches a point where she can no longer cope with a situation involving threats, violence, intimidation or powerlessness. Spouses are not usually murdered when there is a stable working relationship in place. In rare cases, it is an outright crime for profit. It is unfair to speculate on the deceased as to whether or not he was a drunk, a bully or a wife beater. It is also unfair to attempt to affix blame on anyone until some actual evidence is presented. I believe that the deceased must be treated as an innocent victim until such time as someone can show otherwise.

I wrote rare in respect to actual premeditated murder, because it is not typical of domestic dispute murders. Do not make the assumption that Thai women are predisposed to killing foreigners. Look at the Swedish domestic violence data. Despite the grim numbers, is it fair to label all Swedish males as bullies and killers? No it is not.

Please wait for the investigation to be concluded.

To help people appreciate that domestic violence is not specific to Thailand, here's some Swedish data to consider;

Lundgren, Heimer, Westerstrand & Kalliokoski (2002)SwedishStudy of men's violence against women (1999-2000)

1 in 3 (35%) of women experienced violence from aformer husband/co-habitant; 1 in 5 (19%) of women had been threatened by a formerhusband/co-habitant; 2 out of 3 (64%) of women who had been subjected to violenceby a former husband/co-habitant reported repeat assaults; 1 in 2 (50%) ofdivorced women had been subjected to violence by a former husband/co-habitant; 1in 10 (9%) of women with a violent former husband/co-habitant has beensubjected to physical or sexual violence by them since separation; 1 in 10 (11%)of currently married/cohabiting women reported experiencing violence from theirpresent partner; 3% of women have been forced into sexual activity by a currenthusband/co-habitant; 1 in 6 (16%) of women have been subjected to sexualviolence by a former husband/co-habitant; Only 1 in 7 (15%) of women reported themost recent violent incident to the police


I think 20 years here, and deeply involved in the business world with farangs as his main client, he must almost certainly be a regular user of these forums.

He would obviously have had no idea that when he made his final post, that the next time he would hit the forums, 'his brutal slaying' would be the subject up for discussion.

Just a little food for thought when you sign off.

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