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Whats The Strangest Thing You'Ve Ever Seen Here?


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Just wondering the strangest things you have ever seen in Thailand?

I have to many and could write a book of them but for me one strange thing I saw (or maybe not so strange) was when I first got to Thailand 10 years ago I was people watching over a frosty and saw a Police man driving his 3 children home from work on his motorcycle, none that had helmuts on and what did he have in his left hand but a bottle of open whisky dangling below his ear because at the same time he was driving he was also talking on his mobile.

Ok so maybe having one child in front of you, two behind you, no helmuts, drinking whisky and talking on the phone isn't so strange as long as your a police man? haha

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And the policeman had probably just come from issuing tickets to scooter drivers for not wearing helmets...with the proceeds going into his pocket...

edit: I have also seen too many to remember. But the one this week was kinda funny. A farang, no shirt on, the obligatory tattoos, walking down the road wearing only 1 flip flop. Walking right past many Thai stores selling the cheap replacements...the bottom of his foot being completely black...

Edited by craigt3365
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I am sure that everyone on TV has seen something out of the ordinary. The one that sticks in my mind was a a fat, very fat with a large beer belly German walking around Bug C with just a pair of tiny underpants at 11 am. Everyone was staring. He was speaking German to those looking at him so I couldn't understand what he was saying.

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don't know if the is the strangest i've seen, but strangest that happened to me was walking along minding my own business, and some small young woman i'd never seen before when running past me and punched me in the shoulder ...took a few more strides and looked back at me without the slightest hint of any sort of smile and kept on running down the street... i looked to a few thai people who had witnessed it and asked "tom ai?" ...they didn't know either.

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wouldnt call it that strange or at all that shocking either, having been in the LOS long enough prior to my visit to the local wat/temple to arrange all the details when my wife and i got married. but, i must admit that i was a bit taken back when entering one of the monks private quarters for a chat, to see in the next room along a group of young monks sitting on the floor playing on a sony play station, drinking a bottle of whiskey between them and sharing a packet of fags.

Edited by tigerfish
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Years ago in Bangkok on the highway passing Don Muang I saw a pick up grossly overloaded with a huge elephant - it looked surreal!

Yes - I have seen the 'elephant carrying truck' here on Samui as well. Including the mahout on it's back to lift up the overhead cables.. However, that was beaten by the two guys on their two motorbikes - one each end of a bamboo pole that was 10 - 12 meters long. (They were turning right at Bo Phut traffic lights. One went through on green - the other went through on red. That was fun.)

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Whats The Strangest Thing You've Ever Seen Here? It must be the army killing Red-shirts; because it is NOT possible at all, as the army are instructed NOT to shoot using REAL bullets.

I thought I would click on the red one for you. you seem to like red!

will you be happy when they start making trouble again in a few weeks time? you obviously dont have a business here that will suffer because of it all.:blink:

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Funniest thing I ever saw wasn't here but in Hong Kong New Terotories back in 1978. Driving at night and by the side of the road is a group of people standing round a fire with an oil drum on placed and a guy busy getting into the said oil drum. I always wish I had stopped to find out what was going on as it still has me thinking 32 years later.

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Whats The Strangest Thing You've Ever Seen Here? It must be the army killing Red-shirts; because it is NOT possible at all, as the army are instructed NOT to shoot using REAL bullets.

Somehow I accidently clicked on you for positive reputation for this post when I didnt mean too :lol: ......so thats left me with no other option other than to post to tell you to grow up.

Mods please edit that GREENIE, at once ;)

Edited by neverdie
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Whats The Strangest Thing You've Ever Seen Here? It must be the army killing Red-shirts; because it is NOT possible at all, as the army are instructed NOT to shoot using REAL bullets.

Somehow I accidently clicked on you for positive reputation for this post when I didnt mean too :lol: ......so thats left me with no other option other than to post to tell you to grow up.

Mods please edit that GREENIE, at once ;)

Just give him a red one to cancel it out. :)

S'ok ND, he just got a red one from me.

(can't stand it when people try to turn a jovial thread into a political rave)

THANKYOU gentleman.......(and i use the term gentleman very loosely) ;)

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Strangest thing? As an invited speaker, attending an English Camp for about 300 young men from the local technical college in Isaan. That, in itself, wasn't so strange.

However, it was my first year in Thailand, and I wasn't prepared to be exposed to all the hands-on others' thighs, arms around waists, hugging, sniffing your neighbor's neck, and hand-holding that went on among the assumed "straight" majority of students!

Going through my head: "This sure ain't Kansas!" :blink:

Since then, I've learned that the sexual orientation lines are considerably "more blurred" in rural SE Asia than in Topeka.

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Years ago in Bangkok on the highway passing Don Muang I saw a pick up grossly overloaded with a huge elephant - it looked surreal!

I was actually going to post the same thing.  Saw it on the way to Korat:  a smallish pickup with a huge elephant crammed into the bed.

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On the main Mittraparp Highway in Khon Kaen there's a recently opened small tunnel so you can avoid a major traffic junction. Entering the tunnel it's a 4/5 lane highway funneling into 2 lanes.

About a month ago I was following a pick up into the tunnel and halfway through he stopped and did a U-turn. Now the oncoming lanes are separated from us by a concrete barrier so he had to exit the tunnel on the on the wrong side of the road and then face 5 lanes of fast moving traffic coming towards him.

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