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The New Number One


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Last visit I made to one of those fish and chip places, or should I say plaices, it was just a plain fry up that I could do at home. The only part that was English is the owner, I think. The last time I was there, this one and a piggy, there was no sign of life. Are these plaices still open? No, don`t bother, I do not care.

Not sure how trip advisor and the other one, lonely planet works or how they get number scores. Never heard of most the restaurants mentioned. Seems to be cut throat, not sure what all the fuss is about. According to trip advisor own comments, they say that all reviews are confirmed to be genuine before they are published. But I don`t know. As a matter of fact I know nothing through lack of interest.

I prefer to try the goods myself or recommended orally from a trusted friend, especially my female friends, never believe anything I read in reviews. Take them with a pinch of salt or perhaps salt and vinegar.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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First Post -- hello everyone

This site has been a real help

I use tripadvisor a great deal for the reviews and its a real shame that this group of 1 time contributors have to fill up Charlies with 5 stars.

I have nothing against Charlies but I do think its rather dishonest and shady

I went there one time a few months ago - they were out of chips so I wasnt able to try it

Bon's is very nice

Edited by Citizen313619
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First Post -- hello everyone

This site has been a real help

I use tripadvisor a great deal for the reviews and its a real shame that this group of 1 time contributors have to fill up Charlies with 5 stars.

I have nothing against Charlies but I do think its rather dishonest and shady

I went there one time a few months ago - they were out of chips so I wasnt able to try it

Bon's is very nice

One would think chips a major pre-requisite for a Fish & Chip restaurant....was this near closing time?

The posts on Trip Advisor are a real joke, but I guess some people are in desperate times and will do anything to try and sell.

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One would think chips a major pre-requisite for a Fish & Chip restaurant....was this near closing time?

The posts on Trip Advisor are a real joke, but I guess some people are in desperate times and will do anything to try and sell.

I do agree although I personally feel it is a bigger drawback for a fish and chip restaurant to have no 'fish'.

Of course, if you are a fish and chip restaurant without either fish or chips then it is somewhat 'cool' and 'spacey' especially if they have somtam.

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Ummmm... tell me again why I'd consult with tourists when I want to find a good restaurant? Why not ask the newly arrived farangs at the local guest house? TripAdvisor is a great service for tourists by tourists, and maybe some owners doing a little self-promotion. For restaurants it only makes sense if you don't know anything about a place.

I was sitting at the fantastic noodle shop right next to Burger King on the night bazaar yesterday when a family of tourists came in. I thought to myself "wow aren't these guys lucky, they just found one the the best noodle shops in Chiang Mai". Then the mom waved everyone on "no, they only have soup here, let's go" - and they left. A near miss if ever there was one. Had you only tried... ;) but then maybe fresh tourists don't even like noodle soup...

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First Post -- hello everyone

This site has been a real help

I use tripadvisor a great deal for the reviews and its a real shame that this group of 1 time contributors have to fill up Charlies with 5 stars.

I have nothing against Charlies but I do think its rather dishonest and shady

I went there one time a few months ago - they were out of chips so I wasnt able to try it

Bon's is very nice

Welcome to tv. Where is Bon's Kitchen

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Ummmm... tell me again why I'd consult with tourists when I want to find a good restaurant?

tourists have been there and report about good restaurants they found so they have experience. if you can find good restaurants so can experienced travellers.

Why not ask the newly arrived farangs at the local guest house?

if youre newly arrived why ask someone else thats newly arrived?

TripAdvisor is a great service for tourists by tourists, and maybe some owners doing a little self-promotion. For restaurants it only makes sense if you don't know anything about a place.

which is why people use it...!

............ maybe fresh tourists don't even like noodle soup...

whats a fresh tourist and hiow do you know when theyve gone off?

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Ermmm.. not 100% what you're on about...

Dirk Bogard up to number 5

Ethelred the Unready not placed?


Yup. This must be one of the most misleading titles for a thread EVER!

Maybe I'm more of a bar person than a fish n chip person, but it looked to me to be about No 1 Bar, soi 1, Loi Kroh and maybe Charlie the Chippy had moved in down the same soi at No 2..........??

Time for a re-write, I think, before this news misses thousands of fried food a-fishinardos.

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