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Swedish Man Murdered In Bangkok

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Johan Winlöf's Secret Past as Violent Nazi Leader


Well, that changes the story a a bit...

Really? How do you arrive at that conclusion? It was 25+ years ago. Why do you not speak with Johan directly and ask him about such events? Oh! I forgot - silly me - you can't do that because he is dead!

The story IS - that he has been killed less than a week ago. Let's keep to THE story shall we?

Written by someone who has NOT read about something third-hand!

Well, Kattana has a very valid point. If the person has a history of violence. it might explain why the woman snapped. No court is going to convict a woman of murder if she can show that this person was abusive and violent.

If this is the same guy as mentioned in the article, then I follow the adage of my relatives that served in WWII: A nazi is a nazi. The best that can be done is to kick them into submission and hope that the cowards that they are, they keep quiet. I note the article and I note the you tube segment of this apparent psychopath in action. Psychopaths can be very charming and kind with some people. They can also be great con artists.

In the lead of the Nazi group was Johan Winlöf. The whole thing escalated in to a fight and Nazis had to flee and hide at public rest rooms before police assisted them out. (See video at bottom.)


He was quite the hero, hiding out in the loo and needing a rescue from the coppers. What a pansy of a bully.

This brave man really distinguished himself with this act of manhood;

The most serious attack was on a book store with a fire bomb, but he also participated in violent attacks on gay people and political opponents as well as the destruction of a Jewish cemetery.

woohoo, burning books, beating up a homo and destroying a cemetary. What a man.

Did this MOFO ever take responsibility for his past? pay compensation for damages? accept responsibility? Did he? Did he ever say that what he had done was wrong? DID HE? Or did he follow the time honoured tradition of spineless nazis and run away to hide out? I'm sure the Nazis that fled to South America were wonderful chaps as well. Model citizens of Parguay and Argentina. This fellow seems to have died at the hands of a "subhuman" as the neo nazis call outsiders. Poetic justice.

I have to hand it to the journalists for breaking the story. . It takes a very courageous and patriotic person to run with this type of story.

I rather think what this guy got up to 20 years ago has little relevance today, If it does I would be worried. Pattaya is packed with former members of the British National Front, The Nationalist Socialist Party of the UK, British Movement, Column 88, all full of skinheads and the belief that the 'holocaust was greatly exaggerrated or did not exist. Then of course there were the Chelsea Headhunters who sort of lost most of their 'nigger' and 'banana' taunts from the terraces after pretty much the whole of the Chelsea team became 'tinted'.

Most of these guys have Thai wives. They grew up and/or took to drugs.

Nothing brave about this story, just a matter of looking up newspaper and television libraries in Sweden. The Swedish Nazi party did not look massive on the video. On almost all occasions when they took to the streets they were outnumbered by the young socialists. I would be worried if Johan was a member of a more credible nazi organisation.

  • Like 1
I rather think what this guy got up to 20 years ago has little relevance today, If it does I would be worried.

Studying Asian languages and being a leisure- time Swedish Nazi leader IS worrying.

Pattaya is packed with former members of the British National Front, The Nationalist Socialist Party of the UK, British Movement, Column 88, all full of skinheads and the belief that the 'holocaust was greatly exaggerrated or did not exist. Then of course there were the Chelsea Headhunters who sort of lost most of their 'nigger' and 'banana' taunts from the terraces after pretty much the whole of the Chelsea team became 'tinted'.

Furck them all!!

Most of these guys have Thai wives. They grew up and/or took to drugs. Nothing brave about this story, just a matter of looking up newspaper and television libraries in Sweden.

:blink: :blink:

The Swedish Nazi party did not look massive on the video. On almost all occasions when they took to the streets they were outnumbered by the young socialists. I would be worried if Johan was a member of a more credible nazi organisation.

You do not have to be a "Young socialist" to be antifascist... I've seen some old crutch swinging conservatives in the video as well ( a few seconds before these high intelligent, Thai-speaking Karate/Mue Thai fighters locked themselves up in public toilets :P:D:lol::cheesy: )

More credible nazi organizations? Lovat, time to crawl back under your stone.

  • Like 1
I rather think what this guy got up to 20 years ago has little relevance today, If it does I would be worried.

Studying Asian languages and being a leisure- time Swedish Nazi leader IS worrying.

