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Thai Drivers License In Vietnam


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No it is not valid in Vietnam,and neither is any other foreign driving licence.If you want to drive a vehicle here you need a Vietnamese licence.I haven't bothered to get one yet,as I don't have a vehicle,but I have made enquiries and been told that as long as you have a visa of 3 months or more,its simply a matter of supplying your foreign licence,a certified translation,and filling out the necessary form.I am sure some foreigners do drive motorbikes without the necessary documents,but if (for example) you are involved in an accident,and it turns out you have no licence,it is treated as quite a serious offence,unlike neighbouring countries There is a detailed explanation of the process involved in the "Vietnam" forum section on Tripadvisor

Edited by lekatai
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International Drivers Licences are NOT recognised in Vietnam.

Just to let you know.

Only Vietnamese Lic are recognised.

For bikes upto 50cc no lic is required.

50 - 175cc you will need a A1 class bike lic.

175cc+ you need to be a government worker, military, forestry, police worker. Basically almost impossible for a foreigner to be able to ride a "big bike" This is the A2 class

Cars 9 seater or max 3500kg B1 class.

Edited by mik0
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What's the insurance situation like mik0?

Regarding bikes/scooters or cars?

Cant comment regarding cars as I haven't bothered to drive one here, there are insurance companies here that I've heard about from other expats. Not sure of the policies or prices etc. Its hard to drive here due to the number of bikes and the street layout.

If you do get a car you are best getting a driver with it, saves you pulling your hair out and your nerves. You can get a lot of paperwork/phone calls done while sitting in a car here.

Regards to bikes usually who has the more expensive pays. However most accidents are a bump or jam on the front brakes and loose the front end and fall off, both parties just nod/smile/sorry and be on their way, others want to get compensated there and then for damage to their plastics, indicators etc. Usually costs around 50k-200k ( 80bt - 320bt)

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  • 8 months later...

I got my Thai license last week. According to the Thai Traffic Authority, the license is valid in all ASEAN countries, including Vietnam. Note it's not an "international driving permit" it's a separate system.

Good luck in driving with it in VN.

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