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Problem With Dhcp Conection


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I hope someone can help me after two days fighting with my internet connection.

I have a 3BB internet connection and a Work WG 401 router. We have 2 computers connected and both computers use DHCP. One computer works perfect with the internet and the other one works very slow wit the internet. After changing connections on the router and later changing cables it is still the same.

Checked the computer, downloaded the latest drivers, still the same.

Took the the computer to the Naburs who have the same providor and router. Connected the computer and it worked perfect.

I am out of options, anyone any idea what I can do more.


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If it's feasible, try swapping the cables over.

i.e. it might not be a problem with the PC, but instead be either a cable, or router issue.

How are you allocating IPs on your local network. Is it DHCP or hard-coded? If it's hard-coded (or partially hard-coded - i.e. hardcoded IP for a printer), make sure you can't have two things accidentally get the same IP. (i.e. any hardcoded IPs are outside the range used for DHCP).

Edited by bkk_mike
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