[You do not have to be a "Young socialist" to be antifascist... I've seen some old crutch swinging conservatives in the video as well ( a few seconds before these high intelligent, Thai-speaking Karate/Mue Thai fighters locked themselves up in public toilets :P:D:lol::cheesy: )

More credible nazi organizations? Lovat, time to crawl back under your stone.

You seem to be a little bit lacking in what the real far right were doing back in the late seventies and early eighties. They were a credible threat to European intelligence authorities because they were bombing and executing. ie. The Grey Wolves in Turkey, MSI in Italy. etc

The Swedish so called neo nazis did not even get a look in. and would have been laughed out of any rallies I am sure. I hope your surfeit of emoticons is not an attempt to demonstrate that you have the slightest grasp on post war nazi movements.

Most people in the UK are anti-fascist but the majority of people who organised anti-fascist rallies whenever the BNP or BM or whatever got together were the YS and SWP.



Nice timeline. The deceased ran away to Thailand approx. 15 years ago, which puts him in the period of 1995-1996.

Interesting article from 1996 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/sweden-is-hotbed-of-neonazism-1336125.html

The departure came at around the same time as the Swedish government crackdown on neonazis. Gee. Do you think the deceased fled because of the heat?

In fairness to the Swedes, they did something, and I suppose credit for showing moral leadership lay with the King Carl Gustaf. The news of the day show several examples of him taking the lead to say no to violence and stupidity. Sweden had a sovereign that was willing to stick his neck out and do the right thing. One has to respect that. One also has to respect the large number of Swedes that stood up to these people.

It will be interesting to see how the Swedish community reacts to the skeletons in the closet. Keep up the denial and making of excuses, or an acceptance of the past and the fact that the deceased was able to pass himself off and fool alot of people. Had he not been murdered, no one would have been the wiser. Sort of like the nazi murderers that lived out their lives in the luxury of Argentina and Paraguay. Frankly,I think the guy was probably a ticking time bomb and would have embarrassed the Swedish community at some point over time. Sooner or later, the past catches up to an unrepentant bully.


Nice timeline. The deceased ran away to Thailand approx. 15 years ago, which puts him in the period of 1995-1996.

Interesting article from 1996 http://www.independe...sm-1336125.html

The departure came at around the same time as the Swedish government crackdown on neonazis. Gee. Do you think the deceased fled because of the heat?

In fairness to the Swedes, they did something, and I suppose credit for showing moral leadership lay with the King Carl Gustaf. The news of the day show several examples of him taking the lead to say no to violence and stupidity. Sweden had a sovereign that was willing to stick his neck out and do the right thing. One has to respect that. One also has to respect the large number of Swedes that stood up to these people.

It will be interesting to see how the Swedish community reacts to the skeletons in the closet. Keep up the denial and making of excuses, or an acceptance of the past and the fact that the deceased was able to pass himself off and fool alot of people. Had he not been murdered, no one would have been the wiser. Sort of like the nazi murderers that lived out their lives in the luxury of Argentina and Paraguay. Frankly,I think the guy was probably a ticking time bomb and would have embarrassed the Swedish community at some point over time. Sooner or later, the past catches up to an unrepentant bully.

Nazis don't as a rule thrive in Thailand as a large part of the population do not know what they are and part of the rest are running around in coal scuttle helmets. There of course used to be a 'Nazi Bar'

Ticking time bomb? Looks like a typical Thai wife murder to me as somebody who knows him has already hinted. Unless Noy was shouting 'Take this from Winston you Naaarssi scum bag'

But no 'Gott in himmel! its the 'Boys from Buri Ram' 'Seig Hei' 'Tomorrow ze world!' :o ! ( I knew there was a use for that emoticom) :D

Get a grip. I am old enough to have known and met a few of the original Nazis including ex-SS.

What is true however is this man like thousand of other foreigners in Thailand had a dodgy past. He may have regretted it. But nobody has yet reported his convictions if there are any. His main political platform was against foreign immigration to Sweden - now a general European problem.

Nazis in Sweden were big news to the Swedes (and Indie readers) because f'all else happens there. Of course the presence of Nazis will be deemed as worrying but the reality, unless you read the SW publications, is that they were an odd ball minority and continue to be thank god.

In some cases when you start taking them too seriously you are in danger of giving them credibility and then you lose the information war..

PS. What about the Hells Angels?


So, now there's some new information in this case:


Caretaker Witnessed the Death of Johan Winlöf

Exclusive: ScandAsia at the Crime Scene. The late Johan Winlöf and his wife had a tough marriage with loads of arguments and fights, says the caretaker at the building where the two lived. Their apartment is now empty, while information cast a new light on Ornanong Winlöf’s claims of self-defense.

Read the whole story here


Can't say that I knew him but I met him once several years ago. With the Connector Asia gang, close connection with the Swedish Embassy, maybe Visionhouse too. Some of those people are good, some difficult to stay friend / partner with for long. He seemed to me to be quite typical of the type who can succeed pretty well over here. That comment include mainly positive but also *possibly* a bit negative. I didn't know him well enough. I find it very hard to believe that this guy would have used any physical violence against his wife. Wife will get 3 years.

Very sad story, RIP Johan


So, now there's some new information in this case:


Caretaker Witnessed the Death of Johan Winlöf

Exclusive: ScandAsia at the Crime Scene. The late Johan Winlöf and his wife had a tough marriage with loads of arguments and fights, says the caretaker at the building where the two lived. Their apartment is now empty, while information cast a new light on Ornanong Winlöf’s claims of self-defense.

Read the whole story here

Read the story. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. This might be 'News' to those of you who did not know him (...some of you - so quick to judge him nonetheless) but it's not 'new' to those who DID know him! Similar statements concerning the previous 4 years of marriage are pouring into Police Headquarters almost on a daily basis. People currently abroad on business, are returning to make their statements also. As I wrote a few days ago; the truth will out!


So, now there's some new information in this case:


Caretaker Witnessed the Death of Johan Winlöf

Exclusive: ScandAsia at the Crime Scene. The late Johan Winlöf and his wife had a tough marriage with loads of arguments and fights, says the caretaker at the building where the two lived. Their apartment is now empty, while information cast a new light on Ornanong Winlöf's claims of self-defense.

Read the whole story here

Read the story. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. This might be 'News' to those of you who did not know him (...some of you - so quick to judge him nonetheless) but it's not 'new' to those who DID know him! Similar statements concerning the previous 4 years of marriage are pouring into Police Headquarters almost on a daily basis. People currently abroad on business, are returning to make their statements also. As I wrote a few days ago; the truth will out!

Good. Now we can ignore all those people who somehow think Adolf Hitler had something to do with this murder.


Well a lot of you outhere behind you computer screens are just a disgrace writing on internet safe behind a anonymous nickname i can tell you this:Johan wasnt a viloent man,yes he was a nationalsocialist 25 years ago he wanst liked that when he was murded ,He loved thailand and thai people more than sweden how do iknow this ?because idid know

him for around 27years he was more like a brother than a friend for me . he moved to thailand because of two reasons 1start a new life 2 He changed hes mind about hes past and wanted to do something good for thailand the country he loved

So please try to show some respect for a dead person who cant

defend himself

Mr scout:Iknow who you are and what you did for your country if i were a englishman i salute you.

For scanasia.com:F.y for writing something that happen about 30 years ago and isnt related to the last 25-30 year...

for everyone:sorry for my bad english.

johan i miss you and i will see you in valhalla



This isn't going to make me very popular with some people, but I'm going to take the bait and respond to some of the statements;

Well a lot of you outhere behind you computer screens are just a disgrace writing on internet safe behind a anonymous nickname i can tell you this:Johan wasnt a viloent man

Right. In the absence of knowing who you are and your relationship, that's your opinion. Were you living in the building with this couple? What of the people that actually lived in the building and have stated that there was violence in the relationship? I have no doubt the accused woman was something awful. However, the deceased was heard and observed engaged in domestic diputes. That too is the view of several witnesses. Just as you believe your opinion has merit, so too will a court taken into consideration the statements of these neutral 3rd parties.

Well a lot of you outhere behind you computer screens are just a disgrace writing on internet safe behind a anonymous nickname i can tell you this:Johan wasnt a viloent man,yes he was a nationalsocialist 25 years ago he wanst liked that when he was murded ,

I am not hiding out. If anyone is hiding out, or should I say was hiding out, it was the deceased. Seems to me, he fled Sweden just as the government was acting to take the bite out a gang of bullies and thugs. A leopard doesn't change his spots. You claim that he wasn't the knuckle dragging primitive thug that he was 25 years ago. Perhaps. Everyone is capable of change. However, when it comes to neonazis, unless they make a public renunciation of their past activities, chances are that they have not abandoned those nasty views. Did the deceased ever renounce his views? Did he ever seek to repair the damage that he did, or was he just content to hide out in Thailand?

He loved thailand and thai people more than sweden how do iknow this ?because idid know him for around 27years he was more like a brother than a friend for me . he moved to thailand because of two reasons 1start a new life 2 He changed hes mind about hes past and wanted to do something good for thailand the country he loved

Nice story. heartwarming, unfortunately, you just implicated yourself in some nasty business. So he was your "brother" and you knew him for 25 years. Great, so that puts you in the middle of the neonazi parade doesn't it? Were you one of the brave marchers that hid out in the public toilets awaiting rescue from the police? or were you one of the intellectuals that burnt the books? Or were you a participant in the homo bashings? oh, wait, don't tell me, but did you know him from the dfefense of Sweden from a bunch of very dangerous dead jews buried 6 feet under in a cemetary? Yes, this man was certainly very brave. I find it quite odd that all of a sudden he goes from being an ultranationalist to a lover of Thailand. What happened? Did Odin appear in a dream and say go forth with your band of psychopaths and resettle in the promised land of Thailand?

So please try to show some respect for a dead person who cant defend himself

Right. I understand your point. However, your dead frienddidn't share that opinion as he led a very important defense of the nation when he took on that very dangerous group of dead jews in the cemetary, I don't know if anyone is going to be too concerned. I think you might wish to consider the old saying about things coming back to bite one on the arse. How can anyone not laugh at the deceased when they hear about the cemetary attack. It would make for a wonderful Monty Python sketch. I can see them now planning the attack on the hordes of skeletons. I hope your friend was very careful when he led the raiding party. After all, he could have skinned a knee tripping over a tombstone or something,I do wonder as to your friend's sanity though. Sweden made itself judenfrei a long time ago. Going after a cemetary? Jeez, how pathetic is that? Did they hand out a big L to the participants. (L being for LOSER)

Mr scout:Iknow who you are and what you did for your country if i were a englishman i salute you.

And Edward saluted the nazis too. Fortunately, he abdicated as King and Great Britain benefited from the honourable, patriotic and decent King George.

For scanasia.com:F.y for writing something that happen about 30 years ago and isnt related to the last 25-30 year...

No, sorry, that's bull sh*t. The passage of time does not excuse violent crime, particularly the attacks on those that are weak and defenseless. Had the deceased taken steps to repair the damage and pain to others, I would agree, but this guy ran away. He realized people were fed up and he was going to get a good kick in the butt. There is no indication whatsoever, that the deceased admitted that he was wrong. Had he just been a man and dealt with it, life would have moved on and all would have been forgiven and forgotten.

The journalists have performed an important public service. The reasons are as follows;

1. The deceased was outed as a thug and bully with no remorse for his past actions. He lied to people he did business with. Had many people known they were transacting with someone like this, they would have picked someone else. He deceived these people.

2. There is a big picture here. What the <deleted> were people at the Swedish embassy doing when they transacted with him? This was a person that had been opposed to a government and had clashed with the police. Did the Swedish diplomats know who he was? If they did not know who he was, why not. How did the Swedish police lose track of this guy? If people in positions of responsibility were hanging around with this fellow, then someone has some explaining to do.

3. If Swedish nationals knew who he was and still transacted with him, what does it say about these people?

johan i miss you and i will see you in valhalla

I do not think the people the deceased beat up over the years are going to miss him. I do not wish to disappoint you, but Valhalla as used in Norse pagan mythology was a placed reserved for those that had died in heroic battttle were of noble descent. I don't think that some neonazi that ran around heil hitlering everyone and that was for all intents and purposes an IT weenie that got a fruit knife in the chest from an alleged ex-bargirl is going to get past the admissions review board. However, please do not let me delay your departure for Valhalla. If you want, we can send you off with a box of party sandwiches and some of that delicious mead from Heiðrún the goat.


my thai girlfriend is crazy . she gets angry with me so easy , sometimes even hitting me . when i tried to leave her she would change and become so sweet for a week or two. then she would come at me again . always asking for my passport for some reason , maybe she wanted to control me because she was older than me or something i dont know . maybe its because i,m quite difficult to live with or something . eatting habbits and training .


my thai girlfriend is crazy . she gets angry with me so easy , sometimes even hitting me . when i tried to leave her she would change and become so sweet for a week or two. then she would come at me again . always asking for my passport for some reason , maybe she wanted to control me because she was older than me or something i dont know . maybe its because i,m quite difficult to live with or something . eatting habbits and training .

You may look in the mirror and ask yourself the question 'if I had a relation like this back home, what would I do'. Follow up on that.

Live long and prosper :)


Directed directly at the Geriatrickid.

Maybe, the quote cum slogan at the bottom of your post that reads:

"How come dogs always pick the worst times to provide an indication of their presence?"

should in fact read:

How come some posters always pick the worst times to provide an indication of their presence?

Reason for edit: Line spacing.

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the crucial fact here is whether the wife stood to gain by the death of the husband.

Was she an heir in his will, or being legally married would she have inherited his property in any case?

Were any Thai officials involved?


This isn't going to make me very popular with some people, but I'm going to take the bait and respond to some of the statements;

Mr scout:Iknow who you are and what you did for your country if i were a englishman i salute you.

And Edward saluted the nazis too. Fortunately, he abdicated as King and Great Britain benefited from the honourable, patriotic and decent King George....................................

please do not let me delay your departure for Valhalla. If you want, we can send you off with a box of party sandwiches and some of that delicious mead from Heiðrún the goat.

Geriatric Kid. Despite your name I am confident that it has never occured to and never wil,l that you have the argumentative logic of a five year old. God know how many hours you wasted putting that pile of clap trap together. I can almost see yourself now preening in the mirror and thinking 'My wasn';t I smart"


That "pile" had a heap of 1,199 words albeit 992 words were his/her own. That's a tremendous amount even for a dedicated Devil's Advocate.

One should really take into account that generally speaking, people who make piles usually leave corresponding holes.

  • Like 2

Directed directly at the Geriatrickid.

Maybe, the quote cum slogan at the bottom of your post that reads:

"How come dogs always pick the worst times to provide an indication of their presence?"

should in fact read:

How come some posters always pick the worst times to provide an indication of their presence?

Reason for edit: Line spacing.

Yes, I know you do not agree with me, but so far that is all that you have indicated. What exactly distinguished the gentleman's life in Thailand? What exactly did he contribute to society? All I know is that this is a man that is described as having a violent home, that had a past involving the violent bullying of others and that ran away from Sweden. You have not provided one example of how the deceased dealt with the damage he caused or even took responsibility for his past. The issue here isn't me, but the deceased's reprehensible behaviour. If you want to deny this fellow's sordid past, and make excuses that's your call, but that doesn't change the reality that he was a nasty fellow that never took responsibility for his past and that deceived the people he worked with. Hardly admirable qualitites.

  • Like 1

That "pile" had a heap of 1,199 words albeit 992 words were his/her own. That's a tremendous amount even for a dedicated Devil's Advocate.

One should really take into account that generally speaking, people who make piles usually leave corresponding holes.

Ok, so you can count. You can even direct a snide comment my way. That's special. Unfortunately, you have still yet to deal with the facts of the case. The deceased had a past that excluded him from entry into the Kingdom of Thailand, and yet he was here. The deceased was not forthcoming with his clients and the deceased had somedomestic violence issues. Is there a possibility that you shared the same views as the deceased and that the uncovering of the deceased's past may present a problem for you? Instead of attaching the devil's advicate to me, why don't you deal with the isues at hand. You calim to be a friend of his, so then perhaps you can explain why he deceived people and why he was allegedly still in communication with his old neo nazi associates? Please provide your opinion as to whether or not he was communicating with some of his old friends from the "Refuge in the public toilets campaign" or from "The defefense of the dead people campaign" Which saw a heroic battle undertaken by the deceased and some very dangerous piles of bones in a cemetary.

  • Like 1

[quote name='Lovat' timestamp='1284792090' post='3890826'

Geriatric Kid. Despite your name I am confident that it has never occured to and never wil,l that you have the argumentative logic of a five year old. God know how many hours you wasted putting that pile of clap trap together. I can almost see yourself now preening in the mirror and thinking 'My wasn';t I smart"

You have written a snotty opinion, but have not provided anything substantive. If you feel that my comments in respect to this case are unwarranted, then please explain. Are you in denial or do you have a reading comprehension problem? How many times does the question have to be asked as to whether or not the deceased ever repudiated his past actions. It is wonderful that you joined up on September 14 to provide your wisdom on the case. However, until you provide some verifiable information that the deceased was not involved in deceitful behaviour at the time of his demise and that the deceased had cut off all contact from his former neo nazis pals, you will have a difficult time revising the deceased's public image.

Would you care to comment on the fact that many of the hate websites for countries such as Sweden and Norway are hosted and maintained outside of those countries because of the existence of laws that act to stop the propogation of hate. Who do you think provides the coding and the support for such websites, which in turn are hosted elsewhere. Please share your advanced knowledge. You can call me a 5 year old if you want, however it seems that I am smart enough to connect the dots.

And sorry if you didn't like my reference to the goat's udder for the mead making. Back in the day we did read Norse mythology. Dreadfully boring but now I find it helps me understand some of the Norse residents of Thailand. Did you know that Odin consumed only wine and ate no food?

  • Like 1

Héé hypocrits. I am getting bored of this this thread, just another farlang who dies, who gives a shit? come on, continue with your miserable 'life(s)', just as everyone else does...


"A Thai investigation has began already" -- not a good sign. :whistling:


and the outcome ,

he bad man , butterfly , have many darlings ,

she, good lady. :jap:


Héé hypocrits. I am getting bored of this this thread, just another farlang who dies, who gives a shit? come on, continue with your miserable 'life(s)', just as everyone else does...

Being probably right on this thread given too much attention, is still no reason to be so rude. Please continue with your hopefully better life ;)


This isn't going to make me very popular with some people, but I'm going to take the bait and respond to some of the statements;

Mr scout:Iknow who you are and what you did for your country if i were a englishman i salute you.

And Edward saluted the nazis too. Fortunately, he abdicated as King and Great Britain benefited from the honourable, patriotic and decent King George....................................

please do not let me delay your departure for Valhalla. If you want, we can send you off with a box of party sandwiches and some of that delicious mead from Heiðrún the goat.

Geriatric Kid. Despite your name I am confident that it has never occured to and never wil,l that you have the argumentative logic of a five year old. God know how many hours you wasted putting that pile of clap trap together. I can almost see yourself now preening in the mirror and thinking 'My wasn';t I smart"


My thoughts exactly. WAY too much time on her/his hands...


I rather think what this guy got up to 20 years ago has little relevance today, If it does I would be worried. Pattaya is packed with former members of the British National Front, The Nationalist Socialist Party of the UK, British Movement, Column 88, all full of skinheads and the belief that the 'holocaust was greatly exaggerrated or did not exist. Then of course there were the Chelsea Headhunters who sort of lost most of their 'nigger' and 'banana' taunts from the terraces after pretty much the whole of the Chelsea team became 'tinted'.

Most of these guys have Thai wives. They grew up and/or took to drugs.

Nothing brave about this story, just a matter of looking up newspaper and television libraries in Sweden. The Swedish Nazi party did not look massive on the video. On almost all occasions when they took to the streets they were outnumbered by the young socialists. I would be worried if Johan was a member of a more credible nazi organisation.

Maybe the meaning of "nazi" means something different in Britain but why would they marry non-white thai women? It's a hilarious contradiction of what their political/social philosophy is.

Sorry, but I agree with some people here a nazi is a nazi. The chickens just came home to roost as it usually does for people like this.


Lovat:" Pattaya is packed with former members of the British National Front, The Nationalist Socialist Party of the UK, British Movement, Column 88, all full of skinheads and the belief that the 'holocaust was greatly exaggerrated or did not exist. Then of course there were the Chelsea Headhunters who sort of lost most of their 'nigger' and 'banana' taunts from the terraces after pretty much the whole of the Chelsea team became 'tinted'. <br />Most of these guys have Thai wives. They grew up and/or took to drugs.<br />Nothing brave about this story, just a matter of looking up newspaper and television libraries in Sweden. The Swedish Nazi party did not look massive on the video. On almost all occasions when they took to the streets they were outnumbered by the young socialists. I would be worried if Johan was a member of a more credible nazi organisation.<br />

Wintermute: Maybe the meaning of "nazi" means something different in Britain but why would they marry non-white thai women? It's a hilarious contradiction of what their political/social philosophy is. <br /><br />Sorry, but I agree with some people here a nazi is a nazi. The chickens just came home to roost as it usually does for people like this.<br /><br /><br /><br />

Lovat: I rather think the contradiction was my original point. But as you spotted it thanks for the repeat.. But people do grow out of these things. Or perhaps they didn't really get it in the first place?

A Nazi is always a Nazi. What a load of poppycock. People do grow up to be more educated.

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Can't think that anyone want to read that crap again

geriatric kid, the Thais have a wonderful saying that match with what you write - People who don't know speak easily

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